
Clear all tweets. How to delete a tweet or retweet on twitter. How to delete retweet from phone

Twitter is a great tool for interacting with your audience. This is used by various resources and popular personalities. However, here the feed of an ordinary user at some point turns into a kind of garbage dump with unrelated and often completely useless publications. This usually happens with accounts without a specific theme.

Then there is a desire to carry out a large-scale “cleaning”, or better, to delete all the contents of the microblog. And here a snag arises - this can be done using standard means of the social network, but it will take a lot of time. But how to delete all tweets on Twitter at once, without wasting precious minutes or even hours on it? That's what third-party solutions are for.

How to Automate and Speed ​​Up Tape Cleanup

Initially, the service offers us to delete tweets using a special drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the publication.

But if you need to clear the entire tape, this method definitely does not seem preferable. Especially if there are more than a dozen tweets. For this, batch processing services for publications were developed, of which, it is worth noting, there are not so many on the Web. However, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


And the first on our list is by far the most popular service of its kind - TwitWipe. Its functionality is as simple as possible and is aimed at performing a specific task - the complete cleaning of the Twitter feed. So, let's start a large-scale "cleansing" of our tweets.

The service is simple and convenient, but it only allows you to completely clear the tape. We cannot define any specific criteria for deleting tweets here. Fortunately, other applications like TweetDelete and TweetDeleter provide similar opportunities. We will consider them further.


This tool is a free online product from Memset, a cloud solutions company. The service is as simple as possible, but it has more options for deleting tweets than the same TwitWipe. TweetDelete allows you to automatically delete messages older than a specified age. Well, the process of cleaning the Twitter feed should also not cause any difficulties.

Delete Multiple Tweets

Service Delete Multiple Tweets allows you to do exactly everything that the previous two. But it also has a number of significant differences, which we will discuss further.

Each of the above applications perfectly copes with its tasks. Which one to use is up to you. We only note that for a complete cleaning of the Twitter feed, TwitWipe is the best solution, and both TweetDelete and Delete Multiple Tweets will do just fine with deleting a specific number of tweets.

Want to start over on Twitter without losing your followers or name? Then removal all (or most) of your tweets can be a great solution.

There are several reasons why you might want to start over with a clean slate. If you've been writing since the platform's launch in 2006, you may have outgrown your past tweets. Before going public, your persona needs a little... rebranding. Or maybe you need to get rid of a few embarrassing messages.

Be that as it may, we are not here to judge you. Our goal is to help.

To be clear, granting any of these applications access to your Twitter account is at your own risk, although we have tested them.

First of all, if you wish to remove less than 3200 tweets, it will be quite easy to do this. If the number is above this limit, things get a little more complicated. Thanks to Twitter for that.

What does Twitter store?

While it is believed that you can only access the latest 3200 of all your tweets, this is not entirely true. Twitter limits the number of tweets that appear in your feed. But in 2014, the developers of the service included a search for everyone tweets.

Remember that message you sent five years ago telling the world that you're high right now? People can still find it, even though Twitter doesn't allow third-party apps to search past the last 3,200 tweets.

When you delete a lot of tweets, it may take a while for the change to show up in your feed. The fact is that there is a limit on the number of requests that each of these utilities can send to Twitter per hour. If you're deleting several thousand tweets, you'll have to wait. However, it is in any case better than doing everything manually.

When it comes to deleting tweets, Twitter claims the following:

  • When you delete a Tweet, it disappears from your account, the feeds of accounts you follow, and Twitter search results.
  • Retweets of the deleted tweet will also be deleted.
  • If other users have quoted your tweet (that is, they have copied part of the text and pasted it into their own tweet), their tweets will remain intact.
  • If other users have retweeted your tweet with their own comments, their tweets will not be deleted.
  • Tweets may be cached or published on third party websites, search engines or applications. We cannot delete Tweets that are outside of Twitter.

If you choose to delete your Tweets, you won't be able to get them back. They will disappear forever.

But if you think you may have missed something, Twitter allows you to download an archive of your posts. It contains all the tweets and retweets you have ever posted.

To download the archive, click on your profile picture, select settings, and then Your data on Twitter . Scroll to the very bottom of the page. Click Tweet archive . Carefully review the available options, and then click Request Archive .

You will (eventually) receive an email containing a link where you can download the .zip file of your archive. In this file you will find your archive in JSON or CSV format. Open the .html file and you'll be able to search the archive offline in a Twitter-like interface (see screenshot above).

This data can be used in various ways.

Delete tweets older than a certain date

If you're not sure if you want to clear your account completely, you can only delete tweets older than a certain date. The Tweet Eraser tool is perfect for this.

By logging in to Tweet Eraser, you can filter your tweets by date, keywords, and hashtags. You can then delete individual tweets or entire groups that match your search criteria. Don't rush, this can take a long time.

Due to API limitations, the app only works for the latest 3200 tweets.

Deleting tweets older than a year

TweetDelete is a free tool that automatically deletes tweets of a certain age.

At the moment, the utility is able to delete messages by the following parameters:

  • Older than one week
  • Over two weeks old
  • Over a month old
  • Over two months old
  • Over six months old
  • over a year old

Of course, Twitter restrictions only allow the app to delete messages that are in the last 3,200 tweets. The script runs periodically (usually every few days). It finds new tweets that fall within the set period and deletes them automatically. There is no way to return these messages.

Deleting ALL of your tweets

If you still decide to delete all messages ever sent, we recommend using one of two tools for this: TwitWipe or Twitter Archive Eraser.

If you have less than 3200 tweets, use the simple and free TwitWipe tool.

If you have more than 3200 tweets, then the free and open source Twitter Archive Eraser (TAE) will help you. Unfortunately, it only works on windows. I haven't been able to find similar solutions for Mac or Linux yet. If you know them, please tell us about it in the comments.

TEA uses the message archive you downloaded earlier. It contains identifiers. everyone your tweet. Thanks to this, TEA is able to find all tweets, and does not suffer from restrictions like other applications.

In the end, you can delete as many tweets as you like by following these instructions for downloading and using the program.

Keep your account in order

After clearing your Twitter account, it's a good idea to keep going. As we already mentioned, we can automatically delete old tweets with TweetDelete. Alternatively, a tool called Xpire can be used for the same purpose.

Xpire is a free app for iOS and Android. It allows you to easily delete certain tweets, as well as set a timer after which your messages (or Facebook posts) will “self-destruct”.

You can keep your Twitter account organized right from your phone.

Are you going to clear your account?

Twitter will still keep records of deleted tweets in case the authorities need them. However, by deleting many, if not all, of your old tweets, you will block access to the general public, as well as curious employees and journalists.

So, knowing that any of your old tweets can be found, would you like to start over with a clean slate? Can it save you from a "public disaster" in the future? Or is the idea that people care about your old tweets nothing more than a display of vanity? Share with us your opinion on this matter!

A small instruction for those who want to quickly clear their twitter from past messages. There are situations when a Twitter account is abandoned and eventually remembered and restored. Moreover, search engines index tweets well, especially if the account was created a long time ago, and this can be a good way to promote your own product or service.

So, the first service for deleting tweets - Twitwipe

TwitWipe allows you to delete absolutely all tweets with a couple of mouse clicks. It is worth noting that if you need to leave several tweets, then this service is not suitable. In addition, search robots in this case (deleting all tweets) may begin to doubt the reliability of the Twitter account.

Deleting all tweets is very easy. The procedure for deleting tweets is as follows:

  1. Go to the TwitWipe website: twitwipe.com
  2. Click on the "Get Started" button. Then there is a redirect to another page, on which you will need to prove that you are not a bot by entering captcha and click the "Proceed" button.
  3. At this stage, the application is authorized on Twitter. TwitWipe sets a request to grant an application access to a twitter account. At this stage, you need to click "Authorize" if everything fits.
  4. After that, there is a return to TwitWipe.
  5. TwitWipe asks one last follow-up question before deleting all tweets. If you are sure that you need to delete absolutely all tweets, then agree and press YES, if you change your mind then NO.

Selectively deleting tweets

The second service to delete tweets - Delete Twitlan allows you to selectively delete tweets in your account.

With Delete Twitlan, more time is spent deleting messages, but in the end, you can leave some of them in your own account.

The service loads up to 100 tweets from which you need to select those that we need to delete.

The procedure for deleting tweets is as follows:

  1. We go to the site Delete Twitlan delete.twitlan.com and log in through Twitter.
  2. We give authorization permission for the Delete Multiple Tweets application.
  3. We return to the application and select which record to start deleting from.
  4. Select the tweets to delete and click Delete the Tweets Permanently.
  5. After deletion, statistics will appear on how many tweets were deleted. During deletion, you cannot refresh or close the page. In total, the time for deleting tweets can be about a minute.
  6. Logging out of Delete Twitlan.

Microblogging on Twitter is a place where a person can openly express their opinion to a huge audience by posting messages to their feed. However, it can happen to everyone that the opinion suddenly changes to the opposite, and then the message once left will look like hypocrisy. In this case, the way out of this situation is to simply delete the objectionable post. This article will discuss exactly how to delete a tweet on Twitter.

How to delete a single tweet on Twitter

First of all, let's figure out how to delete one tweet. This task is quite simple and does not require the use of third-party services or software. Let's go directly to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Sign in to your Twitter account.
  2. While on the feed, click on the "Tweets" button located under the profile avatar.
  3. A list of all posts will open. Find the one you are about to delete.
  4. In the upper right part of the post, click on the button made in the form of an arrow pointing down.
  5. In the menu that appears, click on the "Delete Tweet" option.
  6. A dialog box will appear in which you need to confirm your actions. Click the "Delete" button.

After that, the extra post will disappear from your feed. In this way, you can easily selectively clear the profile of outdated tweets that seem inappropriate to you.

How to delete all tweets at once

At some point, a Twitter user may change his image or simply want to hide all his thoughts that he left earlier, then the time comes for drastic measures - deleting all tweets at once. You can do this with the help of third-party resources that will allow you to clear the feed of left messages in a few clicks.


The TwitWipe service is rightfully considered the most popular resource for deleting all messages. It is easy to use, has an intuitive interface and, most importantly, 100% gets the job done. So, let's move on to a step-by-step guide to using the TwitWipe service.

  1. Go to the official website of the service. To do this, in the address bar of the browser, write its domain name: twitwipe.com.
  2. On the main page, click on the "Get Started" button.
  3. On the new page, in the appropriate form, enter the keyword indicated just above.
  4. Click the Proceed button.
  5. A new page will open where you need to log in to Twitter by clicking "Login".
  6. Grant all the necessary rights to the resource by clicking "YES!".
  7. The deletion process will start, which can be observed on the filling bar.

As soon as the bar is full, all tweets from the account will be deleted. It is also worth noting that the service has no restrictions on the number of deletions and works great even on mobile devices.


This service is suitable for those users who do not want to clear the entire feed, but only messages published in a certain period of time. Although the option of complete cleaning is also present in it.

  1. Go to tweetdelete.net.
  2. From its main page, click on the "Sign in with Twitter" button.
  3. Log in to your Twitter account by clicking the "Authorize" button.
  4. From the drop-down list on the page, select the time period for posting the tweets you want to delete.
  5. Uncheck two checkboxes: "Post to my feed" and "Follow @Tweet_Delete".
  6. Click the "Activate" button to start the uninstall process.
  7. Confirm your actions by clicking the "Yes" button in the corresponding window.

Immediately after that, the deletion of tweets from your account will begin. This process takes quite a long time and cannot be tracked in any way, so all that remains is to observe the removal from the Twitter page.

Delete Multiple Tweets

The Delete Multiple Tweets service compares favorably with the previous ones in that it allows you to choose the number of tweets to delete, and not the period of their publication. It's also easy to use:

  1. Enter the site by typing delete.tweetlan.com in the address bar.
  2. Click the "Sign in" button.
  3. Log in to your account by clicking "Authorize" and entering the relevant details.
  4. From the "Display Tweets from" drop-down list, select the number of posts to remove from the feed.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. A list of selected tweets will be displayed. From it you can selectively undo the necessary to delete. To select all at once, check the box next to "Select All".
  7. To start the cleaning process, click the "Delete" button.

After that, deletion of messages will begin, after which a corresponding message will appear.

What happens to tweets I delete?

The question of the consequences of deleting posts from the feed also remains relevant. Are they completely removed? What happens to reposts of a deleted tweet? These questions will be answered right now:

As you can see, if you are a popular person and your posts are often retweeted, then it is almost impossible to remove them from everywhere.

This article describes how to delete tweets on Twitter.

Perhaps all Internet users know what " Twitter”, and a huge part of them are users of this social network. IN " Twitter» people can leave their tweets, short messages in which they share with each other their thoughts, feelings and various information.

Anyone can leave a tweet, but not everyone knows how to delete it. In this review, we will talk about how to delete tweets one by one or all at once.

How do I delete a single tweet on Twitter?

It happens that you need to delete just one tweet and post, or part of the tweets selectively and quickly without having to clear your entire page from all messages. This is done quite simply.

So, to quickly delete one tweet, or several tweets in order / selectively, follow these instructions:

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

  • Immediately below your avatar there will be an item " Tweets” with a number indicating how many tweets you have in total, click on it.

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

  • You will be taken to a page where you can see a list of all the tweets you have in your account.

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

  • Select the tweet (or set of tweets) you would like to delete. In the upper right corner of its frame there will be a checkmark, click on it and in the drop-down menu click on the item " Delete tweet».

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

  • Next, a window will open asking you to confirm your choice, click on " Delete". After that, the entry or several entries you selected will be deleted from your account.

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

The tweet has been deleted, everything seems to be clear. But let's say that you have thousands of tweets, and you suddenly want to delete all these records at once. Suddenly you changed your image, or in general there was a turning point in your life, and now you want to express your thoughts in a completely different way. What to do then?

In this case, you can resort to the help of special programs, or online services. Let's continue the topic.

How to delete all existing tweets in "Twitter" at once?

If you do decide to take the risk and really get rid of all the records in the form of tweets that have ever been saved in your account, then we can give one good advice.

If you do not want to download and install any programs because you need to clear your account once, then we will recommend a special online application in this case. That is, delete all your tweets in " Twitter» You can directly on the Internet on a special website for free and without registration. This site is called Twitwipe».

So, to delete all tweets at once in your " Twitter", do the following:

  • Follow this link and you will be on the site " Twitwipe»

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

  • In the middle right of the site, click on the blue button " Get Started»

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

  • You will now be back on the site Twitwipe”, where your account embedded in the site will be visible below and to the left.

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

  • In this window you will see the message " are you sure you want to wipe all your tweets?» (are you sure you want to delete all your tweets?). Think carefully, weigh everything and click on " Yes". The uninstall process will start. This will take time, but at the end of the process, be sure that all your tweets will be deleted from your account.

How to delete one tweet and all tweets at once on Twitter How to delete tweets selectively and quickly on Twitter

Video: How to delete all tweets at once?

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