
The best mods for Skyrim. The best mods for skyrim the best mods for skyrim in history

In previous games in the series, when creating a character, the player had to choose a class, basic skills, and zodiac signs. Right now the only choice that affects the game is race. Not to say that this is an important matter; you can also make a magician out of an orc, and dress up a high elf in heavy armor. But knowing what each race is predisposed to is still useful.

Local cats even look like thieves. The eyes are moving.


Skills: +10 Lockpicking, +5 Light Armor, Stealth, Pickpocket, Restoration, and Alteration

Peculiarities: underwater breathing, disease resistance 50%

spells: flame, treatment

Special Skill: 10x health regeneration for one minute

Argonians are lizard people who live in the Black Marsh in southeastern Tamriel. Of all the races, they have the most unusual appearance. Skills involve a slight bias towards theft, but a special skill (they can be used once a day with a few exceptions - see Khajiit) will save the Argonian in the most severe battle and is more suitable for warriors.

Disease resistance is a useless thing, since even vampirism in the initial stages is easily treated with a first-aid kit or going to the altar. Underwater breathing in the game rarely comes in handy. Therefore, we summarize: it is better to make a warrior or a thief out of an Argonian, but they do not shine with anything special.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: afloat or underwater, the hero cannot fight. But enemies can, and this is a great reason not to go into the water without special need.


Skills: +10 Spellcraft, +5 Speech, Alteration, Restoration, Alchemy, and Illusion

Peculiarities: magic resistance 25%

spells: flame, heal, call pet

Special Skill: Enemy spells are 50% absorbed (converted to mana) for one minute

The Bretons are the inhabitants of the northwestern province of High Rock (the one where the kingdom of Daggerfall is located). Skills and features open a direct path to magic for Bretons, but I do not recommend making pure magicians in the game, because according to the current state of affairs (version 1.1), they live much worse than warriors and thieves.

But you can make a warrior out of a Breton - moreover, an excellent warrior and very resistant to magic. There is not a lot of magical damage in Skyrim, but a lot, and it is very important for a warrior to take a hit - especially if it is inflicted from afar and you still have to run to the enemy. The special skill goes there too.

high elf

Skills: +10 Illusion, +5 Affliction, Destruction, Enchantment, Alteration, and Restoration

Peculiarities: +50 mana

spells: flame, heal, rage

Special Skill: Mana regenerates at 25% of maximum mana every second for one minute

Pure mages. It doesn't get any cleaner. And it's a pity that the developers have shown such dislike for pure magicians. Increased mana will not save at high levels, where enemies will have a lot of health. Racial mana regeneration, of course, is still a battery, but you can use it only once a day - you won’t be particularly disenchanted here.

However, don't let that bother you. If you do not disdain holes in the balance (an enchantment for zero mana costs, for example), then mages can also be played.


Skills: +10 Recovery, +5 Enchantment, Destruction, 1H, Block, Heavy Armor

Peculiarities: a small addition to the portions of gold that the hero finds in chests

spells:flame, treatment

Special Skill: nearby enemies stop attacking for one minute

Imperial - standard warrior, one piece. Developers offer guests from Cyrodiil to use one-handed weapons with a shield, heal as needed and wear heavy armor. Almost everything sounds good, but heavy armor can be replaced with light armor. The difference in defense is not that great (especially for blacksmiths), and light armor weighs much less and is more comfortable to wear.

The ability to take a timeout in close combat is also very useful. But remember that a happy brief moment of peace and friendship can be spoiled by your companions if they decide to continue the fight at that moment (and they do).


Skills: +10 Stealth, +5 One-Handed Weapons, Shooting, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, and Alchemy

Peculiarities: 4x damage in fights (unarmed)

spells:flame, treatment

Special Skill: night vision mode for one minute (can be used as long as you like)

Cat-like Khajiit are cute guys. They come from the south, from Elsweyr, and we are supposed to make typical thieves out of them. But I would say that they are worth taking solely because of the appearance. Why? And because:

  • Quadruple damage in fights is almost useless - except in fisticuffs to win, and there are not many of them in the game.
  • Night vision is realistic, but useless at all, since the dungeons are already very light. Yes, and in the fresh air there is little use for it, especially since you can always wait for the morning on the street.

In addition, it is not clear why this night vision turns off every minute with a click? After all, you can immediately turn it on again. Wouldn't it be better to make it last until the player decides to knock him out? Something here the developers obviously did not think of.

Forest Elf

Skills: +10 Shooting, +5 Alchemy, Pickpocketing, Lockpicking, Stealth and Light Armor

Peculiarities: disease and poison resistance 50%

spells: flame, treatment

Special Skill: tame any animal for one minute

Wood elves are archers and also thieves. This is evidenced by the bonus increase in their skills. But with everything else they have complete seams. Resistance to poisons comes in handy very rarely, I already spoke about diseases - they are harmless. And in order to tame an animal (and even once a day), you must first find it. This is not easy to do in the open air, and even more so in the dungeons.

The look of the wood elves is also not very pleasant. In general, an unsuccessful race - neither here nor there.


Skills: +10 Two-Handed Weapons, +5 Blacksmithing, Blocking, One-Handed Weapons, Speech and Light Armor

Peculiarities: cold resistance 50%

spells: flame, treatment

Special Skill: All nearby enemies flee in panic for 30 seconds

Nords are classic warriors. They can swing a huge ax over their heads, they can carry a shield and a sword. In a difficult situation, like the Imperials, they can take a breather for half a minute - however, only if the enemies are nearby.

But the coolest thing about the Nords is their natural resistance to cold. I can safely say that this is the best game feature in Skyrim. Why? Because it's cold here, and the enemies here very often hit with cold magic. Many dragons breathe cold. Cold icicles are thrown by witches and sorcerers in the open air and in dungeons. And finally, the cold blows from the Nordic tombs - the Vikings who have risen from the dead love to freeze those who disturbed them. And you will often go to the tombs. So, if in doubt, take the Nord, you will not regret it. This race is both useful and quite nice (certainly more beautiful than orcs and elves).


Skills: +10 to heavy armor, +5 to blacksmithing, blocking, two-handed and one-handed weapons and enchantments

Peculiarities: No

spells: flame, treatment

Special Skill: For a minute while in melee combat, incoming damage is halved and damage dealt is doubled

Against the backdrop of the mighty Nords, the orcs are somehow lost, although they seem to be warriors too. In addition, in the place of the orcs, I would be offended by the developers for not giving them a single resistance. Even a small increase in health would be welcome. But, alas, the orcs turned out to be unworthy even of such smallness.

However, the ability to take a whole minute and almost with impunity to chop everyone around is useful in boss fights. But once a day ... Somehow not enough if the player is not ready to force the orc into bed after each dungeon.


Skills: +10 to One-Handed Weapons, +5 to Blacksmithing, Shooting, Alteration, Destruction, and Blocking

Peculiarities: resistance to poisons 50%

spells: flame, treatment

Special Skill: within a minute, energy is restored at a tenfold rate

The Redguards, neighbors of the orcs in the province of Hammerfell, are also warriors. Alas, in their area they lose to both Nords and Orcs. Their racial trait is somewhat goofy, poisons in Skyrim are not such a big deal.

There are few spiders in the game, they cannot seriously poison, and besides them, poisonous creatures can only be found in Dwemer ruins. But once per day, an infinite supply of energy allows the Redguards to sprint for a whole minute, bludgeon enemies with powerful blows and sniper from afar. Not God knows what, but also useful.

Dark Elf

Skills: +10 Destruction, +5 Stealth, Light Armor, Illusion, Alchemy, and Alteration

Peculiarities: fire resistance 50%

spells: flame, healing, sparks

Special Skill: Fiery cocoon deals 10 damage over time to all nearby enemies for one minute

Dark elves, the inhabitants of Morrowind, are specific magicians. Judging by their features and skills, the developers wanted to make them "fighting wizards" wearing light armor, brandishing some cold weapons and throwing spells. Such a class in the game is quite viable, and although fire resistance is not as useful as cold resistance, it will help in the battle with flamethrowing dragons.

Dwemer ruins are not only puzzles and poisonous creatures, but also valuable sources of soul stones.

* * *

And now the squeeze:

  • Best Warriors: Nord, Breton, Orc.
  • The best magicians: Breton, high elf, dark elf.
  • The best thieves and shooters: here no one has a fundamental advantage, choose according to your taste.

Skyrim is a multi-platform PC game released in 2011. During this time, RPG fans were able to go through The Elder Scrolls series several times and enjoy the amazing open world developed by Bethesda Game Studios. What about Action/RPG fans who can't wait for the release of a new game series and who are tired of playing through the previous five installments? For ardent "connoisseurs of beauty" we have compiled a rating of the best Skyrim mods that will help transform the universe beyond recognition. Just choose the add-on you like and install it on your computer!

The 10 Best Skyrim Mods Ever


Unlocks the top 10 mods for Skyrim with an add-on called Climates of Tamriel. Of course, one of the main assets of this action game is the weather: obscuring the view of storms, thunderstorms, fogs, rains and hurricanes. Imagine that now you can improve and diversify the weather with even more atmosphere and beauty. After installing the extension to the game, you will be able to enjoy even more spectacular screams against the backdrop of sunsets, sunrise. Special attention deserves the snowy province and mountains, complemented by the rays of the sun and the covers of snow avalanches. Please note that the mod seriously loads the system!

Talking about the stinginess of the development of special effects is the same as reproaching the developers for an irresponsible attitude to work. However, Boris Vorontsov (a well-known creator of graphical mods for various games) was able to improve an already colorful game. With the Skyrim Real Vision ENB mod, you can enjoy simulated global illumination, which significantly transforms the gameplay. Literally all parameters are improved: from the depth of field to the quality of the shadows. After the introduction of this add-on, even the battles in the caves become surprisingly intense, and leave even more impressions. What can we say about the fight with dragons ...

The rating of mods for Skyrim for all time replenishes the add-on, which expands the universe of the fantastic Middle Ages, roughly speaking, with a survival simulator. In other words, expansions complicate the game process. Even having chosen a powerful Nord, it will no longer be possible to walk around in the cold. In addition, Frostfall brings its own camp to the game, where you can warm up, you can kindle fires yourself, stock up on food and combustibles. The modification does not affect battles in any way. This product is more likely designed for connoisseurs of the rich world of Skyrim, rather than battles.

Are you already tired of returning to old locations in search of some new artifact? Do you have your forge, magic and shooting maxed out? In this case, it's time to download the Helgen Reborn mod for Skyrim, and add a very large and exciting quest to the game. At first glance, it is impossible to distinguish the addition from the original work of Bethesda. You will rebuild the almost destroyed Helgen, fight the Thalmor, as usual collect resources to level up the hero. But the value of the product lies in the fact that all new elements and characters are unique: voice acting, stories, images.

Speaking of the best Skyrim mods in history, Falskaar should definitely be mentioned. This is one of the largest additions, which increases the passage of an average of 30 hours. Includes:

  • 26 different quests;
  • 17 new weapons;
  • books;
  • new cry;
  • spell recipes;
  • scrolls.

After installing Falskaar, you find yourself in Riften. Here you need to find a creature named Jalamar. Next, a fascinating story begins - try not to deviate from the plot of the modification. Otherwise, difficulties may arise. We also recommend completing side quests, not just the main ones!

We are talking about a unique mod for Skyrim that complements the world with Elsweyr jungle. Depending on the player's race, the add-on can take us to a new location, where we see a lot of unusual monsters, missions and locations. For elves and orcs, they have their companions who will accompany you during the passage of difficult quests. There are new items that can be found in Valenwood. Without additional weapons, it is impossible to pass some monsters that look like large animals. The quest in Falkreath deserves special attention. However, you must explore the jungles of Skyrim on your own.

Many fans of the game will surely agree that it is not so difficult to fight dragons when you have at least 10 shouts open. Everything changes with the installation of the Skyrim Deadly dragons mod. This complicates not only the process of destroying winged creatures, but also new powerful creatures appear, which not every gamer can handle. To complete the task, you will have to enlist the help of good allies, you will have to find special weapons and pump the magic of destruction. The most interesting thing is to combine tricks and strikes. Arrows or magic alone will not be able to overcome the ancient dragons.

Speaking of the best Skyrim mods in history, I would like to mention the old Weapons of the Third Era add-on. With its advent, Skyrim players have at their disposal another fifty different types of weapons. It's funny that this expansion for the game is perfectly combined with the above modification. After installing Weapons of the Third Era in the root folder of the game, you will be able to access unique caves where skeletons store weapons against dragons and some necromancers. Unfortunately, there are no new masks and unique magical artifacts. But you can forget about creating weapons from dragon scales.

Review of the best, in my opinion, mods for The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.

Quite a long time ago I had the intention to make such a review / selection and now, after almost a week of testing and watching various thematic videos on TyTrube, the time has come.

A little clarification before getting down to business - in this review you will not find mods with trains falling from the sky, the appearance of Santa Claus in Skyrim, guns and other non-lore-friendly content (although all of the above is on the nexus), there will be no cheat mods either . Also, I see no reason to include numerous mods with armor, bras and tights in the review, in this material you will find only two armor mods and only because I really liked them.

There will be no reference material here for those who do not know how to install ENB or how to install mods, there may be such materials in the future, it all depends on the responses to this review.

First, musthave mods will go, towards the end - the best of the optional ones, without which it is quite possible to play comfortably.


In the first place is the most popular mod that everyone should have. This mod makes the "items" menu interface really convenient and you will never want to go back to the vanilla version after installing it. Almost two million downloads speak for themselves.

Categorized Favorites Menu

Another mega-useful mod that significantly improves the vanilla interface of the "favorites" window. As a rule, after a few hours of playing, your “favorites” are already overflowing with weapons, shouts, blows, magic spells, and so on. It was absolutely impossible to navigate in all this on a scanty little screen sorted alphabetically. If you, like me, after clearing the instas and collecting loot, noted that you can’t sell, putting it in “favorites”, then you will understand me even more.

« Categorized Favorites Menu» enlarges the "favorites" window and separates everything into categories, so you can always quickly select what you need without tedious scrolling. Even the potions here are categorized.

Important - if you install the English version of this mod, then everything added to your favorites will be moved to the "other" category, because. mod defines things and stuff by their name.

Detailed Mine Map Markers

“Oh, damn, fucking mines!”, I’m sure you said this to yourself when you found not a malachite vein in a mine, but an iron one. Indeed, it is very difficult to remember which veins in which mine. So for all crafters (are you not a crafter? oh, then forget about most armor mods!) this mod is a must.

He adds to the names of the mines on the map a postscript in brackets indicating what material can be mined in them. Cheaters cry and prick, because the mod does not open all the mines on the map, but only adds a postscript to those already found.

no bethesda intro

For those who have forgotten who this great game is from, you can pass by. The rest, who are tired of the Besedka logo and “tam-tatadam!” in the beginning - I recommend this mod that disables the splash screen.

Also, if you find yourself frequently restarting Skyrim to check mods (and you will), then this is a must-have mod for you, it saves a lot of time.

Sat down to play in the evening, got out late at night. Familiar story? Well, yes, when there is to look at the clock when there are so many quests, and I still have to hunt wolves and clear the nearby cave !!! Yes, and that ship on the shore would be nice to examine !!!

With this mod you will be less likely to lose track of time as you will now see a clock on every loading screen.

We logged out, looked at the time and went to sleep!!! No really, who are we kidding??? But now at least we will know what time we crawled to the bed and collapsed to sleep -___-

Rich Merchants

Ever wondered why there are such rogue merchants in the game? Only 750 gold cash!!! Sometimes, in order to sell all the loot obtained during the campaign, it was necessary to wander around the cities and sell everything to different merchants, watching endless loading screens. At some point in the game, I had so much unsold loot that I said “enough with this!!!” and went looking for a mod that would make my life easier.

And found. With installed (manually) "Rich Merchants" merchants will have either 10,000 or 2,000 cash (it all depends on which version of the mod you install). In my opinion, everything is realistic and fair, because Belethor cannot have money only to buy one enchanted staff>_<

Leather Backpack

Mod for everyone who is sick of the Sign of the Horse (for those who are in the tank - this sign increases the carry weight by 100) and walking at the speed of a turtle. The longer you play Skyrim, the more you suffer from lack of inventory space. The problem can be solved in several ways - take the above Sign of the Horse and neigh, dangle back and forth from house to house, laying out loot in chests, or get cheats to increase space.

If none of the above suits you, then this mod is for you. It adds a backpack to the game that can be crafted, and its capacity can be adjusted when installing the mod (maximum capacity is 300). It does not spoil the view at all and can be removed at any time.

Bandolier - Bags and Pouches

Are you missing a backpack from the last mod? Oh, it’s true that Skyrim is full of different loot that you just want to appropriate for further sale or crafting, how can you not pick up something? Yes, and why only a backpack, where is the craft of handbags, daragoy, uh?

If you still don't have enough space or don't like backpacks, then try Bandolier - Bags and Pouches. It adds to the game the craft of different handbags and bandoliers. You can wear bags in front, behind, on the sides, over your shoulder, or make a belt with handbags or cones. Just a chic mod that does not destroy the atmosphere of the game.

There is also a Russian translation of this mod, but personally it was buggy for me - all the bags were invisible.

Skyrim Monster Mod

Whatever the wolf, then black, whatever the cave, then with draugs. And everyone looks the same. Boredom. Where are the mutations and abortion victims, I want more monsters!!!

Want to? Get it!!!

The mod adds a ton of new types of enemies to the game, all of them will have English names in the Russian version, but I tell you in all seriousness - you will regret not installing this mod for this reason alone.
The mod does not add aliens or gnomes with bazookas - all new mobs fit very well into the environment. The mod replaces only models, that is, in the place where you would meet a wolf, you will meet ... a wolf, only with a different model. All loot from monsters corresponds to the loot of the vanilla version. Be sure to try this mod, I highly recommend it.

Update: unfortunately the mod was removed from the Nexus, to the Workshop and even more so, so I add links to download: and

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul

If you are used to traveling with a companion or a husband/wife (I know, many do not like and play forever alone style), then you must install this mod. It adds new cues to the dialogue menu, thanks to which you can:

- completely change the companion's clothes,

- make it immortal

- force to learn a spell from a book previously placed in the inventory

- make sure that the partner does not pay attention to your attacks on him

- view the characteristics of the companion

- increase its level and much more.

In addition, the mod adds horse management - you can put a horse in your inventory, make you wait at the place where you left it, etc.

This mod has one competitor, but I can’t say anything about its performance, because I haven’t tested it - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15524

Battle fatigue and injuries

The first mod on the list that affects gameplay.

It always seemed strange to me that in battles the character does not receive any serious injuries, and everything is healed by magic, food or potions. They broke your arm or dislocated your leg - they ate heroically and all the bones grew together.

By setting "Battle fatigue and injuries" in battles, your character will receive various kinds of injuries - legs, arms, head and body. Each injury has an impact on stats - you can get beat up so much that you lose speed, damage, or even carry weight. All effects are displayed in the buffs tab in the "magic" menu. Everything is treated through healthy sleep (usually 8 hours is enough to heal minor injuries). Yes, I know, sleep healing was canceled back in ... the Mesozoic, but this is already some kind of progress compared to the vanilla version. In addition, if you were severely “dropped” and you broke something very badly, then you will have to seek treatment in the churches of Skyrim (which are available in almost every city).

Oh yes, I almost forgot - for this mod to work, you need Skyrim Script Extender, You can download it. Throw the files into the game folder and run Skyrim through the skse_loader.exe file, it will automatically connect to Steam, you can even have a shortcut to the slave. add a table.

Attention!!! When the material was written, the mod was tested by me not to the very tomatoes. Critical flaws were found, so after six hours of gameplay with this mod, I had to abandon it.

Realistic Needs and Diseases

The second, and my favorite mod to change the gameplay is Realistic Needs and Diseases. I've always dreamed of this kind of Skyrim mod ever since I started playing Fallout: NV on hardcore mode. Unfortunately, other mods did not fully suit me and I'm glad that someone finally made an easy and understandable mod.

In short - the mod adds to the game the need to eat, drink, sleep and the ability to gorge on ale in a tavern or in nature with a sabertooth kebab. To enable the mod, use the sugar ball in the inventory in the "food" tab. Each need has several states - overeating, undereating, slightly undernourished, hungry, thirsty, slightly thirsty, dehydrated, and so on. Overate - debuff to speed. Didn't eat/didn't finish/didn't sleep - debuff on the regeneration of everything. Spam, eat, drink - get a regen buff for everything. Drunk with alcohol - the screen blurs and you will fall like a real drunk at random times.

In addition, the longer you run or attack more often, you will get tired faster, and get hungry / sleepy / thirsty faster. Everything is like in real life.

Therefore, you will have to look into taverns (now they are not useless, thank God!) and buy food, collect water in the river and boil it (this possibility was added with the installation of this mod). Also, now it makes sense to cook hot food - if you drink water directly from the river or eat anything, you can get sick and get a non-acidic debuff.

Do you think that's all? You are wrong. The mod also allows you to craft sleeping bags and tents to rest on the road, a portable hearth with a fire for cooking on the road (you will need a log to light it). What, you want to try it all?

One of the strengths of this mod is that everything is customizable. You can adjust how quickly the feeling of hunger or thirst will come, how much all parameters will affect the character when fast moving (I recommend setting 200-300%, otherwise after teleports you will be squeezed out like a lemon, or turn off needs when fast moving).

In general, this is one of the best mods for wagering. We went hunting, shot wolves and crabs in the river, got hungry, lit a fire, fried meat, ate from the stomach, got water in the river, boiled it and put some supplies in a backpack. They drank wine for the coming dream, fell a couple of times in a state of intoxication, then put up a tent and collapsed on the side. What are you waiting for - download and install !!!


Want to get divorced and don't know how?

You may think that this day will never come, but it will come, I know. With this mod, the divorce became a reality. What you need to do and where to apply is shown in the screenshot.

The second useful mod for married people. Allows you to choose any house in Skyrim as your home and adds a new item to the dialogue with your wife about moving. We come to the right house, use the spell, talk to the wife and voila, the second half is already packing things. This is a must have mod for those who prefer to live in houses added to the game by mods.

Helmet Toggle

So much time choosing noses/eyebrows and lips in the character customization menu, but in the end the helmet covered all the beauty!!!

I hasten to please you - mod will help you Helmet Toggle - Show Hide. It adds a spell that will make your helmet disappear... but not from your inventory, just visually. For those who are especially curious, there is a spell that removes the helmet from the target. If you have always dreamed of looking at the hitherto hidden faces of the guards, then what are you waiting for? Download -__-

Update: Unfortunately this mod is not compatible with most backpack mods.

Placeable Statics - Move Anything

From the moment I settled with my virtual wife (a beautiful nexus-modified elf) in Riften, I was tormented by the question - why can't I take some chair from home and put it on an island in the middle of the lake, organizing a place for secret nightly dates with ... well, you know with whom.

My dreams became reality with this mod. In the menu, select a special shout, yell at a stool and stick almost any (furniture must not have an owner or you must own it) piece of furniture into the buffer and then put it with another shout where it suits you. You can move the table from the house to the street and make a cafe, arrange chairs and tables, even remove the shelves. The mod goes great with the Heartfire addon. Yeah, baby, my dream of a bed in the field has become a reality!!!

Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting

The first mod in the review improves graphics.

This is the most popular weather/light (so to speak) mod on the Nexus. It improves many weather effects, lighting, fogs, sunsets and more. Also optionally changes the lighting in instances and houses, optionally makes the night brighter.

It’s useless to tell how everything is good - it’s better to watch the videos on the mod page. Masthev for lovers of beautiful and realistic graphics.

Supreme Storms

What is this snow? Yes, we have blizzards in Siberia, so blizzards ...

For those who think the weather conditions in Skyrim are not extreme enough, I recommend this mod.

WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux

If you thought the water in original vanilla Skyrim was just amazing, then put this mod to improve it. I guarantee you will get a lot of positive emotions. And you can not look for better water mods - this one is the best.

Reapers The Dark Tower

From graphics and gameplay, let's move on to houses for living.

One of the popular player homes mods Reapers The Dark Tower I recommend to all those who play as mages. This is a great home for an occultist, with unique gear and companions inside, as well as a torture room, a few buff tools, gear, weapons, and finally, a chest that multiplies by 2 everything you can’t put in it. Oh, come on, it's not a cheat, it's a magic chest!!! Magic!!! In order to open the turret, you need to complete a simple quest.

Riverside Lodge with Sauna

For me personally, when choosing a house in Skyrim, there are two criteria - convenience and realism. I do not like too spacious houses, in which it is easy to get lost. They serve more like museums, from which you leave at speed with your mouth open. In terms of realism, I don't understand how a player can get a house the size of a fortress when he has a measly 15,000 gold in his pocket.

If you agree with me, then pay attention to this player home mod. The house is very cozy, you can choose options with an improved armory or with an expanded number of bookshelves. It has two bedrooms (for those who quarreled with their wife or live with companions), everything for crafting, a kitchen and an office. Among other things, there are several chests in the house that automatically store what you choose - small soul stones, all herbs, except for three of each type, etc. It is very comfortable.

And what makes this mod close to a Russian person is that next to the house there is ... a bathhouse (aka a sauna). Next to the bath there is almost a jacuzzi and a veranda with tables. Just do not accidentally fall into the waterfall nearby, the view is amazing. In addition to the above pluses, it is worth noting that this house is very well located between Riverwood and Whiterun. Be sure to install and see.

Tempress Race

The only mod with companions and race in the review. Adds a new race Temptress (Seductress) and five new companions to the game, which can be found in the temples of Skyrim (read the description). Every companion can be married.

What else to add - look at the screenshot. These are the sexiest companions in all of Tamriel.

Better Females by Bella

"God, well, erysipelas!!!".

I am sure that most admirers of female beauty have said this phrase more than once, peering into the wrinkled and crooked faces of the inhabitants of Skyrim.

This mod undertakes to improve the situation by improving all the female faces in the game. Masthev for those who play sober.


The same story as with the faces in the vanilla game.

If you want a really great hairstyle for your character (there are both women's and men's haircuts), download and install this mod.

You do not want? Well, run with an unwashed head!

Cazy hairs and demoness hairs conversion by zzjay

The second mod is with hairstyles, there are fewer of them, but they are all very high quality. The not Lore-friendly hairstyle with a beret crept in (hello to artists and France).

The Eyes Of Beauty

A mod for those who have not found the eyes of their dreams in the versions offered by the original game. Adds a decent amount of new eye colors and shades to the game with excellent rendering of the iris.

Crimson Tide

It seems to me that in the vanilla version of the game, the blood was not enough ... bloody. For the brutal atmosphere of the game, it was too little.

Maud "Crimson Tide - Blood" will fix the blood in the game and add splashes to the screen ala Mortal Kombat. More blood good and different!

UNP Replacer Configuration Package

This is a must-have config mod (multiple mods) for those who play as a female character and don't want to go through the hassle of installing multiple mods individually. After all, you are tired of playing for the clumsy, bow-legged ... Khajiit?

I will give an explanation from myself - in the world of body mods for female characters, there are two competing mods, these are UNP (and its variations) and CBBE (and its variations). Both of them make the figures of women in Skyrim perfect, each in a slightly different way, but if you are determined to install armor mods for yourself in the future, then you need to decide on the choice of figure model ... well, or endlessly rearrange mods to change models.

This mod will allow you to easily choose what type of body you like and install it without problems. Unfortunately, you will have to pay some price for the ease of installation - the compilation contains outdated versions of mods and therefore some glitches are possible, such as overlaying textures on top of each other in ... the crotch. If you are not interested in such details, then put this compilation.

Immersive Armors

"Immersive Armors" this is a compilation of different types of armor and weapons, all can be crafted in the forge, all things are lore-friendly and you will not look like a black sheep in the world of Skyrim. I recommend it because of the ease of searching in the forge and the high quality of workmanship. In addition, you can meet NPCs and monsters in this armor, which is very cool.

TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim - UNP

And finally, a little not quite lore-friendly armor, although I do not find anything extreme in this mod that destroys the atmosphere and lore of the vanilla version.

This is a compilation of armor sets from the MMORPG Tera Online. Everything is also crafted in the forge in a separate section "Tera", there are all options from leather to Daedric. I got into the mod review because of the highest level of performance, beauty and originality of the vast majority of types of armor. And the necessary addition - all the armor is only for female characters.

That's all, I sincerely hope that this review was useful. I don't have any plans to cover other mods yet, but if the reaction to this article is positive and it gets a lot of redirects, then...

Two months have passed since the release of the game. During this time, craftsmen have made about a thousand mods, found dozens of bugs and various errors. Some of the user development is aimed at correcting a number of flaws in Bethesda Softworks. Edition PC Gamer decided to select the top 20.


The user interface is, by definition, gaudy, slow, cumbersome, and extremely inconvenient. The appearance of such a mod as SkyUI is a completely logical and expected move. This mod not only fixes problems with the Bethesda interface, but also improves it at all levels. Icons will now be used to easily distinguish item types. Additional information will be clearly displayed. Inventory is possible: items can now be easily sorted by cost and weight.

Midas magic


Our compatriot Boris Vorontsov created a mod that improves the graphics in Skyrim several times. This person has done a great job for many games. Now his hands have reached the Bethesda Softworks project.

Skyrim HD

The mod adds updated textures to the game in HD quality. The result makes itself felt.

FXAA Post Process Injector

Xenius Character Enhancement
Val's Crafting Meltdown

The creator of Tytanis, CrosshairNY, considers it the Ultimate mod. In fact, there are a lot of different bells and whistles in fashion, which you can talk about for a long time. Future plans for CrosshairNY are even more ambitious: the introduction of agriculture, fishing and carpentry.

Millenia Weapon Retexture Project
deadly dragons

If you think that killing dragons is so easy, then this mod will ruin your life. Not only will there be several new types of winged creatures, but they will also become stronger. And this means that you will have to stock up on arrows, swords, armor, mana, spells and other bells and whistles in order to defeat at least one fire-breathing asshole.

Quality World Map with Roads

It is immediately clear that the creator of the mod is not only a smart, but also a rational person. And all because he made one of the most convenient updates. I think a lot of people in Skyrim got lost, couldn't find their way. Now all this is in this mod, which can be downloaded.

Weapons of the Third Era
Jaysus Swords

You can also read Jaysus Swords, but this is far from the case. The creator of the mod did a great job and created about 38 very beautiful and incredible swords, which can be downloaded from here.

Bellyache's Animal Pack
Proudspire Manor – Dragonborn Edition
skyrim online
Realistic Smoke and Embers
Realistic Water Textures


Skyrim was released in 2011, many have already played this game 10 times. But why do so many people still play Skyrim? - you ask. There are VERY many different mods on Skyrim, thanks to which they can transform the game beyond recognition. Do you know a good mod? Write in the comments and I will add it (I will also indicate your nickname)

The mod radically reworks almost all the textures in the game, allowing you to enjoy high resolution and the absence of "soap", even with this mod alone your game can be visually transformed beyond recognition. Reworked textures for dungeons, landscapes, cities, water, and more. You should definitely have this mod if you want to achieve the most detailed picture and if you have powerful enough hardware, since all textures have a resolution of 2k to 4k.

Climates of Tamriel

Another advantage of the visual part of Skyrim is the weather conditions, they are extremely atmospheric: beautiful sunsets, sunrises, snow blizzards and much more, but this variety is still rather scarce and the next mod will not only bring new weather conditions, but also lighting to the snowy province. The mod is so beautiful that sometimes you forget about your presence in the game, every landscape is simply mesmerizing.

Enhanced Lights & Fx

This mod is directly aimed at changing the lighting. In places, in the original Skyrim, it was rather stupidly composed, and sometimes it was absent or was inappropriate, did not correspond to reality. This mod really changes the atmosphere in all interiors, be it a cave or a tavern.

Real Vision ENB

Many, I think, are familiar with such a person as Boris Vorontsov - the creator of the ENB graphical modification for many games. Just a few files will transform any of your games beyond recognition and add tons of visual effects, and all this can be customized to your heart's content. I offer you one such modification from the user. In my opinion, this option is one of the best custom ENB modifications for Skyrim. Many beautiful effects: full-fledged SSAO - advanced simulation of global illumination, DoF - depth of field, improved shadows and much, much more. Watching the video is a must if you want to appreciate the share of innovations that this small modification will bring to your game. THE MOD COMBINES PERFECTLY WITH THE MODES WHICH HAVE BEEN DESCRIBED ABOVE

It may sound harsh and loud, but this mod will bring an element of survival to Skyrim. Now you won’t be able to just flaunt in the cold like a stern Nord in some shorts or armor, freeze something for yourself and die, it’s even worse than being eaten by Alduin. Don't, don't run in shorts...

The mod will give you the opportunity to build your own road camp, light fires on the road to keep warm, add hiking backpacks to the game with all possible survival gear, but even this does not guarantee you safety. Stock up on food and firewood, have a good trip!

This quest is done at a really high level, yes, it is not very big, but it is so detailed and elaborated that it is almost impossible to distinguish it from those created by Bethesda. You have to rebuild the destroyed Helgen, learn many interesting stories and destroy the hated Thalmor.

This quest is one of the best of all time, if not the best. All characters are fully voiced, the quest is completely lore, a must-pass!

CBBE bodies for girls

I think this mod will be of interest to many :)
With the help of this erotic mod, you can watch girls in the game with all the "finished" details (for example, there are no nipples and characters in the standard version of the game), and the modification will also allow you to change the size of the girls' breasts and butts!
Curvy - the standard version, contains a larger chest and wider hips than the original.

Slim - in this version, girls have small breasts, but rather large hips (smaller than in the previous version)

Vanilla - all sizes as in the original version of the game, but improved textures and slightly changed the position of the chest.

Nevernude - with such a postscript all previous versions, only with underwear.

Installation: the textures and meshes folders must be placed in the Data folder. Then, if you are not satisfied with the standard size of the breasts and / or butts, you need to select the desired one from the options folder and place the meshes folder in the Data folder. Also there you will find new options for faces and you can choose textures with underwear.

New faces for girls
If you don't use any face changing mods for girls, well, or they don't suit you and you want to try official faces approved by the author for CBBE bodies - try it.
Installation: install the original CBBE mod (links above) and place the textures folder in the Data folder with replacement confirmation.

If you thought the water in original vanilla Skyrim was just amazing, then put this mod to improve it. I guarantee you will get a lot of positive emotions. And you can not look for better water mods - this one is the best.

If you think that killing dragons is so easy, then this mod will ruin your life. Not only will there be several new types of winged creatures, but they will also become stronger. And this means that you will have to stock up on arrows, swords, armor, mana, spells and other bells and whistles in order to defeat at least one fire-breathing one.

Weapons of the Third Era

A great and very useful mod that makes changes to the city of Solitude. The changes are very dramatic, the city has been significantly redesigned, new characters and buildings have been added. The most important feature is the addition of an entire district, which expands the city by 40%. In addition, about thirty new buildings will be added, as well as about 70 new NPCs.

Real colors and Real Nights

The main difference between this mod and CoT is that it is more focused on relighting Skyrim, it is more voluminous in this regard. The nights will be much darker, the weather will be even harsher than in the original. For each region, as in CoT, a different type of weather is provided. Added volumetric fog, dynamic precipitation of different intensity (snow, rain). The mod also affects the interiors, now all weather sounds will be heard from any building where possible, the lighting in them will correspond to the weather conditions outside. All this will make your game even more realistic, beautiful and atmospheric.

The mod is not compatible with Climates Of Tamriel and any mods that affect lighting, unfortunately, as the mod is too massive and changes so many aspects of the lighting system in the game. You will have to choose one thing, but I recommend trying out two mods and only then decide which one to prefer

Become King of Riverhelm

Another great mod. Have you ever dreamed of owning your own castle? Become his lord? Don't lie, I know what you dreamed about. Everyone wants to rule and dominate. So, this mod will allow you to become the ruler of a huge castle, but first you will have to work hard, you will need to improve the economy, relationships, not to mention the fact that you also protect yourself from raids of all sorts of bandits and evil spirits. But how many benefits this castle promises. You can build, for example, a mine and get a lot of money with it, collect taxes from the townspeople. A mod with huge features that I won’t list and which will make your passage unforgettable, but don’t be arrogant, being a king is a big responsibility, yes.
* .esp / * .esm files - we copy them in the same way to the folder “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (root folder with the game) / Data /” and run SkyrimLauncher.exe in the launcher, click the “Files” button -> put a tick in front the name of the file that we placed in the Data folder -> click "ok".

FaQ on various problems with installing mods and textures for Skyrim

Problem: Files button in SkyrimLauncher.exe is greyed out

Solution: Open the SkyrimPrefs.ini file located in C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim. The section should contain the line bEnableFileSelection=1 - if it is not there, create it, if it is "0" then change it to "1".

Programs for automatic installation of mods:

Wrye Bash
Mod Organizer

2.How often will new mods appear here?
Answer: I will try to add new mods as soon as possible.More likes - more mods:3

3.#1 Skyrim crashes on startup

Go to sound driver settings. You can find it in the tray (menu near the clock in the lower right corner). It is called "Realtek HD Manager".

Launch the game and enjoy :)

It happens that the game starts only in windowed mode, so you can change it to normal, for this go to

"My Documents" / My Games / Skyrim and in the file SkyrimPrefs.ini change the value bFull Screen=0 to bFull Screen=1 , and lower the screen resolution to yours for example iSize H=1080 iSize W=1920

Go to Documents /My Games /Skyrim

And in the Skyrim.ini file, change:



Set the file property to read-only (Required)

№ 4
Very often, Skyrim crashes when a user puts pirated DLCs on licensed Skyrim, turn off the DLC one by one until you find out which one causes crashes, when you find out the problematic DLC, download the crack for it (often English versions of the DLC are put on the Russian version of the game, so the game crashes)

Manual update history

Added mods:
WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux
Skyrim - Quest - Moon Path to Elsweir
skyrim online

Added mods:
deadly dragons
Weapons of the Third Era
Skyrim - Solitude Rising

Added mods:
Real colors and Real Nights
Convenient Horses
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
Become King of Riverhelm

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