
What does 404 not found mean. Bugs we 'love'. Expanse for the webmaster

Many Internet users often face such a problem as "404 not found". This error appears if the requested site page (address) was deleted, moved, or never existed. The 404 error has several causes that are easy to understand.

The error message "404 not found" is a standard server response, meaning the lack of information (file or page) at the request of the user. In other words, this response indicates that the requested page is not currently available.

Reasons for the 404 error

The 404 not found error occurs for many reasons. The most common among them are the following:

  • Incorrect entry of the page address
  • Changing the address of the page (moving the page to another address)
  • Website or server failure

Additional reasons

This problem often occurs for other reasons. So, error 404 may appear when there is no connection (or unstable connection) of the device to the Internet. Therefore, the desired page is not loaded. Also, a 404 error message may appear when the page is blocked by an antivirus.


Working on the problem of the 404 error depends on the cause of its occurrence. Most often, in the event of this error, the following actions are recommended:

  • Checking the spelling of an address
  • Reloading the page (click on the "Refresh" button or F5)
  • Contacting the support service of the site on the page of which the error occurred
  • Checking your device's Internet connection
  • Checking antivirus (or browser) settings

What does "404 not found" mean?

Thus, the “404 not found” error occurs when the site does not work correctly, the page is moved to a different address, and the address is entered incorrectly. In addition, this problem often indicates a weak (or absent) connection to the Internet.

Also, a 404 error may appear when the requested page is blocked by an antivirus or browser. This problem should be solved depending on the cause. If the desired page still shows a 404 error response, then the page does not exist.

Often in the process of using the YouTube service, viewers experience errors ←

For the most part they are related to:

  1. Internet connection instability
  2. software incompatibility
  3. and hosting issues.

Especially for our readers, we have systematized - popular errors on YouTube, and also tell you about how to fix them. ↓↓↓

Main types of problems

Let's start with the fact that there are a variety of reasons why YouTube gives various crashes. In turn, an error is a technical or software malfunction that disrupts the operation of certain services or functions…….

Most faults occur on the user side: ↓↓↓

  • low speed internet connection;
  • outdated software;
  • poor device performance;
  • incompatible video format and more.

YouTube writes an error for any of the above reasons, based on which, one can distinguish the following types of them:

  1. playback errors on YouTube;
  2. application errors;
  3. video upload errors;
  4. translation errors and others.

Below we will look at the most popular failures, as well as ways to fix them.

1) → Network error in YouTube on Android - there is a solution !!!

Increasingly, on the forums, users of mobile gadgets complain about malfunctions when using YouTube services.

Most often, the owner of the phone sees various dialog boxes:

In this case, the problem can be fixed very quickly:

  • connect to a high-speed access point;
  • restart the application;
  • download an updated version of the application or OS;
  • repeat the video playback later.

In some cases, you may notice that there is network access, but the application shows a 400 error.

→ In this case, be sure to go to the applications and clear the cache on YouTube.

Usually, this will fix the problem, which occurs very often during updates

Please note that such connection errors are associated with low Internet speed and YouTube is not at all to blame here!

You can easily verify that the problem is on your end if you test the service from another gadget and on another access point.

2) → An error in the YouTube application - detailed instructions on what to do

Also, phone users complain that an error occurred in the application on YouTube. This problem is very common and is a dialog box that says "an error has occurred in the application."

This window may appear:

  1. when starting the phone
  2. or while using the app.

The main reason for such a malfunction is that one of the services that the application accesses is disabled.

Now let's look at one of the ways that will help fix this problem:

  • go to "Settings" and the item "Applications" on your mobile phone;
  • find the disabled applications at the end of the list and click;
  • select "Enable";
  • most often we are talking about Google services, fonts and other utilities;
  • reboot the device when the procedure is completed.

That's all - done

→ If the problem persists, then try the same procedure, open the YouTube app and clear its cache. In some cases, rebooting the device or completely resetting the data helps. !!!

3) → Error try again later - best solution

This problem occurs with the same frequency on phones and computers. Most often it occurs during the playback of a video.

So, the playback is interrupted and the notification "an error occurred, please try again later" appears.

Experience shows that this problem is most often observed in Firefox.

If, for example, you play a video on another gadget, then the video plays normally.

There are several ways to fix this ↓↓↓

1. Reinstalling Flash Player:

Well, or here's a video instruction for you ↓

2. You can also find information that this error occurs due to a change in the playback ID.

→ So, such a YouTube video error can be eliminated very simply - you need to set the correct time and date on your computer !!! Thus, you can resolve the ID error with just a few clicks.

3. Also on the forums are other popular ways to solve the error, try again. In particular, you can go to the privacy settings, and then delete the cache and cookies.

→ For some users, when they find the inscription “An error has occurred repeat”, the method of reinstalling the browser helps.

But here it is already worth using all the methods in sequence until you achieve normal playback.

4) → Error 404 on YouTube - is it possible to solve the problem

Every user has ever seen the header "404" - this means that there is no similar page on this domain !!!

Also, a similar picture can appear on YouTube:

  1. Sometimes the user makes a mistake when entering the address
  2. and in other cases, the problem appears when the software is incompatible.

Most often, you can trace the malfunction among users of mobile devices.

If you see a 404 error on YouTube, then we recommend this solution:

Now you can go to m.youtube.com through a browser and make sure that the problem is no longer observed.

5) → YouTube broadcast errors - simple tips

→ Most often, only one user has malfunctions, which indicates low speed and other problems that are not related to the service.

→ Group problems are less common - there are probably faults on the line.

In turn, when there are massive failures, then you should think about the decoder and follow this instruction:

Thus, in this article, we have covered the main problems, as well as simple ways to solve them.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

The 404 error is the most recognizable and common hypertext document error. It reports that the page does not exist at the given address. In fact, we are talking about the absence of an html file for the specified document, so the site returns an error.

To deal with the issue in more detail, as well as with a number of service files that each resource has, you need to study the moment associated with the hypertext representation of pages using the HTML language (HyperText Markup Language - “hypertext markup language”), and the HTTP protocol, through which is being accessed. Despite the fact that you have to understand the programming language, the form of its presentation is so simple that anyone can understand it.

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

Hypertext pages and their features

The Internet was born at the moment when the English engineer Timothy John Berners-Lee came up with a hypertext form of representing text pages on the web and described the principle of accessing them via the HTTP application protocol. According to the general idea, the user from his device, namely from the browser, makes a network request for a specific resource. At this point, a session is opened on the server being accessed. An HTML page is returned as a response.

Of course, in our time, more complex algorithms for accessing and “swapping” large pages are used, but the general principle remains the same. To access the resource, you need a domain name and an IP address. Only if these criteria are met and the resource is in working order will a "404 not found" error be returned for the missing document.

What the default 404 page looks like

A site may or may not have a decorated "http 404 not found" access error page. A user with little experience is usually quite nervous when receiving it and believes that this is his fault. In fact, everything is much simpler, the answer follows from the above.

The 404 error code in the form of a separate page designed in the site design is returned only if the site has a 404.html file. It is usually located in the root directory. Otherwise, the browser will report this error along with a message about the lack of access. And it usually looks like a white sheet with an error message.

When developing websites, as a rule, content management systems are used. They contain a 404 page with the path to it in the functional files. Typically, such a page contains a message about a non-existent address and a link to the main page of the site. The template for the 404 page can be changed to your liking, as this is a page on your site that you can use however you wish.

In order to remake the template, you will need knowledge of HTML to mark up the file. Please note that in some cases the page file may have a different name - err404. html, 404.php. The difference from the standard is most often associated with wider functionality, as well as system features. For example, in WordPress, the document can be found in the 404.php directory. In the address bar "error 404 page not found" will be displayed something like this: domain.ru/404/.

Adapting a Standard 404 Page to Your Purposes

To improve the usability (acceptability for users) of the site, of course, it is necessary to make a page that will attract the visitor to your site and help them continue browsing. Things to keep in mind when writing code:

  • A significant part of visitors who encounter non-existent pages go to the site from search engines or via links on forums, sites and social networks, that is, from where old links to long-non-existent pages may be located.
  • Users are not looking for your site, but for information of interest by keyword, that is, in the absence of the desired one, the visitor leaves the site and rarely views it.

That is, you must understand that it will not be so easy to keep such visitors, but it is possible!

Take a standard template available on the Internet, or make your own, taking into account the above features:

  1. Briefly explain to the person what happened and why he does not see what he was looking for. Show him the options for further actions that will help him find what he is looking for.
  2. Display a search string on the 404 page so that the visitor can immediately find what they want.
  3. Be sure to display the menu of your site here, with the help of which, a person can understand where to go.
  4. Make sure that the page attracts the user, and he wants to find information on your resource. Use colorful and interesting text-visual solutions.

To make the 404 server error page attractive to the user, it is enough to cause him a smile or interest. Therefore, try to work on the originality of the idea for such a section of your resource.

Editing the 404 Page

You can edit the file from the content management system directly, for this you need to add the desired markup and images.
When creating it, be guided by the fact that information should open quickly and without delay. The page should be "light" (take up little space), useful, and offer alternatives to finding a non-existent document.

  • transition to the main;
  • list of rating pages of the site;
  • transition to the resource map;
  • a button to inform the administration about a "broken" link on a specific source.

Otherwise, fantasy, corporate standards and the designer's original idea will be the best assistant.


The 404 not found page is a service file that can be modified and supplemented to attract more visitors to the site. This file is required, because otherwise, the browser will display an error message, after which the chance to lure a person to you will be zero. Try to fill it with colorful images and even light humor.

This error means that the page the user is trying to view was not found or does not exist. In this case, the user himself will not be able to influence the solution of the issue. The only thing he can do is to find similar information on the same site. For example, an address with an error www.example.com/not-founded-page.html replaced by www.example.com

Why is this happening?

This is due to the fact that the user went to the site page through the wrong link. For example, the user entered in the browser (or followed the link) http://mysite.com/rbot.html, but it was necessary - http://mysite.com/ro bot.html. Moreover, this link could be located both on your site and on third-party sites. You can find such links using Google Webmaster Tools. For this we go to page of this service, select your site, and then click: Status -> Scan errors and select "Not Found".

The free program XenuLinks also copes well with this task, which you can download, and see the manual -.

How to fix 404 error?

In the traditional sense, it is impossible to correct this error, because the problem lies not in the operation of the server or the site engine, but in the fact that someone incorrectly indicated the link address. Therefore, the only way to correct it can be called identifying erroneous links, and indicating the correct address. It is also worth checking if the current page exists on your site? If it was deleted, then make sure that it appears again. If it has been renamed, then you need to set up a 301 redirect from the old page address to the new one.

When a user enters the site and sees this error through the issuance of the server, he does not see your site (menu, navigation, design, etc.). Accordingly, with 100% probability, it will close the page. This scheme works on all hosting by default. But you can program this page and show your site along with it. And this means that the user, seeing the main links of your site in the menu, can click on them and stay on the site. Here are examples of incorrect and correct output, respectively:

There are many different ways to implement this scheme, but the most versatile of them is to add the following entry to the .htaccess file:

ErrorDocument 404 /error404.html

Accordingly, you will need to create the "/error404.html" page itself first.

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