
Where are applications installed on Windows background. How to install games and programs on Windows Phone. Preparing a mobile device with Windows Phone to install applications bypassing the Market

To install an application from XAP, your smartphone must be jailbroken. How to jailbreak?

Method number 1

2. Open the Application Deployment tool (Start-> Windows Phone Developer Tools -> Application Deployment) and follow the instructions.

Method number 2

Stage 1:
1. Install Windows Phone Developer Tools.
2. Download and extract the archive with the latest version of Tom XAP Installer
3. Run Tom XAP Installer.exe
4. Check the box next to "Enable Tom XAP Installer" and close the window.

Note: the steps described in step 1 need to be performed only once. It is advisable not to delete or move Tom XAP Installer.exe

Stage 2:
1. Connect your device to PC.
2. Download and run.
3. Check that the device is not locked (i.e. the home screen is open).
4. Download or in .xap
5. Open it.
6. Click Install and wait for the installation to complete

Method number 3
1. Download and extract the archive with the latest version of Homebrew Windows Phone 7 Market
2. Open XAPDeployX.exe
3. Choose where you need to install XAP (Windows Phone 7 Device - Device, Windows Phone 7 Emulator - Emulator)

4. Click Browse and select the XAP you need to install and click Open. Also, you can simply drag and drop XAP onto the program without pressing the Browse button.

5. Click the Deploy button

The advantage of the third method can be considered no need to install Windows Phone 7 Developers Tools. Also, there is an alternative way to perform the third step - in the Homebrew Windows Phone 7 Market, click Options and select "Register filehandler". After this operation, you can simply open XAP files in Explorer, Homebrew Windows Phone 7 Market will start automatically.

List of possible errors when installing applications and their solution
0x8973180E: Zune is not installed. Install the latest version.
0x8973180F: Wrong version of Zune installed. Download and install the latest version of Zune.
0R89731810: Corrupted device configuration. Reinstall Windows Phone Developer Tools.
0R89731811: Zune is not running. Launch Zune manually.
0R89731812: Error connecting to device. Make sure your phone is connected and its screen is unlocked.
0R89731813: Error starting application. Make sure your device is jailbroken.
0R81030110: Application installation failed. The WMAppManifest.xml file in the archive may be incorrect or corrupted.
0R81030118: Application installation aborted. The device is not jailbroken.
0R81030119: Unable to install the application. You have reached the maximum number of installed applications. Remove previously installed applications or install this tweak.
0x8103010B: The app is incompatible with HTC HD2. This problem has no solution.

Microsoft is gradually gaining its place in the market of mobile operating systems. Engaged in the development and promotion of Windows Phone 8, the company simultaneously also independently releases phones under the Lumia brand, which results in balanced and inexpensive devices with good performance.

With the growing popularity of the system, more and more developers are turning their attention to it, which means that more and more high-quality programs and games appear in the Windows Store - this is the name of the application store for this OS. Unfortunately, the higher the quality of the game, the more it takes up space in the device’s memory, and the more difficult it is to download. In this case, the company has provided a way to install games on Windows Phone 8 from a computer. So, the user is allowed to download xap files from the store for manual installation, as well as remotely initiate the installation of the game on the phone, even if it is not at hand.

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File download

In order to download a game file from the application store, you will need to follow a series of simple steps. Namely:

  • Open an internet browser and visit windowsphone.com/en-us/store.
  • Using the search functions or from the list on the main page, select an application.
  • Study the description of the game or program, see screenshots and reviews to draw conclusions about the quality of the product.
  • Click on the "Install" or "Purchase" button, depending on whether the application is paid or not.
  • Confirm the installation or purchase of the program and wait for the page to appear with an attempt to establish a connection with the phone. There is no need to wait for the process to end - the application is already assigned to the account, and nothing more is required at this stage.
  • Return to the application page and scroll down the content.
  • Find the link "Download and install manually" and click on it.
  • Save the file to your computer, then write it to the phone's memory.

To be able to access the file system, the free Files app from Microsoft must be installed on your phone. With it, you will need to find the saved file in the smartphone’s memory, run it and install it.


It is extremely important to pay attention to the moment of purchasing the application. This method does not allow you to install the game on your smartphone for free, although the button for downloading the file is available even without purchasing the program in the store. Microsoft cares about the quality of content in the store and protects developers from unscrupulous users. During the installation of the program, Windows Phone checks for ownership of the application and the presence of a record of purchase in the account. If the application has been purchased, the installation will continue.

Downloading files from the Windows Store will be especially useful for those who cannot afford to download a large amount of data over the cellular network. If there are no problems with access to high-speed Internet, then you can simply wait until the site contacts the smartphone after paying for the application, after which the installation will take place automatically, without the need to copy the file and manually launch it.

Almost completely closed structure. Often there are messages on the web that Microsoft and completely banned any penetration of third-party executable files onto the smartphone, bypassing the official Windows Phone Store. In reality, this is not entirely true. Without doubt, Windows phone seriously loses to competitive operating systems in the number of available applications, so the easiest way is to turn to Shop to purchase them. But what if you already have a game or program with the extension XAP and it needs to be installed at all costs? We offer a way out of the situation in a few steps of our small and very simple instructions.

Preparing a mobile device with Windows Phone to install applications bypassing the Market:

1. Any further steps assume that you have a registered account Microsoft Live ID. Therefore, if you have not already done so, then go through the official procedure creating an account.

2. To enable the ability to install external XAP files in Windows Phone, we need software Microsoft Windows Phone SDK(). With it, the operating system should perceive us as a developer when working with applications in the XAP format. One of the important requirements and, accordingly, limitations of the SDK to the computer is must have a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or Windows 8, as well as at least 4 GB of total RAM and a permanent connection to the Internet to resume system files.

Download SDK 7.1 to work with Windows Phone 7.
Download SDK 8.0 to work with Windows Phone 8/8.1.

3. Run the installation file of the downloaded package SDK and follow the instructions of the installer, accepting the terms of the license. To avoid compatibility issues, it is recommended to choose the default location path (on the system drive). Additional files will be downloaded from the Internet during installation. Restart Windows when finished.

4. We connect the smartphone to the computer where the SDK was installed via a USB cable to register it in the program "" - it comes with the SDK. We launch it from the "Start" menu with the device's screen turned on / unlocked (this is a prerequisite), press the " Register» in the window that appears and log in to your account Microsoft Live ID by entering your username and password (from step 1).

5. If everything went well, then the program Windows Phone Developer Registration will notify you in the same window when the phone is unlocked for testing applications. This means that the SDK and device registrations have been fixed and your smartphone is now ready to install the XAP files.

6. To use the standard SDK tools for installing external applications, you need to connect your smartphone to a computer with the SDK installed with the screen unlocked and run the program Application Deployment from the start menu. The purpose of the download is your communicator, specify the address of the XAP file and press the button " Expand". When completed, the message " XAP file deployment complete". This means that you can disconnect your phone from your computer and start a new application.

7. But there are often cases when a third-party program or game is not supported by Application Deployment or errors occur during installation with a standard tool. Then we use another method with Windows Phone Power Tools- a separate development for working with XAP-files.

Download Windows Phone Power Tools for Windows 8/8.1 x64.

8. Run the executable Windows Phone Power Tools with a smartphone connected to the computer via USB and the screen unlocked. If you did everything right, the program will report " Launch Elevated” and prompts you to connect to your phone.

9. Next, we will be prompted to select the location of the XAP file (field " XAP Path and the Browse button). Select, press " Install” and wait for the application installation process to complete until the button “ Install” will not become active again.

Additional Information

So, we figured out how to install applications in Windows phone, bypassing the official Windows Phone Store in a completely legal way - using a set of developer tools. You can install no more 10 third party apps at the same time. The current versions of games and programs for the mobile operating system are tested in exactly the same way. Microsoft. However, there is another very complex and highly questionable way to install applications in Windows phone through Chinese service Aiyingyong. We can just mention it as an alternative solution if you don't have Windows 7/8/8.1 x64 and 4 GB of RAM.

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