
How to promote yourself in Yandex. Promotion in Yandex Maps and Google Maps. How Yandex.Direct affects promotion

Yandex's new algorithm works on the basis of neural network... He learns from examples of user requests, and selects answers based on the meaning of the text on the page. This means, in particular, that it will work much more efficiently with non-standard queries when users themselves are not sure what the name of what they want to find is.

So, you can ask a query, for example, "a film where a blind man drove a Ferrari" - and Yandex will return "Kinopoisk" with the film "The Smell of a Woman".

In addition, the algorithm works with pictures as well. It analyzes the content of the image and selects the necessary option based on it, and not only from the description in the tags. This completely changes the ranking, and many SEOs are worried about how the site promotion in Yandex is being transformed. We tried to understand what the changes are about.

Consequences of "Korolev"

Our experts Denis Shubenok and Mikhail Volovich told how the new algorithm will affect search engine optimization, and how it will now be possible to promote the site in Yandex.

How could the new algorithm affect SEO?

Mikhail Volovich: The edge of the new algorithm, like Palekh before, is directed in a completely different direction - in a sense, the opposite of SEO. Yandex mainly focuses on non-trivial queries for which there are no obvious relevant answers (as in the case of a movie where a blind man drove a Ferrari). And SEO deals with those queries for which there are thousands of ideal answers. Because hundreds of SEOs and webmasters on their sites created a special page for each individual request of yours, and then worked hard fine tuning its relevance. In this - commercial - zone, search engines solve completely different problems. There is no need to search for relevant answers, or even choose the most relevant one. Here, among hundreds of fairly relevant candidates, you need to choose the best one for some other, for example, commercial criteria.

However, "Korolev" is not an additional search module, but a change in the entire algorithm, starting from the earliest stages of the preliminary selection of candidates for ranking. Therefore, it will in one way or another affect all requests, including in the commercial zone. We will probably see some changes in the weights of commercial and text factors - although hardly global. Promotion for Yandex as a whole will not change.

Who should expect what changes?

Denis Shubenok: So far, no one knows exactly how the algorithm will affect the issuance of specific sites. It was launched two days ago, and during this time the results cannot be tracked. Especially considering that Korolev works on the basis of a neural network that accumulates data and adjusts its work with each request. Now we have started collecting information on all our projects, and in about a month we will be able to write a detailed report on how the promotion in Yandex has changed, if it has changed.

As we assume now, there will be no major changes. But you can expect some redistribution of traffic towards large sites. Korolev is designed for complex, mostly low-frequency information requests, and sites that can afford to create a lot of content will benefit from its work.

Is it so important now to collect the semantic core?

Mikhail Volovich: Search engines, willingly or unwillingly, shape the Internet. In the ecosystem formed by Yandex and Google, all your competitors create an ideally relevant page for each request you are interested in. Even if Yandex's ideas about relevance after the "Queen" change greatly, which is unlikely, competitors will not go anywhere and will quickly tweak their pages to the new ideal of relevance. You, of course, can get lucky, and for some requests your site will take off on its own. But the rest will still have to be worked on.

I'm afraid that for SEO the name “Korolev” will be symbolic in a completely different way from Yandex. After all, this is the city on Yaroslavka, which is impossible to reach without traffic jams.

Will the traffic grow due to associated queries?

Mikhail Volovich: Unlikely. But you will need to pay close attention to query clustering. One of the innovations announced by yandex is to take into account the "semantics" of other requests that go to this page.

If you want to promote your site on the Runet, it is very important that in Yandex it is present in the search results on the first page for your target requests. But how to promote your site to the top 10 without extra costs and risk of getting a “search ban”? Is it possible to do this on your own? Let's figure it out.

How to promote a page in Yandex: basic methods

  1. Search engine optimization. This stage is important for promotion in any search engine. The essence of the actions lies in the fact that the site is not only convenient and efficiently works, but also each page corresponds to the search queries by which users will have to find it.
  2. Adding a site to and catalog. This step notifies Yandex about the appearance of a new site and helps speed up the process of its indexing.
  3. Contextual advertising. This is the simplest answer to the question of how to quickly promote a website in Yandex. You set up and pay for advertising, and visitors appear on your site almost immediately. Of course, any advertising costs money, but only in this way your resource can get visitors almost immediately after it appears on the Internet.
  4. External links. Search robots Yandex, in many respects, when evaluating a resource, are guided by citation, i.e. to those links that visitors to your site share on different resources. It is believed that a site's high citation rate is an indicator of its usefulness. On the other hand, search algorithms are constantly being improved, and Yandex is actively fighting against artificial increase in link mass. That is why it is worth talking about the methods of obtaining links in particular detail.

Usually, all of these methods are applied in a complex manner. Moreover, at every stage it is very important to remember that the rules for website promotion in Yandex are strict. And any careless step, due to which search algorithms "suspect" your resource of abuse, can lead to penalties - temporary filters that "lower" your site in the search results to almost zero, and often to a permanent "search ban". Practice shows that it is very difficult to remove these filters later and it is not always possible. Therefore, it is better to immediately work with the promotion very, very carefully.

Basic rules for website promotion in Yandex: tidying up the website

The first thing that you definitely need to check is the quality of the selected hosting, as well as the site itself. The fact is that if a site or even individual pages are from time to time unavailable for a search "bot", this will negatively affect its ranking. Yandex believes that if a site often does not work or many of its pages do not load when accessed, it means that the resource is of poor quality, and the first places for such a site do not shine.

The next stage is optimization:

  1. Select search queries suitable for your project on the http://wordstat.yandex.ru service. It is not difficult, and we will not dwell on this stage in detail.
  2. From the list of selected queries, make the so-called. Those. distribute search queries across different pages. Here you can use numerous tips from SEO-wizards or common logic. Search phrases should be as relevant to the page as possible. And you need to choose according to the principle - no more than one high-frequency (with a large number of requests per month), 1-2 medium-frequency (from the middle of the list), 2-3 low-frequency. However, this method is very variable. The most important thing here is expediency and your sense of proportion.
  3. Based on this semantic core for each page. Good text content is one of the keys to the popularity of a resource. Articles should be interesting, useful, relevant and literate. Size matters too - too long texts difficult to perceive, too short carry little information.

Situations often arise when unscrupulous colleagues steal high-quality content and place it on their websites. In no case should you do this, since identifying non-unique content automatically lowers the site's position in Yandex search results.

Check "" - write unique for each page and make sure that no duplication of pages occurs when generating html-code (search engines are two identical pages are perceived very negatively under different addresses), close the inner part of the site for indexing (check the presence and correctness of the robot.txt file).

What parameters affect website promotion

The priority tasks for promotion include:

  • timely correction of validation errors (errors in HTML code), code optimization. You can find errors here http://validator.w3.org;
  • correct external and internal linking - linking pages with links;
  • normal functioning of navigation;
  • normal page depth - the number of levels that the web pages contain. The best option is considered to be three levels or less, excluding the home page;
  • correct map setting. Service: https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/.

These are just the main parameters that should be given special attention. If the owner of the resource does not have the skills to create good content and high-quality development, it is better to turn to specialists - payment for the services of copywriters and webmasters will pay off over time, and the site will function well.

Yandex contextual advertising

In order to promote the site to the top Yandex, as well as quickly get the first visitors, it makes sense to contact paid services advertising from Yandex. And here contextual advertising is considered the most popular and profitable option.

The most profitable option for contextual ads would be the choice of low-frequency requests for promotion, since they are cheaper, and the number of visitors for 10 such requests usually comes more than for one high-frequency one.

The technical side of the issue, in principle, is not at all complicated. And it is described in great detail in the Yandex help sections. It is also important to understand that this method is good as a help to get the first visitors or seasonal (related to promotions, holidays, important events) increase in site traffic.

Such ads are practically not reflected on positions in search results. Although here, apparently, the unspoken rules of website promotion in Yandex work. And if the site owner pays for Yandex services (uses advertising, pays for paid placement in some services, be it a directory, Yandex.Market, etc.), then the likelihood of getting a search ban decreases. All other things being equal, such a site will rank slightly higher than those that do not use these tools at all.

How to promote a website to the top Yandex links

The number of external links or, in other words, the citation of a site is a parameter that Yandex traditionally focuses on when determining the quality and usefulness of a project. If Google initially focused more on content analysis, then for Yandex, in the recent past, the citation rate was in the first place. The idea was simple: if people are linking to a page, then it's really interesting. It goes without saying that this feature was very actively used to promote a site in Yandex.

Today, the "weight" of external links in search results has become much lower than, for example, 3 years ago. Work algorithms search engine are improving, developers are trying to protect themselves from link building, which not so long ago was very much abused by many promotion specialists. And, nevertheless, for Yandex, the presence of external links to the site is still far from the last factor.

External links to the site

  1. Natural links. They appear due to the citation of your materials by users on forums, on social networks, on a variety of projects.
  2. Commercial links. They are "eternal" and temporary. The difference between them is clear from the name: "perpetual" links are paid once and are placed on a permanent basis, temporary links will remain on the page as long as you are willing to pay for their placement.

Of course, natural links are much more useful, their weight for Yandex is undeniable, and therefore the presence of this type of link mass is always only beneficial. With the purchased link mass, everything is somewhat more complicated. Yandex is actively fighting this practice; if a significant amount of purchased link mass is detected, punishment from the search engine may even follow. And yet this method is still valid and, with a competent approach, remains effective.

How to promote a website in Yandex for free: natural links

Honest user recommendations - best remedy for advancement. At least from the point of view of a search engine: if a person voluntarily links to a resource, then it is really useful. There are several methods for obtaining such links:

Crowd marketing is advertising disguised as custom recommendations posted in relevant topics and discussions. Many people make decisions based on public opinion. A large purchase, a trip on vacation - for advice in such cases, people often turn to forums and answer services.

A person is already interested in receiving a product or service - all that remains is to push him a little in the right direction. Crowd marketing increases not only the position of the site in the search results, but also the level of sales, if the resource is commercial. Natural link mass serves as an excellent disguise for commercial links from exchanges.

To ensure that people go to the specified web address, and your links are not removed as spam, messages should be posted in suitable places. The site should be focused on the desired region and relevant topic. Traditionally, the objects for posting messages are blogs, forums, social networks, response services.

Crowd marketing does not require money, but it does take time. Correct posting is a monotonous and time-consuming process: you need to look for sites, invent new topics for discussion, write messages, etc. Nevertheless, no one has yet figured out how to promote a website to the top 10 faster and more efficiently. This work is 100% rewarding for the investment of time and does not require funds, except when you hire third-party specialists to do it.

How to speed up website promotion to the top - buy links

Not all resources can get enough natural links. For example, those in which a topic that is inconvenient for public discussion is raised. How can you promote your site to the top 10 in Yandex in this case? That's right, only through commercial links.

The best place to buy temporary links is traditionally considered to be specialized exchanges: http://www.sape.ru, https://seopult.ru, etc. masters - the system does it for you.

Another traditional method is link exchange, where you and the owner of another resource place sponsored links on top of each other. Yandex very quickly notices a direct exchange of this kind, and it has not been useful for a long time. But if you have a lot of resources and / or friends, you can agree on a complex exchange "along the chain", when some sites link to others, those - to the third .... And only a backlink to your resource passes through a certain chain.

And the most expensive, but reliable and safe option is to buy "permanent" links. The price of such links, of course, is much higher than the payment for the link mass on the exchange, but the placement is carried out on an ongoing basis, and Yandex, if they are correctly located, takes them for natural ones.

Be careful: Minusinsk filter

The most important limiting factor for website owners in buying link mass today is the Yandex Minusinsk filter. It is he, and not financial capabilities, that very often limits the volume of buying the link mass.

This filter finds sites with an unacceptable number of purchased hyperlinks (more than 500) and significantly lowers their position in the search results. At the first stage of its work, this filter identified and lowered in the ratings sites that bought links in thousands, now those who buy more than 500 links are already at risk, and some SEO masters recommend limiting themselves to 250 commercial links.

Moreover, the filter pays special attention to the following parameters:

  1. Block placement of links outside the main content (like advertising)
  2. High content of anchor phrases in one place.
  3. A significant number of external links on the donor site.
  4. Lack of clicks on the link (a marker that the link is not interesting to visitors of the donor site).

In order to still increase the volume of the link mass, but not risk falling under Minusinsk, many webmasters have become more active. With this option, you post on someone else's resource your article on the topic of your site, and in the text - one or two links to the pages you need. Such articles can be on sites for years (especially with free posting of articles on the site), or they can be deleted after a while (more often just when the paid rental period of the link). But Minusinsk also does not know how to recognize them.

There are many more methods that can be listed in response to the question of how to promote a site in Yandex. Increasing the position in the search results is a time-consuming and multifaceted process with many nuances that cannot be accommodated in one article. But the above guidelines can provide a powerful basis for optimization if applied correctly.

Promotion in Yandex.Maps and Google maps Is an effective tool for attracting target audience. Users not only go to the promoted site, but can also visit the company's office. We offer competent promotion, thanks to which the position of your site in the search results will improve, and the number of new customers will increase.

Statistical indicators

A study conducted by Mediascope clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of promoting services on maps. First of all, it is worth mentioning that more than 75% of users visit places nearby, which were offered to them by the service, during the day.

In desktop search results, among active Internet users, the share of Yandex.Maps service users is 40%. Among the population of Russia, this figure is 30%. And 19% of Russian users use maps using a smartphone.

The audience who came to the site from the maps is more valuable for the following reasons:

  • users are less likely to leave the site in the first seconds of their stay on it;
  • visit more different pages of the site;
  • the average time spent on the site increases.

We can conclude that Yandex.Maps and Google Maps can be a source of targeted traffic for the site. Users will navigate both from the desktop version of the site and from mobile app... It is very important that the needs of such an audience are formed. Therefore, its willingness to place an order is higher than the users who came to the site from the search results.

Competent promotion of the company in cartographic services will attract a large number of potential customers to the site. On the service, you can buy paid placement and be the first in the search results. However, this may not bring the desired effectiveness if you do not take into account such factors as user reviews and ratings, filling the card about the organization in Maps with information.

Who will benefit from promotion in cards?

Promotion in Yandex.Maps and Google maps will effective solution for a company with a physical address, which provides most of the services offline. The following types of institutions can be distinguished, which will benefit from such promotion:

  • notary offices;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • auto repair shops and car dealerships;
  • all types of household services: repair of equipment, sewing clothes, etc .;
  • rental points;
  • medical institutions;
  • restaurants, cafes and bars;
  • photo studios;
  • institutions for children;
  • entertainment centers;
  • retail stores;
  • banking institutions;
  • hotels, mini-hotels, hostels;
  • sanatoriums and recreation centers.

Information about the institution will be displayed to the user in Maps if he is near him and in the Navigator when searching. The company card will be available in Yandex and Google search results on the map block, as well as in mobile search results.

How is the promotion

First of all, you need to create and fill out a company card.

This can be done in Yandex.Directory and Google My Business services. You need to indicate the type of activity and the schedule of work. It is necessary to add photos of the building where the office of the institution is located. It is important to add landmark icons to the map. With the help of the product card, a potential client can quickly familiarize himself with the offer and find the company's office using photographs of the facade.

Further, from different accounts and with a change of IP-address, reviews to organizations and ratings are added. This operation is carried out gradually so that the service does not block the company due to a sharp increase in the number of reviews. Such comments are also added to third-party sites with reviews (only Yandex). Of these, Yandex can add user messages to the Maps service.

Reviews are written comments from different accounts and addresses. This creates a discussion around each review. This allows a potential client to see user activity and find answers to frequently asked questions in these discussions.

Moderation from Yandex is tough. It is almost impossible to raise the rating of a company in cards with ordinary accounts. They need to be “cooked”! The final assessment of the organization will be formed on the basis of

  • the number of assessments, the assessment itself by points;
  • the quality of the account from which the rating was affixed, i.e. the level of trust from Yandex.

Promotion results in Maps

Promotion of a point on Yandex.Map and Google Maps gives the following effect:

  • in the search results, the organization takes the first position in the block with the map;
  • in cards, the company card is in the top positions;
  • the institution is displayed in the TOP of the issue in mobile version service and in Yandex Navigator;
  • potential clients can easily find the location of the company;
  • the added reviews keep the organization card in the first positions of the issue and attract new customers over a long period of time.

If the information in the directory is filled in with high quality, the display of the organization in Maps increases, and the traffic grows.

What is the schedule for the work

In the first month of promotion, the first stage of work is fully completed: an organization card is created and filled as fully as possible (photos, description, contacts, services and prices). 4 reviews are added to it, to which 6 comments are written. On third-party review sites, 2 reviews about the organization are added.

In the second month, the posting of reviews and comments continues. 5 customer reviews are added and 12 comments are written. An additional 4 reviews are created on partner sites. The placement schedules for the second and third months are completely identical.

Time and cost

The work is being done gradually, so you shouldn't expect a quick increase in traffic. Improvements can be noticeable as early as 3 weeks, but to achieve good results, you need to work with promotion for at least 3 months. After 5 months, the organization's card gets to the first positions in the issue. At the same time, it is important to constantly maintain the level of activity in reviews and comments, as this directly affects the position.

The cost of the work is 15,000 rubles per month. By ordering this service from us, you can increase the traffic to your site, the number of clients and the company's income.

There are business niches for which we can offer an individual package of services and work with dozens and hundreds of cards. Call us!

Do you have your own business ?! Are you the owner of your company's corporate website ?! You have a question: "How important is website promotion in Yandex for attracting more customers in your field of activity?" The specialists of the i-Media company unequivocally believe that website promotion in Yandex is one of the most important components for conducting a correct advertising campaign for your business. However, there are some important features of this type of advertising.

Features of site promotion in Yandex

1. Website promotion in Yandex is an ongoing process.

There is no need to wait for an instant effect after the moment the promotion of your project starts. For low-frequency requests, a tangible effect should appear in 1.5 - 2 months, for medium-frequency requests - in 3-4 months and for high-frequency requests in 5-6 months. And if you want to advance on high-frequency and very highly competitive requests, then the terms for the withdrawal of your project for such requests can be significantly longer than six months.

2. The results of website promotion in Yandex depend primarily on you.

Clients who believe that the result of promoting their site depends solely on the quality of the work of the optimization company are deeply mistaken. The fact is that the algorithms of the Yandex search engine are very attentive to the architecture of your site, track how unique the content on your site is, how often it is updated. In this regard, before you start promoting your site in the Yandex search engine, you must firmly decide for yourself that you are ready to take an active part in the development of your Internet resource in accordance with the requirements of the optimization company.

3. Do not delay the approval period.

We are not saying that after a question has been received for approval from the optimization company, then you need to drop all your affairs and start considering the issue. We understand perfectly well that you have a huge number of cases in the area of ​​your business. However, within 1-3 days you still need to set aside a little of your precious time and answer questions regarding the promotion of your favorite site. After all, in the end, delaying the deadline can cost you a pretty penny.

Contact the optimization company and discuss alternative ways to resolve the differences that have arisen. At least the specialists of the i-Media company are always ready to enter into an open dialogue with the client and will make every effort to find alternative ways in case of problem situations at the stage of agreeing on the requirements for internal optimization or revisions of your website.

5. Don't ask SEOs to quickly build up your link budget.

An instant increase in the volume of the link mass to your site can lead to sanctions from the Yandex search engine and, as a result, your site will be pessimized or even banned. SEO specialists know how to properly and efficiently work on the external factors of promoting your site. At i-Media, working on external factors means not only the measured purchase of links to your project using Linkoteka, but also actively uses blogs, articles, reviews, eternal and natural links as tools for promoting a website in Yandex, rationally distributing the budget provided to us Of your project. Therefore, do not panic if a month after the start of the project you see a small increase in the link mass to your site. Time will pass and it will be sufficient. You just need to rely on the professionalism of website promotion specialists and wait a bit.

Your site receives an increase in thematic link mass, which is very positively perceived when promoting a site in Yandex. One such link in terms of quality characteristics can replace several of those that the optimization company will select for you on its sites. You are well aware that SEO specialists are simply not authorized to communicate with your partners on this issue. Thus, your participation in the work on the external factors of promoting your site will be very welcome.

7. Coordinate all the planned changes on the site with optimizers.

Some improvements have a very negative effect on the promotion results. In this regard, if you have any ideas for modifying your site, please contact SEO specialists who are engaged in its promotion, and discuss your wishes for your site.

The above paragraphs briefly describe the main aspects of site optimization in Yandex. There are convincing arguments that the results are highly dependent on the client's desire to develop their favorite site according to the requirements of SEO professionals.

The share of this search engine in the Russian segment of the Internet is over 50%. Every day, the system processes millions of user requests and helps to make hundreds of thousands of transactions. Website search engine optimization in Yandex guarantees a significant share of the success of any company. Contact Demis Group, and you will receive targeted traffic to your site from the TOP-10 search results!

Features of search engine promotion of sites in Yandex

The first thing to consider when working with the Yandex search engine is the longer indexing period compared to Google. Get ready that it will take a long time before new articles and links will be taken into account in the ranking.

When ranking Yandex pays great attention to the quality of the resources themselves. Even a well-optimized site with SEO-relevant content can be far behind the TOP-10 due to the fact that the search engine considered the information on it to be of insufficient quality. Nevertheless, traditional methods of search engine promotion remain an important component of developing a website for Yandex.

Let's consider the main factors that help to promote a site to the TOP, and indicate their features when working with the Yandex search engine.

Technical optimization and its impact on website promotion in Yandex

Identification and elimination of technical errors, adjustment correct work- one of the main stages of resource development. Incorrect actions can lead to its exclusion from the search engine index and, as a result, nullify all other promotion results. Yandex itself provides the following recommendations for technical optimization:

    Minimize the use of redirects. Excessive automatic redirection will significantly complicate the process of site indexing. Use them only if you change the page addresses for technical reasons. In this case, you only need to use 301 redirects.

    Configure the correct 404 response for non-existent pages. Replacing a classic 404 page with a 200 response stub page is not allowed. Such pages are perceived by the search engine as real, and it does not remove them from the index, which leads to slower indexing of useful content.

    Debug and monitor the site engine. Often sites are taken out of the search engine index due to problems associated with the engines of these sites. For example, the most common mistake- the appearance of a large number of duplicate pages due to wrong setting scripts. It is expressed in the fact that the same pages have different addresses when you go to them from different sections of the site. An abundance of duplicates leads to a decrease in the site's position or its exclusion from the index.

    Develop and maintain a clear structure on the site. Each document must belong to a specific section. This will not only simplify indexing and help to promote the site in the Yandex TOP more efficiently, but will also give users the ability to navigate easily. Try to navigate through the standard HTML markup format - the

    For large sites with many pages, it is recommended to use a so-called sitemap. This is a special service file with information about the pages of the site. Yandex allows you to upload a sitemap through a special service for webmasters - Yandex.Webmaster.

    Use Robots.txt file to limit indexing service information, as well as duplicate pages and automatically generated pages (for example, search results) of the site. The abundance of such pages significantly reduces the rate of indexing of the main content. You can check the correctness of filling in the file using a special service.

    Use only static pages that do not contain a session ID. It is better if such pages include information about what is on the page (for example: www.sait.ru/katalog_tovarov). This will make it easier for users to navigate your site.

Content optimization and its impact on website promotion in Yandex

V Lately Yandex has stepped up its fight against different types spam on pages and increased requirements for the quality of content. The main requirements for the content of the site are:

  • uniqueness;
  • relevance;
  • usefulness to the user.

Of course, the relevance of the content still plays a big role. But now it's not enough just to add to the text keywords... Even properly optimized text will not give the desired effect if users find it uninteresting.

Understand if users find necessary information or not, it allows a special statistics service - Yandex.Metrica. This tool makes it possible to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the resource and identify the main problems based on the reaction of real visitors.

So, for example, if the bounce rate on a page is high, then this means that users are not finding the expected response and the page needs to be revisited. In this case, the problem may not be so much in the low quality of the content as in the form of its presentation. Simple text, lack of illustrations and infographics can negate all the efforts of a copywriter to write interesting material.

The influence of links on promotion and new ranking factors

At the beginning of 2014, Yandex canceled the influence of the link component in a number of topics. This marked the beginning of a new era in website promotion. Now, resources related to the commercial sector are assessed according to a number of additional criteria that are designed to determine the level of trust from the search engine. These factors include:

  • Availability complete information about the company, including details;
  • full contact information;
  • regularity of updating the section with news;
  • availability of certificates;
  • availability of information about delivery and various payment methods.

This information allows you to assess the reliability of the company and not rank high sites that could potentially harm Yandex users.

Behavioral factors

Carrying out work to improve this indicator, you should first of all pay attention to usability. Yandex experts themselves say:

"The site should not only respond to the user's request, but also provide information in an accessible and easy-to-read form."

A site that is easy to use and provides information in an understandable way, users will return again and again.

Regionality and Personal Search: Turning New Trends to Benefit Promotion

With each update to the ranking algorithm, more and more attention is paid to personalizing search. In the early stages, this manifested itself in the creation of a separate issue in each region. For example, for the same query, a user from Moscow and a user from St. Petersburg saw different sites on the Yandex search page. Now this is setting the issue for everyone. individual user based on the analysis of his preferences. Staying true to its mission - “to help people solve problems and achieve their goals in life” - Yandex tries to give each user an answer, taking into account not only his territorial position, but also his preferences and tastes. That, of course, complicates the search engine optimization of sites for Yandex, but does not make it absolutely impossible. So, having studied well your target audience in the desired region (for example, in St. Petersburg), you can offer her exactly what she wants, thereby making the personal search work for you!

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