
How to start writing a personal diary for girls. How to keep a personal diary! Why keep a personal diary

In childhood, almost everyone kept diaries. True, I can’t say that the boys also had secret notebooks, but almost every girl had her own notebook or notebook with a cherished lock and the inscription “Personal!”. All secrets and all experiences were recorded there: tears about unrequited love, joy from a fleeting glance and constant complaints about absolute misunderstanding on the part of parents. Children grew up and gradually transferred their habits of describing their lives and their thoughts from paper to the World Wide Web with only one difference - we wrote diaries exclusively for ourselves, in order to re-read and remember those feelings later, to understand and find the causes of the present in the past, but here online diaries are intended for general reading.

It has become uninteresting to write just for myself, because I want to see a response, to feel that your thoughts coincide with the thoughts of tens, hundreds, and maybe thousands of people. It's nice, and writing just like that into the void, without getting a positive response, becomes uninteresting. But in fact, keeping a closed diary just for yourself can help you a lot when making important decisions. Many people remember either only the good or only the bad, and this is a rather one-sided point of view that makes it difficult to objectively (as far as it is possible for a person) to assess the situation.

The creators of the electronic version of the Day One diary shared their thoughts on why you should keep such closed diaries, and how to do it right.

Lifehacker has already had several publications on the topic of keeping personal diaries, it doesn’t matter if it’s a paper or digital version - “”, “” and “”. And if you are really interested in this topic, I recommend reading these articles.

Now let's go directly to the advice from the creators.

As mentioned above, the main problem in keeping such closed diaries is the question “What should I write there ?!”.

innermost thoughts

Recording very personal, intimate, one might even say intimate thoughts is the basis for keeping such a diary. When you write down all your experiences, whether it be anger, joy, longing, disappointment, love, passion, you realize all this once again more deeply when you write down your feelings on paper. And then, when you re-read all of this in a few days, months, or years, you can rethink all those emotions and understand why you made this or that decision, you can see how you evolved and developed as a person.

Things or events that influenced your decisions

Another good idea is to jot down excerpts from articles, quotes, books, or ideas you like in a journal. And then develop your thought, writing down all thoughts in a diary. After all, it is not the articles, quotes or books themselves that are important, but the impact they had on you.


If you publish your list of goals for the year on your personal blog or social networks, then why not do the same in your personal diary? These do not have to be very important and long-term goals. You can also write down smaller, current goals that you would like to achieve. You can write accompanying comments to them, and then look through them and note for yourself what you managed to achieve from what was planned, what accompanied it all, and, if something didn’t work out, why exactly did it happen one way or another? This good way understand where you have been, at what level you are now and where you are going to move.

Reading books, watching movies and listening to music

Books and films affect our desires and actions much more than we think. Writing down mini-reviews of books you read and movies you watch is a good way to rethink the information you have received and highlight the most important ones for yourself. important points. This applies not only to educational books, but also to fiction, which sometimes affects us much more than another book about the smart.

Such cataloging is useful not only in this. You can recommend something new and interesting to your friends, or, after reviewing the notes, decide whether it is worth revisiting this movie or rereading the book again.

Little joyful moments of life

“Dear diary, today was an incredible day!” - where else to write this, if not in a personal journal? In fact, it is from such moments, joyful and not very, that our life is formed, and if it seems to you that such records do not carry any meaning, then over time it is these records that will be of the greatest value to you. They will remind us how good we were with someone and why we spent so much time together then. They will remind us of who we were and who we are, and why things happened the way they did. And they will also warn us against making the wrong decision on emotions, when the blood is pounding in the temples, the fists are clenched and there is only one desire - to destroy everything and send everyone to hell, and then pick up the pieces of your life piece by piece.

Favorite dishes or dishes that struck you

Just a few lines about something new, just in order to repeat the order later or, perhaps, find a recipe for a dish you like.

Places you have visited

Let it be short notes of a traveler that notes his first impressions of a new place. You can add geotags and photos there, and then these entries will remind you why traveling is so great, and why you should return (or never visit) this city again.

You can write to The Diary anything, therefore, rather, it is more difficult to decide not what to write there, but which records should be refrained from. Don't turn it into a junkyard and write down how many new social media friends you've made. These should be things that are truly dear to your heart and that help you live meaningfully without missing a single moment. And for the landfill you can leave social networks, which are already filled with incomprehensible garbage like numerous selfies, photos of lunches and strange statuses from one phrase;)

Did you have a personal diary? If so, do you still run it and what did you record there?

Keeping a personal diary is inherent not only to teenage girls experiencing a crisis of adolescence, but also to adults who intend to understand themselves. The diary is a physically existing corner of the human soul, carefully storing the thoughts, ideas and emotions of its owner. If you are thinking about establishing a dialogue with yourself, it would be useful for you to learn how to keep a personal diary for your own benefit.

Why do you need a diary

A personal diary is a great way to sort out your feelings and experiences, calm and streamline your mind and discover the root of problems. Transferring emotions to paper, you can, as it were, look at a particular situation from the outside, rethink something and, possibly, change your point of view on some life events. Keeping notes in a diary and then rereading them is one of the best ways for introspection, reflection and introspection. Written visualization of your fears, desires, hidden thoughts and true feelings will help you find inner harmony.

A diary can become an outlet for a lonely person. If you don't have a close friend to bare your heart to and to whom you can safely spill your secrets, a diary is a great silent substitute. Of course, communication in this case will be one-sided, but the main thing is to speak out. It is also very useful to keep a personal diary for quick-tempered people prone to aggression, or those who are prone to sadness and sadness - they will be able to leave their negative emotions on paper and not carry them into real life.

Diary view

If you want to start keeping a personal diary, first decide which one you need. Will it be just a chaotic receptacle of your thoughts and reasoning, or a thematic collection? If you settled on the first option, then write on a whim, on inspiration, everything that comes to mind, starting from describing dreams and thinking about the meaning of all life in the Universe and ending with a reminder of going to the doctor and a sketch of the desired dress. If you want to make a thematic diary, then think carefully about its focus. So, for example, it can be of the following types: a diary of gratitude, a diary of rest, a diary of ideas, a diary of raising a child, or a diary of transformations.

In a gratitude journal, write down the things you want to thank the world for. For example, today you are grateful to life for a successful deal, yesterday you thanked fate for the smile of a handsome stranger in the subway, and globally you thank the world for the good health of your parents.

A personal diary can be thematic: a diary of gratitude, a diary of ideas, a diary of relaxation, etc.

A holiday diary is needed in order to store travel impressions. Write in it what interesting places you visited, what nice people you met and what unusual dishes you tried.

In the diary of ideas write down any ideas that come to your mind. It could be ideas for renovating an apartment or a new haircut, apt observations for your future book, or ideas for improving your workflow. In addition, you can write down ideas for any inventions, including fantastic ones. And let the invention remain only on paper and never be created - such exercises perfectly develop imagination and train creative thinking.

In a parenting diary, you can record the time and date of the first achievements, steps and words of your children, their curious and funny statements, their success in school or creativity. Then, many years later, it will be very interesting for them to find out how they developed and learned the world.

In a change diary, record what you plan to change. For example, finding a new job, getting into a dance class, reconciling with a friend whose relationship has gone wrong. This type of diary will help you keep track of changes in your life, analyze how much time you need to decide on something new. In addition, the diary of transformations perfectly raises self-esteem - visual confirmation that you are not sitting still, but actively moving towards your goals and achieving them, strengthens self-confidence.

Place and time

A frank conversation with oneself requires a certain atmosphere. It's hard to be truly sincere, even with a piece of paper, on public transport, or in the workplace surrounded by colleagues. For recordings, it is best to choose a calm and quiet environment. It is best to be completely alone at this moment so that you can focus on yourself and your feelings. For example, you can write in the evening after work, sitting on the couch under a cozy blanket, or in the morning, sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. The place and time of creating a personal diary entry may vary depending on your mood. The main thing is that you feel as comfortable, safe and relaxed as possible.

Cover and page design

A personal diary is a purely intimate thing, so its design depends solely on your preferences. You can buy a bright and colorful large notebook with a beautiful ornament in a stationery store, or you can buy a simple notebook and decorate it yourself. To design an elegant cover with your own hands, you will need colored pencils, felt-tip pens or watercolor paint, self-adhesive colored paper, various ribbons and other decorations. On the first page of your diary, you can leave information about the owner - name, date of birth, interests and other data that you see fit. Subsequent pages of a personal diary can be decorated with multi-colored stickers, interesting sketches and pictures.

Storage space

Before you start keeping a personal diary, you need to seriously think about where to keep it. Do you have a place in your house where you can safely leave a notebook whose pages contain information that is not intended for others? Most often, personal diaries are kept in a drawer with linen, on a bed under a pillow, or in the farthest corner of a wardrobe. For greater reliability, you can purchase a diary with a lock - even if someone finds it, there is no way to get close to the contents without a key.

An alternative option is to carry a diary with you. So the treasured notebook will always be at your side, and you will know for sure that it has not fallen into the wrong hands. In addition, you can record at any time, as soon as inspiration finds on you.

In order for keeping a personal diary to have a favorable psychotherapeutic effect on you and actually help resolve your internal conflicts, you need to follow some simple rules.

  • Write only if you really want to. Don't force yourself to describe the events of each passing day. Keeping a diary should be fun.
  • Be frank. It makes no sense to keep lies in the diary, to prevaricate or hide anything. A personal diary should know everything about you, even what you yourself would not like to know about yourself. Imagine that the sheet of paper in front of you is a doctor. If you convey to him incorrect information about your state of health, then the treatment will not give the desired result. It’s the same here: if you write only thoughts that please yourself and brush aside all the bad things that you don’t like about yourself (for example, envy of a work colleague or resentment against a loved one), you won’t have to wait for the recovery of your soul. Do not be afraid to admit to yourself even the worst.
  • While writing, pay no attention to syntax, punctuation, and spelling. Correcting mistakes and typos can interfere with the flow of your thoughts and throw off your mood.
  • Reread your notes periodically. This will help you understand how you, your opinions and judgments change over time.

A notebook for notes wound up by the time will save not only nerves, but also money. Keeping a personal diary is like talking to an attentive psychologist. With the help of a diary, you can get to know yourself better, set life priorities and outline plans for the future.

Keeping a personal diary helps organize thoughts, desires and needs. Psychologists agree that this is a great way to self-discovery. But not everyone understands how to keep a personal diary. Some confuse it with a weekly, others consider it a frivolous child's play. In fact, it can become a tool in building a personality, a place where you can speak out, be heard and understood. After all, the most important thing is to learn to understand yourself. There are several simple recommendations on how to make the process of keeping a diary convenient and easy.

1. Choose a convenient format.

Some people prefer to write by hand, others prefer electronic text editor, and others will be interested in online resources that offer free storage of secrets. The format does not play a special role, the main thing is that it is convenient. Many are interested in how beautiful it is to keep a personal diary. Creativity in this case is encouraged.

This is the place where you can draw in the margins, use colored pens, paints, express not only in writing, but also graphically. For example, you can characterize the day with a smiley (sad, smiling, laughing, in love, etc.), a picture from the Internet, or a real photo taken on that day. Then describe what happened in words.

But you don't have to be too sophisticated. Keeping a diary can be reduced to a purely verbal format. It is advisable to highlight dates or important events/emotions so that you can easily find them when you need to re-read the entries.

2. Be honest.

The main rule is honesty! Why keep a diary if it contains distorted data? The meaning of a personal diary is to say exciting things, to point out to oneself weak and strengths try to be as unbiased and impartial as possible. You can try to look at the situation from the outside, evaluate your behavior.

Don't be afraid to admit bad deeds. Some situations and thoughts will cause shame, disgust, embarrassment when they are described. But that is why they need to be spoken, to understand where they came from and what causes them. The diary is a cache of secrets, closed to prying eyes, here you can speak honestly and openly. To make it comfortable, it is enough to take care of data confidentiality. To do this, you can put a password on the file or securely hide the paper version.

3. Determine the "interlocutor".

People refuse to keep a personal diary because they cannot conduct impersonal communication. If it is difficult to simply describe what happened, you can choose a mental interlocutor. How to lead your own is up to you. Someone prefers to refer specifically to the diary, others communicate with God in this way, others write to deceased relatives, as a rule, to one of their parents, or friends who have passed away. This creates the impression of real communication. You can refer to yourself, up to the use of your name, as if discussing yourself from the outside. For example: "Masha, today you were at your best, but I was upset by the way you behaved with your best friend."

4. Execution cannot be pardoned.

You can not reproach yourself for bad deeds, frighten with punishments. Every person has the right to make mistakes. You have to allow yourself to allow them. How to keep a diary so as not to turn it into a guilty verdict? It is necessary to remember once again the rule of impartiality and objectivity. If a situation occurred in life in which a person behaved differently than he would like or the behavior caused regret, you need to figure out what motivated him at that moment, why he did it that way. If the situation has led to undesirable consequences, it is necessary to try to level or mitigate them. This approach is more effective than self-discipline. There is also room for praise. Achievements and happy moments will be the decoration of memoirs.

5. Emotions are more important than events

Starting to keep a diary, you need to remember that the events in life only reflect the inner atmosphere. Describing what happened during the day, you must definitely give it an emotional coloring, show your attitude. Equanimity appears during analysis, but first you need to give vent to feelings. It is allowed to be angry, hate, feel sorry for yourself, be weak. This will help you see what life situations and actions cause these emotions and eradicate them.

6. Don't force yourself to take notes.

If there is nothing to talk about or today there is no desire to write, you should not do it forcibly. If there was a set of rules on how to properly keep a diary, this would be at the very beginning. Keeping a personal diary is a voluntary confession, when thoughts and emotions cannot be kept in oneself and one wants to throw them out. If you do not feel the need for this, you can abandon the revelations for several days or even weeks.

7. Corporate style.

Thinking about how to start a personal diary, people believe that they do not have to write, which is completely unnecessary here. This is a personal territory where they do not scold for grammatical and spelling errors, slang, made-up words are allowed here. The more personal the diary is, the better.

8. Comments from the future.

If the diary is kept in in electronic format, you can periodically return to a few months or years ago and comment on your entries. You can do this in brackets, highlighting the statement with a different color. It is important not to correct what has already been written, but simply to supplement, based on experience. For example, leaving in May a record that a person has lost faith in and will never fall in love again, in July he can supplement the record with the note “how wrong I was.” This is part of working on your own, a visual way of dealing with thinking.

9. Online blog.

You can keep a diary online in the format of a blog. It will be difficult to call it personal, because it will become public, but other people will be able to comment on posts, give advice, share similar experiences. It is possible that there will be ill-wishers ready to condemn.

There are resources on the Internet where you can both start keeping a personal diary with and without publication. That is, it is stored on a server to which there is always access, but no one else will see it except the author. The advantages of this option are round-the-clock access from any device. Some sites offer additional tools for convenient personal records - individual design, text formatting.

10. Reread the diary.

How to start keeping a diary is now clear. But it is also important to reread it periodically. This is especially necessary when situations arise in life that have already occurred. Then the records will help to avoid repeating old mistakes. Sometimes it's just interesting to read the story of your own life. You can analyze your growth or, conversely, understand when a deviation from the intended life course appeared.

Remember that there are no rules on how to keep a personal diary. This is a person's personal space, his world, in which he is a storyteller and a reader at the same time. It should be useful, calm, relax, help get rid of the burden, make happy.

The article will tell you about how to properly keep a personal diary and in what ways you can decorate it.

A personal diary is a must-have thing not only for an adult, but also for a teenage girl. This is a way to express your thoughts, draw conclusions and understand everything that is happening in your head and around.

Keeping a diary is very beneficial for mental health. But, besides the fact that it should be beautiful, it should be properly designed. A neat diary will evoke pleasant emotions in the child and will contribute to development.

Of course, at 9 years old, a child understands little about how to keep and start a diary. Parents, in particular mother, will help children with this. She should indicate topics and headings to help the child direct his thoughts, as they say, "in the right direction."

What topics can be identified in the child's personal diary:

  • "Me and my family"- describe all family members, their qualities and traits, write why the child loves them.
  • "Me and my friends"- list all relatives and best friends, list all positive traits and dating history.
  • "My achievements"- here you can list all your victories, winnings in competitions and personal achievements, talents, skills, abilities.
  • "My dreams"- here you should list what you dream about, what you want to achieve in life and what gifts you dream about.
  • "My hobbies"- in this topic, you should list your hobbies: sports, music, drawing, poetry, collecting.
  • "Favorite films"(as well as music, cartoons, books, writers, performers and much more, depending on what the child likes).
What topics should be done in a diary for a child?

The best ideas for decorating the first page of a personal diary with your own hands

The design of the diary also plays a big role. The diary, whatever it may be (large, small, thick or thin), should evoke pleasant emotions and therefore its first page should be beautifully designed.

For decoration, you can use several techniques:

  • scrapbooking is the most popular technique. It includes decoration with craft paper, ribbons, string, text, decorative elements, lace.
  • Application- can be made from several types of paper or cardboard.
  • Painting with doodling or zentangle- modern detailed painting with many patterns and details.
  • Photo collage- their own and their loved ones.
  • quilling- decoration with thin paper strips, the creation of three-dimensional patterns.
  • Gluing rhinestones on a sticky basis- you can lay out a pattern, drawing or glue it with a continuous even layer.
  • Sticking stickers- you can buy stickers of various themes and decorate the first page with them to your liking.

How to decorate a diary for a girl?

Drawings and pictures for sketching for a girl's personal diary

You can, of course, decorate the diary with your own personal drawings. Even if you don’t have any special talent, you can use special templates that are designed for drawing.


Patterns Drawings on the theme of Japanese anime Drawings on the theme of "England" Dudling

Drawing Templates Small Drawings: Templates

Drawing on a musical theme

Theme: nature

Detailed small drawings


Theme: space inscriptions

The best poems for a personal diary for a girl

Poems for a personal diary:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Cool page ideas for a personal diary for a girl 9 - 14 years old

Improve your diary with cool diary ideas:

  • Secret pages- these are pages on which one page has the ability to "open" like a door or window. In such "secrets" you can hide your secret thoughts.
  • "Built-in Clock"- To do this, cut out a lot of pages and make a hole in them. In such a diary, you can keep "accurate" records indicating the hour and even minutes.
  • Diary with announcements- by the type of tear-off ads, you can decorate some pages.
  • Come up with a topic for your diary- give it a certain style, which must be followed from the very beginning to the last page.
  • Volumetric drawings- drawn or glued from paper.

Diary Ideas:

Bright and colorful diary

Diaries with secrets

Diary by type of paper announcement

diary with clock

Diary with clippings

Thematic diary

Easy ideas for a first DIY personal diary for beginners

In fact, there are a lot of ideas to decorate and diversify your diary, and each one depends only on the hobbies, worldview and character of the child. Many children like to give their diaries a theme.

Diary Ideas:

  • Diary in the style of "Minions"
  • Diary in the style of "Disney Princess"
  • Diary in the style of "Rainbow"
  • Diary in the style of "Fixies"
  • Diary in the style of "The Simpsons"
  • Diary in the style of "Music"
  • Diary in the style of "Marine"
  • Diary in the style of "Winx Fairies"
  • Diary in the style of "Yummy"
  • Diary in the style of "Gadgets"
  • Diary in the style of "Serials"
  • Diary in the style of "Film"
  • Diary in the style of "Favorite Stars" and much more!

Ideas for a love theme for a girl: photo

The theme of "love" is the most common among girls. It allows them to decorate the pages with hearts, glitter, drawings, photos of their favorite stars, confessions, poems, clippings, stickers.

IMPORTANT: The theme of love allows girls to fully and sincerely express their feelings in writing. This is a good psychological relief, which gives pleasant emotions, good mood and tranquility.

The theme of love in the diary

How to keep a personal diary?

Each diary is a child's personal creation. There are no special rules for its conduct, but the main thing to do is not to be afraid and not to be embarrassed to express your secret and sincere thoughts.

How to keep a diary:

  • Use paint - for this, colored pens and felt-tip pens are useful, with which you can highlight important thoughts and words.
  • Draw your feelings and favorite images - this will diversify the letter and give you pleasant experiences.
  • Paste photos and clippings - to give the written text a special meaning.
  • Brightly highlight the date in a large font and contrasting color - an important part of keeping a diary.
  • Write the truth only in this way will you be able to keep a diary correctly and many years later you will be pleased to read your “real” thoughts.

How to design and decorate a personal diary?

Almost everything is used to decorate and decorate the diary:

  • felt-tip pens
  • Gel pens
  • sequins
  • stickers
  • Pencils
  • stickers
  • Rhinestones on glue
  • Clippings from magazines
  • Personal Photos
  • Lace
  • Ribbons
  • canvas thread
  • Kraft paper
  • Colored and craft cardboard
  • Newsprint
  • Beads and beads
  • Artificial flowers
  • Buttons

Ideas for decorating a diary Diary with drawings Unusual diary

craft diary

Decor with clippings

Video: "How to start keeping a personal diary?"

Keeping your own diary has many benefits. We often hear about it. We are recommended to keep a diary by our friends and acquaintances. The Internet is full of articles about the benefits of introspection and keeping personal diaries. In feature films, the diaries of the main characters now and then flicker - and a desire to do something like this lights up in us.

For some, this can be the key to self-discipline, an opportunity to let off steam and get to know yourself better. Someone may be interested in creating the story of their own life and leaving it as a legacy to their descendants.

It doesn't matter how, where or. It is enough to have the desire to do it. However, this desire most often disappears as soon as we start. It happens that a person can sit for hours on the first page - and still do not understand what could be written about. How to overcome this barrier of indecision? What needs to be done to make thoughts come to mind? How to start keeping a personal diary so that it really helps to change internally and see the reasons for your successes and failures?

How to start keeping a personal diary if you are not a writer?

Creating a diary for a person who has never done this kind of thing is not an easy task. Yes, you can buy a beautiful notebook, take a fountain pen, turn on the lamp and… not know what to do next. Keeping a personal diary requires some effort on the part of the owner. Getting started is always harder than continuing. But, if you have already realized all the benefits of writing down thoughts, a few recommendations will help you get started.

5 steps to good journaling

  1. Don't think about the right thing.

    Many do not know how to keep a personal diary. For some, it is associated with “girly activities”. Someone doubts their writing abilities or does not believe that there is something to write about in their life. It seems to someone that the diary must certainly become a kind of grandiose project that does not allow for grammatical errors, sloppy pages and sloppy design. This is fundamentally not true. It does not matter in what form your thoughts will be expressed and where to keep a diary - only the content will have value. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to buy special folios or fountain pens - just take the most ordinary notebook from the supermarket. And who said that there should not be corrections in the diary? If you suddenly change your mind while finishing a paragraph, feel free to cross it out. Your right!

  2. Start small.

    The first entries for a personal diary are always difficult. It seems that there is nothing to write about, since nothing particularly significant happened during the day. And in this case, how to start keeping a personal diary with your boring life? And you think that in ten years even the most insignificant memories will acquire unprecedented value for you. Wouldn't you like to experience the emotions of some day 10 years ago? So let your future do it. Let there be no more than four or five lines in the first entry - it does not matter. Over time, you will be drawn into the process, and thoughts will come to mind. Don't stress - just describe what you did today, who you met and what was for lunch. If ideas are really bad, answer these questions in writing:

    What made me happy today?
    What was your best/worst moment in the last twenty-four hours?
    Who did I meet first when I left the house?
    – What am I going to do tomorrow?
    What would you like to change about today?

    Reflect, ask yourself questions and look for answers to them. Take a written interview on a topic that interests you. - not ashamed. Moreover, you do it in writing.

  3. The law of the first word and the rule of twenty-one days.

    How to start keeping a diary? Many psychologists recommend using these tricks to force yourself to do something on a regular basis. If you find it difficult to concentrate and make the first entry, write just a couple of words. This can serve as a conduit for the flow of your thoughts, forming a certain direction for them. Just explain what you wrote. In order to develop the habit of creating at least a line every day, make an effort and practice it continuously. Write early in the morning or before bed. Make it a ritual, an obligatory part of the day. After such a “marathon”, you will no longer be able to fall asleep without writing anything.

  4. Stimulate the imagination with art.

    Having difficulty with words? Draw! It doesn't matter if it doesn't turn out pretty. Put in a bit of patience - and your personal picture will serve as an incentive to create the next entry. In addition, it is worth starting a personal diary with illustrations, if only because it will be much more interesting to read later. Separately, it is worth noting the general benefits of drawing - it relieves stress and helps to focus on important thoughts.

  5. Give your diary a specific time and a quiet place.

    It should be a quiet corner where you will not be disturbed by friends, relatives and extraneous noises. When creating a new record, you should be immersed in yourself and focused on memories. This will be easier to do if you describe the chronicle at the same time. It seems incredible, but our body itself adapts to the usual daily routine. So, if at exactly nine in the evening for fifteen to twenty minutes you sit down in your quiet corner and focus on the events that have passed during the day, it will become easier and easier to do this every day.

Keeping a regular life chronicle can be of great benefit to each of us. However, getting started can be quite difficult. Getting into the habit of writing regularly for a personal diary is not easy, but it is quite possible if you follow the recommendations mentioned above. Each of us is capable of this. If you now decide to start a personal diary, then in ten or twenty years you will say “thank you very much” to yourself.

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