
Constant interference on the phone. Why can I hear myself on the phone when talking on a mobile phone? Is it subject to adjustment?

At first glance, it may seem that when two subscribers are connected, their conversation takes place as naturally as in ordinary life. As if they are connected to each other by one pipe into which you can speak and from which you can hear at the same time. In networks with analog phones, the situation is similar only on the interval from the subscriber to the PBX (more precisely, to the cross node). And in digital, a completely different picture begins right from the terminal.

There are more than one or two such conditional "pipes" between subscribers. On one, the encoded information moves in one direction, and on the other - in the opposite direction. Moreover, the encoding and decoding of the signal is associated with delays. To transmit a packet (or frame) of information, it must first be accumulated. In the transmission nodes of the network along the way, reception and transmission occur, which means an additional delay. But still, these two "pipes" are connected at the end nodes. This merge/split is done by the Hybrid mentioned in another answer. But even if one “pipe” was connected directly to the microphone, and the other to the earphone, then the signal coming from the opponent, although weakened, will inevitably fall into the microphone. (Sound in the air, vibrations of the handset itself, etc., not to mention the situation when using the speakerphone.)

It turns out that what you said into the phone will reach the other side and return back to you with a delay.

So what happens, the echo is fatal and inevitable? A device called an echo canceller comes to the rescue. There are half-sets of echo-compensating devices that work directly in digital terminals (or on cross-countries in tax networks). And there are also sets of echo cancellers working in the middle of the signal path. They "remove" the echo. There's no magic - pure mathematics. Just before sending any signal, you need to compare it with the signal that just arrived, and the incoming signal must be weakened (multiplyed by the number 0<x<1) и вычесть его из отправляемого. Разницу и отправлять.

How do you know if this x is too small, then the echo will still leak (undercompensation), and if it is too large, then distortion will be introduced. The same echo, only inverted (hypercompensation).

It takes some time to adapt the echo canceller until it selects the optimal operating parameters. In addition, interference can unbalance the operation parameters for some time. Then, right during the conversation, the echo may increase. Finally, echo cancellers can simply be misconfigured by network operations.

A slight undercompensation, if it gives an almost imperceptible echo and does not interfere with the speaker, is quite acceptable, and is fought against. The network operator needs to complain about the echo. It is their duty to repair it.

On the Internet, there are many programs that can work secretly on your cell phone and save or send to a specific address records of telephone conversations, sms text messages, subscriber location coordinates, as well as pictures from the built-in front camera of your device.

There are programs that work on the principle of a spy bug: you call a mobile phone and secretly from its owner hear everything that happens next to it. This is applicable for a variety of, as a rule, selfish purposes, such as eavesdropping on business negotiations or important meetings.

The main danger of such wiretapping are smartphones and communicators based on WindowsMobile and Symbian operating systems. Also, these spyware are already available for the iPhone, but they can only be installed on a jailbroken smartphone from Apple, and, of course, you will not find these applications in the official App Store.

It is very difficult for an ordinary person to understand that such a “bug” has crept into your phone. However, there are a number of certain signs that can tell you about the fact of listening.

  1. Fast battery drain. If the battery of your phone began to discharge suspiciously quickly and at the same time the level of signal reception remained at the same level, and the device was recently used in normal mode, it is quite possible that some hidden process of an unknown application was activated in it. Of course, all batteries wear out over time and begin to “keep a charge” less, so this fact should be taken seriously only if your device begins to discharge suspiciously sharply.
  2. Strong battery heating. If the battery of your mobile phone has become too hot - hence, it is quickly discharged. Such a wave effect is normal during a conversation, especially in UMTS or IMT-2000 (Skylink) networks, but if your phone lay peacefully for several hours in complete rest, and not on the windowsill under the direct rays of the summer sun, but still, at the same time, remains quite warm, it is quite possible, as in point 1, that some hidden process is working inside it.
  3. Delay when turning off the device. Pay attention to the time of turning off your mobile phone. If it does not happen immediately and with an unnaturally long delay, is accompanied by flashing of the backlight of the display and keys, or it is not possible to turn off the phone in a natural way, then something is wrong with the phone. Of course, perhaps this is just a technical malfunction, but other options are possible.
  4. Unnatural phone behavior in general. If your mobile phone by itself began to turn on the backlight of the screen, periodically reboot, turn off, automatically install and run some applications, then this may be either incorrect operation of its software (firmware), a virus picked up somewhere, or, again, some a hidden process responsible for listening to your line.
  5. Interference and noise during conversation. This interference and background noise are of two types: heard during a conversation and those that occur when the cell phone is in close proximity to the audio speakers. We are interested in the first option. Interference during a conversation is quite natural in case of a strong remoteness from the base station, the phone operating at a frequency of 900 MHz, connecting to old analog PBXs, or the subscriber is roaming. However, in some cases, there are still quite suspicious noises, clicks, hisses or echoes during a conversation with someone. Therefore, if this noise has been haunting you for more than a day, you are confident in your phone and your connection has not worsened, it is worth considering who your conversation might be interested in. Also abnormal may be a periodic "gurgling" sound coming from your phone at a time when no one is talking on it. It could very well be a spy app that connects to another phone in order to send it the ambient sounds in your room.

We hope you will bypass this kind of trouble and your personal affairs will remain solely under your control.

What to do if you hear an echo in the phone during a conversation? And in general, why is this phenomenon observed? These questions are being raised more and more frequently. In fact, telephone echo can be due to various reasons. Sometimes it turns out to resolve the situation without any problems, in some cases it is not possible to do this. In general, if the subscriber has the described problem, he will have to go through several scenarios, the diagnosis of which is very difficult without outside help. So what to do if you hear an echo during a conversation? Why is this happening? How dangerous is the phenomenon?

Is it subject to adjustment?

The first step is to understand how realistic it is to solve the problem. Perhaps there is no way to eliminate the echo in the receiver that interferes with the conversation?

As practice shows, echo during a telephone conversation is a phenomenon that usually needs to be corrected. And without radical action. Accordingly, do not be afraid if this problem occurs. But what causes the echo in the tube? And what to do in this or that case?


The most obvious option is a manufacturing defect. Relevant for new phones. It is likely that the device was initially defective. As a result, an echo is heard during a conversation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the problem begins to bother the buyer immediately after the first call. That is, from the very beginning. You can act in several ways:

  1. Send your phone in for repair. If the reason is not at all in marriage, but in some kind of breakdown, then it will definitely be eliminated. And it will be possible to pick up an already working device.
  2. Exchange the gadget in the store and write a complaint about the purchase of a defective product. Relevant if the echo is detected immediately after purchase. Usually sellers quickly exchange defective phones for serviceable ones.

However, marriage is only one of the reasons. It has already been said that it is detected immediately after the start of using the phone. What are the most common situations in real life?


Why is there an echo in the phone during a conversation? Sometimes subscribers complain about this situation. Moreover, regardless of the services of which operator they use. Why is the interlocutor or yourself heard repeatedly?

It is likely that the volume of sounds is to blame. Or, as people say, phone settings. The other party's speaker or microphone is too loud. Because of this, the indicated problem occurs.

"The Wire"

Why is there an echo? If the device has been used for a long time, it is possible that a bug is installed on the mobile phone. It helps someone to listen in on phone conversations. This is where the echo comes from.

Fortunately, such a situation is a huge rarity. If there are suspicions of wiretapping, you can take the mobile phone to a service center, report suspicions and wait for the diagnostics and repairs to be completed. This technique is the fastest, most logical and simplest solution. After all, it is very difficult to get rid of the bug on your own.

factory feature

If an echo occurs while talking on the phone, you should not be scared. And immediately think that a low-quality product was bought, too. The thing is that each mobile phone has its own "stuffing". That is, all phones are arranged differently. The cause of the problem may be precisely the factory feature.

That is, initially the phone was assembled in such a way that when working with a mobile network, an echo will be heard. Actual mainly for older models of gadgets. The solution is only 2 options:

  1. Deal with the echo. You have to listen carefully to the words. But sooner or later it will get boring.
  2. Immediately buy a new phone. It is advisable to continue to make a test call before making a purchase.

There are no other solutions for this situation. How to remove echo in the phone when talking? It all depends on the cause of the problem. What other methods of struggle should be paid attention to? For example, if all the previously listed layouts do not explain the resulting echo?


In such a situation, only the service center will help. Or buying a new phone. But we are not talking about the features of the device of the mobile phone. An echo in the phone during a conversation may occur if it is a speaker breakdown.

A fairly common problem faced by subscribers who do not monitor their mobile phones. If the phone has been dropped or dropped into water, it is likely that an echo problem will occur.

By the way, if you leave this phenomenon without attention, in the end the speaker will refuse to work in principle. That is why after some negative impact on the phone and the appearance of this problem, you need to contact the service center. There the speaker will either be repaired or replaced. Luckily, you don't need to buy a new phone in most cases. But you should not expect that the repaired speaker will last for a long time either.

Housing tightness

An echo in the phone during a conversation can occur when the tightness of the gadget case is violated. The situation does not occur too often, but it is very problematic to deal with it.

If the subscriber is thinking about how to get rid of the emerging echo, you can offer him the following steps:

  1. Take the phone to a service center. They will be able to carry out a full diagnosis and fix the problem. Although few people are engaged in correcting the tightness of the case.
  2. Change body. This method does not always work. The body panels need to be replaced with more dense ones. You can buy these components in any store, depending on the model of the gadget.
  3. Change phone. The most logical, though not the most pleasant solution. It is almost impossible to fix problems with the tightness of the device. That is why you often have to buy new mobile phones.

But the options don't end there either. There is another fairly common reason for which an echo will be heard in the phone when talking with the interlocutor. You also need to know about it.

Mobile network operator

We are talking about the work of a mobile operator. In every city, such companies have a huge number of transmission lines. Because of this, for some operators in certain places, the signal overlaps. From here, an echo appears in the phone during a conversation.

There are several ways to fight. Usually at least one of them is effective:

  1. Change of location. Often the echo is heard only in certain parts of the city. In this case, it is better to avoid such areas.
  2. Change mobile carrier. Another way that helps to permanently get rid of the problem. Usually it is used by the population. Especially now, when you can easily change your mobile network operator while keeping your old phone number.
  3. Call to the operator. Alternatively, if echo is not a constant problem, you can call your service provider and then report the problem. Be sure to name a place where it is inconvenient to communicate with interlocutors. The operator will try to correct problems on the line or explain why the echo is being heard.

Perhaps this is the end of all the most common reasons for the appearance of an echo during a conversation. How to act in this or that case, now it is clear. In reality, everything is not as scary as it seems.


However, before sorting through all the previously listed problems, it is recommended to use a little trick. Occasionally, an echo can be heard on a phone call due to minor system glitches. Both on the line at the operator, and in the mobile itself.

Turning the phone off and on again will help fix the situation. Or you can end the call and call the other party again. It is still recommended to use the reboot of the smartphone. Such a technique, as practice shows, helps quite often.


What conclusions should be drawn? There are many reasons why an echo occurs during a conversation. It can be very difficult to diagnose it on your own. But most often this phenomenon occurs due to:

  • phone settings;
  • violations of the tightness of the device case;
  • factory marriage;
  • careless attitude to the phone / due to the long service life of the device;
  • the work of the telecom operator;
  • assembly features;
  • listening to conversations;
  • network or phone outages.

Most of the time, you can fix the problem. And as already mentioned, only in some cases it is necessary to act radically.

Chinese electronics manufacturers never cease to amaze. That's just the quality of devices to this day is an outright lottery!

In the vastness of Aliexpress, you can find a variety of mobile phones from unnamed Chinese manufacturers. An example is Servo devices - in fact, this is a typical noname (nameless manufacturer), with the appropriate quality.

However, the tubes of this manufacturer "cling" with their functionality. For example, in the line of this "manufacturer" there are devices that can work with 4 SIM cards simultaneously in standby mode, secure phones (in fact, this is not the case), a power bank phone, etc. This is what captivates in Chinese creations, because it is often not always realistic to find a similar solution among first-tier manufacturers.

However, after the acquisition, there is indignation, as well as frank disappointment with the quality, and regardless of the presence or absence of a pin on a typical Chinese device. In some cases, the microphone causes criticism (the interlocutors do not hear you well), and in some cases, along with your voice, background noise is also transmitted to the line.

This noise is a pickup on the audio path from the receiving-transmitting antenna of the device. Famous brands do not allow such mistakes, and this problem can hardly arise even in the cheapest “dialers”. But in Chinese devices, this problem pops up to this day. A design flaw, poor assembly, cost savings on components - in fact, all this is not important.

The owner first needs to understand that this problem is of a hardware nature. You may be wondering why this noise does not always occur? The fact is that the transmitter power varies, and depends on how far the device is from the base station at a given time, what is the level of its signal.

What to do in this situation? Definitely send the phone back to the seller, because. no firmware can fix this problem. There is clearly a hardware problem that can hardly be solved at home. It is possible that the screen is there, but it is poorly soldered. But do not rush to arm yourself with a soldering iron and correct this defect, because the components of modern devices are so close to each other that the “invasion” of an ordinary soldering iron into the circuit of the device is fraught with serious consequences. If repaired, then only with the use of special. equipment.

It is sad that Chinese manufacturers have concentrated on smartphones, and have completely forgotten the good old push-button devices, moreover, with support for several SIM cards.

It was Chinese manufacturers who once introduced multi-SIM devices, so it's surprising that now it's so difficult to find a decent solution that would support work with three or four SIM cards.

I really hope this is temporary. Smartphones to this day have not offered a worthy replacement - not only does the operating time leave much to be desired, but there are practically no representatives who could offer support for three .. four SIM cards.

Anyone can become a victim of wiretapping. An intruder could be a curious neighbor or business partner. Location, SMS messages, conversations, all this can be recognized by an outsider. Personal data such as your bank account details, passwords for email and social media accounts may be collected by a third party.

The first step towards protection is understanding by what means it can be implemented mobile phone eavesdropping. The development of modern technologies has made it possible to combine most electronic devices in a smartphone, on the one hand, this makes life easier for us, and on the other hand, it simplifies the possibility of wiretapping and theft of personal data. Nowadays, it is easier to spy on people using a , which can be installed on a smartphone, than with the help of special wiretapping tools, so that a person will not even suspect that he is being followed.

How to know if your cell phone is being tapped?

Before spending money on checking your phone with a specialist, you can do it yourself. There are a few simple tests you can run to identify listening software.

Unusual sounds during a call

Have you noticed that there are clicking sounds, distant voices, coming during a telephone conversation? This should not be, since modern digital networks do not interfere with conversation. If you hear them, then there is a chance that your phone is tapped.

Fast battery drain

Often, the installed listening software works invisibly, but it still uses your battery power. To determine the battery discharge rate, you can use a mobile phone of the same model: insert your battery into another mobile phone, if your phone uses more power, then the probability of wiretapping is high.

Your phone is active when not in use

Phone beeps alerts, screen lights up, reboots when in standby mode? These could all be signs that someone has remote access and your cell phone is being tapped.

Turning off the cell phone takes a long time

A smartphone is very similar to a computer; when turned off, all running programs are closed. If you don't have any apps running and it takes a long time to shut down, then there's a chance that some software is installed and running hidden. It is possible that the programs for wiretapping are installed.

Interference on third-party electrical appliances

A sign of a bugged cell phone may be the appearance of interference when it approaches home appliances. A listening mobile phone may cause audio or visual distortion in speakers and monitors.

Most of us have heard strange sounds coming from the speakers if there is a mobile phone next to them. But just because you're hearing strange sounds doesn't mean your cell phone is being tapped. This also happens under normal conditions, when the phone receives an incoming call, sends, receives messages, then the sound is natural, but if sounds appear after the connection, then this is a signal for additional checks.

Sometimes, you can understand whether your phone is being monitored by analyzing a specific life situation and determining who can listen to you

As for the latter, wiretapping by software is possible only in a very rare case ... But what about others?

If you are a minor, then your parents have the right to track who you communicate with, talk to and all other activities that you carry out. Even if you go to court, it will be on the side of the parents, so if you don’t want problems, then don’t do what you are forbidden to do. This will help avoid family conflicts.

Employers have certain rights that allow them to control their subordinates from their equipment and corporate phones, but at the same time they are required to notify about it. You must sign certain agreements. If your superiors are listening to you illegally, then you are entitled to monetary compensation, as well as prosecution for invasion of privacy.

A large number of people, having broken off relationships, are trying by any means obtain incriminating information about your partner. Whether it's a divorce or division of a business, every, even the most insignificant information can turn things in one direction or another. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that it is these people who most often resort to illegal methods of wiretapping. If you are in this situation, then you should beware.

Of course, you only need to install licensed software, but sometimes you have to resort to unverified applications. In this case, you must be especially careful. Often, along with the necessary program, a malicious application is also installed, which may be listening. When installing new apps, most of us don't read the terms of service included by the publisher. We independently approve parameters that are undesirable for ourselves, which allow us to collect, store and use the information received. Do not install applications on your smartphone without reviewing the terms of service.

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