
What was the most 1. The very first film in the world. A complete story with a plot

We are used to cinemas, free access to many films and no longer want to watch it in sub-HD quality. We are already offered not just to watch a movie, but are attracted by various options for animating paintings - from 3D to 7D.

But it was not always so. And few people think about how it all began. Let's learn together the history of the formation of world cinema from the first pictures to color films.

The very first film in the world - "Scenes in the Garden of Roundhay"

The Frenchman Louis Le Prince, the author of this film, used a technology new for that time: the recording was made on paper film with photographic emulsion applied to it. The scene is only 1.66 seconds long, and on it Louis captured a walk in the garden of his son, mother-in-law with her husband and friend Harriet Hartley.

The official beginning of cinema was laid by the Lumiere brothers and their most famous film "The Arrival of the Train at La Ciotat Station"("L'Arrivée d'un train en gare de la Ciotat", 1895). In Russia, it is also known under the names "Arrival of the train" and "Arrival of the mail train."

The plot is quite simple - in 49 seconds, a train stop at the La Ciotat station and passengers walking along the cars are shown.

Interesting fact! This film was the progenitor of the silent film plot, which was called "wandering". Directors all over the world began to play it and shoot their versions at different stations.

Why is this documentary short film memorable and canon? For the first time, the creators of the picture were able to convey movement in space on a flat screen: a train appears from afar, passes through the entire screen, and people are walking nearby on a different plane (general, medium and large).

With its realism, "The Arrival of the Train" impressed the audience so much that they bounced off the screen, fearing that the car might run over them.

First film with sound - "The Jazz Singer"

Sound recording technology (the phonograph) already existed before the advent of cinema. In 1894, Thomas Edison and his assistant William Dixon made the first attempts to introduce sound recording into a movie camera. But the invention (kinetophonograph) remained only a technical incident due to big problems in device synchronization and very poor sound quality.

Leon Gaumont tried to repeat something similar in 1900: he combined the Lumiere apparatus with a phonograph. Yet the invention remained unsuitable for the birth of sound cinema for many years to come.

Technological progress required filmmakers to move forward: the popularity of radio had a bad effect on the flow of viewers to cinemas. Therefore, the introduction of audio accompaniment for films has become a necessity.

Finally, on October 6, 1927, the world's first sound film saw the light of day. film reel "Jazz Singer" was released by the well-known company WARNER Bros. and is a sentimental comedy. The sound in this picture is not the conversations of the characters we are used to and the surrounding noise. It uses only overdubs of jazz music fragments and only a few phrases are added (for example, “Come on, mom, listen!”).

Interesting fact! For the launch of sound cinema, the theme of music was not chosen by chance. In January 1917, the world's first gramophone record with a jazz composition was released in the United States.

The tape was dubbed using the Vitafon technology - the sound was first recorded on gramophone records, which were then synchronized with the screen.

The next movie came out a year later. "Singing fool" from the same creators, but it already contains full-fledged dialogues of the characters.

The first tape with sound recorded on it was released in 1928 and was called "Ideal crime".

The first color film - "Journey to the Moon"

The Lumiere brothers made attempts to manually colorize films, but they themselves did not consider this a serious work, so there were no references to specific paintings in history.

The Media Museum in the UK did a lot of research and searches in the archives, as a result of which the very first color film in the world was found called "Journey to the Moon", which refers to the years 1901-1902.

It belonged to the filmmaker from France, Georges Méliès, who recorded the expedition to the moon. He managed to achieve the color effect in Journey with the help of three films with different colors, namely blue, red and green. By superimposing them on top of each other, Georges managed to get an image of different shades. Unfortunately, he did not have time to complete the idea.

Before the discovery of the Méliès tape, Herbert Calamus was considered the founder of color cinema. In 1912, he founded the Technicolor company with his own film coloring technology.

The coloring of the picture was due to the special equipment of the film camera with a system of glass prisms, which divided the light flux from the lens into two. The filters transmitted the image in two colors to different films. Precisely because such a process of applying color is quite laborious and complicated, the company released the first film only in 1917.

In 1922, Technicolor showed the movie Victims of the Sea on the screens, which was a huge success with the audience, although it was colored with only four colors (green, red, black, white).

The first such cinema in the USSR - "Battleship Potemkin". It was released on screens on December 5, 1925, and all its “color” was in the bright red Soviet flag painted over.

Despite many earlier discoveries, 1935 is considered to be the official year of the appearance of cinema in color. Then director Ruben Mamulyan released his film "Becky Sharp", which is an adaptation of the book Vanity Fair.

Today, films are a milestone in the history of cinema (just like the first cartoons). Vintage films are an artistic heritage, they carry great value and the experience of generations. We must not forget that progress in cinema became possible only after these first complex discoveries.

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Once again, when I saw the kids huddled in front of the TV to watch the next cartoon on CartoonNetwork, I thought about what the very first cartoon in the world was, when and by whom it was created, what it was about, in general, the topic hooked me and while the children enjoyed the next a series of adventures of my favorite (at the moment) heroes, I plunged into the search and this is what I found ...

Probably, there is no child in the world who does not like cartoons, and has not watched them in his life. Of course, if this child is not a resident, the outback is from a family of Old Believers. Colorfulness, emotionality, and most importantly, the rapid development of the plot can attract a child to TV for a long time. Cartoons with meaning or humor make even adults stare at the screen. We have long been accustomed to them. And who knows what was the very first cartoon in the world. Who is its author? And the year of release of the first masterpiece for children?
As it turned out, the issue of primacy has not yet been resolved, and even experts cannot find the beginning of the story. There are three contenders for the title of "The First Cartoon". These are Humorous Phases of Funny Faces and Haunted Hotel by American cartoonist Stuart Blackton. The first work was in 1906, and immediately after it in 1907 the second work. The second contender is Emil Kolya. With his famous Phantasmagoria, 1908

Humorous Phases of Funny Faces Stuart Blackton

In the late 19th century, Stuart Blackton began working as an engineer for world electrification specialist Edison. Together they created the first animated film. They were drawings in motion that were captured on film. "Humorous Phases of Funny Faces" combined the art of graphics and film techniques. A man drawn by him with chalk on a blackboard comes to life and moves without the help of an artist. In 1906, the inhabitants of France were the first to see the masterpiece. And now, thanks to youtube, we can see it too:

Haunted Hotel Stuart Blackton

In 1907 Blackton presented The Haunted Hotel. Interestingly, it was this film with animation elements that received the greatest success with the audience, this is due to the appearance of the first “special effects” when inanimate objects moved, and the Gaumont operators for a long time could not figure out how the author could make his figures move and this movement was even given a name - "American"

But, nevertheless, according to most experts, despite their popularity, the films of Stuart Blackton were not full-fledged films, but were demonstrations of the possibilities of a new invention, and indeed the Phantasmagoria, authored by a French artist, has the right to be called the very first cartoon in the world. cartoonist Emil Kolya

Phantasmagoria by Emil Kohl

The first paintings were little like modern ones. Scientists believe Phantasmagoria, a short film by Emil Kohl, is the first animated cartoon. This picture was published in 1908. In it, the author painted Fantosh, who falls from the horizontal bar and finds himself in various interesting, and often comical situations, on white paper. The cartoon is only 1.5 minutes long. During the work on the cartoon, more than 700 drawings were created! Specialists animators pay attention to the effect that was achieved by combining a dark background and light lines. I don’t know about animators, but in my inexperienced opinion, this first cartoon in the world still looks pretty good, especially if you take into account the budget and technologies that were in the world at the time of its creation:

The very first cartoon in Russia

The title of the founder of the Russian animator went to Vladislav Starevich, a scientist from the field of biology. It was his failure to shoot a scientific picture, about a fight between two stag beetles - (correctly, a deer beetle), that made the biologist come up with animation: the scientist stuck the thinnest wires to the dissected insects with wax and shot a frame, behind the scenes. Based on animation, there were no films in Russia before. A few years later, he was presented with a painting about insects “The Beautiful Lucanida, or the War of the Mustaches with the Horned Ones”. A small short film caused the world to admire that it is possible to train bugs for a film. Here we already see a full-fledged story, with a plot that is interesting to watch as a complete work. The scientist himself later began to work in puppet animation.

Here is a story about the very first cartoon in the world and in Russia, I hope the material was interesting for you, by the way, the children were not impressed by the black and white cartoons and they rushed to look for the next episode of the Pokemon animated series on YouTube.

The influence of cinema on people cannot be overestimated. Everyone watches at least one film every few days, in whole or in parts.

For half a century, about 18 thousand films have been watched per person. And this is about 27 thousand hours. And how much information remains in the brain of the audience, one can only guess. Often we get a lot of information through films - historical moments, biographies, feelings of the main characters, society's attitude to the problem.

With the help of visual and acoustic forms of presentation of the main idea of ​​the film, a person better absorbs such information.

Fiction cinema, of course, carries a smaller semantic load, first of all, it makes you feel simple emotions - joy, anger, fear. But historical and documentary films help to learn new data about different countries, events and phenomena.

Today, few people think, but how did the cinema appear and what was the very first film in the world that the audience saw? So, where did it all begin.

The very first film

Cinema officially appeared in 1895. But the very first films began to be shot a few years before this date. In 1888, the Frenchman Louis Le Prince, who lived in England, made the first motion picture in the world.

She was called "Scenes in the Garden Roundhay" or "Roundhay Garden Scene". The picture turned out thanks to a technology new for that era - this is recording on paper film, which was covered with photographic emulsion.

"Scenes in the Roundhay Garden" - the very first film

Although the technology itself appeared four years before the film, in 1884, it was Louis Le Prince who was the first to use it. Roundhay Garden Scenes was only 1.66 seconds long. During this time, the author managed to capture a walk of several people in the garden. The director's son, his mother-in-law with her husband, as well as family friend Harriet Hartley got into the frame.

The Frenchman Louis Le Prince also made the film Traffic on the English Leeds Bridge. But the world never saw him, because in 1890 the director disappeared on a train from Gidon to Paris and was never found.

The official first film in the world

The very first film that was widely distributed was filmed in 1895 - "Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station" ("L "Arrivée d" un train en gare de la Ciotat"). It was this picture that marked the beginning of the era of cinema. This is a documentary short film, which was filmed and publicly shown by the Lumiere brothers.

Since then, Auguste Louis Marie Nicolas and Louis Jean are considered the founders of cinema. In Russian-language sources, this 49-second film is known as "Arrival of the Mail Train" or "Arrival of the Train."

The arrival of the train at the station of La Ciotat - the very first film of the Lumiere brothers

This movie has a pretty straightforward plot. The screen shows a train stopping on the railway platform of the La Ciotat station, as well as passengers walking along the cars. But despite this, the picture became widely known.

According to some reports, the screening of the film shocked the audience of that time, since they were not psychologically prepared to perceive the "revived" image of the train. People bounced off the screen, afraid of being hit by a train.

The film by the Lumiere brothers has become a canonical work of cinema. This happened just because, for the first time in history, the authors on a flat screen expressively conveyed movement in perspective - the train appeared in the distance, passed obliquely to the foreground from right to left across the entire screen and then left the left edge of the screen. It gave the impression of space. And besides this, in a short film in one frame they showed people in large, medium and long shots.

The film shows the first so-called "walking plot" of silent films. After the release of The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station, operators around the world began to create similar tapes at other stations around the world.

For example, in 1898, Georges Méliès produced two versions of the plot: "Arrival of a Train at the Station of Vincent" and "Arrival of a Train at the Station of Joinville".

For the first time on a wide screen, the film of the Lumiere brothers was shown on January 6, 1896. Despite the generally accepted opinion, which is even in the textbooks of film history, "The Arrival of the Train at La Ciotat" was not shown at the famous pay-per-view in Paris on the Boulevard des Capucines (in the "Grand Cafe").

By the way, in Russia the film of the Lumiere brothers found a response. Its fragment was even taken into the Soviet film "The Man from the Capuchin Boulevard" in the title role with Andrei Mironov. However, there the history of early cinema was reflected ironically.

The world's first sound film

The musical film "The Jazz Singer" was the first feature film with sound in history. The film used scoring of synchronous remarks. The release of the tape in 1927 meant the end of the silent film era. At that time, the sound was recorded using the Vaitaphone technology.

Al Jolson starred in The Jazz Singer. He performed six musical numbers. Filming cost a tidy sum - 422 thousand dollars. At that time, even the Warner company spent less on their creations.

However, in the tapes and before The Jazz Singer there were sound dialogues. But all the films were short films. It wasn't until 1921 that Griffith's full-length film "Dream Street" was shown in a New York cinema, with one song sequence and several crowd noises.

The Jazz Singer is the first feature-length sound film

But in The Jazz Singer there were many song and speech episodes. By the way, the sound for the film was recorded by George Groves, and Alan Crosland was invited to direct. By that time, he already had experience in sound production. Groves worked on the films Good Old San Francisco and Don Juan. They came out at a time when The Jazz Singer was just in production.

The very first animated film in the world

Experts will not come to a consensus in any way, which cartoon should be considered the first. At least three pictures can compete for this right: “Comic phases of funny faces”, “Hotel with ghosts” and “Phantasmagoria”. And the pioneer of cartoon films can be called James Stuart Blackton or Emil Kohl.

However, it is believed that all the same "Phantasmagoria" became the first of the cartoons. Some experts are sure that before 1900, James Stuart Blackton created the "reviving magic drawing" for the Edison camera. He combined the art of graphics and film techniques, thus revealing the dynamic sphere of animation.

"Comic phases of funny faces" - one of the first animated films

In 1906, Blackton used the technique in the film Humorous Phases of Funny Faces, and in 1907 in The Haunted Hotel. The latter began to enjoy great success with the audience. There, the technology of "animating" inanimate objects was especially effective.

However, all these Blackton cartoons were not complete in our understanding. They only demonstrated the possibilities that were later applied in Phantasmagoria. It is this animated picture, which brought together all the technologies and techniques of that time, that most experts call the first in the world.

The cartoon "Phantasmagoria" was drawn by the French cartoonist Emile Cohl. The picture was shown to the public on August 17, 1908. The cartoon was created using dark lines on white paper, then printed on a negative, thereby creating the effect of drawing with chalk. Over 700 drawings were drawn to create the 1.5 minute tape.

After you have learned the history of cinema, the Know Everything editors invite you to read about the most expensive cinema in the world.
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The first website in the world appeared in 1990, had the address info.cern.ch and contained a description of the new World Wide Web technology based on the HTTP data transfer protocol, the URI addressing system and the HTML hypertext markup language. Since then, the spread of the Internet around the world began.

Our country was one of the first to pick up the new technology. In the same year, the cooperative of programmers created the first domestic computer network Relcom and registered the domain zone for USSR.su, in which about a thousand sites appeared from 1990 to 1994. Basically, these were the sites of scientific and budgetary institutions. At the same time, even at that time, the Internet began to be used for political purposes, for example, during the August 1991 putsch, Boris Yeltsin's appeal was distributed through the Relkom network.

It’s just that it’s not possible now to look at how those sites looked like - not a single site in the .su zone in the World Internet Archive is left, it was created later, only in 1996. But in it there are many ancient sites of the zone.ru, we will remember them ...

The very first runet site

On April 7, 1994, the international network center officially registered the .ru domain as the national one for the Russian Federation. On the same day, the first Runet website appeared: www.ru. The site greeted users with the phrase "Russia on the Net", and after the greeting "Hello, WWWorld!" and contained a catalog of links to English-language sites of Russian media, companies, scientific and research institutions, and so on.

The first Runet website in 1994

A working reproduction of the first domestic site can still be found at www.1-9-9-4.ru. All links posted there are working and lead to the corresponding pages on the World Internet Archive website.

The first site of Runet in its current form

First online library

Six months later, in November 1994, the first electronic library appeared on the net, founded by the programmer Maxim Moshkov. Since the early 1990s, he began to collect electronic files with books, after which he posted them on his personal page on the network. Internet users, who did not yet imagine that books can be read not only from paper, but also from a computer screen for free, quickly made Moshkov's page popular.

The first electronic library of Russia in 1997

Moreover, many themselves reprinted their favorite books and shared them with the programmer, adding to his library. By 1998, the library had become so popular and large-scale that a separate website, lib.ru, had to be created for it. The site is still functioning, and surprisingly, outwardly it has not changed much in 20 years.

She is in her current form - find five differences

The first media of Runet

In April 1995, Russian media began to move online. The Teacher's Newspaper was the first paper edition to do this. She got her own website ug.ru, which posted information about the publication and reprinted articles from the paper version.

The first media in Runet

A month later, the first information agency, RosBusinessConsulting, came to the Internet. The RBC website managed to quickly gain popularity due to the fact that it began broadcasting the course of trading from Russian trading floors online.

The first news agency in Runet

First site to order

Most of the sites at that time were created “on the knee”, but already in the mid-1990s design studios began to appear, writing sites to order for a lot of money. Aeroflot was one of the first companies in Russia to use this service, for which the online page was created by the Seanet studio. Now any schoolboy will make the site cooler, but in 1996 this design looked very attractive and modern.

The first Russian site made to order by an American design studio

Watching TV takes almost a good third of life. With the advent of cinema, this occupation absorbed people. Breathtaking special effects, amazing acting, gorgeous landscapes, intriguing plots - all this now. Where did the history of cinema begin? What was the very first film and cartoon in the world?

What is the first cartoon in the world

Cartoons are loved by both adults and children. Colorful cheerful characters add bright spots to ordinary life. Some cartoons just give pleasure and bring a positive mood, others tell "what is good and what is bad." But for the most part, they teach something, make the child better, help in later adult life. The title of "the oldest cartoon in the world" was divided between 3 contenders:

  • American cartoonist Stuart Blackton took 2 pictures at once: Humorous phases of funny faces" And " haunted hotel". They were created one after another in 1906 and in 1907. The first cartoon was a moving picture drawn in chalk. The man came to life before our eyes and moved without the help of the artist. The people of France were the first to watch it.

Blackton's second work made a big splash among the audience. It was attended by the movement of not only people, but also inanimate objects, and the operators of the famous Gaumont company were completely at a loss as to how they managed to "revive".

  • The second contender was Emil Kolya with his work Phantasmagoria”, published in 1908. The short film took only one and a half minutes of time, and it took more than 700 drawings to prepare it. The main character is Fantosha, who fell from the horizontal bar. Various funny situations happen to him.

Experts say that Phantasmagoria is the very first cartoon, since the first two were more like a demonstration of new features and technologies, and Emil Kolya shot a really full-fledged story picture.

The very first video film in the world

In the 21st century, we are no longer surprised by colorful special effects, and often even reproach the director for poor-quality shooting. But when the very first cinema in the world appeared, then there was nothing at all. Everything was done manually without additional devices, computer graphics.

From films we get not just empty information, naked pictures, we draw from them many historical facts, biography of famous personalities, interesting things about some objects and phenomena unknown to us. How much information is placed in the brains of viewers, one can only guess. It is much more interesting to receive information through visualization than to listen to a boring lecture at school, sitting at a desk. That is why children are so happy when a themed movie is announced in the class.

Did you know, who made the first movie? The world's first motion picture was shown in 1895. by the Lumiere brothers a picture was taken called Train arriving at La Ciotat station". The plot was simple, but the “miracle” presented in the film shocked the audience. After all, no one could believe that sitting on a chair, you can see the train approaching you.

A lot of people came to watch the very first film in the world in 1895 - The Arrival of the Train by the Lumiere Brothers. But they were psychologically unprepared for such a turn of events. Some bounced off the screen, fearful of being hit by a moving train. The first screening made a splash. Since then, the Lumiere Brothers have gained worldwide fame and are considered the founders of cinema. This is the official version.

So what year was the first movie released? In 1888, even before the advent of cinema, as a concept, the first movie was shot.It lasted only a couple of seconds and showed several people walking around the garden. Louis le Prince stripped off " Scenes in Roundhay Garden” is the oldest film in the world. Following the author made another film, but he did not get on public display, as Louis le Prince went missing.

There is still debate about the year in which cinema appeared, the official version is 1895, and the unofficial version is 1888.

When the first film about the arrival of the train was made, other operators began to try to create similar tapes at other stations. In what year was the movie about train #2 and #3 made? In 1898 by Georges Méliès: "Arrival of a Train at the Station of Vincent" and "Arrival of a Train at the Station of Joinville". When the first film came out, it was the beginning of the era of cinema.

The first cinema in Russia

At the beginning of the development of cinematography, only short films appeared on the screens, which lasted from a few seconds to several minutes. The first silent film in Russia was The Ponizovaya Volnitsa from 1908. Its duration was only 7 minutes.

Feature-length films began to be shot later, when it became technically possible. What is the name of the first Soviet feature film, not everyone knows. It was released in 1911 and was called " Defense of Sevastopol". This is a documentary film about the Crimean War, which was filmed on real battlefields.

How and when did cinema and cinematography appear?

Probably, you - film lovers, are interested in knowing who invented cinema and cinema.

  1. The history of the creation of cinema and cinema began in 1685 with the invention of the camera obscura, or as it was called the "magic lantern".
  2. The second step was taken by Michael Faraday in 1839. He invented the device Phenakistiscope, which "revived" the drawing. The device was accompanied by a series of pictures depicting successive movements.
  3. The third step in 1877 was to photograph a galloping horse with 60 different cameras. Thus, they wanted to find out whether the animal raises its legs during a fast run. Thanks to this experiment, Louis Dagert and José Neps managed to decompose the movement into phases.

In 1894, the Kinetoscope apparatus was created. Its disadvantage was that only one person could watch the moving pictures. In 1893, the projector was invented to watch movies. And who invented the cinema (or cinematograph) as a result? Brothers Lumiere! This equipment made it possible to shoot and show films to people on a wide screen without any problems.

The history of cinema is in their hands. At their first show in 1895, they showed more than one video. For example, "Exit of the workers from the factory" did not receive the same popularity as "Arrival of the train."

The history of the emergence of cinema and world cinema begins at the end of the 19th century, but only since 1920 films have been put on stream and developed as an art form. And yet, in what year did cinema appear? The official version is 1895, but the first films began to be released long before that.

The first sound film in the world

Silent cinema is usually associated with Charlie Chaplin. A funny little man with whom some troubles constantly happen. After the silent movies, it's time to hear what the characters are talking about. The name of the first sound film is " jazz singer". This bold step was taken by the American firm Warner Bros. After the creation of special equipment that could record and reproduce sound, they were afraid to test it in practice for a long time, fearing a sharp rise in the cost of production and film distribution.

The silent film era ended in 1927. The first film with sound in the history of cinema was a turning point. "The Jazz Singer" was 88 minutes, and its creation took a lot of money at that time - 422 thousand dollars.

Do you know the name of the very first sound film in Russia? One of the first films to come out was Plan of Great Works in 1930. Then the film "The Earth Thirsts" by Yuli Raizman was filmed in silent form, and then voiced.

The world's first horror film

You will not surprise anyone with fantastic special effects, frightening sounds in the cinema. Sometimes, even with boredom in our eyes, we watch another “horror movie”, thinking, well, what kind of nonsense did this director shoot. Previously, each such picture was worth its weight in gold, thousands of people came to the shows. The very first horror film was filmed in 1896 and was called " devil's castle". At that time, of course, there was no talk of any great technologies, but this was enough for an unspoiled viewer to admire and be afraid of what was happening. Now, watching this movie, it is more like a comedy parody.

The first color film in the world

One of the first color films in the world was " gone With the Wind", filmed in 1939. Technically, this was still not an ideal result of progress, but by the 60-70 years, such work outweighed black and white cinema by a lot. Officially, the very first was a movie called " Becky Sharp» 1935 release. However, long before that, there were attempts to "decorate" the ribbons, which was done by hand by the Lumiere Brothers.

The famous "Battleship Potemkin", released in 1925, is the first color film in Russia. But the only bright spot in the film was the red flag, which was hand-painted by director Sergei Eisenstein.

In 1936, the film "Grunya Kornakova" was released. And a picture about the Victory Parade of 1945 was shot on a multilayer color film.

Where was the world's first cinema

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with cinemas, in each city there are several of them. Moreover, technologies have developed to such an extent that it is already possible not only to watch a film, but to feel smells, a breath of wind, vibration and other movements occurring on the screen, to see everything in three-dimensional form. The first movie theater was Vitascope Hall, opened in 1896 in New Orleans.. It was designed for 400 seats, and the entrance to it cost 10 cents. The largest hall opened in 1910 in Paris, it was designed for 5,000 spectators.


The development of the film industry has taken a giant step from the day of its birth to the present. Progress does not stand still, and specialists are still working on the creation of more and more new technologies that will improve the display of films and their shooting to the ideal. Perhaps, very soon, you, sitting in the cinema, will find yourself in the middle of the jungle, and fantastic scenes will take place around you that you can touch, and maybe take part in them a little.

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