
How to use Twitter? What is Twitter and why is it needed. Using Twitter to Promote Your Business: For Beginners Twitter Use Cases

To explain this, entire "schools of bloggers" are being created, various specialists are involved in master classes, and as a result, bloggers and microbloggers with a diploma from Harvard University are released into the Internet...
And all you need to know is these simple tips))

Quotes without quotes, maximum retweet,
mate and other microblogging quirks:

This guide does not aim to teach the basics of using Twitter, there are official guides for this and does not promise to make you a “popular microblogger” cats and stolen jokes work flawlessly in all social networks.

1. Write a lot

There is a lot to write on Twitter. This is probably the onlysocial media (microblogging service, if you quibble

to terms), where you can not restrain yourself in volumes, n while receiving allegations of flooding. If someone is unhappy

short-term ban, but some do not like to wait and start for such cases, a second, backup account

2. Hide the excess

However, sometimes even the most persistent and habitual people are forced to go to the limits. For example, you can disable the display of individual users' retweets in your feed. It helps a lot when some good person suddenly gets too carried away with one topic and thinks that you owe it to him to share his obsession with him. You can also mute (that is, "hide" - from the English mute) all tweets by keywords. This is vital when your entire tape competes for the second day in wit about Depardieu or once again conducts a collective investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group.

3. Quote without quotes

One of the most insidious rules that constantly confuses beginners: on Twitter, it is customary to quote without quotes - both what you agree with and what you want to make fun of. How then will readers understand that you are not writing for yourself? If the reader has been following you for a long time, then he understands that a liberal cannot suddenly write that, for example, the Jews have sold Russia, and a socialist that pensions should be abolished, this is an “ironic quotation”. Of course, after the publication of an unquoted quote from the KP columnist Ulyana Skoybeda, there will definitely be beautiful-hearted compassionate people who will call you a terrible person and even wish you a slow, painful death. You can explain to them that "it was a quote," but it's better not to - hardcore does not tolerate curtsies.

4. Quote in series

More difficult is the case when they quote what they agree with. How to understand where the quote is, and where the words of the author of the tweet? The former is usually taken out of context, while the latter still has a more or less finished form. One way or another, nothing prevents you from punching in Google a questionable phrase. Tip: in the first minutes of a resonant interview or column, you can quote the brightest places from there and collect a few retweets. At the same time, it is permissible to cite a large piece of text, divided into several tweets: at one time, services were popular that allowed artificially increasing the volume of characters in a tweet, but they did not take root and it is better not to use them.

5. Beware of RT

tweet in your feed, and manually done, the old fashioned way, when you quote a tweet, and before the text put the username of the author and a special mark "RT". The fact is that technologically such a publication is completely your tweet, and after RT you can write anything, playing inexperienced readers. Hundreds of people are ready to believe even the most incredible nonsense, allegedly said on behalf of famous microbloggers. Finally, dosed retweet or quote people who praise you or the result of your work - narcissism is annoying; share when you are scolded - it always goes with a bang.

6. Never fawn

Do not write “please RT” or “maximum retweet” - if you reported something really important or had a good joke, then you will be noticed anyway. Do not tag famous people or popular bloggers through the "mansion" in the hope of attracting their attention - this is bad manners. An example of misbehavior: “I met Boris @b_nemtsov in the metro. he's still cute))" or "Sergey @s_udaltsov is a mediocre politician!!". Another thing is if you tag your friends or acquaintances in a tweet, offering them a drink in the evening, or ask a serious, justified question, for example: “Aleksey @navalny, why didn’t you go to the Russian March?” this is normal. Well, if you need a shameful, but free retweet, then you should write something like “searched half of Moscow, but finally found the last number of SNC @xenia_sobchak. best magazine in the world! It seems that Ksenia Sobchak's twitter consists of half of such retweets

7. Don't Clog Replays

If you expressed some interesting thought in a tweet, then one person can comment on it, then a second person may disagree with the opinion of this person, therefore a third person will enter into the discussion, then a fourth ... At some point, all these tweets are almost completely will consist of listing the usernames of the participants in the conversation, because Twitter does not provide a separate place for them, such as the addressee field in the mail - usernames occupy a full-fledged place in the meager 140 characters of a tweet. Moreover, it often happens that the participants in the discussion forget about how it all began, and begin to discuss completely abstract topics, for example, they argue about the latest high-profile film or, as a result of the conversation, they send each other for a long time. Your replay feed continues to update (after all, your username was there at the very beginning!) and prevents you from seeing really important replies. Therefore, make it a habit to immediately remove the usernames of people from the correspondence, if you understand that now the replays no longer concern them

8. Feel free to express yourself

Don't spend too much time styling your text. The gold standard is not to start sentences with a capital letter and not to put a full stop at the end of a tweet. But if you suddenly do everything according to the rules of the Russian language, this will not be a big crime. Commas are ignored on Twitter, but God forbid you make an obvious spelling mistake like "shut/shut" - you'll be crucified. Obscene language deserves special attention. Checkmate is the flesh and blood of the Russian Twitter. It can and should be used in any quantity, and I experience real moral suffering, compiling this guide without a mat (writes the author of these rules). The only ironclad rule is never replace letters inside such words with asterisks, this is terrible. It is also better not to use exotic, sophisticated modifications and be content with simple monosyllabic swear words. It is especially well suited for commenting on the news picture of the day: instead of 140 words - one. (this item is not for me)

9. Be natural

There should have been a rule here, “Don’t tweet drunk,” but no hand is raised. Of course, if your parents, your boss, or if you are a politician, God forbid, you can seriously hurt yourself. But drunken Twitter is literature in its own way. Reading drunken epiphanies and confessions, people realize that they have much more in common than they thought.

Thank you Roman Fedoseev!

A Twitter post is only 140 characters long. It seems like it's easy to keep short notes all the time. But in fact, this is a rather difficult task. Especially in those cases when it is necessary not only to write the required number of letters, but also to attract an audience to your account.

How to post on Twitter

Do you have a personal Twitter profile? Do you want to attract traffic and please your audience with quality content, but don't know how to create useful and interesting posts? We bring to your attention some effective tips that you need to apply in your work. And it's very easy to do it!

Write concisely and clearly

In the social network Twitter, users have the opportunity to create entries of 140 characters. But few people know that the "free window" should not be filled to capacity. The shorter the text, the more likely it is to be noticed and studied with genuine interest.

It is even worse when a novice user or an inexperienced marketer expresses himself through abbreviations and abbreviations. It looks terrible. Forget about this habit once and for all. The reader wants to perceive information easily and naturally, and not to google incomprehensible characters at every step. State the essence of things as briefly as possible.

Short tweets are:

  • The ability to distinguish yourself from the "gray mass";
  • A great way to generate interest in the public;
  • More retweets as netizens will be able to comment on the post.

Contact the CA

An appeal to users can be contained both in the tweet itself and in the title. What's the point? Your message begins with a direct address to the public. It is noteworthy that this should not be done in general (to all subscribers), but personally to the target audience. If you have published a book about tourism, take this news to travelers. A person immediately recognizes himself in this, and is much more willing to read the text.

Businessmen! Don't repeat the mistakes of Bill Gates (link)

Who said that you can't use little tricks to attract the attention of the audience? Dilute your text with words that will intrigue and make the person concentrate on your tweet. “The long-awaited news!”, “Hurrah!”, “It happened!” And so on.

It's done! Copywriters shared the secrets of success (link)

Hooray! ABV is organizing an unprecedented raffle! (link)

Show your surprise

Also use words that express feelings of delight and sincere surprise. “Wow!”, “Wow!”, “I am absolutely delighted!” And so on. Agree, such tweets are excellent “food” for all inquisitive people. They simply cannot remain indifferent to the records of jubilant authors.

Always keep your target audience in mind when choosing these "tricks". Some slang expressions may not be understood by adult users. Will have to replace them with something else.

Ask and intrigue

You can’t even imagine how much modern social network users love easy and original questions. Learn to be interested in the right way, and success is guaranteed to you.

Do you make these ridiculous mistakes when speaking in English? (link)

Can you call yourself a happy person? (link)

Add bait words to your tweet

In this example, the tweet contains the word "why". It encourages the user to be curious. It can also be used in the affirmative form. Other options: "this", "these".

Why You Shouldn't Start an Office Romance

This jewelry will win the heart of the most demanding lady (link)

Be an expert, share useful information

The expanses of the World Wide Web are teeming with articles like "5 Mistakes", "10 Habits", "15 Ways", etc. But the Internet is oversaturated with such articles for a reason. They are really interesting and are in great demand among readers. Write unique articles? Share them with your audience.

How to learn English in 2 months (link)

10 healthy habits that will make your life brighter (link)

Use the power of reviews for good

If a huge number of people say that the product is of high quality and practical in everyday life, you will surely believe them. Is not it? And if an influential and successful person advises something sensible, the audience will definitely pay attention to it. Reviews can work wonders. Don't exclude it from your tweets.

We already have 30 thousand subscribers! Join now! (link)

8 thousand people have already tried the new treatment method and got the result (link)

Create an "urgency" effect

People can weigh this or that decision regarding the purchase of a product for a long time, since the demand is great, but the supply is even greater. To speed up this process, remind the public that there is very little time left before the end of the action. No need to stretch the validity of tempting bonuses. Otherwise, you will have to stock up on inhuman patience.

Only today! Two books for the price of one! (link)

Urgently! Read this now if your hair health leaves a lot to be desired (link)

Last day! Participate in the car raffle! (link)

Warn of danger

Don't be afraid to tweet like this. Yes, they are a little intimidating at first. But showing concern for your audience is a laudable thing. Inform the public of the danger that awaits them. Just remember that any information of this type must be verified. Otherwise, you run the risk of being branded a balabol, and henceforth it will no longer work.

Write in 1st person

Tweeting in the first person is fine, especially if your persona is of genuine interest to the public. Share your experience and your point of view on various issues, give advice. But remember that you are responsible for your words and actions.

This is the best album I've listened to this year! (link)

How I got 1 million followers on YouTube (link)

These tips helped me get rid of depression (link)

Use the Copywriters' Favorite Words

There are times when it is very difficult to come up with something of your own. Even when it comes to writing a tweet on a social network. Is there a creative crisis? Then use words and phrases that are popular among copywriters. Templates and clichés used with a sense of proportion have never hurt anyone.

  • Is free
  • New
  • Secret
  • Effective

Tweet. If you want your followers to know what you are doing right now, then post a tweet. Keep in mind that you are limited to 280 characters, otherwise, if you exceed this limit, you will not be able to send a tweet.

  • Characters will be counted automatically. The number of characters left will be shown in gray, after 10 in red, and then when you get to zero, a big red minus will appear.

Use hashtags. A hashtag is a word preceded by a pound sign, # . Hashtags make it easy to find the right word. Read the guide on how to use hashtags on Twitter.

  • Some trends contain hashtags on their own, allowing users to discuss something all over Twitter.
  • A good example of the use of hashtags is when everything related to a particular football team is tagged with a hashtag with its name.
  • Gain followers (subscribers) . Your Twitter can be private or it can be public. If you want to get as many followers as possible, then you need to try and make interesting and topical tweets. Also, don't underestimate the power of following other people's twitters - you can often get followed for following you. And don't forget to express respect to your readers. In this sense, you have all the cards and funds in your hands - even with tweets, even with blog posts, whatever. You can even use the #FF (#FollowFriday) mechanism - this is when you send a tweet with a small list of your followers under the #FF hashtag, as if sharing them with other Twitter users. Such lists are often quoted, which means that your name will be mentioned more often. However, this mechanism has been going out of fashion lately, and in itself it looks like spam, so ... In other words, users can be recruited with the help of simple retweets, which are a kind of recognition and are often rewarded in the same way.

    Check messages from your followers directed to you personally. Click on the “@Mentions” link to see if there are any replies to your tweets. When you send a tweet, include the username after the @ sign - this will create a mention of it. Example: “@username” mentions the Twitter user username and your entire tweet will show up on their @Mentions page.

  • Come up with your own style and timing for sending tweets. Twitter, like many other social networks, can very well be addictive and waste your precious time. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide how much time you will spend on it and how many followers you intend to collect. You should not give up everything and everything in pursuit of users - this is a matter of quantity, not quality, and the benefit of it is not a penny. Instead, focus on the quality of your tweets and followers so you don't get frustrated by the frequent unfollowing of your Twitter (which happens and there's nothing you can do about it). And if you feel like you're starting to spend too much time on Twitter, pause and come back to it later.

    • A number of scientific studies have shown that a person can be part of a group of 150-200 people without problems. If the group is larger, then the connections between its members are no longer so effective and productive. Do not forget about this in pursuit of followers!
  • Despite the fact that social networks and other social services have tightly entered our lives, not everyone knows how to use them for good, and not for harm. Starting from stupid photos in social networks available for viewing by everyone (photos on VKontakte of a drunken police sergeant embracing a bottle of vodka look especially exotic), ending with falling asleep with tweets with the slightest details of his personal life. What to write on Twitter so as not to clutter up the virtual space and interfere with the quick search for the information you need.

    Of course, this is all mainly for beginners, who are new to everything and want to try everything. Especially to look at the reaction of large masses of people - it's so interesting. A few tips on how to use Twitter the right way for your personal and work purposes (business development, marketing, and SEO) will come in handy.

    Following the tips below will not necessarily lead you to success right away. But they carry the basic rules of behavior (banal courtesy and caution) on the network.

    We all remember well that a word can hurt much more than a fist. But for some reason, we immediately forget about it, getting into the network. And if earlier many trolls anonymously (under pseudonyms), now the ability to comment without additional registration through a simple connection to Facebook and Twitter makes you forget about security and people continue to write nonsense, but under real names.

    You don't need to be reminded that the Internet remembers everything, does it? The option “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax” works here at 200%. Therefore, we separate the personal from the work and begin to earn both reputation and money.

    In order to make it easier and faster to understand all 101 tips, we will divide them into several categories.

    General tips on how to use Twitter

    Increased difficulty level
    High level of difficulty

    Examples of using Twitter

    Underwater rocks

    Twitter etiquette
    Reliability and security

    Individual items in each category work on their own.


    1. Use an avatar.
    2. Set up your Twitter page.
    3. Briefly describe in your bio who you are, what you do, and your interests.
    4. Be brief.
    5. Shorten links.
    6. Tweet every day, not every hour.
    7. Reply, retweet.
    8. Tell others about more than just what you eat.
    9. Add a link to your blog (or LinkedIn profile).
    10. Don't follow more than 1,000 people if only 5 follow you.

    Increased difficulty level

    1. Use apps for Firefox (eg Echofon).
    2. Subscribe to your tweets via RSS.
    3. Choose the URL shortener you like best.
    4. Use # for hashtags.
    5. Post important tweets 4 times a day for 4 different time zones.
    6. Create a Twitter Landing Page.
    7. Track tweets with keywords that are important to you (Twilert, etc.).
    8. Ask questions.
    9. Use Twitter on your mobile phone.
    10. Add pictures to your tweets (TwitPic, imgur, etc.).

    High level of difficulty

    1. Use the desktop apps TweetDeck or Seesmic.
    2. Use a custom URL shortener with your own URL (bit.ly offers one for free).
    3. Subscribe to your best friends' tweets via RSS.
    4. Use social CRM applications to save all your Twitter contacts (cotweet).
    5. Don't repost every tweet on Facebook or another social network.

    Social media

    1. Don't follow everyone.
    2. Follow people you care about.
    3. Don't follow bots and RSS mashups.
    4. Mix tweets with links, @replies and "what's happening now".
    5. Retweet your friends.
    6. Retweet posts from rare resources, not just from the main general thread.
    7. Do not pollute the air, Twitter is not TV or radio.
    8. Practice #followfriday.
    9. Spread memes.
    10. Follow those who reply to you, retweet or tag you in their tweets.
    11. Start a conversation with phrases such as: I wonder how much people ... etc.
    12. Meet Twitterers in a real place (park, coffee shop, going to the movies).


    1. Don't replace blog posts with tweets.
    2. Add a Twitter button to your blog.
    3. Display your tweets in a sidebar.
    4. Add a "follow me" badge to your blog.
    5. Announce your best posts on Twitter.
    6. Add an @twittername box to your response form.
    7. Engage in crowdsourcing (crowdsource).
    8. Tweet if your plane crashes.
    9. Mention Twitter on your blog.
    10. Tweet about your blog.


    1. Tweet as an individual, not just as a company.
    2. Offer discounts to your followers.
    3. Be the first to announce special offers or promotions on Twitter.
    4. Give gifts.
    5. Respond to dissatisfied customers.
    6. Set a social media policy for your company.
    7. Look for mentions of your brand.
    8. Build your Twitter team.
    9. Monitor and report @usernames that use nicknames related to your company name or brand.
    10. Use apps like Hootsuite for corporate Twitter.

    Marketing and SEO

    1. Tweet links with interesting content related to your industry.
    2. Add yourself to Twitter directories (Twellow).
    3. Add your Twitter (@username) to your site.
    4. Add your Twitter to your business cards.
    5. Use Twitter analytics (Tweetreach).
    6. Create Google Analytics campaigns for your Twitter.
    7. Use lots of hashtags (#).
    8. Use keywords in your Twitter usernames (@username).
    9. Follow everyone if you can.
    10. Move to a dedicated server or cloud hosting for Twitter Peak Tracking.
    11. Use "RT: @source" at the end of every tweet with "via".
    12. Use exclamations like "OMG", "WTF", "FAIL", etc. (Russian-speaking twitterers are happy to use these exclamations, especially WTF and OMG, sometimes LOL gets into this list).
    13. Use numbers in headlines.
    14. Use hot news.
    15. Use sexy avatars.
    16. Reach out to famous and experienced Twitter users.
    17. Ask people to follow you and explain why it would be interesting for them.
    18. Use funny nicknames.
    19. Wear a funny hat.
    20. Make people happy.

    Twitter etiquette

    1. Don't follow (or stop following) the same person multiple times.
    2. Don't send messages to people you don't follow - they can't reply to you.
    3. Don't swear on Twitter.
    4. Don't automatically follow based on the name alone.
    5. After the 3rd response on Twitter, it's better to switch to direct mail, Skype, e-mail, etc.
    6. Don't expect to get an answer if you fall for others like a bolt from the blue.
    7. Tweet only very important information more than once.
    8. Don't tweet the same information multiple times in a row.
    9. Don't turn Twitter into a full automatic.
    10. Before posting a tweet, read it again.
    11. Don't suggest your site every time someone mentions you and your products/services.
    12. Don't use URL shorteners that cut off the main point of the post.
    13. Don't try to sell something on Twitter.
    14. Expand affiliate links with or.

    Reliability and security

    1. Do not tweet with scam links even in the form of a question “Is this a scam?!”. You will be banned immediately.
    2. Never tweet email addresses! Spam bots are on the alert and actively collect them.
    3. Never tweet about your vacation plans with dates or periods. Thieves can track them.
    4. Don't tweet while you're driving.
    5. Refrain from complaining about your partners, clients or company.
    6. In countries like China, it's better to tweet anonymously.
    7. Don't use your Google services or online banking password on Twitter.
    8. Don't tweet about where you are right now.
    9. Don't post personal photos of your kids on Twitter.
    10. Only tweet about things that you would be able to say on TV.

    And very briefly about the overall picture of tweets:

    1/3 answers
    1/3 retweets and links
    1/3 tweets about "what am I doing"

    From myself, I can add that you always need to be careful on the network, be it Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte, LiveJournal or your personal blog. Sometimes we relax and let down our guard, or anger fills both our eyes and our minds. Once upon a time (when Twitter didn't exist yet), an acquaintance was fired on the same day he wrote an angry post about the company he worked for. Exactly 20 minutes after the publication of the LJ post, the director of the department ran into the department. The outcome is dismissal and, nevertheless, correction of the shortcomings for which the complaint was received. The moral is if you are very angry, write a letter, and then delete it, but do not publish it in the public domain for everyone to see.

    And remember that all your notes are still saved, even if no one else sees them visually. You do not immediately rush into a skirmish in personal communication at work, with friends or in the store? Usually you think things over (at least partially) and only after that you speak. The network gives us a sense of permissiveness and impunity. The times when you could write anything anonymously and without damaging your reputation and your work are long gone. Millions of eyes are watching you ;)

    Despite the fact that social networks and other social services have tightly entered our lives, not everyone knows how to use them for good, and not for harm. Starting from stupid photos in social networks available for viewing by everyone (photos on VKontakte of a drunken police sergeant embracing a bottle of vodka look especially exotic), ending with falling asleep with tweets with the slightest details of his personal life. What to write on Twitter so as not to clutter up the virtual space and interfere with the quick search for the information you need.

    Of course, this is all mainly for beginners, who are new to everything and want to try everything. Especially to look at the reaction of large masses of people - it's so interesting. A few tips on how to use Twitter the right way for your personal and work purposes (business development, marketing, and SEO) will come in handy.

    Following the tips below will not necessarily lead you to success right away. But they carry the basic rules of behavior (banal courtesy and caution) on the network.

    We all remember well that a word can hurt much more than a fist. But for some reason, we immediately forget about it, getting into the network. And if earlier many trolls anonymously (under pseudonyms), now the ability to comment without additional registration through a simple connection to Facebook and Twitter makes you forget about security and people continue to write nonsense, but under real names.

    You don't need to be reminded that the Internet remembers everything, does it? The option “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax” works here at 200%. Therefore, we separate the personal from the work and begin to earn both reputation and money.

    In order to make it easier and faster to understand all 101 tips, we will divide them into several categories.

    General tips on how to use Twitter

    Increased difficulty level
    High level of difficulty

    Examples of using Twitter

    Underwater rocks

    Twitter etiquette
    Reliability and security

    Individual items in each category work on their own.


    1. Use an avatar.
    2. Set up your Twitter page.
    3. Briefly describe in your bio who you are, what you do, and your interests.
    4. Be brief.
    5. Shorten links.
    6. Tweet every day, not every hour.
    7. Reply, retweet.
    8. Tell others about more than just what you eat.
    9. Add a link to your blog (or LinkedIn profile).
    10. Don't follow more than 1,000 people if only 5 follow you.

    Increased difficulty level

    1. Use apps for Firefox (eg Echofon).
    2. Subscribe to your tweets via RSS.
    3. Choose the URL shortener you like best.
    4. Use # for hashtags.
    5. Post important tweets 4 times a day for 4 different time zones.
    6. Create a Twitter Landing Page.
    7. Track tweets with keywords that are important to you (Twilert, etc.).
    8. Ask questions.
    9. Use Twitter on your mobile phone.
    10. Add pictures to your tweets (TwitPic, imgur, etc.).

    High level of difficulty

    1. Use the desktop apps TweetDeck or Seesmic.
    2. Use a custom URL shortener with your own URL (bit.ly offers one for free).
    3. Subscribe to your best friends' tweets via RSS.
    4. Use social CRM applications to save all your Twitter contacts (cotweet).
    5. Don't repost every tweet on Facebook or another social network.

    Social media

    1. Don't follow everyone.
    2. Follow people you care about.
    3. Don't follow bots and RSS mashups.
    4. Mix tweets with links, @replies and "what's happening now".
    5. Retweet your friends.
    6. Retweet posts from rare resources, not just from the main general thread.
    7. Do not pollute the air, Twitter is not TV or radio.
    8. Practice #followfriday.
    9. Spread memes.
    10. Follow those who reply to you, retweet or tag you in their tweets.
    11. Start a conversation with phrases such as: I wonder how much people ... etc.
    12. Meet Twitterers in a real place (park, coffee shop, going to the movies).


    1. Don't replace blog posts with tweets.
    2. Add a Twitter button to your blog.
    3. Display your tweets in a sidebar.
    4. Add a "follow me" badge to your blog.
    5. Announce your best posts on Twitter.
    6. Add an @twittername box to your response form.
    7. Engage in crowdsourcing (crowdsource).
    8. Tweet if your plane crashes.
    9. Mention Twitter on your blog.
    10. Tweet about your blog.


    1. Tweet as an individual, not just as a company.
    2. Offer discounts to your followers.
    3. Be the first to announce special offers or promotions on Twitter.
    4. Give gifts.
    5. Respond to dissatisfied customers.
    6. Set a social media policy for your company.
    7. Look for mentions of your brand.
    8. Build your Twitter team.
    9. Monitor and report @usernames that use nicknames related to your company name or brand.
    10. Use apps like Hootsuite for corporate Twitter.

    Marketing and SEO

    1. Tweet links with interesting content related to your industry.
    2. Add yourself to Twitter directories (Twellow).
    3. Add your Twitter (@username) to your site.
    4. Add your Twitter to your business cards.
    5. Use Twitter analytics (Tweetreach).
    6. Create Google Analytics campaigns for your Twitter.
    7. Use lots of hashtags (#).
    8. Use keywords in your Twitter usernames (@username).
    9. Follow everyone if you can.
    10. Move to a dedicated server or cloud hosting for Twitter Peak Tracking.
    11. Use "RT: @source" at the end of every tweet with "via".
    12. Use exclamations like "OMG", "WTF", "FAIL", etc. (Russian-speaking twitterers are happy to use these exclamations, especially WTF and OMG, sometimes LOL gets into this list).
    13. Use numbers in headlines.
    14. Use hot news.
    15. Use sexy avatars.
    16. Reach out to famous and experienced Twitter users.
    17. Ask people to follow you and explain why it would be interesting for them.
    18. Use funny nicknames.
    19. Wear a funny hat.
    20. Make people happy.

    Twitter etiquette

    1. Don't follow (or stop following) the same person multiple times.
    2. Don't send messages to people you don't follow - they can't reply to you.
    3. Don't swear on Twitter.
    4. Don't automatically follow based on the name alone.
    5. After the 3rd response on Twitter, it's better to switch to direct mail, Skype, e-mail, etc.
    6. Don't expect to get an answer if you fall for others like a bolt from the blue.
    7. Tweet only very important information more than once.
    8. Don't tweet the same information multiple times in a row.
    9. Don't turn Twitter into a full automatic.
    10. Before posting a tweet, read it again.
    11. Don't suggest your site every time someone mentions you and your products/services.
    12. Don't use URL shorteners that cut off the main point of the post.
    13. Don't try to sell something on Twitter.
    14. Expand affiliate links with or.

    Reliability and security

    1. Do not tweet with scam links even in the form of a question “Is this a scam?!”. You will be banned immediately.
    2. Never tweet email addresses! Spam bots are on the alert and actively collect them.
    3. Never tweet about your vacation plans with dates or periods. Thieves can track them.
    4. Don't tweet while you're driving.
    5. Refrain from complaining about your partners, clients or company.
    6. In countries like China, it's better to tweet anonymously.
    7. Don't use your Google services or online banking password on Twitter.
    8. Don't tweet about where you are right now.
    9. Don't post personal photos of your kids on Twitter.
    10. Only tweet about things that you would be able to say on TV.

    And very briefly about the overall picture of tweets:

    1/3 answers
    1/3 retweets and links
    1/3 tweets about "what am I doing"

    From myself, I can add that you always need to be careful on the network, be it Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte, LiveJournal or your personal blog. Sometimes we relax and let down our guard, or anger fills both our eyes and our minds. Once upon a time (when Twitter didn't exist yet), an acquaintance was fired on the same day he wrote an angry post about the company he worked for. Exactly 20 minutes after the publication of the LJ post, the director of the department ran into the department. The outcome is dismissal and, nevertheless, correction of the shortcomings for which the complaint was received. The moral is if you are very angry, write a letter, and then delete it, but do not publish it in the public domain for everyone to see.

    And remember that all your notes are still saved, even if no one else sees them visually. You do not immediately rush into a skirmish in personal communication at work, with friends or in the store? Usually you think things over (at least partially) and only after that you speak. The network gives us a sense of permissiveness and impunity. The times when you could write anything anonymously and without damaging your reputation and your work are long gone. Millions of eyes are watching you ;)

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