
The region of origin of man, the way of his migration. Migration of ancient people

I examined how the displacement of the earth's axis affected the "zones of comfortable" human habitation. As it has already become clear, the last 50,000 years can be safely divided into three periods:

  • 2. After 16000 years ago and up to ~ 4500 years ago

  • 3. After ~ 4500 years ago

In this article, I propose to consider how the pole shift might have influenced human migrations during these three periods.
The only thing, I ask the reader not to look too closely at the numbers, they are conditional. What's in the official history, what's in geneticists. The main thing is to understand the relationship between migrations and pole shifts.

I'll start with the very first displacement, which happened about 16,000 years ago. Here are the maps before and after the displacement, and a modern look for clarity:

On the map on the left, the "dead" zone is clearly visible, falling exactly into the "Tropic of Cancer", ie. into the hottest strip of the Earth. Please tell me, dear reader, what can force a person living north of this zone to move south of it? Today it is clear what - money, prestigious work, etc. And when did it not exist? Excavations in the village of Kostenki show that people have lived near the glacier for 30,000 years. They did not go anywhere and did not develop, in our understanding! All these millennia they have been hunters. And then, "suddenly", about 15,000 years ago, agriculture began to develop, and not just somewhere, but in the Middle East. The question is, why would? Scientists argue that the climate is to blame, which has reduced the food supply. There are fewer mammoths, so they began to grow cereals. But we are talking about the Middle East, where, given the present state of the Earth, agriculture is an extremely risky business. It's hot there, the Tropic of Cancer is very close. And when the pole is in Alaska, the Middle East turns into an equatorial oasis.
Okay, let's leave the scientists alone. Using their arguments, one very interesting conclusion can be drawn - all these 30,000 years in which the Kostenko culture is observed, the climate on Earth was stable. Such a good period. And today we consider some small ice ages, we take into account the activity of the Sun with a period of 11 years ...
Scientists are right about the food base. Gone are the mammoths for the cold, followed by the people. But this only applied to the northern peoples. This migration was provided by the pole shift to Alaska. The absence of traces of the cataclysm in the excavations, except for volcanic ash in the region of 30,000 years ago, indicates the smooth nature of this shift. The glacier began to melt, it became impossible to live next to it. The people got up and left.
The pole moved along the northern edge of North America, which means that our people followed him and the mammoths along the northern edge of Eurasia or further south. Considering the scale of the Valdai glaciation, the Arctic Circle was much wider.
So they reached Eastern Siberia and Primorye. Considering more low level Of the Arctic Ocean, it can be assumed that these peoples populated the entire shelf of Siberia, Novaya Zemlya, All eastern Siberia and Primorye. And that was about 15,000 years ago. They are still cut off from the southern peoples by the "Tropic of Cancer". And why should they look for warm places when their life is associated with cold and this tradition is many tens of thousands of years old?
This was the very haplogroup N, which today makes up about 20% of the gene pool of Russian people. It is not surprising that the Kostenko people are so similar to us. Geneticists claim that this haplogroup arose 15,000 years ago somewhere in southern China, and then, 5,000 years later, moved to Siberia and the Baltic. But let me ask you, what prompted these Chinese "first ancestors", who lived at that time in fact on the equator, to go to the region east of Taimyr, where the maximum concentration of this haplogroup is observed today? These are completely different climatic zones, different food supplies, etc. etc. There are very good reasons for this migration. And they are not. 12,000 years of stability on the earth's axis did not offer them.
The map on the left shows a completely different migration path for this haplogroup.
After the pole shifted to Alaska, representatives of its progenitor began to migrate eastward, following the pole. The medieval map roughly defines the area that these people occupied over these thousands of years:

The map, of course, is very modern and the southern regions can be simply removed from it. There was, as now, a desert with mountains. But the entire north, from Novaya Zemlya to Primorye, was occupied by them. For 10,000 years they have multiplied decently. I will not judge their life, whether they remained hunters or began to engage in agriculture. This is not very fundamental within the framework of this article. During this period, mammoths hardly managed to disappear. Although we are told that the last of them became extinct about 10,000 years ago. Taking into account the slowness of climate change and the areas of their detection east of Taimyr, one can make a bold assumption that they managed to leave the glacial regions of Europe eastward to the new Arctic Circle. Then for 10,000 years no catastrophes happened that could lead to their instant death. And the pole shift by modern place, which happened about 4500 years ago, is very similar to such a catastrophe. People were able to leave the dangerous area, but no one warned the animals. So I think that mammoths became extinct much later than modern scientists believe. Radiocarbon analysis can sometimes work wonders. And even scientists admit it.
After displacement about 4500 years ago, representatives of this haplogroup were forced to leave the dangerous area. The bulk went to the West, again beyond the Arctic Circle, but some returned after the disaster. Some of them will later go to China, which is why they find it there to this day in small concentrations. The same is said by geneticists - representatives of this haplogroup about 4000 years ago reached the Baltic and settled there.
This is how Great Tartary was formed.

With the northern peoples, it seems, sorted out. Let's see how things were in Siberia.
Before the pole shift to Alaska, it was in ideal climatic conditions of a temperate climate. I think that it was there that the haplogroup R1 was born. And that's why. The isolation of the R1b branch of genetics is attributed to the region of Central Asia 16,000 years ago, the rest of the people began to have the R1a branch and went further to the West. The direction of the outcome is clearly guessed. These people left the new pole, that's all. Northern peoples came to their place, they, in fact, changed places. But in Europe, the glacier has not yet melted, so R1 representatives made a stop in Asia. Representatives of R1a, who were accustomed to the subtropical climate, remained in place, while representatives of R1b went to seek their fortune in the Urals, the Caucasus and further to Europe, which sooner or later thawed out.
With the last pole shift, Central Asia moved far from the "Tropic of Cancer", the climate there became completely different. Therefore, the thermophilic representatives of R1a moved south - to the Iranian Highlands and northern India. And so the branches of the Iranian and Indian Aryans parted.
Around the same period, according to the Rig Veda, the Gods came to India from the north ...

The territory of modern China had a hard time, almost all of it ended up in the "Tropic of Cancer". Relatively normal living conditions were possible only on the southern coast of Indochina. It was here, in my opinion, that the natives of Australia (Mu Island) moved before the last pole shift. And only after him did they begin to develop more northern territories. It was a completely different culture, which, for example, cannot be reconciled with the Indian one to this day. It was also alien to our northern ancestors, who at the beginning tried to guide them on the right path, but then gave up and fenced off from them with a wall. This section is clearly marked on the map above. But still, the Chinese adopted the teachings of the northern peoples, which remained in Buddhism. And that's good, they began to look more like us.

In Africa, as well as in the north, it was the most troubled place. Before the first displacement, Central Africa was an oasis, as it is now, for the thermophilic peoples of the black race. But after the pole shift to Alaska, this oasis shifted to the north of the mainland. It was there that peoples migrated from the central regions, as well as to the south, but, I think, there were such a minority. For 10,000 years, the desert began to bloom again, the rains did their job. The prerequisites for migration to the Arabian Peninsula and the Iranian Highlands also arose.
After shifting the pole to its present position for Africa and the Middle East, everything returned to normal. The desert regained its possession, and Central Africa came to life. The most fortunate of all were the inhabitants of the Iranian Highlands, which moved from the equator zone to the subtropical zone, that is, the climate changed, but not dramatically. The Iranian Aryans came to fertile soil, which determines the prosperity of Sumer, Egypt and further down the list.

So we have analyzed the main possible routes of migration of the population across the territory of Eurasia and Africa. Naturally, I dwelt more on our ancestors, haplogroups N and R1, I did not mention the rest in such detail, but, I think, enough to form general view about migration during the described period.

The World History. Volume 1

Development of the primitive communal system. Late Stone Age

Resettlement of Paleolithic hunters

The reasons for the oldest migration

What was the reason for the complex movements of the population of the Ancient Stone Age, which sometimes covered entire continents? What force forced people of the Paleolithic period to leave their homes in some cases? These reasons should be sought in the material living conditions of Paleolithic hunters, in their economy, in their social life.

As ethnography shows, the continuous and irrepressible process of settlement is a normal and natural phenomenon in the life of hunting and fishing tribes. With a low level of development of productive forces and the need for large areas of land necessary to feed hunters, gatherers and fishermen of the Stone Age, the natural increase in population in certain, most favorable areas for this inevitably led to the search for new lands and to the resettlement of people in new area.

This resettlement was not accidental, but strictly natural, since it proceeded in the form of a continuous dismemberment of ancient communities. About its reasons gives us an idea of ​​the resettlement of the Indian clans and tribes of North America in modern times, described by the American ethnographer L. Morgan.

According to Morgan's description, new tribes and new genera were constantly formed as a result of natural growth; this process was greatly accelerated due to the great extent of the American continent. From some overpopulated geographic center that had special advantages in terms of earning a livelihood, there was a gradual outflow of population. As this continued from year to year, a considerable population grew at some distance from the original seat of the tribes; over time, the settlers developed special interests, they became alien to their tribe, and differences in language appeared. This was repeated from century to century, both in the newly "occupied" and in the old areas. When population growth caused a lack of livelihoods, the surplus part of the population left for a new place.

These were not, therefore, waves of peoples moving across entire continents, or rapid and catastrophic movements of large ethnic masses. Such movements date back to much later times, when large tribal unions, prepared by a long previous historical development, became commonplace. In the Paleolithic, there was a completely different pace and character, a slow and spontaneous process of seepage of individual small groups. Then there was a movement of small groups of Paleolithic people from one region to another, often complicated by the reverse movement; quite often, one must assume, this kind of movement was, as it were, zigzag and intermittent, as we see it in Moravany Dlga and Kostenki.

The settlement of ancient hunting tribes acquired a particularly wide territorial scale in the Upper Paleolithic. Further improvement of hunting technology in comparison with the Mousterian time contributed to the growth of the population, which led, at the same time, to a decrease in the number of game in the territories adjacent to the old settlements.

The inevitable consequence, apparently, was the outflow of the population from the most populated and previously developed areas to the previously deserted areas of northern Europe and especially Asia. This dispersal was all the more natural because all these events took place at the end of the Ice Age, during the period when a colossal land area was freed from ice.

At the same time, the development of new territories in the North became possible because now there was already much more developed than before, special hunting equipment, various means for catching animals appeared (spear thrower, bone spearheads and throwing darts, trapping pits, nets, etc. hedges). Various methods of artificially producing fire were already known. People have learned to build both durable permanent dwellings for the winter and portable lightweight hides. Fur clothing, sewn with tendon threads, appeared.

All this, taken together, made it possible for a person to overcome the difficulties that the harsh natural conditions put before him, which did not allow him to go far beyond the boundaries of regions with a temperate and warm climate.

Apparently, already for the most ancient species of fossil people, it was typical to carry out very significant migrations in terms of their distance, associated with the search for more favorable habitats. According to scientists, the process of the transformation of a monkey into a man took place over a very vast territory covering South Asia, the Middle East, Southeastern regions of Africa, but the remains of prehistoric people are also found outside this territory - in Southeast Asia (Java Island, Vietnam , China), in Europe, etc. There is no doubt that the various regions of the discovery of the remains of the most ancient fossils of people - Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus - suggest that representatives of these species of ancient man were characterized by a significant degree of mobility in the development of geographic space.

With even greater certainty, such a statement is characteristic of the Neanderthals - the direct descendants of the most ancient fossil people. During the Early Paleolithic period (1 million years BC - 40 thousand years BC)- the life time of Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus and Neanderthal man - ancient man masters significant areas of the planet. The migration of ancient man through the Earth was largely due to natural factors - weather and climatic conditions, the presence of animal and plant food, and so on.

About 100 thousand years BC NS. the period of glaciation begins. Cooling and the advance of glaciers that reached the middle reaches of the Dnieper and Don in Eastern Europe, to the Alps in Western Europe and to the Himalayas in Asia, sharply reduced the area of ​​distribution of ancient man. The peculiarity of the life of ancient people, which consisted in the fact that he provided himself with food through gathering or hunting, necessitated the implementation of constant migrations after herds of wild animals, hunting for which served as the main source of food. Thanks to the ability to make fire, sew clothes, build dwellings, create specialized (scrapers, spears, spears, etc.) and combined (for example, nodes) tools of labor, ancient people could move after herds of mammoths, deer, wild horses that lived in tundra, along the edge of glaciers.

During the Upper or Late Paleolithic period (40-30 thousand - 15-10 thousand years BC) with the beginning of warming and the retreat of glaciers to the north, the ancient man receives new opportunities for resettlement. This time is associated with the appearance of man modern type- Cro-Magnon. Its distribution area reaches the middle reaches of the Great Siberian rivers (Yenisei, Lena, Ob).

During the Mesolithic period (11-10 thousand - 6-5 thousand years BC) on the planet, climatic conditions are formed that differ little from the climatic conditions at present. Man moves further north, but in the Mesolithic period he does not yet reach the Arctic coast. During the Mesolithic, America was settled from the north, through the Bering Strait and Australia.

In the Neolithic era (6-5 thousand - 3 thousand years BC) there is a significant increase in the world's population. According to approximate data, the population at this time reached 10 - 17 million people. Further improvement of tools and means of transportation is taking place. The boat, skis and sledges were invented. These inventions allowed man to move even further north, up to the coast of the Arctic Ocean. This time was characterized by the beginning of the emergence of hoe farming and cattle breeding, the emergence of settlements with houses made of logs, raw bricks and other materials.

In the Bronze Age (3-2 thousand BC) the invention of the carriage takes place. In the second half of the 3rd millennium, carts were already known in the steppes of Eastern Europe. Bulls were usually harnessed to heavy carts with massive disc-shaped wheels made from a large piece of wood. Around the beginning of the II millennium BC. NS. the spoked wheel was invented, which made it possible to create light horse-drawn chariots. During this period, the further development of cattle breeding took place, which caused the appearance of nomadic peoples, such as the Hyksos, Kassites, Aryans.

The Bronze Age is also associated with the formation of the first states in the countries of the Ancient East. From now on, population migrations will be associated not only with the influence of natural factors, but also with state policy in relation to certain social groups.

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