
How the first bitcoin was mined. When will the last Bitcoin be mined? The maximum number of Bitcoins in the world

We caught our eye and we decided to translate it. Unfortunately, not all of the 50 facts seemed interesting to us, so we decided to leave only 40, specifying and double-checking all the facts along the way.

  1. Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym of the creator of Bitcoin. The whole world is lost in mysteries about his true identity. Satoshi created Bitcoin in 2008.
  2. Approximately 3,600 new bitcoins are created every day. Coins appear as a result of a process called " ".
  3. The first Bitcoin transaction took place on January 21, 2009. Satoshi transferred 100 BTC to another dialpunk and cryptographer named Hal Finney
  4. A large number of attempts have been made, but so far without results. caused a great stir, but was quickly refuted.
  5. For 5 years, the price of bitcoin has grown from $0 to $1000.
  6. The very first million bitcoins were mined personally by Satoshi and, apparently, still belongs to him. Researchers are still trying to find Nakamoto's wallets to get on his trail, but Satoshi remains calm.
  7. In 2140, the last Bitcoin will be mined.
  8. 21 million is the maximum number of bitcoins that will ever be mined. To date, about 12 million have already been mined. The mining algorithm reduces the number of coins found by 2 times every few years, so the process is uneven.
  9. There have been attempts to create a physical equivalent of Bitcoin (in the form of a coin). In fact, these are nothing more than “cold wallets” with a holographic access key code printed on them, only cast in the form factor of a coin. It is the Casascius coins that we see in all these beautiful photos with Bitcoin “coins”.
  10. The dwarf island jurisdiction of Alderney has also announced plans to mint physical equivalents of Bitcoin.
  11. Only 36% of the volume of mined coins were seen in any transactions. The remaining 64%, after its appearance, have never been used so far.
  12. Unlike physical money, the entire history of moving any amount from account to account is forever sealed inside the Blockchain, a global distributed and absolutely open database containing data on all Bitcoin wallets in the world.
  13. There are 77,000 lines of code in the current Bitcoin code, of which 70,000 are written in the C++ programming language. Moreover, in the very first working version there were only 14 thousand lines of code in C ++. This is a very small project by today's standards. For example, there are over 15 million lines of code in the Linux kernel code.
  14. A Bloomberg journalist not familiar with Bitcoin security rules inadvertently showed the private key (in the form of a QR code) of his Bitcoin wallet live. For which he immediately paid the price - his funds were stolen by one of the spectators, but then, according to rumors, the money was returned to the journalist.
  15. A resident of the UK named James Howells, through negligence, threw away the hard drive with the key to the wallet, which contained (and apparently still has) 7,500 bitcoins. That's about $5 million at the current exchange rate.
  16. When, under pressure from governments, WikiLeaks was cut off from donations via bank transfers, the site instantly switched to accepting donations in bitcoin.
  17. A guy from Norway named Christopher Koch bought bitcoins for $27 in 2009 and forgot about them, and when he remembered, his investment went up to 886 thousand dollars.
  18. The first bitcoin ATM was installed in the Canadian city of Vancouver.
  19. The first university in the world to accept payments in Bitcoin, . In our country, such is the Higher School of Directors and Screenwriters in St. Petersburg.
  20. Thailand became the first country in the world to ban Bitcoin ().
  21. The biggest drop in the price of Bitcoin by 80% in 24 hours occurred in April 2013.
  22. In September 2013, someone mixed up the fields for entering the amount and promotion for the transfer and as a result sent 0.01 BTC, while paying 80.99 BTC per transaction (about $50 thousand).
  23. After information about a sharp increase in inflation, the popularity of Bitcoin has increased dramatically in Argentina. Any games played by central banks with the exchange rates of national currencies contribute to the growing need of the population to save money with the help of cryptocurrencies. For example, Kazakhs do not even own Bitcoin.
  24. In November 2013, the price of Bitcoin surpassed the price of gold for the first time.
  25. A year after the launch of the Bitcoin project, 1 BTC could be bought for 4 cents.
  26. Bitcoin can be considered the first commercial success. On this site, which worked in the TOR network, it was possible to buy various prohibited goods, drugs and weapons. Bitcoin, due to its anonymous nature, was the only means of payment inside Silk Road.
  27. Ross Ulbricht, creator of Silk Road, existed under the net name Pirate Roberts. At one time, this pirate was famous for being elusive for a long time.
  28. About 5% of all bitcoins that existed at that time rotated inside the Silk Road business.
  29. It is believed that the authorities managed to confiscate only 20% of all bitcoins that were in wallets controlled by Ulbricht. The keys to access the remaining 80% of the funds appear to be in a safe place.
  30. By arresting Ulbricht and confiscating the funds, a.
  31. Lamborghini became the first car company in the world to have .
  32. Skycraft Airplanes were the first to sell .
  33. pizza,

Bitcoin is no longer just some virtual currency. She is the first and unique. The value of this money is regularly growing, and therefore there are more and more people who want to earn it. But everyone is interested in how much bitcoin is left for 2017. The extraction of this cryptocurrency is called mining, because the number of bitcoins spent and created is of interest to many, because they want to know how much of this currency is left.

But you don’t have to worry about this, because bitcoins are mined, but every year their extraction becomes more complicated, because the last bitcoins will be more and more difficult to mine. And this is despite the fact that the interest of users mining cryptocurrencies is not decreasing. Let's see how long bitcoins last, but their number is strictly regulated, which allows you to increase the price of a crypto-type currency.

How many bitcoins have been mined to date

It is becoming more and more difficult to mine bitcoins every year, and this is not just. According to statistics, as of 18.07 of the current year, it was estimated that users had already managed to extract 17 million, and now they are in circulation. But their number is not infinite, there are not many units left, so this digital currency will gradually only grow.

It appeared not so long ago, namely in 2009, with the light hand of Satoshi Nakamoto. But users are interested not only in how much currency has already been mined, but how much of it has been generated at all. The relevance of this interest is hidden in a number of the following reasons:

In addition, the more cryptocurrency is mined, the higher its price, which allows you to enjoy the benefits of mining, while getting more and more money per unit. Can bitcoin be worth a million dollars or more? The answer will be unambiguous - it may even be, but whether the miners who mine them will have time to see this is a more complicated question.

How many bitcoins can be mined

You can pull out 21 million bitcoins into the light. That's how much was created to make the system work. But cryptocurrencies will not disappear, they will simply fall into circulation. That is, the mining process, at least in relation to bitcoins, will cease to make sense. Considering that there are about 4 million left, we need to hurry up with mining. But this is not the case, because according to the data that the calculator shows, the last bitcoin will be received somewhere in 2140.

This is only preliminary data. The calculator shows statistics, but nothing more. For each block, miners are given 12.5 bitcoins, but due to scaling, this number will be halved. The last time this happened was a year ago. Previously, until July last year, it was possible to earn 25 bitcoins, but they cost almost three times less than now. Even earlier, bitcoin was worth less than a cent.

But then people did not know what to do with them. For example, there was a curious case when one person ordered two pizzas, paying for them with cryptocurrency. The food cost him ten thousand bitcoins. Now it is more than twenty-seven million dollars. Many people have never seen so much money in their entire lives. We hope the pizza was at least delicious. At least she leaves a good impression. And just imagine how much these 10,000 will cost in ten years. After all, every year production becomes more complicated exponentially, which means that the rate will grow.

The appearance of Bitcoins in 2009 was the basis for the development of a direction that is unique in all respects, characterized as mining. Quite quickly after their appearance, hundreds of thousands of people decided to start mining cryptocurrency using devices and computer equipment at their disposal. They are interested in how many Bitcoins have been mined to date. In this article, you can find out how much currency has been mined today, as well as how much is left to be mined if the maximum number of coins in the world is set.

At the initial stage, mining performed on a regular PC gave significant results, but over time, income indicators began to decline.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the total amount of cryptocurrency cannot be infinite, its quantity is limited.

Experts note that the number of generated Bitcoins will reach a maximum of 21 million coins. The closer modern users approach this indicator, the more difficult the Bitcoin mining process is, the more power is required to obtain it. Despite such difficulties, the number of miners is rapidly increasing. The multi-million army of those who want to earn money in this way is increasing almost daily with new volunteers.

Currency generation is a special area of ​​online earnings. They are engaged not only by private individuals, but also by fairly large enterprises that join forces in pools. It is this process that is called mining or mining of coins through the generation of new blocks. The basis in the process of obtaining cryptocurrency are complicated tasks and actions in mathematics.

Huge modern resources are engaged in their solution, innovative technical devices are involved.

Knowing about the limited number of Bitcoins, “miners” throw all their resources into mining, spend the money they earn, and use the capabilities of mining organizations to the fullest extent.

Approximately 3,600 coins are added to the general currency network daily. New arrivals cost users more and more. According to certain data, users have already received 13 million coins. Users will be able to reach the upper limit around 2140. This drop in speed is based on two main reasons:

  1. The requirements for used devices that produce currency are constantly growing.
  2. Significantly increases the time required to mine one Bitcoin.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that modern mining companies focused on mining new coins are investing large amounts to purchase new expensive equipment. Such organizations calculate as accurately as possible how many coins they need and how long it will take to return the invested funds.

The maximum number of Bitcoins in the world?

The number of cryptocurrency coins that can be mined all the time is 21 million units. At the moment, users have received approximately 60% of this amount. Each received coin is solvent. The currency, unlike ordinary monetary units, is backed not by gold and debts, but solely by supply and demand.

Professionals note that the ever-increasing value of Bitcoin is based on the amount of resources expended that are required to obtain each individual coin.

In some cases, the currency is backed by the price of the good, which is set by the seller, as well as by the price offered by the buyer.

How many Bitcoins are left to mine in 2019?

The information that answers the question of how many Bitcoins are left to be mined this year and in general is not a secret. A failure in such forecasts can only occur if someone decides to purchase a large number of coins at once, which is unlikely.

The impossibility is based on the fact that the seller, knowing perfectly well the situation with Bitcoins, will constantly increase the cost of the financial product, increasing it until the buyer has completely exhausted all the funds.

Also, not all Bitcoins can be sold, especially since approximately 40% of the coins have not yet been mined at all, that is, it is clear the number of Bitcoins at the moment and how many more are planned to be mined.

It can be concluded that one coin is a means of carrying out settlements with a market price that directly depends on the current supply and demand at a particular moment. The closer the end of mining becomes, the higher the deficit of the currency, the faster the cost of one Bitcoin increases.

The cost and the number of mined coins are affected not only by supply and demand, but by such moments as:

  • Features of application in the leading countries of the world;
  • Relations of the main financial regulators;
  • General political situation;
  • The use of coins by powerful players in the financial market.

It is for this reason that the question of how many Bitcoins are left and at what price the coins are sold is relevant only for traders and for people who use the currency to carry out basic calculations.

Despite some forecasts indicating the possibility of cryptocurrency mining until 2140, many experts doubt this. The time it takes to get an extreme Bitcoin directly depends on a large number of factors. This includes the degree of popularity of the currency, the level of power used and the development of the technical field. There is a good chance that in a year or two a machine will be developed that will generate all the remaining coins.

Why is the number of Bitcoins limited?

All miners know that the total number of bitcoins cannot exceed 21 million coins. Not everyone knows the reason for this limitation. The thing is that the development of new coins is spelled out as accurately as possible in a special btc protocol, it is “hardwired” in its main program code. Based on the new protocol, miners can be rewarded for each new block of transactions made connected to the blockchain. Initially, professional miners received about 50 coins for each block.

Summing up

The information in this article may be somewhat suggestive, but people who are mining at a professional level need not worry. Simultaneously with the increase in the total number of coins, the volumes, as well as the scale of financial transactions, where bitcoin takes part, are growing rapidly. In a few years, when the currency will dominate the modern financial market, professional miners will completely change the way they operate.

After some time, individual computing nodes will begin to receive decent commissions for approving the ongoing money transfer.

The scarcity of bitcoin issuance is praised by its supporters and widely criticized by skeptics. In total, no more than 21 million bitcoins can be mined, whatever the demand for these coins from the entire population of the Earth. After all the coins are mined, no new bitcoins will appear (unless changes are made to the protocol to increase the emission).

Rewarding miners for confirming transactions

After that, the only source of income for miners will be commissions for. The main concern is whether these fees will be enough to financially support miners.

It hardly makes sense to use the current cost of mining to predict the profitability of this activity for the next hundred years, since it is not known what progress the mining technology will achieve during this time. It is possible that specialized processors will become so compact and cheap that they can be installed in any electronic device. This goal has already been set by 21 Inc. Such development of technologies would lead to the fact that mining would turn from a purposeful business into an everyday, background activity. In addition, mining hardware could become so economical over the coming decades that transaction fees could more than cover the costs of miners.

In another option, the commissions may simply increase to the level of profitability. If after all bitcoins are mined, the whole world will useas the main medium of exchange, then transaction fees will rise due to an increase in demand for the transactions themselves.

At the same time, it is not yet possible to speak with confidence about the growth of commissions, since there is currently a consensus in the cryptocurrency community regarding the need for a gradual increase in the size of blocks in order to ensure the expansion of the network. This means that if the block size continues to increase, people will still be able to get confirmation of their transactions for little money. Such a prospect may at first glance seem like a threat to the network, as miners will have to settle for low fees after no new coins are issued as a reward. But not increasing the block size can pose an even greater threat. When the block size reaches its maximum, new transactions cannot be confirmed until the next block is created. This means that redundant, "abandoned" transactions will remain in the network. This development could lead to higher fees as people are willing to pay more to get their transactions through. But it will also turn bitcoin off users and could destroy the digital currency much faster than any centralized mining network.

While the fixed supply of bitcoin means that miners will eventually forfeit their block rewards, it also creates an opportunity for them to earn from fees in line with traditional monetary theory. Once all 21 million bitcoins have been mined, the money supply will not increase, regardless of demand. The result of this discrepancy between the supply and demand of the currency is a gradual and steady decline in the general price level, which is tantamount to a gradual and steady increase in the purchasing power of money. Therefore, when miners receive transaction fees, regardless of their size, the value of the funds will increase. Such an increase in value over time will turn mining for the sake of receiving a commission into a real financial activity in order to.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that there are several ways to keep bitcoin mining profitable after block rewards stop being paid. The examples discussed above are just a few of the many possibilities. Also, since the block reward will decrease gradually over time rather than disappear overnight, there is an opportunity for miners to also gradually adapt to the increasing dependence of their income on fees. The most likely combination of factors that will allow miners to stay afloat in the future is the development of mining technologies with a steady increase in the purchasing power of bitcoin. But our vision of the future should not be limited by our imagination. Just because we can't imagine something doesn't mean it's impossible. The spontaneous evolution and change of the market economy reminds us of this every day.

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In the world, there is only talk about a new cryptocurrency - bitcoins. They are written about in the media, on blogs and websites. Many are excited about the idea of ​​money without an owner and without a material equivalent. The currency, which cannot be touched, has grown in value recently. You can read about how many bitcoins there are in the world, how you can earn them and where to spend them in this article.

What are bitcoins

Many people, having encountered the concept of cryptocurrency and bitcoin for the first time, cannot immediately understand what it is about. Indeed, this phenomenon is out of the usual perception of things. The fact is that bitcoin is an intangible object. You cannot touch it, exchange it at the nearest bank, pay for bananas in the market. It is likely that such an option will be available in the near future. For now, all that can be said about this strange currency is that there are no physical equivalents to it - there is only a program code.

How did bitcoins appear and how many coins are there in the world? The virtual currency was “born” in 2009 through the efforts of a group of programmers who considered that modern banking systems were already very far from ideal. Commissions, taxes that are levied for completed transactions, they were absolutely not satisfied. Under the leadership of Satoshi Nakamoto, a payment system was invented in which all transfers can be made directly, and commissions do not exist in principle. How, then, is everything arranged?

Each virtual "coin" is a unique code that is securely protected from theft. If you decide to pay someone with bitcoins, then this code will be transmitted to the person through the payment system. It is not surprising that such a simple and effective method quickly gained popularity among people.

How many rubles is bitcoin

Cryptocurrency is not tied to any economic system, which means it is a phenomenon that has no equal. The whole system is practically not subject to devaluation. One bitcoin is currently valued at $426 or 529,000 rubles. Now the currency has a high value, but

At first, financial analysts and specialists did not believe in the viability of this invention of programmers and predicted its rapid disappearance. But their predictions did not come true. In 2009, the value of one bitcoin was only $1. In 2010, American programmer Paslo Hanich transferred 10,000 bitcoins to a pizzeria account. So he paid for two pizzas. The company was very lucky, because they received about 10 thousand dollars by the standards of that time. Bitcoin continued its growth, and by spring the cost was already about $9. Further, its price increased several times every year until it reached $ 1,000 in 2013. But the record amount did not last long and by the spring of 2014 had fallen three times. Despite the price reduction, the steady growth of the cryptocurrency suggests that it is in demand and will be present on the electronic money market for a long time to come.

What you need to know about the benefits of cryptocurrency

Many people ask about how many bitcoins there are in the world. You can find out by understanding the features of this virtual currency. What makes thousands of people believe in the effectiveness of bitcoins and buy them, hoping for further growth?

  • Ease of use: the procedure for obtaining an electronic wallet is simplified as much as possible. It only takes a few minutes to register. In addition, transferring monetary units is easy.
  • Bitcoins were created as a fundamentally new currency, as opposed to the traditional one. Therefore, it has no hidden fees and transaction fees.
  • Transfer speed. There is no need to wait for funds to be credited within “1-5 business days”, as bitcoins are credited to the account instantly.
  • Anonymity. To register a wallet, you will not need to bind to personal data, so your incognito will be preserved.
  • Guarantee of protection in operations with bitcoins. No one will hack into your wallet and steal your personal funds.
  • Autonomy: the cryptocurrency is not tied to either oil or gold, which means it is not subject to devaluation and other negative factors.

How many bitcoins are there in the world

The current popularity of bitcoins makes almost everyone interested in the new currency. Many are wondering how many bitcoins are in the world now. According to various sources, about 13 million coins have already been mined, which is about 60% of the maximum possible amount. Bitcoins are "mined" using computers and solving mathematical processes. In the first four years, when the currency was not yet so popular, and there were a lot of coins, users of the program "mined" about 40 percent of the total number of coins. But the program is designed in such a way that the further the process goes, the more difficult and longer the "virtual gold" is extracted, the more power is needed to extract it. The process is similar to the real work of gold prospectors: long and hard work for a couple of grains of precious metal.

Bitcoin also has a smaller analogue - satoshi, 100,000,000 of which make up one unit of this cryptocurrency. However, the complexity of the process does not stop the majority of those wishing to receive their share. What is noteworthy is this: if you ask how many bitcoins in the world were “in circulation”, the answer will be about 37%. The remaining 63% have never been used. How many bitcoins in the world are now lying idle and why? Until bitcoin receives official status and widespread adoption, the situation will most likely not change dramatically.

What is mining?

How can you get bitcoins? Many build an analogy with the extraction of gold from ore, which requires patience, a lot of effort and time. The same thing happens with bitcoins, only for their production they use not mines, but a special program. By installing it on your computer, you get the opportunity to get your share of the cryptocurrency. But there is one drawback: for the successful execution of the algorithm, computers of enormous power are required, so you are unlikely to be able to “mine” bitcoins on a regular home PC. The fact is that the solution of such programs occurs by enumeration of various numbers, each of which corresponds to a certain code. If everything converges with a given pattern, then a new unit of cryptocurrency is released.

How many bitcoins are mined per day in the world? No one has exact numbers, but it is reliably known that every year the process of bitcoin mining is getting slower, as more and more users connect to the program. In addition, cryptocurrency can not only be mined, but also simply bought, sometimes btc is paid for various services.

How and where to buy cryptocurrency

No matter how many bitcoins there are in the world, many want to acquire at least a little of this money. And if you don’t have a powerful computer, you can simply contact the currency exchange. But the enterprise is quite risky, because. no one can guarantee you the reliability of such a purchase. The lack of a material equivalent of the currency leads many to bewilderment. The fact is that bitcoins exist only in the form of a code. And the numerous coins that you can see in the photographs are just souvenirs that personify the currency. Such “gold” has no value. Therefore, if you want to buy real treasures, go to the stock exchange. If you do not want to contact the exchange, you can try to purchase currency at special exchangers.

You can also get cryptocurrency for free, for performing certain actions. On the so-called "faucets" Satoshi are distributed for choosing pictures or entering captcha. After collecting a certain number of coins, they can be exchanged for bitcoins, however, this will take time.

How many bitcoins are there in the world

There is no definite answer to this question, but the figure fluctuates within 4000 coins. All miners know that it is almost impossible to mine bitcoins on a regular PC. Large mining firms build a business on the production and sale of bitcoins: they buy expensive equipment and leave little chance for ordinary users of the program. The maximum number of coins that can be mined is already predetermined - this is 21 million bitcoins. It will not work to exceed this amount, since the restrictions are inscribed in the source code of the program.

When will the cryptocurrency end?

How many bitcoins are mined per day in the world? At the moment it is about 3600 thousand coins per day. Agree, not so much, given the hundreds of thousands of people connected to the program. The programmers have already calculated that the last bitcoin will be mined around 2140, which means that we all still have time to participate in its mining. Therefore, reasoning about how many bitcoins are left in the world is often meaningless. Every year the number of participants in the program will grow, and the number of coins produced will decrease, so the cryptocurrency is likely to become even more valuable.

Who has the most bitcoins

More and more hype is rising around virtual currency and its owners. The largest bitcoin millionaires usually bought cryptocurrency long before its growth. Whether they were able to predict such popularity, or luck helped them, is unknown. But they certainly invested their money successfully. The richest owners of coins are the Winklevos brothers, who own a million and a half fortune from bitcoins.

Behind them is the founder of the currency. How many bitcoins in the world does Satoshi Nakamoto currently have? It is believed that the programmer owns 1 million btc. The third largest was Roger Ver, who was one of the first to know about the new currency and believe in it. True, his condition is much inferior to Nakamoto. Roger owns 300,000 bitcoins, which translates to about 84 billion rubles. Whether these funds will be used is unknown. So far, most of these funds lie untouched in the virtual wallets of their owners.

Advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency

It is growing every day, as is the number of those wishing to receive it. It should be considered whether the hopes of the miners are justified, and whether such a rapid growth of the currency is worth trusting. What is the advantage of bitcoin?

  1. Independence. Cryptocurrency is not tied to anything and, in fact, no one owns it, therefore it is not subject to depreciation.
  2. Anonymity. During registration in the program, you will not need to enter personal data; when transferring funds, the standard “name-surname” fields also do not need to be filled in. Therefore, users can be sure that they will remain completely anonymous.
  3. High rate of currency growth: so far, bitcoin has crashed only once, in 2011, and has continued to rise since then.
  4. The absence of intermediaries. When paying for services using bitcoin, you do not need to deduct commissions or, after going through a series of procedures, open a savings account. Simplicity and security are the main symbols of btc success.

But with all the positive aspects, bitcoins also have many disadvantages.

  1. First of all, it is the instability of the exchange rate that scares financial analysts. After all, what grows quickly usually collapses just as quickly. In this regard, the cryptocurrency does not inspire much confidence.
  2. Lack of legal status. The government of many countries is suspicious of bitcoins. Some even consider cryptocurrencies to be just another pyramid scheme like MMM. This happens due to the fact that the status of bitcoin is largely unclear, as well as its impact on the economy.
  3. Lack of mass use. Only a few shops and companies accept coins like bitcoins for payment. Because of this, it is difficult to pay for services using cryptocurrency, and it often just lies idle on the accounts of its owners.

What can be done with virtual coins

The question of how many bitcoins there are in the world does not make sense without knowing where they can be spent. The first thing you can do if you want to get rid of bitcoins is to sell them. The transaction is carried out at the current rate on cryptocurrency exchanges. You can also pay with bitcoins in some stores, just be careful with change. If you are hungry, PizzaForCoins will gladly feed you in exchange for cryptocurrency, and by contacting The Swiss Pharmacy, you can buy medicines. And, of course, the company of the future Virgin Galactic, which plans to launch space tourism in the near future, also accepts bitcoins.

Other types of cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin is the most well-known form of virtual money and occupies 40% of the entire segment. But the most famous varieties of cryptocurrency include others:

  • Ethereum is the first analogue of bitcoin, which uses the technology of "smart contracts". Developed by programmer Buterin and occupies 18% of
  • Ripple - was created in order to increase the speed of transactions carried out in banks and save on commissions. For large companies, the amount is more than impressive - about a million dollars in net savings.
  • Litecoin - appeared due to a minor change in the bitcoin program code. The transaction processing speed in Litecoin is 2.5 times higher than that of its "parent". The amount of this currency is also limited to 84 million coins.


Bitcoin is a currency that, according to analysts, is much more stable than the usual "money" in our understanding. Whether thousands of bitcoin miners will get rich or not, time will tell. Knowing how many bitcoins there are in the world and when they run out, everyone will be able to get an idea about these coins.

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