
Monsters in minecraft. Mobs of hell in minecraft What mobs are in minecraft

The Minecraft sandbox can please the player with a colorful world and endless opportunities for construction, research and crafting.

But in this pixel world there are also not very pleasant features - monsters, or so-called mobs. Among the inhabitants of Minecraft, of course, not all living creatures should be expected to harm, for example, sheep, cows, chickens and pigs are absolutely harmless. On the contrary, even useful.

What kind of evil mobs live in the Minecraft game world, what to expect from them and how to deal with this scourge? We will tell you more about the most famous evil mobs in Minecraft, as well as how best to destroy them.

Minecraft monsters: types and abilities

Evil mobs in the world of Minecraft have a habit of appearing at night. But during the day, monsters like to gather in ponds, because, in an open area that is well lit, most mobs simply burn out.

There are also conditionally neutral mobs. These include pig zombies, they only attack if you hit them. Spiders can also be aggressive, but they only attack at night. Wolves are also neutral mobs. They stop attacking after you feed them.

Minecraft monsters have another feature. As long as they are around, you cannot sleep.


When you see a creeper, run away - or explode with him!

This monster has become a symbol of almost all the evil mobs of Minecraft because it annoys you the most in the game. It has the ability to explode. If you suddenly saw that you simply do not have enough part of the house - this is the work of a creeper.

Killing this dynamite on legs is quite difficult. It doesn't light up during the day. Beat him little by little, throwing him away from you. If the creeper manages to get close - you're done.


They cause quite a lot of trouble, because at night there are whole hordes of them. When killing zombies, you get rotten flesh. It can be eaten, but the effects of hunger and poisoning may appear. They are divided into two subspecies: ordinary zombies and zombie villagers. The latter appear when ordinary residents are infected with a zombie virus.

Zombies burn at daylight.


The skeleton is armed with a bow and an endless supply of arrows. And so the best way to get rid of the skeleton is to also use a bow. When killed, you get bones and arrows.

Burning in the daylight.


This is one of the main bosses of Minecraft. Glowing eyes, diamond armor and a sword, huge combat power and the ability to kill a horde of zombies. It's all about Herobrine. Players should be wary of him.

Herobrine can kill you in one hit if you don't have diamond armor on. To kill this boss, you will need at least three golden apples to restore life and an enchanted diamond sword.

Rare Minecraft monsters


A hostile flying jellyfish mob that greets the player with fireballs. It has a rather large size, tentacles hang from the lower part of the body. Ghasts fly aimlessly around the Nether, occasionally making strange sobbing sounds. They are heard equally loud from any distance, so you can clearly hear the gast, which is actually far away.


This not particularly friendly monster can be found in the nether world. They throw fireballs like gasts, it is best to use golden apples to fight them. Because they give the effect of fire resistance. Ifrits are different from other mobs. They simply do not have a body.

Ifrits consist of a head and a cloud of smoke.


The slug is a cubic jelly-like monster that moves by jumping. When killing a slug, the mob splits into two smaller slugs. They have a feature that is not very pleasant for you - slugs are able to feel players through walls.


Long-legged thieves - this description fits them best. They can take blocks. Monsters only get angry when you look them in the eye. You need to kill the endermen as quickly as possible. They can move to some unpredictable place at any time.

There are several types of mobs in Minecraft: friendly, neutral, craftable, hostile, and bosses. Of course, do not forget that there are mods and there are a great many of them. So, there are serious additions to the game from these same mods. Here is a list of the main inhabitants of the universe. Briefly and about the main thing:


As you probably guessed, such mobs will not attack you. And what's more, if you attack them, they will attempt to escape. This group includes, for example, chicken, sheep, cat, octopus and some others.

Also, the Villager is included in the friendly group. Like all other representatives of this group, he is not aggressive, but, unlike the above, when attacking him, he will not run away.

It is worth noting that if you still decide to start encroaching on the lives of the inhabitants, carefully avoid the presence of the Iron Golem nearby. He will stand up for the people.


This group of mobs insultingly ignores your presence. However, they are able to strike back at you. There are not too many of them (there are 4 in total): Wanderer of the Edge, zombie pigman, wolf, spider (in the light).


The title is speaking. You create these mobs yourself from resources. There are 2 of them: snow and iron golems.


No comments. It is only worth noting that their number exceeds the “compositions” of other groups. There are 14 of them. Of these, 8 are the main ones: silverfish, skeleton, slug, creeper, spider, gast, ifrit and zombie. And 6 variations, which include, for example, a witch.

They all have their own, individual behavior model: that is, each mob can only be in certain certain places and under certain circumstances. Against each, respectively, a separate tactic is used. By the way, it is worth noting that the presence of many of them nearby are accompanied by voice acting. So, for example, a skeleton is easy to identify by the sound of bones clattering.


Bosses have a fairly large attack and health. Alone, killing even the simplest boss turns out to be almost impossible. There is a boss that you can summon yourself. This is the Wither.

When he is killed, he drops a Nether Star. The next boss is the Ender Dragon. Unlike the Wither, it cannot be summoned. He has a fairly strong attack and when he is killed, the "Dragon Egg" drops. These are the 2 main bosses in the game.

By the way, there is also a group of remote mobs in the game, that is, those that previously existed, but were removed. This is, for example, Steve, Rana or Man.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning who mobs are in general. Mobs (from the English. Mobile object) - moving objects controlled by artificial intelligence. There are several types of mobs in minecraft: hostile, neutral and friendly. The former will attack you every time they notice, the latter only if you attack them yourself, the latter will simply die from your attacks, not defending themselves, except perhaps just trying to escape. But that's not all, how mobs in Minecraft differ from each other. But first things first.


Mobs have different spawn conditions, location, time and so on. Mobs often spawn in groups. Friendly mobs can breed on their own or in special conditions created by the player, which is why the babies of these mobs appear.

Mobs do not spawn on transparent and incomplete blocks (slabs, steps), as well as in lava and water. In the latter, only fish, octopuses, guardians, dolphins and drowned men can appear. The only exception is the mob spawner, which can throw the spawn point of a certain mob even into the air.

Not all mobs can spawn naturally. Some are built by the player themselves, such as the Snow Golem and the Wither. Again, there is an exception - the iron golem. It can be built, but it can also spawn itself.

In creative mode, mobs can be spawned using summon eggs or the /summon command. But, if you summon an ender dragon in this way, it will spawn a little dumb and will just stand still.


The physics of the mobs is the same as the player. They take damage from the same things as you: fall, lava, fire, attack, etc. Some mobs are immune to certain damage, like nether creatures don't burn in fire. Mobs can be placed in a boat or cart, they can also walk up stairs just like you.

When a mob dies, smoke appears and experience spheres and drops fall from it (each one has its own).

The behavior of the mobs is completely different and is determined by the artificial intelligence of Minecraft.

Mobs often just roam the ground without falling from heights or into lava. Artificial intelligence does not allow them to commit suicide just like that. When taking damage, friendly mobs will start to run away. The hostile ones will run after you as soon as they notice. Neutral mobs don't attack without provocation. And only if you hit them, they will become hostile and start attacking you. The same rule applies to other mobs that will provoke neutrals.

Standard mobs see you after 16 blocks. But some may notice you even earlier. The darker it gets, the narrower their view becomes. Any sounds that come from the mobs, the player can also hear no earlier than 16 blocks. Mobs cannot see through opaque and translucent blocks such as glass or ice.

Vulnerability and immunity

The vulnerability and immunity of mobs to certain types of damage directly depends on the type of mobs themselves. For example, turtles, like sea mobs, take increased damage from pierced tridents. Skeletons cannot be drowned or killed by lightning, but they take more damage from the weapon enchantment Heaven's Punishment.


The undead include all zombies: ordinary, children, residents, pigmen, drowned, as well as skeletons, phantoms and others. Undead take damage from explosive healing potions, and heal from the same damage potions. Undead, as you already know, cannot be drowned, and also poisoned. When exposed to the sun, the undead will catch fire, with the exception of some rare species. Well, they all receive increased damage from heavenly punishment.

water mobs

The type of water mobs includes everyone who lives in the water: octopuses, guards, dolphins, fish and turtles. Aquatic mobs are completely immune to all potions, but take increased damage from the Impaler enchantment. They cannot be drowned, except for dolphins, but aquatic inhabitants can die after being on land for a long time, with the exception of guards and turtles.

Nether mobs

Nether mobs are wither skeletons, ghasts, pigmen, ifrits, magma cubes. These mobs do not burn in fire and lava. Wither skeletons, despite being undead, do not catch fire in sunlight.


Spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, including silverfish of the edge - they are all arthropod mobs. They don't have any particular reaction to potions, they don't burn in the sun. However, all arthropods take increased damage from the Arthropod Scourge enchantment.

How much damage do mobs do

The amount of damage mobs inflict on the player is directly proportional to the game's difficulty setting. That is, the higher the difficulty, the greater the damage. This rule only works when mobs attack the player. If they engage other mobs, they always deal normal damage on normal game difficulty.

Creeper and gast explosions deal more damage the closer the player is to the epicenter.

Slugs and Lava Cubes deal damage proportional to their size. Small slugs, although hostile, cannot cause significant damage to the player.

The damage of the iron golem is set to a random value by the game itself.

On peaceful difficulty, mobs don't deal damage at all, except for wolves.

  • All mobs can go through Nether and Ender portals (since 12w34a).
  • In creative mode, when spawning mobs with eggs, name it Dinnerbone or Grumm, then it will turn upside down.
  • And if the sheep is called “jeb_”, again with the help of a summoning egg, it will change the color of the wool, but if it is sheared, the wool of the original color will fall.
  • Calling the champion Joinny, he will attack everyone except the inhabitants.

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