
Whatsapp for samsung wave bada 8600. Whatsapp for old models of samsung phones. Download and install

» Whatsapp for bada

If you are the owner Samsung smartphone running the Bada operating system, you will not be able to install Whatsapp with one click of a button. To install, you need to download Whatsapp for Bada for free and then install it.

Watsap for Bud is a special installation file adapted for this operating system. This is an unofficial version of the messenger, but it works stably and provides the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of WhatsApp. Manufacturers of smartphones with this OS remained deaf to the requests of users to port this application to the Bada platform.

Bada is an operating system for production models samsung series Wave, which is a modified Android OS. Since this is not quite Android, you will not find WhatsApp in the app stores for Bud either. But thanks to caring programmers, we can download the adapted WhatsApp file for Bada and install the Russian version.

Installation process

1. Download the WhatsApp file with the .apk extension. You can download it to your computer, and then transfer it to your phone, or immediately download it from your phone. The file is quite large (about 35 MB), so if you don't have unlimited Internet on your phone, better connect to wifi networks and then download. Usually this file is not downloaded inside the archive, but immediately as an installation file. Therefore, you do not need to unpack it or do any other additional steps.

2. Run the file, wait for the installation. If at startup you receive messages about the need to change security settings, then disable it. Be sure to turn it back on after installation! You may also need permissions to access the Internet, camera, microphone, etc. We allow everything, otherwise the program will not install.

3. We register in whatsapp using a phone number and SMS with confirmation, and start using it!

After registering and logging in, you will be able through Whatsapp:

  • communicate via text messages, audio or video conference;
  • send photos, videos, documents, add emoticons;
  • take part in communication in general groups;
  • see who from your contact book already has WhatsApp, and invite those who do not have it installed yet.

There are few models of phones and smartphones that are released under the Bada operating system, but they exist, and it is likely that in the future Samsung will continue to produce smartphones with this operating system. Now all smartphones of the Wave series are equipped with the Bada OS. Full list models in the table below.

WhatsApp for Samsung, with its daunting simplicity and multi-platform support, has attracted and continues to attract an increasing number of users (as of December 2013, their number already exceeded 400 million).

In addition to a whole list of platforms and various models, the program is also installed on Samsung phones, including Wave, Duos, GT S5230, Galaxy models.

Application installation

There is nothing complicated in installing the service. You just need to download the installation package with the .apk extension and run the application on your phone.

The installer will do the rest for you. After that, you only need to enter your phone number, and the program will be ready to use.

Main functions

WhatsApp Messenger offers users a cheap (actually free) replacement for SMS - not in vain over the past few years, the damage to companies providing cellular communication around the world, some experts are already estimated in the billions of dollars. The basic feature of the service is the transmission of text messages, but you can also send pictures, audio files, and video clips.

As you know, an account in the program is tied to a specific number, and the list of contacts is formed based on those phone numbers from the user's notebook who are already registered in this service.

Whatsapp Benefits

The application has a decent number of undeniable advantages, some of which are presented below:

If you have a smartphone from Samsung and need to install a messenger, then Whatsapp for Bada is what you need! According to the assurances of Whatsapp owner Zuckerberg, his messenger client now has a huge audience (the number of users is already more than a billion). The WhatsApp interface has been translated into 52 languages.

Samsung has made a version of the Bada mobile operating system. If you are one of the many people who are the happy owner of a Samsung phone, it has Bada OS installed on it, and you want to enjoy all the benefits of the WhatsApp messenger, you will need to find a special installation file.

The difficulty in this case is that Vatsap was officially preparing his software for completely different devices, namely for Android-controlled phones. Despite this, on the Internet you can find a normal, working assembly of the Vasap communication program, since the collective request of fans of this operating system and Samsung phones to the leadership of Vatsap still remained unanswered.

Download and install

To download Whatsapp for the Bud operating system, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Go to your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with Internet access to the browser.
  2. Enter in the search bar (in the search engine) a request, such as: "Download Whatsapp for Bada for free."
  3. Go to a few search results you like, but you don't need to click on links that have a postscript next to them that this is an advertisement.
  4. Read the comments and, if possible, evaluate the work of the program, as well as the availability third party applications that usually clog the device.
  5. Download the version you like on a trusted site by clicking on the button, which is usually called "Download ...", "Download" or something similar (before downloading, make sure that the file has the extension ".jar" or ". apk".
  6. After selecting a folder (directory) to save the file (if necessary) and after downloading it, you can proceed to the next step.
  7. If you downloaded the file directly to your smartphone, restart it and open double click(tap) this object to start the installation processes, if not, go to the next step.
  8. Did you use your home internet on your PC to download the file for Bud's phone? So, before installing it, you need to transfer it to a smartphone (or other device running this operating system).
  9. When you open the file, the installation process will begin. First you will need to select a country, then enter a phone number.
  10. When you receive a code consisting of numbers in the form of SMS, simply enter it in the field of the installer window and click "OK" ("Submit").

What will you get after installation?

If you are a happy owner of a Samsung phone, downloaded and installed Vatsap, then you get all the privileges and benefits of users of this billionth network.

What exactly? Here they are:

  • The ability to send messages, both textual and with other content, for example, with sound or visuals.
  • Implementation of distributions.
  • Creation of interest groups.
  • All services are provided to users completely free of charge.
  • Receive notifications of changes that occur in your account in the form of so-called push notifications.
  • Ability to use video telephony.
  • Communication with people around the world.
  • Increasing the number of fans of this system.
  • Simple and quick registration, carried out automatically after the identification of the number of a new member of the system.
  • Sending unique emoticons, photos, music and the ability to change the background in a chat conversation.
  • Year of free use.

How to use messenger

To send a message, do the following:

  1. Go to whatsapp on your phone.
  2. Find the contact you would like to send a message to.
  3. Tap on it.
  4. Write a message in the empty field.
  5. Add emoticons (optional).
  6. Click send.

Now you can install the program yourself and communicate without money and without barriers. Vatsap, created specifically for Bud, will help with this.

Oct 13, 2015 12:26

Using whatsapp for samsung - The best way save money on communication. After all, calls within the application are free. The situation is similar with text messages and file transfers. Accordingly, only spending mobile traffic. And if it is not with a per-megabyte payment, then the savings are significant.

Installing the application on Samsung phones

So, you are no longer willing to give away your hard-earned money mobile operators and decided to join hundreds of millions of free messenger users. What needs to be done for this?

The bottom line is that Samsung releases mobile devices based on several operating systems, and they need special versions of WhatsApp:

  • For Android.
  • For bada.
  • For wave.

Option 1: Android

Installing WhatsApp on a Samsung Android phone is the easiest way:

Option 2: Wave and Bada

Whatsapp download for free on Samsung with these platforms is also quite simple. Download the application installer from the link below. Next, change the settings internal protection phone and allow the installation of software from third-party sources.

Now install WhatsApp in the standard manner. After launching it, you will need to confirm your number cell phone, which will be your identifier and login in the system of free messenger services.

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