
Kase re. Caceres, Spain - attractions, pictures. Best time to visit

And also the capital of the province of the same name. With a rich history, it has a whole scattering of unique attractions included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and is of considerable interest to many tourists who annually visit the Llanos de Caceres area.


The historical part of the city is surrounded by imposing fortress walls, which, despite their respectful age, have retained their former grandeur and are literally saturated with the spirit of the Middle Ages. It is on this territory that the main architectural monuments of the past are located, in the number of which Caceres is not inferior even to the famous "treasury" of Spain - Toledo. Many filmmakers have used the city more than once as a set for films on historical themes, since here you can perfectly recreate the desired atmosphere of bygone centuries. Exquisite houses, magnificent palaces and temples, made in various architectural styles, picturesque parks and interesting museums, form the appearance of Cáceres, surrounded in turn by beautiful natural landscapes. Along with the romantic halo of the past, the modern features are not alien to the city. The infrastructure is well developed here, there are inexpensive cozy hotels, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues. Much attention is paid to the preservation of long-standing cultural traditions.

general information

The area of ​​the territory of the municipality of Caceres is quite significant and occupies a little less than 1770 sq. km, with a population of about 100 thousand people. Local time lags behind Moscow by 1 hour in summer and 2 in winter. The time zone is UTC + 1 and UTC + 2 in summer. Telephone code (+34) 927. Official website www.ayto-caceres.es.

A brief excursion into history

The first settlements appeared in these places many centuries ago, and the city itself was founded by the Romans in 25 BC. After the fall of the republic, it belonged to the Visigoths for a long time, and then to the Arabs. In the 13th century, Cáceres was conquered by the Christians. At the same time, Jews came here, for whom even a separate Jewish quarter was created. Later, they were expelled by order of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Aragon, but the influence of Jewish culture in some areas of the city is still felt. During the time of the Reconquista and in the era of the discovery of the American continent by the Spaniards, Caceres began his path to his heyday. Then, many rich families settled here, and wealthy merchants and influential representatives of the authorities built expensive houses for themselves and erected luxurious mansions. By the 19th century, the city reached the pinnacle of prosperity and received the status of the provincial capital, but its further growth was largely influenced by the civil war that broke out in Spain in the first half of the 20th century. Now Caceres is considered a popular tourist destination and plays an important role in the economy of the region.


The weather conditions in this area are significantly influenced by the Atlantic. Winter is noticeably cooler here than in the Mediterranean regions and is expressed by a large amount of precipitation. Summers are often hot, and the air temperature sometimes exceeds +40 degrees. The most optimal time periods for a visit here seem to be late spring and early autumn, when it is dry and there is no sweltering heat.

How to get there

The nearest international airport to Caceres is in Badajoz, from where you can get to the city by bus, train or taxi. By the same means of transport, it is connected with the nearest regions and settlements.


Within the city limits, there are about a dozen regular bus routes, including night ones. If you wish, you can always rent a car or bicycle.

Attractions and entertainment

One of the central architectural objects of Caceres is the Christian Cathedral of St. Mary, built of hewn stone and granite in the 15th - 16th centuries. It is distinguished by a large interior space and monolithic thick walls, reminiscent of fortifications. Among other ancient religious buildings, the monastery of St. Paul, the knightly temple of Jacob Zebedee, the church of St. John the Baptist and the temple of St. Matthew stand out. The graceful transition from Gothic to Renaissance is embodied in the Carvajal Palace, with a watchtower and a small number of windows, fully characterizing the medieval architecture of the 15th century. The House of Weather Vane, the Palace of Storks and the ancestral castle of Golfines are very few. A particularly vivid impression on tourists in the historical part of the city is made by the House of the Sun mansion, whose facade is decorated with a coat of arms depicting the sun with a human face, while the upper rays of the sun are trying to bite the dragon.

A special place in the appearance of the historical center of Caceres belongs to the Arch of the Star, which is the main gateway to the city's medieval fortress. The building is decorated with the coat of arms of the provincial capital, the symbols of the Carvajal family and the image of the Virgin Mary de la Estrella, which served as the prototype for the name of the gate. The main square of the city is Plaza Mayor, on the east side adjacent to the fortress wall, at the foot of which stands the Bukhako Tower, erected in the era of the Arab conquests. From the south, the most important trade artery of Caceres, Artists Street, approaches the square. Curious tourists should definitely visit the central city museum, which occupies the buildings of the House of Weather Vane and the House of Horses. Its many halls house archaeological and ethnographic finds from different years, and there is also an art department, with works of famous Spanish painters exhibited there. In addition to a rich excursion program, guests of the city can enjoy visiting local culinary and entertainment establishments.


The restaurants, cafes and eateries of Caceres are able to satisfy the tastes of even the most fastidious gourmets. Among the most popular dishes on their menu stand out in particular the traditional for Extremadura "chanfaina", which consists of a lamb chopped into pieces, seasoned with spices, and "kasar cake", which consists of a white cheese mass. The local wines and sweets are especially good.


Local shops and stalls sell a variety of goods, including souvenirs and handicrafts depicting the main attractions.

Caceres is one of the most romantic and attractive cities. Its ancient temples and palaces bring true delight to lovers of beauty, and its hospitable and calm atmosphere contributes to a pleasant acquaintance with the provincial capital.

Located 50 km. east. The city, practically unknown in Russia, attracts crowds of tourists who want to look at the medieval streets that have been preserved almost unchanged. The old city is not that big, but it makes a very solid impression - there is not a single building that stands out from the general concept. If something was being built there recently, they were able to do it in such a way that no traces of modernity are noticeable.
Just like in Trujillo, the bus station is quite far from attractions, but the truth is, the city itself is much larger - about 100 thousand inhabitants.

It is logical to start the inspection from the Main Square, since it is located on the outskirts of the old city.

Church of st. John the Baptist

Church of st. John the Baptist
Iglesia de San Juan Bautista (XIII-XVIII centuries)

If you approach the Main Square from the opposite side, the main landmark is the Church of St. Jacob. It was built in the 16th century. on the basis of another church that existed from the XII century.

Church of st. Jacob
Iglesia de Santiago (XVI century)

Chapel of Solitude
Ermita de la Soledad (XV century)

On the Main Square, the main attraction is the Peace Chapel with the surrounding Bukhako Tower and the Star Gate.
The chapel, if you believe the description, is baroque (what is baroque in it, kill me, I don’t understand). It was built on top of the more ancient chapel of San Benito (13th century), the remains of which can be seen inside.
Bukhako tower is one of the symbols of Caceres. It acquired its present appearance as a result of the restructuring of the 18th century. Before that it was called the New Tower (Torre Nueva) and was built in the XII century. from the stones of Roman buildings. Bukhako is the distorted name of the Caliph Abu Yakub, who captured Caceres in 1173 after a six-month siege.
Arch de la Estrella- the main city gate. In the XVIII century. they replaced the older design of the 15th century, which could no longer provide normal travel for the increased number of vehicles. The name of the gate was given from the statue of Our Lady of the Star, located on the back side of the gate, but where the statue has such a name - history is silent. The arch is also famous for the fact that in this place the Catholic kings Ferdinand and Isabella confirmed the city privileges of Caceres.

Bukhako Tower, Peace Chapel and Arch of the Stars
Torre de Bujaco, Ermita de la Paz y Arco de la Estrella (18th century)

City wall

The pulpit tower (pulpito is the pulpit in the church), the only one built after the capture of the city by King León Alfonso IX (1229). Unlike other towers (adobe or brick), it consists of stone blocks. One could climb it from the adjoining palace - its inhabitants from the height of the tower admired what was happening on the Main Square. Well, the sermons, apparently, were delivered from it, since it is called that.

Cathedral tower
Torre de los Pulpitos (XV century)

In general, many towers are adjacent to houses, since buildings were often located near the city wall, or even built into it.
Well, in general, the civil architecture of the city is represented precisely by the remains of a wall with towers and houses of the nobility.

Tower and Palace of Bishop Halars
Palacio y Torre de los Galarza (XVI century)

Carvajal palace
Palacio de Carvajal (XVI century)

Palace of the Blazques, Marquis de la Isla
Palacio de la Isla (XVI century)

Palace of Provincial Deputies
Palacio de la Deputacion Provincial (XV century)

The palace of the Golfines family - the largest in the city, consisted of twenty buildings. In this palace, the Catholic kings Ferdinand and Isabella stayed in 1480.

Palace Golfines de Abajo
Palacio de los Golfines de Abajo (XV century)

The house of the Solis family is also called the House of the Sun, since the coat of arms above the gate contains the image of the sun with snakes instead of rays. According to legend, the ancestor of the family received the title of grandee for delivering the queen's letter from Caceres to the capital (then it was Valladolid) in one day.

House of the Solis family
Casa del Sol (XVI century)

Stork palace
Palacio de las Giguenas (XV century)

The house of Diego García de Huyoa ("The Rich Man") stands out for its Gothic turrets on the façade. The owner of the house was a prominent figure in Caceres. He founded the monastery of St. Francis, and during a visit to Caceres by the queen (1477) he was chosen to offer Isabella the keys to the city.

House of Diego García de Huyoa
Casa de Diego Garcia de Ulloa "El Rico" (XV century)

Cathedral of St. Mary
Concatedral de Santa Maria (XV-XVI centuries)

The fact that the bishop was often in Caceres in the past is evidenced by the presence of an episcopal palace near the Cathedral of St. Mary.

Church of st. Francis
Iglesia de San Francisco Javier (XVIII century)

Jesuit College
Colegio de la Compania de Jesus (XVIII century)

Church of st. Matthew was built over three centuries, which is why you can find signs of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque in its appearance. Under the Arabs, a mosque stood on this place, and the quarter surrounding this mosque was the place where the Muslim nobility lived.

Monastery of St. Paul

Monastery of St. Paul
Convento de San Pablo (XV century)

In the city there is another monastery of the Clarissines, also active - St. Clara.

Monastery of St. Clara
Convento de de Santa Clara (17th century)

Caceres is a very interesting city, it is very desirable to visit it, and one day to see all the sights is not enough.

Caceres and its famous medieval center became one of the must-see stops on our May road trip on the Ruta de la Plata road.

This small Spanish town in the autonomous community of Extremadura, with a population of 100,000, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986.

But back in 1968, the city was recognized as the third monumental city in Europe after Prague and Tallinn. The "old town" of Caceres is considered one of the best preserved medieval towns in the world!

The central square (Plaza Mayor) is located next to the main gate to the old city. It is from here that it is best to start a tour of the old city. In the morning it is still deserted, but by noon all the cafes and restaurants are filled with tourists and locals.

This is the main gate of the city - Arco de la Estrella. They were built in the 15th century, and received their bizarre oblique shape after rebuilding in the 18th century.

The entire center of Caceres is built up with stone medieval houses, castles and churches.

Most of the houses in the old town were built between the 14th and 16th centuries.

Caceres is often used as a film set, and its houses and streets are excellent backdrops for many feature films. In 1996, Penelope Cruz starred here in the film "Celestine".

And director Ridley Scott in 1991 filmed his historical film in the streets of Caceres - "1492: The Conquest of Paradise". Gerard Depardieu successfully played Christopher Columbus.

Walking along the narrow streets it is very easy to feel yourself lost in the times of the discovery of America!

But there are buildings in the city that are older than the XIV century. The Arch of Christ (Arco del Cristo) is the only gate that has survived unchanged since the time of the Romans! In the Middle Ages, through them one could get into the Jewish quarter of the city.

Raise your heads as you walk the streets, and you will find a lot of interesting things! According to legend, one family of wealthy townspeople did not have children for a long time. After one of the long journeys, the owner brought a monkey into the house, for which a room, bed and toys were allocated. On the next departure of the husband to the house, a noble horseman asked for an overnight stay, and after a while the husband found out that his wife was pregnant. And after the birth of the child, the monkey threw the baby out of the window out of jealousy. Since then, this house has been nicknamed - Casa del Mono (Monkey House), and the street bears the same name.

But even with your head down, you can meet interesting city dwellers!)

One of the hotels of the famous Spanish chain Parador is located on a narrow street of the old town.

And this is how the office of a law firm in the city center looks like.

One of the oldest towers in the city is the Torre de los Sande. Built in the 14th century in the Gothic style, today it is covered almost entirely with ivy. A restaurant is open at its base.

There is also St. George the Victorious in Caceres :)

The Concatedral de Santa María de Cáceres is the main Catholic church in the city.

Next to the church is a statue of Peter of Alcantria, who hails from the province of Caceres. Judging by the shiny fingers, touching the statue is considered a must among the parishioners :)

On Saturday morning, a service is held in the church and this is used by the Romanian beggars who have taken the best places at the entrance.

Another church in the city is the Church of San Francisco. It was built in the 18th century in the Baroque style. The church is interesting for tourists because for 1 euro you can climb one of the towers and see the city.

This is what Caceres looks like from the church tower.

As it turned out, not all houses in the old city center are made of stone.

You can also find white courtyards here,

and typically Andalusian houses ...

All houses on one of the oldest streets in the city - Kaleros Street, are painted white. The explanation for this fact is very easy to find. Calero (Calero) - so called before the person involved in the production of hydrated lime. It was here that the workers of this ancient and forgotten profession settled.

In general, Extremadura has absorbed and mixed the architecture of both the south of Spain and its northern regions.

As in the entire trip to the central part of the country, we were accompanied by storks.

In Caceres, they have chosen the domes and roofs of churches.

It is useful to have a lens with you - 16-300 mm !!))

Oddly enough, but a full-fledged Arab fortress - the Alcazaba - has not survived in Caceres. On the slope of the hill, there are still fortress walls and towers, but already of Christian construction.

This is what the shooting location looks like from the previous photo.

Inside the tower, you can see on the layout how Caceres looked in the Middle Ages.

And from the outside there is a view of the eastern part of the city.

The city inherited from the Arabs in excellent condition an underground water reservoir - the alhib.

The alhib can be accessed through the Caceres Museum, which was built on the site of an Arab fortress. A narrow corridor leads to the basement, so no more than 10-15 people can pass at the same time.

In addition, in the museum you can learn a lot of interesting things from the history of the city.

Here is a model of a Roman road, which we saw many times during our trip.

It is interesting that even in the very center of the city, you can find a completely ordinary life. Someone is drying clothes near the main museum of the city.

And in the neighborhood of the fortress wall there are residential buildings.

Near the main gate is the 25-meter Bujaco Tower (Torre de Bujaco). Built by the Arabs in the XII century, it was rebuilt and completed over the centuries. Today there is a small museum that tells about the history of three cultures. The entrance ticket costs 2.5 Euro and gives you the opportunity to climb onto the roof of the tower.

An excellent view of the city square opens up from above.

Relax and dine here after a long tour of the historic center of Caceres.

Soviet antiques are sold right on the square :)

We will finish a series of photo reports about the Roman past of Spain from the Roman camp of legionnaires!

This attraction is located just 3 km from the center of Caceres and looks like an ordinary field.

The legionary camp was built in the 1st century and was called Castra Cecilia. Now it is called Cáceres el Viejo. 2000 years ago, behind a two-meter wall, up to 2 famous Roman legions were located on 24 hectares.
This camp was unearthed in the 20th century by the German archaeologist Adolf Schutler. To carry out a full-scale excavation, the EX-390 regional road had to be relocated, since it passed right through the camp.

Just looking at the signs, you can understand where and how the camp was located and where the barracks for the soldiers were built.

In the center of the former camp there is a modern building, inside which there is a small exposition of the difficult life of Roman soldiers.

This concludes a series of stories about the Roman heritage of Spain.

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Caceres (Spain) - the most detailed information about the city with a photo. The main attractions of Caceres with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Caceres (Spain)

Caceres is a city in western Spain, the capital of the province of the same name in the Extremadura region. The historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Caceres is one of the most beautiful cities in the country. It has ancient Roman, Moorish and Spanish architecture, ancient sacral buildings, medieval walls and towers. This vibrant university city was located far from military conflicts, therefore, it has preserved its historical heritage in excellent condition.

Geography and climate

Caceres is located in the northwestern part of the Extremadura region and is practically adjacent to the natural area of ​​Llanos de Caceres. The city is located on a plain along which the rivers Tajo, Guadiana and Guadalupa flow. The surroundings of the province are famous for a variety of bird species. In Caceres itself, you can often find storks, which are one of its symbols. The climate of the city is Mediterranean continental. Summers are very hot and dry, winters are mild and humid with occasional frosts. Most of the precipitation occurs during the cold season.

Practical information

  1. Population - 95.9 thousand people.
  2. Area - 1750.33 square kilometers (the largest municipality in Spain by territory).
  3. Currency - Euro.
  4. Visa - Schengen.
  5. Time - Central European UTC +1, in summer +2.
  6. Language - Spanish.
  7. Tourist Information Centers are located at C / Amargura 1 and C / Santa Clara 2.

Best time to visit

The best times to visit are April-June and September-October.


Caceres was founded by the Romans in the 1st century AD next to the important Vía de la Plata road. In the 5th century, the Visigoths destroyed the Roman settlement and until the 9th century there was no information about the city. Caceres was rebuilt by the Moors, who saw it as an important strategic point against the Christians in the north.

The city finally became part of the Castilian crown in the 13th century. In 1477, the Queen of Castile Isabella I stayed here for a while. Until the 18th century, Caceres was a fairly small town in Extremadura. The influx of population began in the second half of the 18th century. Basically, farmers and merchants settled here.

How to get there

The nearest international airports are located in Madrid, Lisbon and Seville. The small airport Talavera, 90 km away, serves domestic flights from Madrid and Barcelona. The city has regular bus and train connections with Madrid, Lisbon, Seville, Salamanca. The railway station is located on the outskirts of the city, about 1-2 km from the center.

Food and drink

In local gastronomy, a special role is given to the meat and gifts of the Estremadura land. Traditional dishes and typical products: Iberian ham, zorongollo (tomato salad with red pepper), migas extremeñas (fried rusks with chorizo), cuchifrito (stew), torta del Casar (cream cheese), patatera (sausages with potatoes and pumpkin) , morcillas de Guadalupe (pork and cabbage pudding), goat cheese. It also produces olive oil and paprika, cherries and figs.


The old town of Caceres is called the Ciudad Monumental. It is surrounded by ancient walls and many defensive towers. Little has changed here since the Middle Ages. The oldest sections of the fortifications date back to the ancient period and were built by the Romans, but most of the walls were built by the Moors in the Middle Ages.

Plaza Mayor is located near the city walls. The main gate to the city (Arco de la Estrella) is located here, which was built in the 15th century. The gate looks like an arch and is protected by powerful towers.

Plaza Mayor is the bustling city center. There are many cafes and restaurants here. In the evening, street lighting and ancient architecture create a special atmosphere here.

Not far from the main gate is Piazza Santa Maria, which houses the Cathedral, the Episcopal Palace and the Casa de los Golf de Abajo (16th century Gothic and Plateresque mansion with a beautiful façade).


The Cathedral is a combination of Gothic and Romanesque architecture and is one of the most important buildings in Caceres. There is a magnificent altar inside. The Episcopal Palace dates back to the 13th century.

Nearby is Piazza São Jorge, home to the beautiful Baroque church of San Francisco and the convent also in the Baroque style.

In the western part of the old town is the San Mateo square and the church of the same name, built on the site of a former mosque. The square also houses the Stork House, a medieval building with an original defensive tower.

The historic center of Caceres is still surrounded by ancient walls and defensive towers, of which about 30 have survived. The most notable of them is the Buyako Tower.

Monkey House

In Caceres, you can see many old houses and palaces. The medieval streets of the city contain numerous traces of Moorish, Spanish and even Roman architecture.

Spanish Caceres is one of the finest surviving medieval cities in the world, located southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Caceres is part of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. The city is located 2.5 hours from Madrid and Lisbon. The historic part of the city is included in the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. In 1992, the city bore the honorary title of the cultural capital of Extremadura. And it is no coincidence: Caceres is a real open-air museum, where you can see the preserved architectural gems built in ancient times.

The historical part of the city is mesmerizing at any time of the year. The average annual temperature is about 16 degrees with occasional rainfall in autumn and winter. You get a special impression while walking around the city at night. The landmarks of Cáceres are delicately illuminated and stand out in pleasant semi-darkness against the backdrop of lesser buildings. The sounds of footsteps echo across the cobblestone pavement, the bizarre outlines of the towers appear against the background of the sky, various arches make the space more airy.

Plaza Mayor, Caceres

The main square of the city, Plaza Mayor, welcomes guests to the historic center of Caceres. The city hall, built in 1889, catches the eye. The Arch of Christ, a well-preserved heritage from the Roman period, will also attract the attention of tourists. The city is full of ancient legends, which is reminiscent of the "monkey house" on Calle del Mono. You can also see the panorama of the city from the 25-meter Arab Bukhako tower built in the 12th century. There is a museum inside the tower.

Walking through the historical part of the city, you can see the Bishop's Palace from the 16th century, whose coat of arms flaunts over the central window of the second floor. The entrance to the church and monastery of St. Dominic belonging to the Franciscan order of the same period of construction is crowned with the image of the Virgin. The altar of the temple has been supplemented by the appearance of Santo Domingo since the 17th century. One of the best examples of Moorish architecture is undoubtedly the Church of the Holy Spirit, which served both as a hospital and as a church parish. The building dates back to the 14th century.

The cultural complex of St. Francis will also delight the eye. Throughout its long history, the complex has served as both the residences of celebrities, and the college of scholastic theology with a library, during wartime it housed stables and barracks, was a building and a house of mercy, and a hospital and an orphanage. Currently, the complex is used as a cultural institution and serves simultaneously as a school of fine arts, and a dance school, and a conservatory. Concerts, theater performances, lectures and exhibitions are also held here today. Cáceres's guests are also attracted by the Church of St. Matthew, built in the sixteenth century, possibly on the site of an ancient mosque, decorated in 1766 by the sculptor Vicente Barbadillo. The Church of St. Francis of the 18th century will receive visitors at its observation deck for a nominal fee.

Since ancient times, the city has flourished thanks to animal husbandry, agriculture and mining. Currently, Caceres is a large tourist center with a developed infrastructure. The presence of a higher educational institution in the city gives it a special charm. One of the educational buildings of the famous University of Extremadura is always filled with young people. This is the reason for the holding of a variety of exhibitions and festivals in the city. The famous WOMAD Caceres - the festival of world music, arts and dance will be held in the city for the 26th time from 11 to 14 May 2017. The festival brings together talented people from all over the world. WOMAD is considered the largest music festival in the world. The beer festival opens its doors in September. The calendar of events cannot do without the flamenco festival, traditional for Spain and unique in its essence.

The city abounds in a variety of cafes and restaurants, each serving a variety of gastronomic delights and national cuisine. Caceres does not have its own airport; you can get here from other cities using train and bus transport.

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