
How to send an empty VK message from your phone. How to write and send an empty message to friends from a computer or phone in VK to prank them. Why is this option needed?

Hello! Today we will analyze another feature of the social network Vkontakte. It will be about how you can send empty messages to other users of the social network. An indispensable thing if you want to kill some time and play a trick on your friends) But personally, I didn’t find anything useful in this trick, but oh well ...

What is difficult here, because you can send a regular space, you might think. No, nothing like that, they just won't let you send a space. The developers of the social network made sure that all extra spaces are cut off, and you have only one there. Naturally, the space will be trimmed and the message will remain empty, and this cannot be sent.

In this regard, you need to send not the space itself, but its code. Vkontakte will skip the space code without cutting it, and already in the dialogs this code will be displayed as a space and the place will appear empty. Let's move on to practice.

We open our page and go to the list of our friends. Opposite the desired friend, click on the link "Write soo ...".

We have a pop-up window for entering text. Our space code looks like this:

We write it there and click on the "Submit" button.

Now we check, go to "My messages ...":

We look at the dialogues and see that the last message sent by us is empty, there is not a single sign.

How to write an empty message in VK? Very rarely, users need to prepare a shipment without text. To do this, you need to know a special void code.

There is no practical use in such a function. It may be required in the following cases:

  1. The user has nothing to say.
  2. You can use a similar option to express emotions.
  3. As a joke. The friend will think that the message just didn't get sent.

You can identify other situations in which such a function is useful. But its real usefulness is questionable. Therefore, few use it in the future.

How to send a message without content?

Dealing with this challenge is simple:

  • Specify code
  • You can enter it several times on different lines.
  • Send.
  • You will see the code, and the friend will receive an empty message.
  • With multiple input, you can increase the size and simulate a large post.
  • The procedure is extremely simple and takes a minimum of time.

The main disadvantage is that it is problematic to independently select characters when entering. But it is possible to facilitate the task, just copy the message and paste it into the window. You can then submit.

From phone

How to make an empty VKontakte message on a smartphone? From the phone, it is also easy to send SMS without content. Need to:

  1. Open the page with correspondence.
  2. Specify code
  3. Send it to the user.
  4. Wait for a reaction.

Does it work in the app?

Do you want to play a prank on your friend? Try sending him an empty message. Nobody understands what's going on. They immediately ask a lot of questions, etc. In general, cool stuff.

Now I'll show you how to send an empty message to VK.

What does it look like

The dialogue window of the person to whom you poison such a message will look like this (see).

How to achieve this?

Sending an empty message to VK

Copy the code below:

Now paste it into the form to create a new message. If you want to send a lot of empty lines, then you need to insert the code as many times as necessary. Each time from a new line (see). It looks like this.

Now just send it.

Now from phone

It's the same here. We go to Contact through a browser or application (see). Open a dialog with the user.

Dial the above code manually. Nothing complicated. To break a line, use the special button on the screen of your phone.

When everything is ready, send a message.

Video lesson: how to send empty VKontakte messages

Many people know that you can write an invisible message in VK. The meaning of this action is unknown, but sometimes you want to attract attention without banal phrases or surprise your friends. Whether this is a bug in the system or not, we do not know. So let's call it entertainment.

If you just put a space and try to send, then nothing will work.

This is due to the fact that the site filters each text before sending it, and does not allow sending an empty string.

But invisible messages are just a small bug in the site system, which does not carry any harm. Sending "ghost text" is carried out using the same characters, which are replaced by a character code. In other words, we send not the space itself, but its encrypted value in the system. Therefore, it turns out that there is no text, and the site skips the message.

However, after it has been sent, the system will translate the codes and the user will receive an empty message.

Combination options:

Type characters without spaces and keep the semicolon at the end. If you enter such a code, there will be an empty string in the input field when sending. When writing several combinations at once, the text will be much larger.

Purposes and reasons for writing

The purpose of such messages is not known. Most send them away as a joke. Some to get the attention of a friend or user. In a similar way, the method also works with the VKontakte mobile application.

“Invisible” messages are also left on the wall. Even the username on a social network can be done in exactly the same way, for fun.

The codes do not carry any special meaning or illegal actions, therefore bans and blocking are not issued.

However, sometimes, when sending a code combination, characters will be displayed. There is nothing wrong with this, and the interlocutor will still see empty lines. And those characters that you entered will also disappear. With what it is connected - it is not known.

Thus, with the help of a little trick, users make fun of friends. Or they try to make a new acquaintance, not being afraid to seem like a banal person and not starting a dialogue with hackneyed phrases and expressions. It is difficult to find another application for this.

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