
The impossible in eve online is a pirate server. Impossible in eve online - pirate server What will be a free server

Has anyone heard of this .... (external)
It looks like this is a test pirate server games. If anyone knows anything, write how it is. I myself cannot check, due to the lack of a game.

Stupidity, this cannot be, but in order to steal the accounts, you can stir up something like that.
ZY Even if someone organizes it, the SSR will quickly read about it and stop it in the bud.

no matter how strange there is a pirate servachok ...
go kids

1. Create account ....
2. Download the Lancher ....
3. Copy all files to your EVE-Folder
4. Create a backup of common.ini (IMPORTANT!)
5. Make sure you got installed NET framework 3.5 and restart your pc if you installed it for the first time. If you dont restart it after first installation, it will not work.
6. Dont modify start.ini - leave it alone!

7. Open the original common.ini and replace

cryptoPack = CryptoAPI

cryptoPack = CryptoAPI2

8. Open server.ini

Delete everthing inside and copy this in the server.ini


Test = 26001: 0

9. Update to latest EVE Client.
10. Start EVERLAUNCHER.exe.
11. Select Test and enter your loginname + password.
12. Play.

Please note that this is the test server and everthing is not working!

A really pirate server! After registering on this site, they offer to create an account on this server (EVE Mortal private Server), and download a small patch (60 Kb) for Eva. Moreover, as I understand it, the server has existed for quite a long time and is played by about a thousand people. I didn't go there to play

This is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack =)

Or quietly with yourself =)
In short, except for driving bowls and digging in zeros alone, there is no pleasure =)

Knowledgeable people, tell me where and how you can download the game itself? And most importantly, what patch do you need to play on this server?

And most importantly, what patch do you need to play on this server?

how can I explain to you .... no one knows ... since NORMAL people play on a NORMAL server enjoy

and do not suffer from the pirate servers. especially since it is still in question

Finally, a dreamy smart thought is not yet known from you, what does the patch that you need to download and install in the EVA do? After all, Eva has free access to the Internet

I understand that offserving is cool and of course I want to play there, but I can't afford it, so I need pirates, and here you are trying in every possible way to point out my wretchedness

pirate servers appeared before the days of trinity for free download. Old engine, no updates, no people. It's better to play the pirate line, eva is not an offserver, it is not an eva.

Well, xs, in the Second World War, pirates somehow play with 70 people online, although there are 20k people on the off.

→ Pirate server Eve online. Myth or Reality?

The popular MMORPG Eve online has been delighting its fans for ten years. Once or twice a year, add-ons are released to the game that bring players even more ships, equipment and skills. A lot of newbies are trying to find pirate servers eve online, since playing on the official server requires a subscription. Any player can download the eve online server, but in order for it to work offline, you need to spend more than one day setting up.

What can the eve online pirate server offer?

In eve online, the online official server is constantly at around 20+ thousand players. A huge plus is the ability to download the eve online client completely free of charge, which allows you to enter the game in a short time.

Pros of the pirate server eve online:

1) Game without a subscription. No plexes and so on.

2) Increased server rates eve online online.

3) Trading on different servers. More servers = more platforms to earn money. The ability to buy isk from eve will be available on any server.

4) Less time to learn skills. Any pirate server of the eve online game will open up the opportunity for players to quickly get the opportunity to control a powerful ship, which on the official server can only be controlled after a year of play. But the pirates of eve online will be able to quickly pump several twinks to carry out raids.

5) Several resources will be available for free download eve online, which will significantly reduce the load on the game servers. Also, for eve online, it will be possible to download the server to any user who is well versed in setting up and installing it.

6) A huge number of free locations. No wars in all territories of zeros and so on. True, in eve online pirate servers will never be able to reach the level of the official server.

7) Newcomers who have not yet decided to play or not to play on the official server will have the opportunity to test each stage of the game and then decide whether to continue playing.

Cons of the pirate server eve online:

1) A large number of schoolchildren and inadequate people who are restrained from playing Eve on the official server by subscription.

2) There is no way to create such an economy in the eve market.

3) Loss of online on the office server, which will significantly reduce the popularity of the game.

4) Decrease in prices for game currency and other valuables in the online stores of the Eve online game.

5) Anyone can download eve online for free, but only a pirated version, which probably will not be suitable for further play on the office.

6) In eve online, the peak of online server players will not provide an opportunity to enjoy great large-scale battles.

7) No political action, simultaneous battles of several hundred players.

8) Freedom to move around the universe eve, which will get bored after a while.

In general, the idea of ​​creating a pirate server for Eva came to players more than once. Once even the source codes of the game were stolen, but they did not make it possible to create a fully functional server. And if you want, you can download the free eve online on the official website and enjoy a 14-day trial account. Over time, anything can happen, suddenly a free server Eve online will be opened in a few days.

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Not selected Tranquility Other ...

Server type: Russian servers Foreign servers Pirate servers
Server name:

→ Impossible in eve online - pirate server

Imagine: you fly out of a hangar in the very center of the empire. Your ship has just undocked from the station, and here you are targeted by a titanium and makes three doomsday in a row. The Concorde does not fly to him, and the titan pilot, with a satisfied grunt into the local chat, starts poking around in your mortal remains. Since it happens in Zhita, the whole giant online of six people sympathizes with you. What kind of nonsense I am describing - you ask. This is how pirate servers would look like in eve online.

Repeatedly on sites on eve online, questions about "left" servers were raised. Probably, I will immediately disappoint everyone. There were no “free Russian servers” in eve online, no, and never will be. There are many reasons for this, the two main ones are that such a server is too expensive, and the players will be absolutely not interested in playing on the "shard".

Everyone who has played online in EVE knows that you can download the game for free, no one will require you to pay for the game client, you pay only for a subscription. Therefore, for all fans of eve online - a free Russian server is nothing more than jokes. Even on the official server, the game can be played absolutely free of charge, because PLEX can be paid through the website of eva with online game currency. After all, you can always download it online on the official website, and during the trial, make money on the plex (although this requires a serious understanding of the mechanics of the game). In eve online, pirate servers are also impossible because only on the official server more than sixty thousand people can gather at the same time. And even with such a gigantic online, most of the systems have from zero to five players.

What will the free server be like?

What happens if a free Russian server is launched in eve online? Nothing particularly interesting. It will cease to exist very quickly. Let's say someone has saved tens of thousands of dollars to buy a server big enough to support eve. Let's say he even managed to get access to the server side of the code and receives updates in a timely manner, which is already a fairy tale. Only beginners will fall for this very gratuitousness. Even if fifty thousand people decide to download this version of Eva online, then there will be no more than a thousand one-time online. These people will simply get lost in the vastness of Eve. The spaces that are present in the game are so large that the cards of any other MMO look like a tiny patch against their background. Yes, even if these people are interested in continuing the game, then what next?

The market will practically not work. Indeed, the production of many types of ships requires the concerted efforts of entire clans. Of course, since this version of eve online is a pirate server, admins will sell the player mazerships and titans, inflate their parameters and use other methods to produce imba. As a result, even fewer people will play. Besides, which admin who has set up a real pirate server for eve online will allow someone other than himself to trade game currency?

In a word, Eva online has, so to speak, excellent piracy resistance. Not a single serious player, whose eve was downloaded online more than three months ago, will change an awl for soap, sell his character and go to some kind of shard. And the cost of equipment for creating a free Russian server in eve online will scare away any, even the most staunch fans of such an idea.

I'm sorry if this article upsets anyone a lot. But do not forget - you can make the game for yourself on the official server completely free. Some even manage to make money online by selling in-game currency. In addition, only the massiveness and a huge number of players create the charm, scale and beauty that meets us in the vastness of Eve. Consider that NPCs do not sell any goods in the EVE. Each ship, module, mineral or cartridge is all made by the players. And on any pirate server there will simply be underproduction. Therefore, everyone will fly on nubships, except for those who pay a lot. Who needs such a "free" server?


Many novice players in EVE Online or people who are interested in this game very often ask the question: "Are there pirate servers EVE Online? ". Of course, the answer to this question has always been (and most likely will be) negative. The pirate of EVE Online is doomed to failure and its feasibility is called into question.

Of course - there is little that can compete with a single server for CCP Games, not to mention the ongoing support for the game, the annual release of add-ons and the quality of service. But we will try to assume that someone managed to get hold of all the source files of the EVE Online servers, and that someone eventually created unofficial free server - pirate.

Don't you understand what this is about? Sign up to EVE Online and try this MMORPG masterpiece for free. This online game worthy of the attention of any gamer on this planet.

Challenges for creating an EVE Online pirate server

  • first of all, the lack of source files of the game
  • the need for good and powerful server computers
  • low online, difficulty in attracting new players
  • as a consequence of low online - difficulty with buying new equipment in the game
  • another result of the small number of players - a lot of empty systems and lack of balance in PvP
  • lack of constant quality technical support, the need for a large and experienced team
  • copyright infringement - creating a pirate server will be considered illegal activity
  • lack of any income from such a very costly activity

What does the owner of the pirate EVE Online look like?

First of all, it should be a person who has a lot of experience in programming and maintaining servers. In addition, he needs very strong equipment, even if there will be not a very large number of people on his pirate server. To the cost of equipment, you also need to add advertising and promotion of your server - nevertheless, there is no way to reach a large number of people without these factors.

Based on this, we get a person with experience in playing EVE Online, experience in system administration and programming. In addition, he has enough experienced people who are ready to help him with this, as well as additional money for advertising and promotion. Agree - it's hard to imagine someone so enthusiastic about making a pirate server.

Of course, most likely in the world it will be possible to find such a person, but the likelihood that with his experience and capabilities he will spend his time on such pointless occupation- extremely small. But okay, let's say that such a person exists and he really set out to create a pirated server for EVE Online and even has access to all the source code of the game. What awaits him and the likely players further on such a pirate Eva? And many problems and disappointments await them.

A look at the pirate server through the eyes of a beginner

So hypothetical pirate server EVE Online exists, and even has several thousand players online. The pirate has started! A newcomer happily walks into it and begins to get acquainted with the game. He completes the starting tasks and at one point may find that in his initial star systems it is simple no other players... Absolutely. He has nowhere to purchase a new ship, equipment and replenish ammunition. All life in such a non-world will be reduced to a constant flight to systems where there is at least some kind of trading activity.

But if you can still put up with the problems of constant stellar flights, then no one will really need some ships. EVE Online has many specific machines, which perform a very narrow role. In a relatively low online environment, such ships will simply not be needed by anyone and the development of a character to the level of mastering them will be just a waste of time.

In addition, on a pirate server, the production and economic process will be similarly flawed due to the fact that certain goods will simply either not be needed by anyone, or there will be no people who are able to produce them. In order for the domestic market to function adequately, a good production process is needed, and even five thousand permanent players will not be able to provide its everything you need.

PvP problems on a pirate server

PvP (player versus player) system on a similar server will also doomed to fail... Most likely, everything will boil down to the presence of two large alliances that will be at enmity with each other and arrange semblances of real mass battles, and petty piracy and travel for loot to systems with low security will either disappear as a class, or vice versa - alliances will simply block all possible exits in the low-sec system, and every newbie who dares to leave the highsec will instantly die.


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that even creating such an unofficial free server will already be an almost insoluble problem, the possibility of solving which is on the verge of fantasy. But even under the conditions that such an element will someday appear in some form, then we can say with confidence that the game on this server will bring more inconvenience and anguish than pleasure.

If you are a beginner and want to get acquainted with the world of EVE Online, then the best way out for you is to try playing this wonderful game on the official Tranquility server by activating a free trial account - this is 14 days of free play.

For those, who basically does not want to pay money for the game there is another version of the game on the official server - in EVE Online, it is possible to pay for game time for in-game currency.

Some experienced players even manage to earn money to buy PLEX (an in-game item that allows you to pay for a subscription to the game and performs several other specialized functions) for first two weeks games on a free account. Of course, this will be very difficult to do, since the characters are on trial accounts cannot learn some skills that can significantly increase game income. But for such principled players difficulties and hardcore have never been a problem.

Plunge into the real world of New Eden yourself and you will understand that the pirate server EVE Online is not only impossible in principle, but will simply be a flawed and unnecessary ugly semblance of a real game.

  • Posted January 20, 2014
  • Updated: 16 September 2014

One server. it main feature EVE distinguishing it from many popular MMO... It is this approach that helps to achieve the integrity of the game world, give players more opportunities, and developers - to focus. not on the universalization of the server and client sides (universalization is suitable for those who are ready to churn out clumsy worlds on an industrial scale, winning not by quality, but by number), but on the little things, detailing the game as much as possible.

However, apart from the main EVE Online servers (Tranquility) there are several more test servers (the main ones are Singularity, Duality and Multiplicity), as well as the server Serenity, available only to players from the PRC.

Below is a description of these servers and how to connect to them.

Free EVE Online Server

Almost any new pilot tries to find free EVE Online server... This is due to the fact that you like the game, but for some reason it's a pity for 500 rubles a month.

At the beginning of 2008, the source code of the server part of the game was leaked online, and many tried to recreate the wonderful world of New Eden on their knees. In any case, sooner or later the enthusiasm ends, and the next amateur world goes into oblivion. In addition, only on the official server at any time 30-40 thousand people play, which makes it phenomenal from a social point of view.

The official EVE Online server has the ability to is free issue a trial time - a trial account for 14 days. Two weeks should be more than enough to get acquainted with the game and decide for yourself the question: is it worth continuing to play or not.

Servers (aka servers eve online)

Of course, it's correct to write "servers". However, the statistics of requests in search engines shows that the combination " EVE Online servers", but not " EVE Online servers". Sometimes you have to go about search engine optimization ...


Tranquility- the main game EVE Online server... It is on the vastness of this server that the vastness of the same New Eden(aka New eden) - the world numbering more than five thousand solar systems ... And this is not counting the wormholes that lead back to two and a half thousand systems, inaccessible for visiting by standard routes.

In order to connect to the Tranquility server, it will be enough to download the EVE Online client for the Tranquility server, install it and simply run the executable file.


Serenity- exactly the same main server of the game, with one exception: it is located in China and is available only for the inhabitants of this country. (Though, this looks more like two exceptions rather than one.)

This server was launched on June 12, 2006. The launch was carried out by a partner - the company Optical Communications(OC), which was subsequently taken over by the CDC corporation. Currently, the publisher is CDC Games, and the official site of the game is located at: http://www.eve-online.com.cn/index.htm. According to some reports, the term license agreement between Ccp and CDC ends in June 2011, and the further fate of the Serenity server is still unknown.

To connect to the Serenity server, you need Chinese citizenship.


Singularity - test server EVE Online that can be used by both CCP Games developers and regular players. Functionality is tested on this server, which maybe appear on the main server Tranquility in the near future. This server (in terms of data relevance) is as close as possible to the main EVE server. The information is copied to this test server at least every two months, and sometimes more often if required by the quality control (QA) team.

V recent times this server is used to conduct mass events to test certain aspects of the game's mechanics. The more people participate in testing, the more chances of finding a possible bug leading to lags or memory leaks in the game client. As a reward, participants receive additional skill points (Skill Points, SP). True, additional SPs appear only on the same server, and not on the main one.

How do I connect to Singularity?

Highlight: in order to connect to the Singularity server, you must have an active Tranquility account... At the same time, the account had to be active at the time when a copy was taken from the main server of the game. It turns out that you are guaranteed to get access to the test server. Singularity if your subscription has been active in the last two months.

To connect, you need to do the following:

What if the autopatcher didn't work?

Sometimes it happens that a client writes about a mismatch in the version of the client and the server, but there is no suggestion to download the required patch. To install the patch manually:

  • Go to the page where you can download the patch for the Singularity server
  • Select your operating system
  • Click the link “ Download TQ to Singularity Patch»
  • After the patch is downloaded, run it and specify the destination folder "C: \ evetest" (if you copied the folder with the client to another location, then specify his)

I went in, hurray! And where is everyone ?!

The petition system does not work on the test server, so you cannot send a message from the game to the developers about the bug found on Singularity. The test server has a chat channel “ Singularity". It is enough to open it and you will most likely be able to contact the developers, volunteers and other players who are currently on the server.


Duality is a test server similar to Singularity in many ways. However, the main the difference between the server Duality and Singularity serves the fact that it is not available all the time, but only at the times planned by the developers. The rest of the time, it either does not work, or is open in VIP mode, when people can enter it. only developers and volunteers from ISD BH.

To connect to this server, you can do the same as for connecting to Singularity, only in the properties of the shortcut instead of "/ server: Singularity" for Duality you will need to indicate “ /server:", And you need to download the patch from this page.

Other servers

In addition to the servers described above, there are ADAM, CHAOS, CHINAJOY, ENTROPY, KALI, LOCALHOST, MULTIPLICITY, TRANSAM, UNICORN, VERTIGO. These servers are used occasionally and are "event-driven" like the Duality server (or are permanently in VIP mode).

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