
How to install plugins on a minecraft server. How do I install plugins on Minecraft? Minecraft plugins and versions


Most of the plugins are created in order to ensure the preservation of a certain configuration of servers, including a set of some commands on them. In this regard, remember that it will be incredibly difficult for you to transfer such software products into a single player game: the way they install and operate is too different from what is needed for a single player. Therefore, if you have such a desire, it is better to create a game resource solely for your own needs.

Download the installer for it from the official Minecraft portal or from the Bukkit website, save it to a folder specially created for such a file, run it to generate the game world, and upon completion of this process, stop the server console with the / stop command. Find the ops text file in the resulting server directory and enter your nickname there, thereby giving yourself administrative powers. In the server.properties document, which is responsible for server settings, write down the appropriate settings by specifying the value of certain parameters - true (enabled) or false (disabled).

Download the installation file for the plugin you need from a trusted resource. Log in to your server and go to the FTP manager on it - or simply open the folder with the files responsible for its operation. Just in case, do them backup, so that in case of unsuccessful installation of the plugin, roll back the server to old version... Find among its folders designated as plugins and open it. Copy the installer to the software product you need exactly there. Start the server, then stop it. The plugin will be installed automatically and will become available the next time you enter your playground.

If you have no desire to keep a Minecraft server on your computer (after all, it is resource-intensive), try to act a little differently. Find single player versions of your favorite plugins. For example, the famous software product WorldEdit, which allows you to change the relief of the map, copy and transfer various objects from one area to another, corresponds to the Single Player Commands mod. Choose a plugin installer compatible with the version of Minecraft that you have installed on a reliable resource.

Carefully study the instructions for installing it, which is usually either written on the resource from which it is downloaded, or available in the readme file zipped with it. If you need to pre-install other programs - Minecraft Forge, ModLoader, etc. - do so. After installing them, open the game directory. As a rule, you can find it by entering% appdata% /. Minecraft in the Run line of the computer start menu. Install the plugin as required. To do this, transfer the files from its archive to the mods folder, or edit the files with the .jar and.json extensions, or use other recommendations of the author of this software product... Save all desired settings and restart the game.

Everyone is welcome to the article. "Top 15 useful and useful plugins"... This top will contain the main plugins (without which it will be difficult for your server). For example, registration plugins, privileges, menus and much more will be included here. To go to the official plugin page, follow the link (for the core you need), which will be at the end of the plugin description. Okay, I'm not going to delay too much, so let's move on to the first plugin.

1. AuthMe

Well, the first plugin is AuthMe. This is a plugin for authorization. It is needed so that if you have a pirate server (an unofficial launcher or Minecraft without a license), players cannot play under other people's nicknames. For example, I go to the server under the nickname nagibator, registering a password 252H357Ja * and after successful registration I play for myself, develop, then when I leave the server, I can not worry that someone else will play under my nickname, because if he goes to the server under my nickname, he will need to enter a password.

2. PermissionsEx

The second plugin is PermissionsEx. This plugin just has to be on your server. It divides players into groups and each group has certain rights. For example group Player has access to the command / home, / spawn, / call well, many others, but does not have access to / gm 1, / kill, / ban, and from the group Admin already has access to / gm 1, / kill, / ban Well, at the same time, access to all the player's commands is not lost. I think you get the idea. Also this plugin is completely customizable, so you decide which group can and add the groups you need.

Spigot - Bukkit plugin works on Spigot so if you have Spigot, then don't worry, install the plugin with Bukkit

3. WorldGuard, WorldEdit

The third plugin is the two plugins that I have combined (WorldGuard, WorldEdit). These are two plugins for regions. WorldGuard is a plugin more for players' regions (for example, a private house) so that a stranger cannot break your house, and the second is for admins, for example, to select an area and complain ( / set 0). Also, using these plugins, you can set flags (for example, turn off pvp in the region). I highly recommend these plugins, as they are available on almost all servers.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugins

4. Essentials

The fourth plugin is Essentials ... This plugin is great for collaborating with PermissionsEx... Since it adds all the main commands to the server, and PermissionsEx distributes rights to them. For example, this plugin adds commands: / call / tpaccept / home / warp / day, night / fly and a LOT of other commands. It also makes it a bit easier for players to write commands, for example, instead of / gamemode 1 can be written / gm 1 and a few more small simplifications. I believe that without this plugin (especially if your server is for survival), the server simply will not be able to work normally. I strongly advise you to put it!

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

5. ChestCommands

Fifth plugin - ChestCommands ... This is a plugin for the menu. For example Menu, Donate Menu, Buns ... Also you can create your own menus and customize them. This plugin has a very useful feature, you can do various useful things using this plugin. For example, to create a store: we put a diamond block, set a price for it and display an inscription in the chat when buying. Well, you do something like this further and the store is ready. Almost anything can be done this way. Of course, I have been setting up Minecraft servers for 2 years now and as a beginner you may not immediately be able to make your own useful menus, for example, the salary menu (I will try to release a video or write an article on detailed setting of this plugin, since I have not seen on YouTube where they will normally tell about all the functions of this plugin). But do not worry Menu or Donate Menu, I think it will be easy for you to do if you look at a few tutorials. I think this is a pretty good plugin for those who want to make their server convenient and pleasant to use for players.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

6. RandomTP

The sixth plugin is RandomTp ... This plugin does not have many functions, but it is needed in order for players to find free territories. For example, you have a lot of buildings on the server near the spawn and the player has no place to build his house, but if the player prescribes a command / randomtp, then he will be teleported to a random place, where most likely there will be no houses. The plugin has several more functions, for example, setting the price for teleportation or prohibiting teleportation to certain blocks, and a few more.

Bukkit plugin and Spigot slightly different (for me the Spigot version of this plugin is better)


The seventh plugin is NoCheatPlus ... It's pretty basic, but very useful. It protect your server from cheaters. For example, if you do not want players to fly on your server (without the right to do so), walk on water, climb walls like a spiderman, then this plugin is for you! He will block all this, well, unless of course you have the right to do so, for example, the admin can easily fly. I personally checked, logged in with the WURST client (who did not understand this is a very common cheat) and before they let me on the server, but fly, climb walls, etc. I could not, and after updating the plug-in, cheaters are not even allowed on the server! So this plugin will protect your server pretty well.

Functionally better Spigot plugin than Bukkit

8. Ural Chat

The eighth plugin is UralChat ... This plugin is for chat control. With the pomorie, you can prohibit writing certain commands and also just words of a number or a set of numbers. For example, prohibit metric words and also words like ( ip, 142412 well, etc.), but from the teams / stop, // calc and so on so that others cannot promote their server or crash your server. This is a very useful plugin if you want to keep your chat and server tidy.

This is not an official plugin (written by amateurs), it is not on Bukkit nor on Spigot but it fits any of these kernels. Also, there is no official information on which versions of the server it works, for me personally it works well for 1.8. You need to look for it on amateur sites or on the Russian forum. Bukkit To save you time, here's a direct link to download it.

Download (UralChat ) —

9. ChatManager

The ninth plugin is called ChatManager ... This plugin is also for chat, but unlike the eighth, this plugin makes the chat more beautiful and understandable and does not prohibit or allow something. For example, he adds the letter L (for example, local chat, players see 100 blocks from you) or G (global, see all players), the name of the privilege (the group the player is in) and the actual nickname. You yourself can customize what will be written in front of the nickname, I just wrote an example. If anything, the previews of this plugin show two excerpts from the chat.

Functionally better Spigot plugin than Bukkit

10. Colored Tags

The tenth plugin is Colored Tags ... This plugin is very limited in functionality, but very useful. At first glance, it just adds a prefix in front of the nickname above the player. For example, so that when the stasis is met, it is clear that the Admin or the Player, etc.

Spigot - Of such Spigot there is no plugin, but Bukkit the plugin will work on Spigot... Or you can search for prototypes at Spigot.

11. ClearLagg

Eleventh Plugin - Clearlagg ... It keeps your server from lagging and frees up its memory. Well, in other words, he can delete items lying on the floor after a certain period of time (configured by you) and also (also as set up) can, for example, delete minecarts (without a player in it) and other similar things. A good plugin if you want to help your server run smoothly and well.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

12. AutoMessage

The twelfth plugin is AutoMessage ... It displays the messages you have written at the interval you configured. For example, you can configure it so that he writes to the chat every 3 minutes some useful commands for your server. There are a few more similar settings in this plugin. It will suit you if you want to make the game on your server simple, understandable and interesting.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

13. Holographic Displays

The thirteenth plugin is called Holographic Displays ... This is a plug-in for holograms that will hang in the air. It will help you make your spawn beautiful and understandable. For example, you can create a floating donation menu and server information.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

14. UralClans

The fourteenth plugin is UralClans ... It adds clans to your server and also works with ChatManager, in fact, if the player is a member of a clan at your request, you can also display this in the chat. The UralClans plugin has many more useful commands. For example, set a clan house, declare a war of clans, turn off pvp between clan members.

This plugin is a kinsman UralChat‘Ah, it’s the same story as UralChat so here's a direct download link.

Download (UralClans ) —

15. Custom Join Items

The fifteenth plugin, the last one on the list is Custom Join Items ... It is simply not replaceable for those who have mini-games or survival servers. Since it gives the player items (which you will customize) after death or when entering the server. You can put commands on items and customize them (for example, prohibit throwing an item). For example, you can give out three items: Menu, Donut, Buns... Quite a good plugin for the convenience of players.

V Spigot The plugin interface is slightly different, but the essence is the same. Me personally more Bukkit like.


I decided to tell you a bit away from the topic and chat with you, as well as tell more about one plugin. Let's start with communication. The fact is that if you have read the article, then most likely you want to create your own server. But the fact is that in YouTube or in Google there is no normal article (for beginners in this business) how to create your own server, sorry for the expression "through the ass" on a computer or somewhere else where the server will not work around the clock, a lot of the player will survive etc. I can share my experience with you and tell you understandably for a beginner how to create your own real Minecraft server, the father-in-law server will work quietly 24/7, withstand the load of players and it will be possible to install more than 100+ plugins. Of course you will have to pay, but if you want to receive something, you will have to give something, so be prepared that everything will not be free. I will tell you from personal experience what you will encounter, where to start, how to understand what exactly you need, how to work with FTP, mysql So what's this. If you want this, then write to

It has a large audience of fans, many continue to install additional modifications and updates on it. Today we will tell you how to install a plugin on Minecraft to make it work.


If you are the owner of a public server, you shouldn't have any problems. It is very easy to add a plugin to the "network" variant of "Minecraft". To do this, you only need a distribution in the .jar format.

I would like to note right away that the instruction implies your ability to create and run a server yourself. Therefore, the second step is to surf the folders on your computer with installed game... You need to find a directory named after your server. In it you should be interested in the plugins folder. If not, just create it yourself.

Now place the downloaded plugin in this folder and start the server through the console. It should install automatically. If you want to update an existing plugin, create an update subfolder and place in it new version... Now restart the server with the stop command. Remember that the names of the files of the installed modification and the update must match.

We figured out how to install the plugin on Minecraft, now let's see what to do if you connect to a third-party resource.


If you play on someone else's server, then the question on the Minecraft server should not bother you. There is no way you can do this, and this feature is available only to the server administrator. However, remote installation is still possible.

If you are given administrator rights, you can even on someone else's server. To do this, log in to it and enter the console command stop. Now let's see how to install the plugin on Minecraft.

  1. Go to open server to the FTP manager.
  2. Using it, repeat all the steps that were described earlier - transfer the plug-in file to the appropriate folder.
  3. Start the server. At the same time, the plugins used will be installed / updated.

Now you know how to install a plugin on Minecraft if it is a server. However, many players prefer to delve into the cube world alone, which means that they will have to install modifications a little differently.


To play in single player mode, you do not need to make any unnecessary gestures. The whole process is automated and it's very easy to start the game. If you are interested in how to install the plugin on a single "Minecraft", then there will be no problems either.

Plugins are installed in the same way as the previous options, only they must be placed in the mods folder. As a last resort, you may need third party programs or more fine tuning game client. They are usually unique to each specific plugin and are installed according to the instructions in the accompanying readme file, or the advice written on the site from which the particular mod was downloaded.

One of the most popular questions when setting up - how to put the plugin on the minecraft server. The set task misleads a lot of players, they make mistakes and therefore their minecraft server stops working and they do not understand what to do next, what is the actual mistake? Your attention is presented a fresh video clip, which tells the topic of where to install minecraft plugins.

Artem Frolov - how to install a minecraft plugin

| How to add plugins to a minecraft server - two ways from the site!

Plugins on our site are installed in two ways, which we will now consider. After studying the material, choose the most suitable one for you.

Option 1

The first option is perfect for beginners who are not yet good at administering with the Filezilla FTP client, but even if you are already a pro, it will save you time. The hosting team has prepared 23,000 plugins in the [Add-ons] section. You don't have to wonder where to download plugins for minecraft.

1) So, go to "My servers", from where already in " Server management":

2) If your server is on, then turn it off and go to the " Supplements":

3) After going to the section " Supplements"we see plugins, divided into categories, and also have" Search add-ons". For example, install the plugin AutoSaveWorld. We write the name in the search bar. In the search results we see the found plugin. Click on the button" Install"and wait for the process to complete:

4) Go to the section " Web-FTP"where we open the folder" plugins". As you can see, the plugin has been successfully uploaded to the server:

5) Now turn on the server. If it started without errors in the console, then it is installed correctly!

Option 2

Use the second method if you haven't found the plugin you need in the "Add-ons" section. Download it on the Internet and install it manually via the Filezilla FTP client. Also, this option is perfect for advanced users who are used to working via FTP.

How to connect to your server via FTP, as well as where to download the client, you can read

1) We also turn off the server beforehand and connect to it via FTP:

2) After connecting, at the root we will see the folder " plugins", in its absence, create it. Then drag the previously downloaded plugin.

3) At the end of the download, turn on server. If it starts without errors in the console, then everything is great!

If, for some reason, after installing the plugins, the server does not start, always look for startup errors in the console. Or not correct installation, or the plugin is not working. We tried to describe everything in as much detail as possible, we hope now you understand how to install the plugin on the minecraft server :)

Bonus video from a specialist, do not forget to watch it to learn all the details of setting up a minecraft server.

There are plugins for different versions Minecraft servers, but there are also plugins that fit any version. If your server has been updated to latest version then it is possible that most plugins will work as well as the version for which they were intended. In this article, we will tell you how to install the plugin on Minecraft.

What are plugins for Minecraft server

For Minecraft server, the plugin itself is a * .jar file. For example, iconomy.jar. Most plugins generate their own folder on the server after their first launch. This folder usually has the same name as the plugin file. This plugin folder contains files with the plugin settings and various values ​​for its operation. This is done so that the administrators of Minecraft servers can change the plugin settings freely at their discretion and for their server, without even having programming skills.

In some cases, the plugin does not work. This happens because the settings are made for a different server. In this case, it is better to delete the installed plugin folder, and restart the server so that it will create new folder... For Minecraft servers, plugins are never an application with the * .exe extension.

How to install plugins on Minecraft

  • Download and install the Bukkit add-on. Without it, plugins won't be able to work.
  • Go to the folder with the server, where we find the Plugins folder.
  • Download the plugin we need, for example, AuthMe.jar and put it in the Plugins folder.
  • Restart our Minecraft server.
  • Check everything for performance.

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