
1). Plugin for the portal for the Minecraft PE server (0.8.1) Plugin gate for minecraft

* * This project page exists to continue the maintenance of the Ancient Gates plugin.* *


This plugin can allow those with permission, to create gates. These gates will teleport any player, entity (incl. Passenger) or vehicle (incl. Passenger) that enters that gate to the designated location and / or execute a command. This is a very easy to use, easy to maintain transportation plugin! As a bonus, the gates can look any way you like (vertical or horizontal), with a selection of portal materials.

To get started, try the in game command: / gate

Commands & Permissions

AncientGates commands and permission nodes are simple and intuitive.

Configuration Settings

AncientGates configuration options are fairly extensive.

BungeeCord Support

AncientGates fully supports BungeeCord server-server player, entity and vehicle teleportation.


Featured Video

I recently came across this video, showcasing the latest features. It has been put together by Vikaar1.

I "ve seen several Youtube videos since taking over maintenance of this plugin.

Development Builds


This plugin utilizes Hidendra "s plugin metrics system to send server count statistics to MCStats.org. You can (globally) opt out the stat collection via /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml if you wish.

Native Minecraft Version: Legacy (Contributors: Olof Larsson, peewi96, tspringst33n

Update: Everything seems to work on 1.13 except for water portais

This is an updated and working version of AncientGates from Bukkit. It is updated to work from Spigot 1.7 up to Spigot 1.12! It might even work on versions below 1.7 but that wasn "t tested, feel free to test and share the results.

The documentation below is literally a copy paste from the original as mostly everything remains the same. Feel free to point out if you see something outdated / wrong in the wikis. I "m also accepting help updating wikis / etc.

This plugin can allow those with permission, to create gates. These gates will teleport any player, entity (incl. Passenger) or vehicle (incl. Passenger) that enters that gate to the designated location and / or execute a command. This is a very easy to use, easy to maintain transportation plugin! As a bonus, the gates can look any way you like (vertical or horizontal), with a selection of portal materials.
To get started, try the in game command: / gate

Commands & Permissions
AncientGates commands and permission nodes are simple and intuitive.

Configuration Settings
AncientGates configuration options are fairly extensive.

BungeeCord Support
AncientGates fully supports BungeeCord server-server player, entity and vehicle teleportation.

Featured Video
I recently came across this video, showcasing the latest features. It has been put together by Vikaar1.

I "ve seen several Youtube videos since taking over maintenance of this plugin.

Click to expand ...

This plugin utilizes Hidendra "s plugin metrics system to send server count statistics to MCStats.org. You can (globally) opt out the stat collection via /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml if you wish.

Recent Reviews

  1. Version: 2.1

    Really good plugin! I love the sugar cane portals XD Though there are some problems with it using 1.11.2 (1.11 too, I think ...)

    This goes for users that are using this plugin:
    (FYI, "registered" means you listed your servers with AncientGates, it "s just a word I made up)

    1. If you have a network using BungeeCord, NEVER EVER set the SocketComms to true because the console will complain and say "Is it up to date?". The plugin works perfectly fine, just not the SocketComms part. Once you set it to true in-game, the plugin will work for a couple minutes, then it will say "An internal error has occurred (something like that)" when you type / gate. I don "t think you can cover up your mistakes in-game. So you have to go back to your folder" AncientGates "and set the Comms to false, or just completely delete config.yml if you are lazy. Deleting it doesn" t effect your servers.yml (your "registered" servers).

    2. If you close a "sugar cane" portal, make sure you manually break the sugar cane and pick up the droppings (or lagg clear if you have ClearLag). It "s kinda weird having half a bush of sugar cane hanging in mid-air. XD

    3. If you have a network and you want to "register" your servers, might as well do it in the config instead of in-game. It "s a lot quicker and easier. Trust me. (Just copy and paste)

    4. If you have a network and you want to connect from server to server, make sure you have the plugin on both server (obviously).

    5. For example, if you have a room 3x3x3, and you placed 3 blocks horizontally and use the "portal frame" (1x3x2) to make a portal, the plugin will complain ... It will take on its rage by creating awkwardly shaped portal blocks (which is not what you want ...)

Hello everyone! In front of you plugin on the portal for Minecraft servers PE... With it, you can customize portals to other worlds. It is worth noting that this plugin is for servers 0.8.1 and below. It won't work on 0.9.x! In order to make a portal, you will also need it. So how do we make a portal?

How to create a portal on a Minecraft PE server?

First, we need to decide where the portal will be located. Do you already know? Then let's move on. I hope you all know how to privatize the territory, so .. the creation of the portal is very similar. Take position # 1 and write the command / por p1 in the chat - this will create position # 1 in your private chat. Now go to the second position and write / por p2 - this, you guessed it, will create position # 2.

Further, there are two options for the development of events. The first one is, using the plugin for multiworlds, the link to which I gave above, move to the world you need ( / tp w: world_name), stand in the place where the player will teleport and write / por tar The plugin will take your coordinates and make a portal.

The second way is a little easier. After you have created the portal - write in the chat / por tar<имя мира>- using this command you will create a portal to the world you specified. In this case, the coordinates of the spawn will be standard.

But that's not all! You just specified the coordinates of the spawn. Now you need to save it. To do this, write the command / por cre<название портала> ... The name can be anything. I try to call portals like this: [world from where portal] - [world to where portal]. This allows you to avoid confusion if you have a lot of teleportation points.

If you are mistaken and want to delete the portal, you will have to register the following: / por del<название портала> ... To see a list of all portals, write / por list

Once again, all the plugin commands:

/ por p1 - position # 1;

/ por p2 - position # 2;

/ por tar<имя мира>- place of teleportation;

/ por cre<название портала> - create a portal;

/ por del<название портала> - remove the portal;

/ por list - list of all portals;

AncientGates is a plugin with which you can install various portals for teleportation throughout the endless world of Minecraft. " like a portal to hell, but you can change it with one command. It will allow you to change the inside of the portal into several types of blocks: void, lava, water, ordinary portal, cobwebs and reeds. And this is pretty good for decoration.

First, we need to create a frame for the portal. It can be 6x4 or more. After building the frame, you must enter the command that will create a file for teleportation: / gate new portal name... After this action, you need to stand inside our square and write the command: / gate setfrom portal name / gate open portal name... And this is where almost all the actions ended, but we also need to put a place where the players will teleport. To do this, we are looking for the block on which our point will stand and write the commands: / gate setto portal name... That's all. If you want to decorate the portal in a different way, you can do this by writing the command: / gate setmaterial Portal name Material. Below will be given full list teams and their rights.

/ gate help - List of all commands.
/ gate create - Create a portal.
/ gate delete - Delete the portal.
/ gate setfrom - Your location is the position.
/ gate setto - Set for your location.
/ gate open - Open the portal.
/ gate close - Close the portal.
/ gate setmaterial - What will be inside the portal.
/ gate setexec - Command when entering the portal.
/ gate setmessage, setmsg - Teleport message.
/ gate setinv - Allow / deny / clear inventory through the gate.
/ gate setentities - Enable / disable entity teleportation.
/ gate setvehicles - Enable / disable teleporting of vehicles (horses).
/ gate setcost - Set the cost of the gate.
/ gate rename - Rename the portal.
/ gate remexec - Remove the command from the portal.
/ gate info - Information about the plugin.
/ gate list, ls - Portals list.
/ gate openall - Open all portals.
/ gate closeall - Close all portals.
/ gate tpfrom, tp - Teleport to the gate.
/ gate tpto - Teleport to the destination of the gate.
/ gate setconf - Set a configuration with a given purpose.

ancientgates.help - View all commands.

ancientgates.create - Access to the create command.

ancientgates.delete - Access to the delete command.

ancientgates.setfrom - Access to the setfrom command.

ancientgates.setto. * - Access to the setto command.

ancientgates.open - Access to the open command.

ancientgates.close - Access to the close command.

ancientgates.setexec - Access to the setexec command.

ancientgates.setmaterial - Access to the setmaterial command.

ancientgates.setmessage - Access to the setmessage command.

ancientgates.setinv - Access to the setinv command.

ancientgates.setentities - Access to the setentities command.

ancientgates.setvehicles - Access to the setvehicles command.

ancientgates.setcost - Access to the setcost command.

ancientgates.rename - Access to the rename command.

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