
What can be written in a status on a social network? How to write a status on WhatsApp: simple steps What to write on a status in a contact

Status- a rather abstract and ambiguous term. It is used in linguistics, chemistry, law, medicine, and now on the Internet. The word "status" is translated from Latin as "position, condition". The one who first came up with the idea of ​​creating such an option on the site, knowingly called it a status, because a short capacious phrase posted in the questionnaire can determine the current emotional state of the author.

Not everyone "says" something in statuses, but if you want to set status in VKontakte, but do not know how to do it, then now we will figure it out.

On the main page, to the right of your photo, immediately below the first and last name, it is written in gray letters "change status". When hovering over this button, the index finger will appear, and any user knows that in this case it is the active button. By clicking on it, a field will appear in which you can write the status of your choice. Don't forget to press the blue button after that. "Save". And that's all - the status on your page!

I draw your attention to such a nuance that the length of the selected status for installation on VKontakte cannot exceed 140 characters.

Well, and at the end, a few words about the statuses themselves. There are people who come up with statuses themselves, there are those who look for them and simply quote them on their pages. Many of us have visited sites that offer a ton of statuses. For convenience and quick search of the desired status, they are divided into categories:

Funny statuses:

○ I love diversity in bed - every night I sleep in different pajamas ...

○ At home, everything is decided by dad!!! And who is our dad - mom decides!

○ Nastya at home? No, Nastya is no more... She left our world... Is she dead? Not! Registered in contact!

○ Now the acquaintance begins with the phrase: "Are you in contact?".

sad statuses:

○ Deep loneliness is when you walk down the street in the evening, and even mosquitoes don't bite you...

○ Thank you for your accuracy. Spit clearly in the center of the soul.

○ Reality can knock out pink lenses from glasses

Status for guys:

○ And don't tell me that you slept with your girlfriends! I spent the night at your girlfriends, you were not there!

○ Why do women say: "The man said, the man did!" Well these are two different men, one said and the other did.

○ A woman is like a can of beer: she looks good, smells good, and one is never enough.

○ Insomnia is when a girl in panties is sleeping nearby, but you promised not to pester.

Statuses for girls:

○ If a blonde hair roots darken, then the brain is still resisting!

○ - You are a fool. - But it's beautiful. -Who told you? -You! -And you believed? -Certainly! - Well, you're stupid. - But it's beautiful!

○ You're a few billion breaths late, I've been a stranger girl for a long time.

Statuses about life:

○ Whatever life teaches us, but the heart believes in miracles...

○ I want a black streak to come in my life... black sea, black caviar, black Bentley.

○ Toilet paper is the only white streak in life, and everyone tries to shit it!

Statuses about love:

○ It's hard to be friends when you want to kiss...

○ - I love you. - What?! Oh sorry. It should have been - hello, how are you, what are you doing. But I didn't typo...

○ I can't live in a world without you.

○ The best way to ruin a relationship is to start sorting it out.

○ If a woman says she hates you, it means she loves you, but you are a goat!

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The collection includes sad and funny statuses in VK, that is, for the social network Vkontakte:
  • Whatever the rake would teach us, but the heart wants to believe in miracles ...
  • Watermelon - it ate, got drunk and washed ...
  • The king in my head has abdicated. Now I have the power of democracy!
  • In life, only bridges are beautifully bred, but not people!
  • Smile at a passerby - let him dream!)
  • You can't trust anyone, not even yourself. But not - you can)
  • Everyone has wings, but some are more comfortable on their hooves!
  • Give me a table with a view of the cherished dream ...
  • Happy people never text their exes.
  • If you don't look ahead all the time, you may end up behind everyone!
  • Conscience is like a hamster, it sleeps or gnaws at you.
  • A woman is such an organism: it is uncomplicated, it is uncontrollable and its actions are unpredictable.
  • The most talkative chick is a drunk man.
  • Life is shit... But I have a shovel!
  • How nice to know that someone really needs me!
  • Russian holiday is Friday!
  • Life is beautiful, if you score on everything! Well, or at all)
  • Remember what you had and appreciate what you have!
  • The weather whispers to me: buy a warm jacket, and the salary whispers: it's so warm!))
  • Am I the only one who can't choose a status?
  • Don't know what status you can put in VK? Contact me - I'm the best compiler of stupid statuses)))
  • It is better to be crazy about a smart woman than to be a fool by nature ...
  • I love - all the letters in this word and how desire this sound.
  • Not! I'm not offended at all, I immediately hate!
  • Honey, I'll be down soon, don't kiss me, I'm with my wife.
  • It's not a woman's business - not to open your mouth!
  • My phone is silent, happiness does not know my number ...
  • Don't cry, friend, there is no life on Mars either.
  • People become close gradually, strangers - instantly ...
  • I can’t please you with anything - everything is fine with me!
  • It is better to send a person sincerely than to smile falsely at him!
  • Dandruff is specific sawdust, from cut horns)
  • Who gets up early in the morning, that's definitely not me.
  • I got up like this today at 7 in the morning and ... And then I took it and went to bed again)))
  • Remember! Only the one who fights will win...
  • Looking for happiness? Google won't help you!

Many users are wondering what status to put in "VK". In fact, there is no definite answer here. It all depends on your own desires. There are no ideas? In this case, you can turn to some popular tricks. Cool statuses for VK now are what many are trying to find so as not to invent and invent their own sayings. This means that users lack originality. Let's try to figure out what you can write in the status bar on a social network. Maybe you can find something for yourself.


The first option that can only be offered is writing the most ordinary text. What you feel. If you don’t know what status you can put in VK, then this is the most appropriate step. At least that's what most users do.

You can write what you think, what you feel, what you desire. The main thing is to do it with the soul, from the heart. Do not hope to bring you popularity and praise from the outside. Usually they just fill in the blank lines in the profile. But cool statuses for VK are really able to attract attention. But just where to get them when there are absolutely no ideas in your head on this matter?

Sayings and quotes

For example, you can use such a method as writing someone's phrases or quotes. This is a very popular trick. And, to be honest, it is distributed in all social networks. The main thing is to choose a theme. It is best to do this based on your interests, character traits and current experiences.

Girls are more suitable for statuses about love or feelings. For men - about goals and their implementation. What can you put the status in "VK"? The most popular quotes are from philosophers, writers and other thinkers. For example, you can write a saying by Albert Einstein, Haruki Murakami, Blok, Pushkin, and so on.

True, recently more and more users prefer phrases from films, cartoons and quotes from fictional characters. Also a good option. Very often you can meet "Smile and wave!" from penguins from Madagascar. Or something like "It's all because someone is eating too much!" from the rabbit from Winnie the Pooh. The main thing here is to be smart. Pick up something really cool, funny and funny. After that, save the selected status.

Try to avoid depressive moods and motives. Not the best way to draw attention to yourself. If you feel bad and sad, you can pick up a quote that will motivate you to move on, cheer you up to some extent.


Statuses in VK with symbols are another very interesting phenomenon. They do not write themselves. Usually only copied from specialized sites. And they are some kind of pictures or faces.

This technique is loved by young people. It adds originality and unusualness to the profile. Just what many users are chasing. Find specialized sites that offer a variety of categories of status symbols. And then follow the simple navigation that will help you quickly and easily set the inscription to your profile.

But this is not all that is possible in the social network. Many users, thinking about what status to put in "VK", do not find an answer and decide on ... emoticons! It would seem, what nonsense! But this is a very interesting approach to solving the problem. After all, there are a lot of different "smiles". And they can be combined with text. Let's take a closer look at this scenario.

A smile will make everyone warmer

Emoticons are, as already mentioned, a very common version of statuses. But it's not that easy to put it on. Yes, you can draw a smiley with symbols, but in this case it will be ugly. But colored "smiles" pictures are a completely different matter.

In order to draw them, you need to go to the VKontakte emoticons database and copy a certain symbol into the status line. It is invisible to the user, but the system recognizes it as a picture. You will see the image when you click on the "Save" button in the status bar.

Where can I get all the codes that are possible? In special groups on VKontakte. They are called "VK emoticons". Add some original picture to the beginning, middle or end of your text - this will add beauty and originality. For example, you can easily draw a heart or a ring, a kitten or a couple in love there. Imagine and be creative! Cool statuses for "VK" - this is an individual work of each user!

Almost every VKontakte user wants to put some kind of status on his page. He plays a significant role in the social network, because he helps profile visitors to understand the mood of the owner. The status allows you to draw attention to yourself, attract new friends or customers if the account is used for commercial purposes.

What can you put the status in "VK"? This question certainly worries many users. Not always interesting ideas come to a person immediately. Sometimes this takes a lot of time.

There are certain techniques that help the owners of personal pages to cope with a similar task:

  • reflect the emotions experienced by a person in a given period of time;
  • write about your desires, dreams, thoughts;
  • place bright and memorable text to attract the attention of others;
  • talk about an important event in life so that friends know about it;
  • dedicate warm words to a loved one or loved one;
  • report on the services provided, if the owner of the account is promoting something;
  • congratulate friends on a significant celebration;
  • prank or make everyone laugh.

There are also people who are not tormented by the question of what status can be set in VK. They just leave the line blank.

Traditional Options

Young representatives of the stronger sex traditionally put emoticons, funny rhymes, short humorous sayings, and music in their status. Older people often use smart quotes from great philosophers, thinkers, writers, write about their goals and their achievement. For example:

Life consists of a set of accidents, but their sequence is established by the person himself.
It makes no sense to live on past mistakes, it is better to strive for future victories.
I can always see perfection, for this you just need to go to the mirror!

What status can you put "VK" on a girl? The beautiful half of humanity prefers to talk about their feelings, love, sadness. If a person knows how to beautifully express his own thoughts, then it is worth composing a status on his own, so as not to meet it on someone else's page. Let's say:

I can’t imagine life without you, we have the same fate with you!
When you hold my palm in your strong hand, I understand that I can overcome everything!
Disappointment is an ordeal, but it keeps us moving forward to find something better and more beautiful.

original ideas

If the owner of the account wants to draw attention to himself, to interest subscribers, then he seriously approaches the question of what status can be set in VK. There are many good ideas:
  1. Find the code of the desired emoticon using specialized groups for this. They have a huge assortment of all kinds of pictures, which is often updated.
  2. There are many resources on the World Wide Web where you can copy the original characters. Their diversity is also great.
  3. To please a loved one, you can write a couple of tender sentences about him. What can I put the status of "VK" about love? If nothing suitable can be written, then you can always compose a text based on other people's creative ideas. For instance: " For me, loving you is not a test, but the greatest gift!" or " As long as you are by my side, I can do anything!"
  4. Some prefer to look for statuses in the Bible. Moreover, this method is used not only by believers.
  5. Briefly and succinctly, Japanese haiku will help to say something.
  6. A person with a sense of humor can put a funny pun on their page.
  7. Sometimes it's fun to deliberately make mistakes in order to achieve an exciting pun and provoke friends to comment on the status.
  8. Bright and memorable slogans are suitable for people working on VKontakte.

Thus, you can think about what status you can put in VK for a very long time, because the variety of options is limitless. If you connect fantasy, then your profile will be able to profitably decorate, transform or make it popular.

The answer to the question of what can be written in the status is rather ambiguous. In order to accurately draw attention to your page, you just need to set an interesting, and sometimes even a provocative phrase.

Statuses for a good mood

  1. A woman’s to-do list should say “tanning salon,” “SPA,” or Manicure. But not “fix boots” and “buy a toilet cleaner”.
  2. In fact, jokes are designed so that we can express what we cannot say in real life ...
  3. Guys, the “(c)” icon in the status is not yet a reason for pride.
  4. The longer you are silent, the better your mood. The more you talk about your plans, the less often they come true. It is a fact.

Life is given to us definitely not for constant reflection, and not for meaningless promises. In order to understand this, you should familiarize yourself with what can be written in VK status.

  1. How to define a good mood? This is when you can say nice things even to the enemy.
  2. People keep me positive. This is in the name of good deeds for you!
  3. There is a time to be smart, but there is also a time to be stupid!
  4. Some people love peace and quiet so much that they want to convert them to Buddhism on their own.

The Most Incredible Mood Quotes

What to write Vkontakte on the status? The most win-win option is to use sayings that have already become winged. Here are some examples.

  1. In order for you to want to work, you must be tired of something else. A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky
  2. If you started to cook something for yourself, and it didn’t work out, don’t be upset. It could turn out that you had to cook it for someone. Author unknown
  3. If you survive without a person for a day, a week, a month, and there are no special circumstances for your separation, then there is no love. And there will be no love between you. D. Shaw
  4. In order to gently send a girl off, you just need to say that she looks like your grandmother ... with wrinkles. M.Zakharov

They say that in order to become lonely, you need to settle in another city. And in order to, on the contrary, feel in demand, you should think carefully about what you can write on the status of Vkontakte.

  1. Create and use the revolution completely different people. Napoleon
  2. Sometimes, in order to ask yourself an important question, you need to hear it somewhere. Perhaps - even a couple of times repeating to someone else. E. Maria Remarque
  3. He who knows how to think rarely talks. Anyone who knows how to act at the same time will not be silent in the right situation. R. Sheridan
  4. The idea in the leader's mind that he can't do everything only adds to the excitement. S. Spielberg
  5. Love is such a thing that everyone will have to face sooner or later. Someone will lose heart, someone will get angry ... C. Bukowski

The best pattern is absolute randomness

Again, no idea what status to write Vkontakte? Why not make a choice based on no parameters...

  1. When a woman cannot explain the root of her life's problems for a long time, she becomes interested in Feng Shui.
  2. Wait, he will start to run after you. You have time to start a family and work for 5 years.
  3. In order for the girl not to leave, you need to go with her more often. At least somewhere.
  4. Usually the weight of your girlfriend is directly proportional to the thickness of your wallet.

In order for the girl to decide what to wear tonight, it will take a lot of time. And in order to find out what status you need to put on Vkontakte, she just needs to look at the next selection.

  1. Found a way to get up faster in the morning: just find someone who will cook a delicious breakfast.
  2. It doesn't matter who is in your flock - lions or sheep. If you yourself are a lion, then you can lead both.
  3. Yes, you calm down with your motivation. Every big thing is just a bunch of little ones.
  4. If the husband was wrong, he should apologize, if the wife - give the opportunity to apologize.
  5. My husband is so useless in the kitchen that while I am cooking borscht, he is looking for where we have potatoes.

If you decide to steal something, think about what you will do with what you stole.

You should not think for a long time about what Vkontakte status you can write. Instead, just choose what is suggested below.

  1. Do you want to make a faux pas? Do it, but don't lie that this is the last time.
  2. Parents, remember, worse than "below average" can only be "very bad" or "very good."
  3. I do not prepare for the exam, not because I am lazy, but because I will never need it in my life. Yes.
  4. Do you know what the difference is between love and passion? The fact that even a strong passion then does not bring suffering.
  5. In order to increase breasts, you need a lot of money and a little brain. In order to increase the brain, you do not need either breasts or, in general, money.
  6. Do you want to be the most unforgettable for him? Act like you're definitely breaking up tomorrow!
  7. People who often don't answer the phone aren't really unsociable. They just don't want to talk to you. Humble yourself.
  8. You can sleep at work, you can live without days off. Adulthood will prove it.
  9. The difference between a girl and poker is that in poker, the answer is still solved ...

Don't know how else to surprise your friends? Dedicate an unusual status to them, and then see what they set in response.

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