
Maxthon Browser virus uninstallation: Know how to remove Maxthon Browser virus In simple steps. Installing and uninstalling Maxthon How to remove unnecessary ones from the maxthon browser

Name of the threat

Executable file name:

Threat type:

Affected OS:


Win32 (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven, Windows 8)

Maxthon Cloud Browser Infection Method

Maxthon Cloud Browser copies its file(s) to your hard drive. Typical filename Maxthon.exe. It then creates an autoload key in the registry with the name and value Maxthon.exe. You can also find it in the list of processes named Maxthon.exe or .

If you have additional questions regarding Maxthon Cloud Browser, please fill in and we will contact you shortly.

Download Removal Tool

Download this program and remove Maxthon Cloud Browser and Maxthon.exe (download will start automatically):

* SpyHunter was developed by US-based EnigmaSoftware and is able to remove Maxthon Cloud Browser-related issues in automatic mode. The program has been tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.


The program is able to protect files and settings from malicious code.

The program can fix browser problems and protects browser settings.

Removal is guaranteed - if SpyHunter fails, free support is provided.

24/7 anti-virus support is included in the package.

Download Maxthon Cloud Browser Removal Tool from Russian company Security Stronghold

If you are not sure which files to delete, use our program Maxthon Cloud Browser Removal Tool.. Maxthon Cloud Browser Removal Tool will find and completely remove all problems related to Maxthon Cloud Browser virus. Fast, easy-to-use Maxthon Cloud Browser Removal Tool will protect your computer from Maxthon Cloud Browser threat that harms your computer and violates your privacy. Maxthon Cloud Browser Removal Tool scans your hard disks and registry and destroys any manifestation of Maxthon Cloud Browser. Regular anti-virus software is powerless against malicious programs such as Maxthon Cloud Browser. Download this simplified removal tool specially designed to solve problems with Maxthon Cloud Browser and Maxthon.exe (download will start automatically):


Removes all files created by Maxthon Cloud Browser.

Removes all registry entries created by Maxthon Cloud Browser.

The program can fix problems with the browser.

Immunizes the system.

Removal is guaranteed - if the Utility fails, free support is provided.

24/7 anti-virus support via the GoToAssist system is included in the package.

Let our support team solve your problem with Maxthon Cloud Browser and remove Maxthon Cloud Browser right now!

Leave a detailed description of your problem with Maxthon Cloud Browser in the section. Our support team will contact you and provide you with a step-by-step solution to your problem with Maxthon Cloud Browser. Please describe your problem as precisely as possible. This will help us provide you with the most effective Maxthon Cloud Browser removal method.

How to uninstall Maxthon Cloud Browser manually

This problem can be solved manually by deleting registry keys and files related to Maxthon Cloud Browser, removing it from startup list and de-registering all related DLL files. In addition, missing DLL files must be restored from the OS distribution if they have been corrupted.

To get rid of you need:

1. End the following processes and delete the corresponding files:

  • MxAvatarExt.dll
  • MxCloudsSvc.dat
  • MxCloudsSvc.dll
  • MxExtTools.dat
  • MxExtTools.dll
  • MxAddonMisc.dat
  • MxAddonMisc.dll
  • MsgPush\MxMsgPush.dll
  • TabsSync\MxTabsSync.dll
  • default.dat
  • Maxthon.dll
  • Maxthon.exe
  • Maxzlib.dll
  • Microsoft.VC90.CRT\Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
  • Microsoft.VC90.CRT\msvcm90.dll
  • Microsoft.VC90.CRT\msvcp90.dll
  • Microsoft.VC90.CRT\msvcr90.dll
  • Mx3UnInstall.exe
  • MxAccountSvc.dll
  • MxAddonsMgr.dll
  • MxApp.dll
  • MxAppFrame.dll
  • MxAppLoader.exe
  • MxCore.dll
  • MxCoreMan.dll
  • MxCrashCatch.dll
  • MxCrashReport.exe
  • MxDb.dll
  • MxDownloader.dll
  • MxEncode.dll
  • MxFilePackage.dll
  • MxFileSync.dll
  • MxHttpRq.dll
  • MxIPC.dll
  • MxMsg.dll
  • MxResMgr.dll
  • MxRsc.dll
  • MxSvTrace.dll
  • MxTool.dll
  • MxUI.dll
  • MxUp.exe
  • mxver.db
  • MxWKView.dll
  • MxXDR.dll
  • page.dat
  • ui.dat
  • MxTrident.dll
  • avcodec-54.dll
  • avformat-54.dll
  • avutil-51.dll
  • D3DCompiler_43.dll
  • d3dx9_43.dll
  • libEGL.dll
  • libGLESv2.dll
  • MxHwDec.dll
  • MxNPPluginsFile.xml
  • MxWebkit.dll
  • np-mswmp.dll
  • npaledit.dll
  • NPCMBEdit.dll
  • NPSWF32.dll
  • ar-bh.ini
  • ar-sa.ini
  • ar-ye.ini
  • be-by.ini
  • bg-bg.ini
  • bn-in.ini
  • ca-es.ini
  • cs-cz.ini
  • de-de.ini
  • el-gr.ini
  • en.ini
  • es-ar.ini
  • es-es.ini
  • es-mx.ini
  • et-ee.ini
  • fa-ir.ini
  • fi-fi.ini
  • fr-fr.ini
  • he-il.ini
  • hi-in.ini
  • hu-hu.ini
  • id-id.ini
  • it-it.ini
  • ka-ge.ini
  • license_en.txt
  • license_zh-cn.txt
  • ml-in.ini
  • mn-cyrl-mn.ini
  • nb-no.ini
  • nl-nl.ini
  • pl-pl.ini
  • pt-br.ini
  • pt-pt.ini
  • ro-ro.ini
  • ru-ru.ini
  • sk-sk.ini
  • sr-cyrl-cs.ini
  • ta-in.ini
  • th-th.ini
  • tr-tr.ini
  • uk-ua.ini
  • vi-vn.ini
  • zh-cn.ini
  • zh-tw.ini
  • MxCaptureScreen3.dll
  • MxCmpUrl.dll
  • MxFav.dll
  • MxFavDb.dll
  • MxHistory.dll
  • MxMultiSearch.dll
  • MxPicLib.dll
  • MxPrint.dll
  • MxSec.dll
  • MxSiteIcon.dll
  • MxSmartUrl.dll
  • MxStorage.dll
  • MxSvInfo.dll
  • MxSync.dll
  • MxUrlSec.dll

A warning: you need to delete only files whose checksums are in the list of malicious ones. Your system may have the necessary files with the same names. We recommend using for a safe solution to the problem.

2. Delete the following folders:

3. Delete the following registry keys and/or values:

A warning: If registry key values ​​are provided, you must remove only the specified values ​​and leave the keys themselves intact. We recommend using for a safe solution to the problem.

4. Reset browser settings

Sometimes it can affect your browser settings, such as changing the search and home page. We recommend that you use the free "Reset Browsers" feature in "Tools" in the program to reset all browsers at once. Please note that before doing this you need to delete all files, folders and registry keys belonging to Maxthon Cloud Browser. To reset browser settings manually, use this instruction:

For Internet Explorer

    If you are using Windows XP, click Start, And Open. Enter the following in the field Open without quotes and click Enter: "inetcpl.cpl".

    If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, click Start. Enter the following in the field Search without quotes and click Enter: "inetcpl.cpl".

    Select tab Additionally

    Under Reset Internet Explorer browser settings, click Reset. And press Reset again in the window that opens.

    Select checkbox Delete personal settings to delete history, restore search and home page.

    After Internet Explorer has finished resetting, click close in the dialog box.

A warning: Reset browser settings in Instruments

For Google Chrome

    Find the Google Chrome installation folder at: C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\User Data.

    In folder User Data, find the file Default and rename it to Default Backup.

    Launch Google Chrome and a new file will be created Default.

    Google Chrome settings reset

A warning: In case that doesn't work, use the free option. Reset browser settings in Instruments in the Spyhunter Remediation Tool.

For Mozilla Firefox

    Open Firefox

    Select from the menu Help > Troubleshooting Information.

    click button Reset Firefox.

    After Firefox finishes, it will show a window and create a folder on the desktop. Click To complete.

A warning: This is how you lose your passwords! We recommend using the free option Reset browser settings in Instruments in the Spyhunter Remediation Tool.

There was a time when everyone was added to VKontakte friends indiscriminately. But times have changed, and now all these people are hanging on the list of friends like a dead weight. Many of them you do not even know, many of them have not appeared on the network for a long time. But just removing them will not work! After all, then they will become subscribers, and forcibly signing a person for themselves is somehow ugly ... So what to do? How to remove strangers from your friends list without offending anyone?

How to remove "extra" VKontakte friends and not make them hate you?
The Internet is changing quite quickly, its audience is changing even faster. Those who yesterday had no idea how the network works, today surf like a real user. Innovations are almost always perceived with hostility, but over time everyone gets used to them. So it was on VKontakte ...

A bit of history... Initially, the only way to connect with the right user was "friendship". But VKontakte quickly turned from a highly specialized site into the main ...

Errors in the browser - though an unpleasant thing, but for many already familiar. One way or another, almost everyone faced similar problems. But what exactly to do in such a situation? Maxthon developers have prepared a series of articles on what to do if the browser crashes unexpectedly while working. The MX5 is predictably used as an example. The browser is specific, but the tips can be called universal.
Why does the browser close by itself?
Tips from Maxthon Developers
Hello Maxtons! In we talked about browser crashes on startup. We hope that article was informative enough, but you will never have to use our advice in practice. After all, Maxthon is one of the most stable browsers!

We continue! If the browser closes by itself while you are working quietly in it, there may be the following reasons ...

1. Too many extensions or their errors
Maxthon is one of those browsers where you can install as many extensions as you want...

Important:What is written here may seem primitive to some. But many people ask, so I'll have to paint everything again. In fact, I already wrote about all this, but on the highly specialized Maxthon forum, and about the even more narrowly known Nitro browser. There are no extensions at all. And how to live with a browser that does not have extensions? In general, there are many reasons to write about it. For example, we will need all this when we start the second step of creating our own extension for Maxthon. So let's go!Get ready, it's going to be long...
Today we are talking about how to expand the functionality of the browser without resorting to installing extensions. And immediately a question: "Why no extensions?". Well, at least because:
Not all browsers support extensions. In IE and Nitro, for example, they do not exist at all. So users have no choice. Almost all extensions work even when you don't need them, which means they consume PC resources all the time. We will add functionality available by clicking. You sa…

Standard privacy settings should be as friendly as possible to the average user. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case... For example, social networks, instead of protecting your privacy from outsiders, on the contrary, put it on display, even if you never asked them about it! In most cases, the default settings, on the contrary, are as hostile as possible to the user. So you have to work hard if you really want to achieve any privacy! And we will start, perhaps, with the social network VKontakte ...

Privacy Settings: Part 1. VKontakte
The VKontakte website has never been famous for its special privacy. Quite the contrary... Once upon a time, you could completely close the page from outsiders and communicate only with those who are really interesting to you. Now almost anyone can find out everything about you: where you live, with whom you communicate, what you are interested in and where you go. Even the time of your last visit is not...

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Once again about bookmarklets for quick translation of an open page
We have already talked about what bookmakrlets are: these are scripts that run on click. And this means that you can bookmark this script and run it when you need to translate some page. Everything is very simple! No more difficult than regular bookmarks!

Why isn't the official Bing translator bookmarklet working? Microsoft was one of the first companies to publish an official bookmarklet for their translator. And it was the right step, because in order to compete with Google, it was necessary to attract a new audience. I don’t know why they suddenly needed another script: ...

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Experiment: Is it really possible to delete photos once uploaded to VK?
Take a close look at the photo below. What is shown on it? The answer seems quite obvious: a house on the coast. But what is this house? Apparently not cheap. But doesn't he seem at least a little familiar to you? After all, you almost certainly know this house! Well, or at least heard about it ... So what kind of house is this? Whose is he?

In 2002, the California Coastal Records exploratory project was launched in California. His goal was to study soil erosion in the state of California. So this image was included in a selection of 12K photographs, the sequential study of which was supposed to give scientists an idea of ​​​​the changing coastline of California.

Today we will try to understand the features of VPN services, find out whether it is safe to use proxies and anonymizers, and tell you what you should pay attention to when choosing a VPN. Translation of a note by Vivaldi Technologies.

Proxy, VPN, privacy Usually, the connection between you and the site you need to open goes according to the following scenario: your computer transmits a Wi-Fi signal to the router (if, of course, you have one), from the local network the signal goes to the local one, and then to the national provider (which may not be available in your country), then to the national provider of the site you need, then to the hosting hosting the site, and finally to the site itself.

This is way too long! But in reality, things can get even more complicated, and depending on which country you are in, your traffic may cross any state border.

No chance for privacy If you use an unsecured http connection, each participant in the chain we described sees every…

Maxthon official website

Visit the official website - the latest version of Maxthon is always available for download.

Forum Maxthon

Go to the Maxthon forum - in addition to the latest version, you will find additional information there and you can join one of the largest communities on the net.

It's here: forum.maxthon.com (the link leads to the Russian subsection).

The file with this icon is the Maxthon installer. Double click it to start the installation.

If you are running the installation on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or 8, the system may ask for permission - if so, click "Yes"

Installation process

You must agree to the License Agreement in order for the installation to proceed. It does not hurt:)

You can then make changes to the installation process. If you click "Install Now", Maxthon will be installed in the specified folder.

Changing the installation process

By clicking "Customize", you can not only specify the folder for installing Maxthon, but also create shortcuts for it, as well as make it the default browser.

Installing Maxthon is quick and easy.

Launching an uninstall

There are many ways to uninstall Maxthon.

1. From the "Start" menu, select "All Programs", find the Maxthon folder and run the "Uninstall" file. If you did not create a Maxthon folder in the start menu during installation, you can uninstall it through the Control Panel.

2. Open the Windows Control Panel, launch the "Programs and Features" applet (in Windows XP it is called "Add or Remove Programs"), find Maxthon there and click the "Uninstall" button

3. Another way to uninstall is to open the Maxthon folder on your hard drive, go to the "Bin" folder and run the Mx3UnInstall.exe file

Removal process

During the uninstallation process, you will be prompted to save your personal Maxthon settings, including bookmarks, saved passwords, and autofill data. We recommend that you save them - on a fresh installation of Maxthon these data may be imported. If you delete your settings, they can no longer be restored.

We also kindly ask you to indicate the reason why you decided to remove Maxthon.

You can choose one of these or write your own - we listen carefully to our users. Write what you did not like, and we will definitely take it into account for the future.

Insight on various infections like Maxthon Browser virus

AdwareBrowserModifier.KeenValue PerfectNav, Agent.ibc, Adware.StartPage, Adult Links, Adware.SearchExeHijacker, WhenU.WhenUSearch, 180Solutions, Hotbar Adware, Coolbar, Dymanet, VirtualBouncer, BrowserModifier.NauPointBar, Vapsup.clu, SmartPops, MatrixSearch
Browser HijackerSearch.easylifeapp.com, Homebusinesslifestyle.info, Mybrowserbar.com, Anti-vir-mc.com, Temp386, NetSpry, AdShow, Security-pc2012.biz, CnsMin, www2.mystart.com
ransomwareErebus 2017 Ransomware, CloudSword Ransomware, [email protected] Ransomware, CryptoHitman Ransomware, 7h9r Ransomware, Crysis Ransomware
TrojanTrojan.Downloader.Misun.A, Trojan.Tracur.AP, Trojan:Win64/Sirefef.AE, Virus.Obfuscator.gen!G, Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot.gtvm, Patched-RarSFX, Virus.Win32.Cheburgen. a, Trojan.Llac.bdm, I-Worm.HappyTime.a, Paul Trojan
SpywareAdssite, WinRAR 2011 Hoax, RemEye, SongSpy, Backdoor.Servudoor.I, Spyware.BrodcastDSSAGENT, ISShopBrowser, MySpaceIM Monitor Sniffer

Complete Retail and Removal Steps of Maxthon Browser virus From Windows System

Short description About Maxthon Browser virus

Maxthon Browser virus is one of the nasty computer program som udviklede just for destroying the computer from invading unintentionally and by itself, even without the consent or knowledge of the users. It is recommended that you never have two exist in your Windows system otherwise you will get nothing but disappointment and even more. This malicious code in real, direkte attacks to the Windows system its critical areas and makes dem unintentional changes to the soma kan ethers to disrupt the operation of an efficient Windows system til a full annoying one. Once inside, do only illegal activity SÁ Att you steal system resources. Therefore, you must ensure all aspects of security must be running on the Windows system SO AS These Maxthon Browser virus as malware can be easily prevented, and even if an intrusion occurs, unfortunately, they uninstall in real time.

Illegal activities carried out by Maxthon Browser virus

To sum it up, Maxthon Browser virus is dangerous in clicks and it is hardly possible to detect it in real time UNTIL the EFFECTIVE program is installed in the system. HOWEVER, some of its symptoms may nemt attract you til your Windows system is infected, and the list includes automatic browser redirection, leads to two unknown or suspicious pages, disabled programs such as a firewall, an antivirus program, faulty software on computers, and much more. other. Actually, Maxthon Browser virus infection can come in all possible forms two make you trapped, but if you are aware of all its properties, then you can find your existence on the Windows system in an easy way.

Remove Maxthon Browser virus from Windows system

It is contained in most cases of ATT Maxthon Browser virus given you two see Notification prompts of frequent false and yderligere initiatives of some unknown or legitimate promising anti-spyware. They will ask you to run it to remove all possible infections from your Windows system. But the reality is, something else thatthey will require you the amount of its registration, and even if the amount is paid, your system remains uændret and completely Contaminated with Maxthon Browser virus infections. Not only that, people OGSA Maxthon Browser virus desktop lock infection two you will lose full access of you system, but just so to deal with the situation, you need to remove this Maxthon Browser virus malware soon from Windows system and make Windows system safe.

Easy Manual Steps to Remove Maxthon Browser virus From PC

Manual: 1 Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Registry Editor

Manual: 2 Remove Maxthon Browser virus From QuotationCafe Toolbar

Manual: 3 Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Control Panel

Manual: 4 Remove Maxthon Browser virus Related Process from Task Manager

Guide: 5 Start your computer in Safe Mode with Networking

Manual: 1 Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Registry Editor in Windows System

  • Step 1: Launch the launch window. By pressing the Win + R key
  • Step 2: Type regedit and click OK.

  • Step 3: Search and Remove all registry files related to Maxthon Browser virus.

Guide: 2 Best Ways to Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Firefox

Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Mozilla Firefox

  • Step 1. Open Mozilla Firefox and click on the Gear icon.
  • Step 2: Now click "Add" in the window that opens.
  • Step 3: On the Add-ons tab, select the Extension or Appearance panel.
  • Step 3: Select Maxthon Browser virus and other suspicious extensions and click the Remove button.

After successful completion of Maxthon Browser virus remove, close all open Mozilla Firefox browser windows and restart to complete the process.

Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Google Chrome

  • Step 1. Open the Google Chrome browser and click on the Gear icon.
  • Step 2: Click Options.
  • Step 3: From the open extension window, you need to find Maxthon Browser virus if it is found and then click on the trash can icon to the right of it.

Re-launch Google once Maxthon Browser virus Remove tips for from browser.

Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Internet Explorer

  • Step 1: Open Internet Explorer Press the Alt + T button or click the (â ‰ ¡) in the upper right corner.
  • Step 2: Select "Tools" and then "Manage Add-ons". Toolbars and Extension tab
  • Step 3: Select Maxthon Browser virus and other unwanted extensions. Disable the button.

Note. - When you click on the "Disable" button, a dialog box will appear informing you that disable the selected toolbar, and some additional toolbars may also be disabled, ignore it and click "Disable". Restart IE again once Maxthon Browser virus Remove to complete the process.

Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Microsoft Edge

  • Step 1: Launch the Microsoft Edge web browser and click on the More (....) icon.
  • Step 2: Select "Settings": Select a specific page or pages from the "Open" option.

  • Step 3: Select the "Custom" option and enter the URL of the page you want to set as your browser's home page.

Note. Well, Microsoft Edge does not have extensions, so you will need to reset your browser home page in order to remove Maxthon Browser virus from your Edge browser.

Manual: 3 Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Control Panel in Windows System

Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Windows XP/Vista

  • Step 1. Select the "Start" menu, then "Control Panel".

  • Step 2. Select the Add or Remove option.

  • Step 3: Search and select the keyword or unwanted program you wish to remove from the Windows system.
  • Step 4: Click the Delete button

Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Windows 7

  • Step 1: Press the "Windows" button on your keyboard.

  • Step 2: Select "Control Panel" from the "Start" menu.

  • Step 3: Select Remove Program option from the Program menu.

  • Step 4: Select Maxthon Browser virus or unwanted programs from your Windows system that you want to remove.

Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Windows 8

  • Step 1. Press the "Win + R" button to open the "Run" window.

  • Step 2: Type control panel in the run window Press Enter

  • Step 3: Click Uninstall a program.

  • Step 4: Select Maxthon Browser virus and other unwanted program you want to remove, click Remove

Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Windows 10

  • Step 1: Click the "Start" button, then select "Settings".

  • Step 2: Select the Windows system option.

  • Step 3: Select the Apps & Features option.

  • Step 4: Select Maxthon Browser virus or unwanted programs you want to Remove and click Remove.

Manual: 4 Remove Maxthon Browser virus Related Files from Task Manager in Windows System

  • Step 1: Press the ALT + Ctrl_Del button from the keyboard.

  • Step 2. Select "Windows Task Manager" on the Windows screen.

  • Step 3: Select the malicious process associated with Maxthon Browser virus and click the End Task button.

Guide: 5 Start Computer in Safe Mode to Search and Remove Maxthon Browser virus From Windows System

Remove Maxthon Browser virus Windows Xp/Vista

  • Step 1: Restart your personal computer.

  • Step 2: Press the F8 key continuously to open the Preload window.

  • Step 3: Once the Advance Boot option opens

  • Step 4: Select "Safe Mode" with the "Network" option, then press the "Enter" key from the keyword.

Remove Maxthon Browser virus Windows 8/10

  • Step 1: Click Start. Press the Shift key + Click the Restart button.

  • Step 2: Select the Troubleshoot option.

  • Step 3: Click "Advanced Options".

  • Step 4: Select the Launch Options option.

  • Step 5: Select the Enable Safe Mode option and then click the Restart button.

  • Step 6: Press the F5 button to enable and then Safe Mode with Networking.

MX1 Enabled here - View > Toolbars > Search Bar.
Powerful and at the same time easily customizable search tool. The logic of operation is almost the same as Quick Search, except for the following:
- works not from the address bar, but from its own panel
- can search using several search engines at the same time
- can highlight found words
- search strings can be divided into categories
- search cannot be called by specifying a name (alias).

Instructions for use(For example). How to set up:
Any versions of Maxthon, including Russian assemblies, come with a customized Search Panel. In fact, setting up the panel is removing unnecessary search engines from it and introducing the necessary ones there - customizing ...
1. With Maxthon not running, open and edit the file SearchBar.ini:
2. Remove unnecessary search strings and categories.
3. Set the name (the name must be unique) of the new search engine and match the search string to it, for example:
Search on Google.com.ru= http://www.google.com.ru/search?q=%s
Search on Yandex.ru= http://www.yandex.ru/yandsearch?rpt=rad&text=%s
Search on Rambler.ru= http://search.rambler.ru/srch?words=%s&where=1
Search on Aport.ru= http://sm.aport.ru/scripts/template.dll?r=%s
4. If you need a category for these systems, then above them, specify the name of the category, for example Standard Search=- (=- mandatory);
5. Save the file.
6. To customize the highlighting of the found words on the page, select the highlight color: Options > Maxthon Options > Advanced > Customize Search Results Highlight Style(by default, Maxthon highlights in different colors).
7. To configure how new search results windows open, open Options > Maxthon Options > Tabs > New Window and choose whether to open search results in new windows (if the checkbox "Search bar results" will not be checked, the search results will be opened in the current window).
8. Entered search queries are saved: you can delete them from the menu of the "magnifying glass" icon on the panel - item "Clear search bar history".
9. Additionally, you can enable the option to delete the list of search queries when closing Maxthon: Options > Maxthon Options > General > On Exit.

How to use:
1. Open the list of search engines (open the menu to the right of the entry line) and mark the required items;
2. If you mark a category, all search engines within this category will be selected;
3. If you mark the root category (top line), then all search engines will be marked;
4. To quickly clear all checked items in different categories, check and then uncheck the root category;
5. Enter a search term and click on the search start icon - or Shift+Enter;
6. Use the button Find next on the Search Panel to navigate through all occurrences of the found word in the text.

A few features of the Search Bar:
- The list of search engines is saved in the form in which it was when Maxthon was closed (opened or closed categories, checked items);
- You can also start the search as follows: select the text on the page and drag it to the input line of the Search Panel - before releasing the left mouse button, press the key Shift;
- Functionality Search Bars is not limited only to the actual search in the usual sense of the word, with it you can translate words and pages, search in dictionaries, encyclopedias and databases, use various network services (whois, etc.), open pages through cgi-proxy and much more , up to compact storage of favorite links;
- Too lazy to delve into the settings - download ready-made SearchBar.ini with hundreds of resources -

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