
Test on the topic of the algorithm and its description. Computer science test on algorithms. The algorithm is called linear

Test on the topic "Algorithms"

Option 1

1. The algorithm is:

a) a set of commands for a computer;
b) reflection of the objective world with the help of signs and signals, intended for a specific performer;
c) a clear and precise instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the set goal;

d) safety instructions.

2. Property of the algorithm discreteness means:

3. Who is the natural language algorithm designed for?
a) per person;

b) to a computer;

c) the robot;

d) at all at the same time.

4. In what way the algorithm cannot be specified?

a) verbal;

b) formulaic;

c) graphic;

d) in a programming language.

a) input-output unit;
b) block of the beginning of the algorithm;

c) block of calculations;

d) checking the condition.

6 What are the types of algorithms?

a) verbal;

b) linear;

c) graphic;

d) cyclic;

7 The algorithm is given: 1. Open the book on page 3;

2. make photocopies of all pages 23 inclusive.

This algorithm is:

a) linear;

b) cyclic;

c) branching;

d) it is impossible to determine.

8 A sequence of commands is given: stand facing north; go left; turn right; go straight; stop.

What property of the algorithm does not hold for this sequence of commands, if you are the executor yourself?

a) comprehensibility;

b) discreteness;

c) accuracy;

d) limb.

9 Which of the objects can be a performer?

a) Moon.

b) Map.

c) Printer.

d) Book

10 An algorithm is called auxiliary if

Part 2

1). Calculating the value of the expression y = (2x + 3) / x

2) finding the sum of even numbers from 2 to K

Test on the topic "Algorithms"

Option 2

1. Which document is the algorithm?

a) safety regulations;
b) instructions for cooking;

c) train timetable;

d) a list of books in the school library.

2. Property of the algorithm massiveness means:
a) that the algorithm should provide the possibility of its application for solving similar problems;

b) that each team should be described with a view to a specific performer;

c) splitting the algorithm into a finite number of simple steps;

d) use by any performer.

3. Name the main property of the algorithm that provides the result after a finite number of steps:

a) discreteness;

b) unambiguity;

c) mass character;

d) effectiveness.

5. What is the meaning of the block?

a) input-output unit;
b) block of the beginning of the algorithm;

c) block of calculations;

d) checking the condition.

6 An algorithm is called auxiliary if

a) it involves a choice of actions

b) repeats actions until any condition is met;

c) solves part of the problem and is called from the main program.

7 What are the ways to represent algorithms?

a) verbal;

b) linear;

c) graphic;

d) cyclic

8 Rhombus is a graphic object used in a flowchart to record:

a) input, output of data;

b) computational actions;

c) the end of the task;

d) conditions for performing actions.

9 Who should the algorithm be designed for?
a) per person;

b) to a computer;

c) for a specific performer;

10 What is an algorithm?

a) a sequence of commands for any performer;

b) solving the problem;

c) a finite set of commands that have a specific sequence and are understandable to the performer and accurate;

d) the process of solving the problem, broken down into successive steps.

Part 2

Create algorithms and their flowcharts

1). Calculating the value of the expression y = (2x + 3) / (x-4)

2) finding the product of even numbers from 2 to K

Test on the topic "Algorithms"

Option 3

1. Linear Algorithm- this is:

a) a way of representing the algorithm using geometric shapes;

b) a set of commands that are executed sequentially one after another;
c) a clear and accurate prescription for the performer to perform various actions;

d) strict movement both up and down.

2. Property of the algorithm unambiguity means:

a) that the teams must follow one another in sequence;

b) splitting the algorithm into a finite number of simple steps;

c) use by any performer;

d) that the algorithm should consist of commands that are unambiguously understood by the executor.

3. A person or any device executing the algorithm is called:
a) automatically;
b) the performer;

c) a controlling person or device;

d) a robot.

4. What is the meaning of the block?

a) input-output unit;
b) block of the beginning of the algorithm;

c) block of calculations;

d) checking the condition.

5. How is the data entry block displayed?

a B C D)

6 The graphical representation of the algorithm is:
a) a way of representing the algorithm using geometric shapes;
b) a schematic representation in free form;

c) presentation of the algorithm in the form of tables;

d) presentation of the algorithm in the form of a graph.

7 Complete the sentence: "Flowchart is a form of writing algorithms that uses ... to indicate the different steps of an algorithm."

a) drawings

b) lists

c) geometric shapes

d) formulas

a) mass character;

b) cyclicity;

9 What type of algorithmic structure should be applied if a sequence of commands is executed or not executed depending on the condition

a) cycle

b) branching

c) linear.

10 Which document is the algorithm?

a) Safety regulations.

b) Instructions for receiving money from an ATM.

c) Schedule of lessons.

Part 2

Create algorithms and their flowcharts

1). Calculating the value of the expression y = (2x + 3) / (x-2)

2) finding the sum of odd numbers from 1 to K

Test on the topic "Algorithms"

Option 4

1. Who should the algorithm be based on?

a) per computer;

b) based on the mental abilities of a friend;

c) based on a specific performer;
d) at all at the same time.

2. Property of the algorithmefficiencymeans:
a) that each team should be described with a view to a specific performer;

b) that the execution of all commands of the algorithm should lead to a certain result;

c) that the algorithm should consist of commands that are unambiguously understood by the executor;

d) splitting the algorithm into a finite number of simple steps.

3. Which of the concepts is not a property of the algorithm?

a) cyclicity;

b) mass character;

c) limb;

d) discreteness.

4. The graphical representation of the algorithm is:
a) a way of representing the algorithm using geometric shapes;
b) a schematic representation in free form;

c) presentation of the algorithm in the form of tables;

d) presentation of the algorithm in the form of a graph.

5. What is the meaning of the block?

a) input-output unit;
b) block of the beginning of the algorithm;

c) block of calculations;

d) checking the condition.

6. An algorithm is called linear if:

a) it is composed in such a way that its implementation presupposes

repeated repetition of the same actions;

b) the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions;

c) his commands are executed in the order of their natural succession one after another, regardless of any conditions.

7 An algorithm is

a) rules for performing certain actions;

b) an order to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the set goals;

c) a set of commands for the computer.

8 The property of the algorithm is:

a) limb;

b) cyclicity;

c) the ability to change the sequence of commands;

d) the possibility of executing the algorithm in reverse order.

9 For repeated execution of the same actions in the algorithm, you need to use

a) branching

b) cycle

c) line commands

a) rules for organizing the workplace

b) metro map

c) telephone directory

d) instructions for using the telephone.

Part 2

Create algorithms and their flowcharts

1). Calculating the value of the expression y = (2x + 3) / (4-x)

2) finding the product of odd numbers from 1 to K

A 1. Choose the most accurate answer. The algorithm is a clear and precise prescription for the performer,

      written in a programming language.

      consisting of teams and composed to solve the problem on the basis of the initial data.

      written in the language of human communication

      presented in the form of a block diagram

      presented in tabular form.

    4. Which of the concepts is not a property of the algorithm?

    a) cyclicity;

    b) mass character;

    c) limb;

    d) discreteness.

3 . Select an answer that only presents the types of algorithms

A. mathematical, logical

B. linear, cyclic, branching

C. arithmetic, sequential

D. modular, numeric

E. household, cyclical, branching

4 . The branching algorithm is used when required fulfill

A. several times in a row some teams

B. different operators depending on some condition

D. go to a specific operator

    subroutine call

5. Cyclic algorithm applies in cases where

A. a program section (set of operators) is required to be repeated several times in a row

B. have to repeat some statements frequently

C., it is necessary to execute different operators depending on some condition

D. need to go to a specific operator

E. need to go to subroutine

6. When drawing up a flowchart of the algorithm, the results are placed in a block

    input B. processing C. logical D. output E. end of algorithm

    The branching structure algorithm provides
    selection of conditions, b) selection of algorithms, c) selection of commands (actions)

    Cycle with counter
    a) depends on some condition; b) depends on the known number of repetitions.

    Rhombus- block diagramfor the record:

    What type of algorithmic structure should be applied if a sequence of commands is executed or not executed depending on the condition
    a) cycle b) branching c) linear.

IN 1. Calculate the circumference of a circle with a given radius.


X + 25 if x = 0

1. Choose the most correct answer. The program for EMW is ...

      algorithm for solving the problem, written in a programming language.

      mathematical formalization of the task.

      section of informatics devoted to methods of developing computer control programs.

      an understandable and precise instruction for the performer to execute the final sequence of commands leading from the initial data to the desired result.

      a language that a computer can understand.

2. Which document is the algorithm?

a) safety regulations;
b) instructions for cooking;

c) train schedule;

d) a list of books in the school library.

3. The linear algorithm is:

a) a way of representing the algorithm using geometric shapes;

b) a set of commands that are executed sequentially one after another;
c) a clear and accurate prescription for the performer to perform various actions;

d) strict movement both up and down.

4. A person, a robot, an automaton, a device, a computer that executes someone's commands is

a) assistant c) program

b) performer d) slave?

5. Programs that contain a repetition command are called ...

a) linear c) cyclic;

6 .. Programs in which commands are executed sequentially one after another are called ...

a) linear; c) cyclic;

b) branching; d) auxiliary?

7. The form of organizing actions in which the same block is executed several times is called ...

a) following; c) branching;

b) a cycle; d) algorithm?

8. Which of the objects can be a performer?
a) Moon. b) Map. c) Printer. d) Book

9. Find the error: the algorithm looks like



    * tabular


    with repetition and branching at the same time 10 Oval- graphic object used inblock diagramfor the record:
    a) input, output of data; b) computational actions;
    c) the end of the task; d) conditions for performing actions.

IN 1. The circumference is known. Find its radius.

2. Square the given number if it is even, increase by 5 if it is odd

Kolpashnikova I.A. Teacher of OGOU NPO "PU No. 35"



1. The algorithm is
    rules for performing certain actions; directed graph, indicating the order of execution of a certain set of commands; a description of the sequence of actions, the strict execution of which leads to the solution of the task in a finite number of steps; a set of commands for a computer; protocol computer network.
2. An algorithm is called linear if 3. An algorithm is called cyclic if
    it is composed in such a way that its execution involves repeated repetition of the same actions; the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions; his commands are executed in the order of their natural succession, regardless of any conditions; it will be presented in tabular form; it includes auxiliary algorithm.
4. The algorithm includes branching if
    it is composed in such a way that its execution involves repeated repetition of the same actions; the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions; his commands are executed in the order of their natural succession, regardless of any conditions; it will be presented in tabular form; it includes a helper algorithm.
5. The property of the algorithm is:
    effectiveness; cyclicality; the ability to change the sequence of command execution; the ability to execute the algorithm in reverse order; ease of writing in programming languages.
6. The property of the algorithm, which consists in the fact that each action and the algorithm as a whole must be able to complete, is called
    discreteness; determinism; limb; mass character; effectiveness.

7. The property of the algorithm, which consists in the fact that the algorithm should consist of specific actions that follow in a certain order, is called

    discreteness; determinism; limb; mass character; effectiveness.
8. Property of the algorithm, which consists in the absence of errors, the algorithm must lead to the correct result for all valid input values, is called
    discreteness; determinism; limb; mass character; effectiveness.
9. The property of the algorithm, which consists in the fact that the same algorithm can be used with different input data, is called
    discreteness; determinism; limb; mass character; effectiveness.
10. The property of the algorithm, which is that any action must be strictly and unambiguously defined in each case, is called
    discreteness; determinism; limb; mass character; effectiveness.
11. Select the correct representation of the arithmetic expression on algorithmic language:
    x + 3y / 5xy x + 3 * y / 5 * x * y (x + 3y) / 5xy (x + 3 * y) / (5 * x * y) x + 3 * y / (5 * x * y)
12. An algorithm written in a "understandable" computer programming language is called
    the executor of algorithms; program; listing; text; algorithm protocol.


Zimakova Polina Yurievna, teacher of informatics

MOU "Secondary School No. 42 named after N.P. Gusev with in-depth study of the French language ",


Algorithms and Executors. Option 1.

1. The algorithm is called:

    a detailed list of rules for performing certain actions;

    sequence of commands for the computer;

    a description of the sequence in the form of geometric shapes connected by lines and arrows.

2. Which of the following is an algorithm?

    spelling rules

    rules for performing arithmetic operations

    safety rules

    rules for performing the translation of numbers from one number system to another

3. The property of the algorithm "discreteness" means:

4. What property does a formal performer have?

    understands the meaning of commands

5. Indicate the block diagram corresponding to the "branching - incomplete form" algorithmic construction

    full branching form

    incomplete branching form

    loop with postcondition

    precondition loop

7. What algorithmic design should be chosen if it is necessary to perform a certain sequence of actions a certain number of times?

    precondition loop

    repetition cycle


    auxiliary algorithm

8. The algorithm includes branching if:

    if it includes a helper algorithm.


    graphic, software;

    graphical, pseudocode.

Algorithms and Executors. Option 2.

1. The performer is

    a clear and precise instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the set goals;

    some object capable of executing a specific set of commands;

    some object that makes up a sequence of geometric shapes connected by lines and arrows;

    directed graph indicating the order of execution of a certain set of commands;

2. Which of the following documents is the algorithm:

    train schedule;

    price list (list of prices for goods);

    TV installation instructions;

    safety rules

3. The property of the algorithm "comprehensibility" means:

    with the exact execution of all commands of the algorithm, the process must terminate in a finite number of steps, leading to a certain result;

    the algorithm should be broken down into a sequence of separate steps;

    when writing down an algorithm for a specific performer, you can use only those commands that are included in the system of his commands;

    the algorithm must provide a solution to a certain class of problems of this type for different data values;

4. What property does only an informal performer have?

    solves a range of specific tasks

    has its own command system

    understands the meaning of commands

    can work in different modes

5. Indicate the block diagram corresponding to the "cycle" algorithmic construction

6. What type of algorithm corresponds to this flowchart?

    full branching form

    incomplete branching form

    loop with postcondition

    precondition loop

7. What algorithmic design should be chosen if it is necessary to perform a certain sequence of actions only if a certain condition is met?

    precondition loop

    repetition cycle


    auxiliary algorithm

8. The algorithm is called cyclic:

    if it includes an auxiliary algorithm;

    if the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions;

    if his commands are executed in the order of their natural succession one after another, regardless of any conditions;

    if it is composed in such a way that its execution involves repeated repetition of the same actions;

9. Specify the most complete list of methods for recording algorithms:

    graphical, pseudocode;

    graphic, software;

    pseudocode, verbal, software;

    verbal, graphic, algorithmic languages;

10. List the properties of the algorithm

1. The algorithm is
1. rules for performing certain actions;
2. directed graph, indicating the order of execution of a certain set of commands;
3.description of the sequence of actions, the strict execution of which leads to
4. a set of commands for the computer;
5. computer network protocol.
solving the problem in a finite number of steps;
2. An algorithm is called linear if
the same actions;

3. An algorithm is called cyclic if
the same actions;
1.it is composed in such a way that its implementation involves the repeated repetition of some and
2. the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions;
3.his commands are executed in the order they naturally follow one another
regardless of any conditions;
4. it is presented in tabular form;
5. it includes an auxiliary algorithm.
4. The algorithm includes branching if
the same actions;
1.it is composed in such a way that its implementation involves the repeated repetition of some and
2. the course of its implementation depends on the truth of certain conditions;
3.his commands are executed in the order they naturally follow one another
regardless of any conditions;
4. it is presented in tabular form;
5. it includes an auxiliary algorithm.
5. The property of the algorithm is:
1. performance;
2. cyclicality;
3. the ability to change the sequence of command execution;
4. the ability to execute the algorithm in reverse order;
5. ease of writing in programming languages.
6. Property of the algorithm, which consists in the fact that each action and the algorithm as a whole
should be able to complete, called
1. discreteness;
2. determinism;
3. limb;
4. mass character;
5. performance.
7. Property of the algorithm, which consists in the fact that the algorithm should consist of specific
actions that follow in a certain order are called

Kolpashnikova I.A. Teacher of OGOU NPO "PU No. 35"
1. discreteness;
2. determinism;
3. limb;
4. mass character;
5. performance.
8. The property of the algorithm, which consists in the absence of errors, the algorithm should lead to
the correct result for all valid input values ​​is called
1. discreteness;
2. determinism;
3. limb;
4. mass character;
5. performance.
9. Property of the algorithm, which consists in the fact that the same algorithm can be used
with different initial data is called
1. discreteness;
2. determinism;
3. limb;
4. mass character;
5. performance.
10. Property of the algorithm, which consists in the fact that any action must be strict and
is unambiguously defined in each case, called
1. discreteness;
2. determinism;
3. limb;
4. mass character;
5. performance.
11. Choose the correct representation of the arithmetic expression
on algorithmic
1.x + 3y / 5xy
2.x + 3 * y / 5 * x * y
(x + 3y) / 5xy
(x + 3 * y) / (5 * x * y)
5.x + 3 * y / (5 * x * y)
12. An algorithm written in a programming language "understandable" by a computer is called
1.the executor of the algorithms;
2. the program;
3. listing;
5. the protocol of the algorithm.


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