
Smartphones with built-in DAC. The best music smartphones. How the signal makes noise and why it matters

There are two ways to listen to music on your smartphone. First, directly from the phone itself. For this, it is important that the sound from the smartphone's speakers is clear and loud. Secondly, the user can connect the smartphone to an external audio system (for example, headphones, or an audio system in a car). In this case, you need a smartphone with a powerful 3.5 mm audio output. But here we should not forget about the quality of the external audio system itself.

LG V20 - Music and Dual Screen

Therefore, to get great music, every part of the chain must be great. When it comes to enjoying great sound, it all starts at the source. Whatever the delivery vector, you are left with some files that you can copy to your phone, usually with. These are both examples of audio loss, that is, the files were compressed to save space, and some information from the original recording was lost.

It's not bad; this means you can insert many more songs into your phone's limited storage space. If the bitrate is too low during the encoding process - at 128Kbps or below - then the differences start to become apparent, especially if you're using a good set of headphones.

This article presents the sound test results to make it easier for users to choose best smartphone for their sound preferences.

Audio output

This test shows output power 3.5mm audio port. The higher the number, the more power and the louder the music in your audio system, whether at home, in your headphones or in your car. It should be emphasized that power, in this case, is not the same as quality, but simply shows how loud the smartphone sounds.

Another problem is degradation. One of them is lossless coding, a process during which audio files are compressed as much as possible without losing detail. Let's take a look at the increasingly popular alternative to saved music: streaming.

There is sound. And it's all

Just like local files, you can stream music at different bit rates and in different formats. If you want to make sure you are getting the best possible sound, you may need to pay for it or switch to another service. If you want the sound of your own High Quality, lossless streaming is also possible.


The higher the number below, the louder the sound from the speakers.

These criteria are quite indicative, but they do not give an idea of ​​the pure and rich sound, but only about the volume level. That is why below are the top 5 best smartphones for music.

What's undeniable is that you will be using a lot more data, and for the vast majority of us on limited data contracts, that will be bad news. Streaming services that offer lossless or high-res audio tend to be more expensive than their lossy competitors, so you're essentially paying twice as much for this audio upgrade.

Then let's take a look at the next step in the chain: hardware. For now, we'll be discounting the speakers as it's a whole black worm of worms, and instead turn our attention to the headphones. There are two camps here: wired and wireless. Wired is still the more popular option, so let's take a look at this first.

1. HTC One (M8)

And even though Htc one(M8) not the most loud smartphone Today it offers the very best sound quality from its speakers. In this regard, the Taiwanese company HTC has been ahead of all its competitors for more than a year since the release of the first HTC One.

2. Vivo XPlay 3S

When it comes to wired headphones The 5mm is an overwhelming favorite. Each model will have different characteristics - signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range, distortion - which will affect the quality and character of the sound output from the headphones when combined with other audio equipment and software running on the phone.

They are not as convenient as an internal solution, but they do offer more room for expensive audio systems and controls. As high-end smartphones have become more alike, sound is one of the ways a smartphone can stand out. However they are implemented, these audio enhancements will allow you to better drive high quality headphones and should reinforce another weak coupling in the audio chain.

Few have heard of the Chinese premium smartphone Vivo Xplay 3S, but it deserves one of the places of honor in the ranking of smartphones with the best sound. BBK has equipped its smartphone with the most modern audio chips: ES9018 DAC (DAC) from ESS Technology and OPA2604 (amplifier) ​​from Texas Instruments. In addition, Headphone X with DTS (Digital Theater System) technology is supplied with your smartphone for stunning sound quality.

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It's not very likely, but it highlights the importance of choosing a good set. Of course, part of the appeal of smartphones is that so much can be done wirelessly. This compression is in addition to any compression you use for the music itself, for example.

V recent times the sound and music quality in smartphones has improved significantly. It has everything to do with powerful new hardware chips that handle audio playback and improved algorithms that sound better than ever before. In a smartphone, sound is processed by a digital-to-analog converter. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between analog and digital audio. The music we have heard over the years, whether on vinyl or cassette tapes, has come from an analog source.

3. Apple iPhone 5s

The iPhone 5s does not have stereo speakers or other audio features that competitors can boast, but nevertheless, the smartphone sounds clear, pleasant and loud enough. Another interesting thing is that the smartphone comes with very high quality branded Earpods headphones.

And the winner of the rating of smartphones with the best sound is ...

In the latter case, your digital music is stored as 0s and 1s, just like any digital data. This is why the sound can change even if you are using the same app, music file, headphones, or speakers. However, two phones with the same sound chip do not always have the same audio output level. How well the phone manufacturer optimizes the algorithm software audio chip plays an important role.

While some phones use audio codecs that work with processing hardware by default, phones that are geared towards music lovers generally use enhanced codec overlays. Codecs are designed to decode data in a variety of file formats, and over the years, the focus has been on keeping file sizes as small as possible without sacrificing quality.

4. Motorola Moto G

Surprisingly, the mid-budget Moto G took the first position in the tests as the loudest smartphone. The sound quality, of course, is not as clean as we would like, but this is compensated by the volume margin.

5.Xperia Z2

They offer better audio quality, but at the cost of increasing the file size as it won't be compressed as much. While your smartphone may provide the best sound quality, it will be of little use if you don't have good headphones or headphones. Nowadays, manufacturers have started to use surround sound technology in smartphones.

In a traditional 5mm jack, the decoder is located in the smartphone, and the earphone itself simply transmits the sound. This reduces the loss of audio detail and provides a more rewarding listening experience. The notion that front-mounted speakers provide better surround sound than rear-mounted speakers is not always true. The only advantage of the front speakers is that they ensure that the sound is not blocked if the user is holding the smartphone. Popularity wireless headphone growing, especially for smartphones.

More hope was pinned on Sony Xperia The Z2 and its front-facing stereo speakers are much quieter than the HTC One (M8). However, their sound is rich and clear. What's more, in some markets, the Xperia Z2 comes bundled with the excellent MDR-NC31E Noise Canceling Headphones, with very beautiful sound and powerful bass.


Of course, it's impossible to please everyone, especially when it comes to musical preferences. Unfortunately, letters are not very convenient to convey the sound quality of the speakers of smartphones. However, this rating was compiled with maximum objectivity.

The absence of wires adds an element of convenience. Unless you really need convenience wireless, wire connection still better. Plug in high quality headphones and you can see the difference. You can feel the difference in sound in both the headphones and the speakers.

But there are many differences between all smartphones. The phone comes in the following five colors: midnight black, orchid gray, coral blue, arctic silver and maple gold. This will work for most people, but if you will be using your phone all day long, it would be wise to invest in it.

All Stars

HTC One (M8) Vivo Xplay 3S iPhone 5S
Volume 9 9 8
Sound quality 10 9 9
Branded headphones 8 9 10
Moto G Xperia Z2
Volume 10 8
Sound quality 8 9
Branded headphones 8 10

Portable players gained popularity very quickly in the last decade, wiping out cassette and disc players. But it turned out that they were not destined to sit on the throne for a long time. Just as quickly, mobile phones were forced to forget about pocket MP3-players, taking over all their functions (and even more). Some budget-class turntables are now produced by the Chinese and do not cause much interest due to their mediocre sound. Pocket Players are trying to maintain their position in the Hi-End category, surpassing phones in sound quality. However, among mobile phones there are already many devices that can compete with players for several hundred dollars. Our rating of smartphones with good sound.

The design is a two-tone black color with a light wedge shape, making it easy to carry the phone in one hand. There is a fingerprint scanner on the upper back that can be swiped to reveal the screen, making one-handed use easier again.

In short, it packs a lot of technology into a super sleek, super thin package. Want a phone that can hold a charge for most of the work week? But it's not easy game device... There is value and then there is a budget. Well, value implies the best hit for your dollar, while budget assumes price is the main factor in your buying decision. The price is important here.

It is clear that you should not expect good (in general, and not by the standards of smartphones) speaker sound from a mobile phone. There are outstanding devices that are noticeably ahead of competitors in this regard, but their capabilities pale in comparison to more or less decent acoustics. The reason lies in the fact that a small speaker is physically unable to produce powerful bass, in its frequency spectrum there will always be an upward skew.

High-quality sound characteristics

For the price, there really aren't many competitors. This allows you to slide out the bottom of the device and switch between different accessories and components. The most compelling of these modules is the battery, a factor that might intrigue smartphone users who are tired of their batteries croaking in front of their phones. Modularity is somewhat limited, so don't expect your smartphone to be completely revolutionary. However, this feature allows for something completely unexpected: a stunning, versatile camera.

In headphones, achieve great sound much easier. To do this, you need to install a normal discrete DAC (digital-to-analog converter), which converts a set of discrete signals of a recorded track into sinusoidal electrical impulses, fed to the speaker and forming sound waves. A separate amplifier is also needed to increase the power. sound signal... Without it, it will be problematic to swing any headphones, except for cheap "plugs". Our selection of the best smartphones for sound quality meet these requirements.

In fact, these are two cameras in one: the main one, rear camera Equipped with a 16-megapixel sensor with a 78-degree lens and an eight-megapixel sensor with a 135-degree wide-angle lens. Even the front camera is eight megapixels above average. Add in the camera capture included by the modular design and you have pretty new camera for the world of smartphones.

Lossless players

This allows the phone to blast sound for the entire audience - and at decent quality that isn't too shabby in the bass section. What are smartphones with the best sound quality? The biggest names in the smartphone industry are striving to create the smart smartphone. These are the main characteristics that matter when you are familiar with a new phone. But what about sound quality? Do we see this as a function that we should carefully consider? If you want to know more about a particular Enhanced Audio phone, we'd love to have you on board!

Best music smartphones: TOP 10

All smartphones with good sound presented in the selection below were released in 2016 or 2017, equipped with up-to-date and productive hardware, Android OS version 6 or higher, and are distinguished by a balance of other characteristics. The exception is the iPhone 6s: it appeared at the end of 2015. However, the stock of relevance for Apple technology is slightly larger than that of competitors, so for iPhone 1.5 years is not old age. We decided not to include the 7 because the lack of the still relevant 3.5 mm jack is perceived ambiguously.

Let's hear what smartphones with better sound quality have to say, shall we? Sound is the sound that your smartphone makes. We use it every day, listening to our playlists, playing games or watching a movie over the phone. So how do we define a smartphone with excellent sound quality? Measuring noise and crosstalk. Without sounding too technical, the noise level is also described as signal-to-noise ratio. It is as simple as “desired sound” versus “unwanted sound” or background noise.

This means you have a decent phone. Crosstalk determines the capabilities of your stereo. It's as simple as making sure your smartphone's sound isn't leaking or interfering with another channel. The camera function is just as important as the sound ability of the smartphone. Now let's move on to the 7 smartphones with the best sound quality! It is popular for its reliable performance and commendable camera features. But it is also one of the best sound quality smartphones that hits the market.

HTC U Ultra - a powerful music cameraphone

HTC has always focused on good sound and the HTC U Ultra is no exception. This is the flagship device based on the chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 821, equipped with a 5.7 ″ screen with a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels. Capacity random access memory- 4 GB. A DAC is responsible for playing sound, which supports decoding of 16-bit audio with a sampling rate of up to 192 kHz.

It is rare to find smartphones that offer more than just great features, user interface and an amazing musical experience. Smartphone manufacturers are pushing specs for every new model, but the music experience and headphones that come with most smartphones are pathetic for music lovers.

Let's start with some of the best smartphones you can buy for impressive sound. In this innovative speaker configuration, the top speaker is at the top and the other at the bottom. This configuration makes for a perfect miniature woofer.

You can record music in internal memory, with a capacity of 64 or 128 GB. If this is not enough, and you want to put the audio library in LoseLess format, you can use a memory card. The smartphone also has good camera 12 MP, equipped with an optical stabilizer, an additional 2-inch display-indicator and a 3000 mAh battery.

Meizu Pro 6 Plus - almost Samsung

Meizu started out as a manufacturer of MP3 players, so it's no surprise that it also pays a lot of attention to sound quality in phones. Meizu Pro 6 Plus is a flagship device built using Samsung components. It is equipped with a powerful Exynos 8890 processor, 4 GB of RAM and 64 or 128 GB of storage. A DAC is responsible for playing music, which supports decoding of 32-bit audio at 192 kHz. This is more than enough to get high quality sound of the tracks in FLAC, so the headphones are also needed to match the device (Chinese for 200-300 UAH will obviously not be enough).

In addition to the processor, the Meizu Pro 6 Plus also received a screen from Samsung. He is the same as Galaxy Note 5, with a diagonal of 5.7 ″ and a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels. But the camera for this musical device was made by Sony (however, for Samsung flagships they are also produced by the Japanese), but the software for it is also samsung. The camera is equipped with a 12 MP sensor with enlarged pixels and optical stabilization. The picture quality can be called excellent, almost like in the Galaxy S7. But they ask for the device only from 10 thousand, which is not so much against the background of the same Samsung.

Samsung Galaxy S7 - compact flagship

Samsung has already unveiled the new S8 flagship, but the Galaxy S7 remains interesting. After all, it costs noticeably less than the novelty, and you can buy it now (at the time of writing the material, there are 3 weeks left before the release of the S8 in Ukrainian retail). Among other things, the list of its characteristics includes a DAC that supports decoding of audio in 24-bit format, with a sampling rate of up to 192 kHz. The Exynos 8890 chipset is good in many tasks, and 4 GB of RAM is also pleasing. You can store music in 32 or 64 GB of internal memory, and if not enough, add a USB flash drive.

The display of the device has a diagonal of 5.1 ", but a high resolution 2560x1440 pixels. The camera pleases not with its resolution (which is only 12 MP), but with enlarged pixels, increased light transmission ability of optics, and optical stabilization. Therefore, the Galaxy S7 is not only the best music smartphone of 2017 from this company, but also the best cameraphone on the market in general. the battery capacity is only 3000 mAh, but in terms of autonomy, the device is not inferior to devices with a thicker battery. Of course, the gadget is not very cheap, but if you need a gadget that combines good sound and a camera with a bright screen and small dimensions, it's worth it.

Apple iPhone 6s - musical and with apple

Apple once became famous for its MP3 players, but the release of the iPhone made its own adjustments. Mobile devices equipped with a separate DAC inherited all the advantages of players, and even expanded their functionality. On paper, the decoder parameters are not very impressive: 16 bit, up to 44 kHz. But even this is more than is required for MP3 and is quite enough for listening to LoseLess formats, such as Audio CD rips. The apple gadget has powerful processor with strong graphics, 2 GB of RAM and 16 to 128 GB of permanent memory for storing music.

6s - latest iPhone equipped with a standard headphone jack. This is a smartphone for music lovers who do not want to switch to new models of headphones or use adapters. It also has a good 12MP camera and a 4.7-inch touch screen. Although the battery is small (1700 mAh), the power consumption is balanced, and the autonomy is normal.

LG G6 - bezelless and musical

The release of smartphones with minimal frames around the display by Sharp did not particularly interest anyone. But as soon as Xiaomi did it, others rushed to create something similar. The first bezel-less flagship of 2017 from a well-known brand is the LG G6. New flagship the Korean company received an elongated 5.7-inch display with a resolution of 2880x1440 pixels. It occupies almost the entire front panel, and therefore the G6 is even more comfortable in the hand than 5.5-inch "regular" phablets. Also on board is the Snapdragon 821 chipset, 4GB of RAM and 32 or 64GB of ROM for files. There is also a slot for a flash drive.

A DAC is responsible for the sound in the device, decoding a 32-bit digital signal with a frequency of up to 192 kHz. The device also has a dual camera that supports optical stabilization, at the back and a 3300 mAh battery. Despite using last year's chipset, the gadget is really powerful and demonstrates decent battery life.

Huawei P10 - Chinese music flagship

Huawei has been experimenting with two cameras for a long time, and Leica engineers have been involved in the development of optics for them since 2016. It is not known exactly how great this participation is, and what else is there, besides the logo, from "Leica", but the cameras shoot with dignity. The device is powered by the Kirin 960 chipset, one of the most powerful chips for smartphones. The sound is processed by a decoder capable of "digesting" a 24-bit signal with a frequency of up to 192 kHz. You can store your music in 32 or 64 GB of internal storage or expand the space with a microSD flash drive.

The device is equipped with a 5.1 ″ IPS display with FullHD resolution. Cameras have a resolution of 12 MP (main color) and 20 MP (additional black and white, which enhances the clarity of the photo). The battery capacity is 3200 mAh. Everything in this device is excellent, but only the lack of an oleophobic coating let us down. It interfered with the operation of the fingerprint scanner, so it was abandoned. So the user will have to carry a screen cleaning cloth with him, as he collects prints faster than usual.

LG V20 - Music and Dual Screen

LG V20 is the best smartphone for the music lover, which not only listens to music, but also shoots video. If you are a frequent visitor to concerts and want to capture the most outstanding parts of them, this is the device for you. A DAC is responsible for sound reproduction in it, supporting a 32-bit signal with a frequency of up to 192 kHz. The sound subsystem is certified by B&O, a renowned manufacturer of expensive acoustics. But that's not all: in addition to the DAC, the V20a also has an ADC (analog-to-digital converter) for microphones, recording 24-bit audio at 48 kHz. With him, filming the performance of your favorite artists, you will not hear a disgusting gurgle instead of a bass part, or an unpleasant squeal instead of a solo in high tones.

The main screen of the device has a diagonal of 5.7 ″, with a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels. A small 2-inch display is called to help him, showing the time, notifications and other useful information on a locked device. Built-in memory 32 or 64 GB, there is a slot for a flash drive. There is also a proprietary dual camera equipped with laser autofocus. This is a decent device for an audiophile, close to the parameters of the G6, but sold much cheaper.

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