
How to receive letters in the mail. Power of attorney to receive mail. How to receive a registered letter in the mail

In this article, we will look at how to receive a letter in the mail. The fact is that there are often cases when you get ordered letter fails in one day. If the postal officer who is obliged to deliver you a registered letter does not find you at home, he takes the letter back to the post office, and leaves you a receipt to receive the letter. Now you will have to go personally to the post office, for a letter, and not everyone knows how to receive a letter at the post office and often get lost.

Fill out the receipt at home to start, as it's better to do it in a relaxed environment than in the mail queues when attention is scattered. When filling out, please note that corrections are not allowed in the form, so do not write down your passport details as a keepsake. Rewrite each number, checking carefully. If the data of registration and residence are different, write the place of registration on the receipt. Please make sure all fields are filled in. Follow the hints that are given everywhere small print. After writing, show the receipt to relatives so that they check the spelling.

Take a pen, a personal passport and a book with you - this will be necessary to receive a registered letter. The pen will be needed in case of additional requests from postal employees. Don't expect a visitor's pen to be in the mail, as they may already be busy with other people filling out receipts. Do not forget that always having a pen with you is a good habit for a business person. You will need the book if you have to wait in line for a long time, because this happens quite often by mail.

Come to the post office at a good time. Some come in the daytime - at 11-12 o'clock, and at the same time do not have time to receive a letter before the lunch break and, as a result, lose a lot of time. You need to go to the post office either early in the morning, or immediately after the end of the break.

Select the required queue. This is due to the fact that not all post offices issue registered mail. Look carefully at which window you need. Often people queue up in several places at the same time to be served where it will be faster. It is worth being careful so that there is no confusion and indignation on the part of those who came later. The turmoil in the queue has a negative effect on the mood of postal workers, who begin to serve much more slowly.

Get a letter. Immediately check if it is addressed to you. Keep in mind that in a hurry, an employee may make a mistake. There are coincidences of recipients in the name and patronymic. Move away from the window, only after checking everything.

This type of document is required in cases where the recipient mail correspondence for some reason can not pick it up on their own. A power of attorney to receive mail can be written on behalf of individual and on behalf of the organization.


Who and to whom can issue a power of attorney

Any person residing on the territory of Russia and who has reached the age of majority can become a representative of the principal to receive mail. Organizations, as a rule, trust the receipt of correspondence to their employees - secretaries, personnel officers or specialists in the accounting department. A power of attorney is usually issued either by the secretary of the organization or by a lawyer, then the document is submitted for signature to the head.

The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates cases when powers of attorney must be certified by a notary, but a power of attorney to receive mail is not included in this list.

Basic rules for writing a power of attorney to receive mail

There is no specially developed unified form for general use for such a power of attorney. Enterprises have the right to develop its template on their own or write a power of attorney in free form. Large companies often use letterhead for power of attorney, but this is not a requirement. A regular sheet of A4 format is also suitable for drawing up a document, the main thing is that it accurately reflects all the functions that the principal assigns to his representative. In addition, the content of the document must contain detailed information about the principal and personal information about the trustee, as well as the validity of the document and the signature of both parties.

Sometimes powers of attorney are issued with the right of substitution. But these are rather exceptional cases, since such documents must be certified by a notary, so it is easier for organizations to issue the same powers of attorney for several employees at once - the law quite allows this. At the same time, in the powers of attorney, you can specify both the same instructions for all, and individual ones for a particular employee.

When filling out a power of attorney, certain rules must be observed so that the employees of the institution to which it will be provided have no doubts about the authenticity of its writing.

Instructions for writing a power of attorney

The very form of writing this document from the point of view of office work is quite standard.

  • The word is written at the beginning of the document "Power of Attorney" indicating the action, for which it is created. Next, specify city in which the document is drawn up, and date its compilation.
  • Going a little lower basic information about the trustee: the full name of the legal entity (indicating its organizational and legal form), the position of the employee on whose behalf the power of attorney is issued (as a rule, the director or CEO enterprise, or any employee authorized to sign such documents from a senior level), his last name, first name, patronymic (first name and patronymic can be put in the form of initials).
  • Then you should indicate on the basis of which documents the principal is acting (here, depending on the situation, you can write “Based on the Charter”, “Power of Attorney”, “Regulations”, etc.).
  • After that, the document is trustee information. First, his surname, first name, patronymic are indicated, then the data of the identity document (name, series, number, by whom and when issued).
  • Next, we indicate for what purposes the power of attorney is issued (in this case, “to receive documents”), as well as the specific institution in which these documents are supposed to be received. If there are any other actions that the principal authorizes his representative to perform, they must also be included in this power of attorney as a separate clause.
  • After entering the basic information, you need to write for what period is the power of attorney issued. It should be noted that a power of attorney can be issued both for one-time orders, and for a certain period or indefinitely.

If the validity period is not specified, it is automatically considered issued for a period of one calendar year.

At the end of the document, the authorized person must put his personal signature, and the principal also certify it with his signature. Power of attorney must be certified company seal(Individual entrepreneurs initially have the right not to use a seal, and since the beginning of 2016, the presence of a seal is not necessary for legal entities. However, government and commercial structures working with organizations continue to require an imprint on documents).

After writing the power of attorney, the representative of the principal may present it within the entire period specified in it. If there is a need to cancel the document, then it is necessary to notify the structures concerned about the termination of its validity, and also return the document to yourself.

For similar situations there are several mail receiving options:

For many citizens, it is very important to know: how to receive a parcel in the mail for another person?

The main subtleties of writing a power of attorney to receive a parcel

So, how to make a power of attorney to receive letters, parcels, goods, money or documents at the post office in Russia?

When issuing a power of attorney to send and receive mail, strictly follow the above rules:

  1. states that the power of attorney is signed by the head or legal representative (with the relevant document).
  2. Verify with a seal.
  3. It is necessary to show the power of attorney both when issuing and about sending correspondence.
  4. Conclude an agreement with the post office.
  5. The legal representative of the organization - the head has the opportunity to receive shipments without a power of attorney. To do this, you need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Required details

A power of attorney to receive parcels or letters at the Russian post office must be properly framed.

Correctly completed form is required contains a list:

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 186. Term of a power of attorney

  1. If the power of attorney does not specify the period of its validity, it shall remain in force for one year from the date of its execution.

    A power of attorney that does not specify the date of its execution is void.

  2. A power of attorney certified by a notary intended for performing actions abroad and not containing an indication of its validity period remains valid until it is canceled by the person who issued the power of attorney.

For more correct and competent writing let's look at each point separately.

Important! A power of attorney from an individual can also be written by hand, but with the obligatory indication of all the necessary points.

How to write a header?

In the middle of the sheet is written the word "POWER OF ATTORNEY" capital letters. For example:

Vladimir the twenty-ninth of February two thousand and seventeen

Formatting the content

Without indents, full text indicates the name of the recipient, passport details, place of residence.

I, Vyskova Maria Viktorovna, passport series 7623, No 086548, issued by the Merengovo Department of the Ryazan City, living at the address: Ryazan, Chernigov Boulevard, 94, apt. 226 empower

The same information is indicated about the trustee.

Bolshakova Angelina Alexandrovna, passport series 4365 No 576387, issued by the ORD of the Ryazan district of the city of Ryazan, residing at the address: Ryazan, Volzhsky Boulevard, 64, apt. 1

Place of collection

receive in the post office No. 23 of Ryazan postal items that come in my name.


A power of attorney is usually issued for a period of one year unless otherwise specified.

It is possible drawing up a one-time power of attorney, but in this case, it must indicate the action for which it is issued.

Signatures are affixed at the end.
Everything written is worth draw on white paper A4 format horizontally.

An example of a power of attorney is shown below.
It is used for decoration letters of attorney, parcels or other postal correspondence, and to receive goods or cargo from transport company. Example:


St. Petersburg, the twenty-seventh of May, two thousand and seventeen

I, Popkova Alina Gennadievna, passport series 6943, No 538741, issued by the Terrestrial Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg, living at the address: St. Petersburg, Pushkin Avenue, 167, apt. 125 I authorize Anastasia Alexandrovna Dementieva, passport series 4327 No 782465 issued by the Gorkovo police department of St. Petersburg, residing at the address: St. Petersburg, Nizhne-Volzhskaya embankment, 154, apt. 105 to receive in the department No. 109 of St. Petersburg postal items that come in my name.

The power of attorney is issued for a period of six months.

A. G. Popkova I certify: ________ Skorlupina Margarita Vladimirovna Head of the Human Resources Department

Read more about how to correctly fill out a power of attorney form to receive mail at Russian post, including parcels, registered letters and correspondence, read.


The trust document must be made in writing. It must be certified by a notary or other officials.

It is worth remembering that the design of the document is written in free form, subject to all postal regulations and legislation.

It so happened that I received all my more or less large purchases from online stores without waiting for receipt mail notices, and tracking their path by track number and simply coming with a passport to the post office.

I did the same at the beginning of this January after the New Year holidays, tracking the arrival of the parcel along the track to my post office. But the postal employee refused to look for the parcel by the track number, saying that she needed a notification.

The situation was defused by the head of the post office, who specified the delivery address and volunteered to find the right item herself.

The parcel was quickly found, after which the manager asked me to come for subsequent shipments only after waiting for a notification from the postman, somehow explaining this in a stupid way: they say, when they print notices for posting by mail, they fit 3 pieces on one sheet, and when someone arrives without a notice, then they print a notice on separate sheet, and paper is in short supply and generally terribly inconvenient.

The notice appeared in mailbox 4 (!) days after I had already picked up my parcel at the post office ...

Do we have the right to receive our shipments by mail without waiting for the notice to be delivered?

First you need to figure out - do we even have the right to demand the issuance of parcels to us without waiting for notification?

Or is each fact of such extradition a gesture of goodwill on the part of a particular employee?

Here is what the rules for receiving mail, published on the official website of the Russian Post, say:

Simple letters, postcards and small parcels are delivered to the recipient's mailbox.

The postman brings registered letters to the house and hands them to the addressee against signature upon presentation of an identity card. If the addressee is not in place, the postman leaves a notice in the mailbox and returns the letter to the office.

Parcels and other registered items can be collected at the branch or ordered for home delivery.

To receive the shipment at the branch, you need to present a notice (it can be filled out on the website) or a track number, as well as an identity card.

To receive a shipment addressed to another person or organization, you must present an identity card and a notarized power of attorney from the addressee.

If you do not have a notice or a track number, upon presentation of an identity card, you can ask a Postal employee to find the shipment by the name and address to which it was sent. Information from the official website of the Russian Post

Based on official data, in order to receive the parcel, the recipient must carry only your ID.

The notice is not mandatory, but only a recommended document for receiving the parcel, and it is quite acceptable to replace the notice with a track number.

And even in the absence of both a notification and a track number (for example, this number is forgotten, or a trackless shipment is expected), the recipient is still has the right to to receive your shipment, found by the postal employee according to the address data.

Accordingly, any statements in the spirit of “no notice - no departure” are illegal and run counter to the current job description of employees post office.

What to do

So, you tracked on the track that your shipment reached the post office safely, but faced the refusal of the post office staff to issue it to you on the basis of an identity document due to the lack of a postal notice.

Since such a refusal is contrary to job description, then having heard it, you can already begin to “build” negligent post office employees and complain about their work to higher divisions of the Russian Post.

This option is simple and effective. The Russian Post is a rigid totalitarian structure, the lower in the hierarchy of which a particular employee is, the less rights he has. Therefore, there is no doubt that a check will be carried out at the request of the client, and almost certainly the post office employees involved will lose their bonuses for the current month.

And the realities of life are such that the smaller and more inconspicuous a person is in the social hierarchy, the more he, as a rule, has ambition. To have at hand people who, having suffered a well-deserved punishment for flaws in their work, will harbor anger at the person who pointed out these flaws until the end of their lives, and at the same time will have access to all of his postal items- do you need it? Don't think.

Therefore, there is a peaceful solution to the situation. And it's amazingly simple.

You just need to have a notice with you. But do not wait until the postman brings it to your house, but ... print it yourself.

And the same official website of the Russian Post will help with this.

It is advisable to indicate in the letter the full name and position of specific employees, but if they are not available, it is enough to indicate the index of the post office.

And the second option is to contact local management Federal Postal Service. You can do this by e-mail, by phone or through a personal visit to their office.

Contacts of the local FPS can be found on the corresponding page of the Russian Post website.

For example, in my case, local branches are controlled by the FPS of the Chelyabinsk region. And the FPS of the Chelyabinsk region, in turn, is subordinate to the FPS Sverdlovsk region and the Ural macroregion, located in Yekaterinburg. You can apply here and there.

It really works. Complaints are considered, the facts stated in them are checked, negligent postal employees are punished with a ruble. The Internet is full of evidence of this.

I think it’s not worth explaining that when compiling the text of any complaint, you need to clearly formulate the claim and accompany it with specific facts, avoiding value judgments and becoming personal.

Summing up

To receive the parcel, you must have only an identity document with you.

It is not necessary to have a notice with you - postal employees are required, at the request of the client, to look for the shipment by track number or address.

The notification form can be filled out and printed by yourself.

You should avoid communicating with postal employees in the style of “you owe me everything here” (despite the fact that this is true) and maintain a polite and friendly manner of communication.

If polite requests do not lead to the desired result and post office employees demonstrate clearly inadequate behavior and unwillingness to perform their duties, then their actions can and should be complained to the dominant postal structures.

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