
The man died from a snakebite. And he received death from his beast. Arslan Valeev last words

Blogger Arslan Valeev had a falling out with his wife and died from a live black mamba bite.

The famous blogger Arslan Valeev died of a snakebite on the air.

Valeev was bitten by a black mamba living with him, while he himself provoked the reptile and did not try to save his life.

The blogger's last words were dedicated to his wife Katya Pyatizhkina. Shortly before the tragedy, the wife left Valeev, accusing him of beatings. After the woman complained about the violence on her Instagram, the presenter on her YouTube channel began denouncing her for cheating. Viewers of the channel were outraged by this behavior, Valeev apologized, but his wife never returned to him.

Online subscribers watched Valeev die.

black mamba snake killed blogger Arslan Valeev

In his last broadcast on the night of September 23, Arslan calls Katya's number, asks to call her and ask her to come. An ambulance was called for the blogger, but they did not manage to save him. He was brought to the hospital still alive, put into an artificial coma, but on September 25, at about noon, Valeev died.

A well-known blogger among animal lovers hosted the Private Exotarium channel about reptiles, as well as the BobCat TV channel about tigers, lions and other large felines.

Blogger Arslan Valeev, 31, the author of the BobCat TV and Private Exotarium video channels dedicated to exotic animals, died on Monday afternoon. The death of a young man was caused by a black mamba bite, which he received during a live broadcast on YouTube on the night of September 23. After that, Arslan fell into a coma. Doctors fought for Valeev's life, but they failed to save him.

Meanwhile, the Internet is spreading information that shortly before his death, Arslan's mood worsened due to the departure of his wife Catherine. According to some reports, Valeev allegedly was very jealous of her and even beat her the other day, and on the eve of the tragic incident behaved strangely - he used obscene language and talked about death and pain.

Shortly before the tragic incident, the young man met a good friend Marina, with whom they took the cougar cub to the hospital. Friends celebrated this event. After Arslan's friend left, he again got in touch with subscribers. At some point, Valeev walked away from the computer, and then returned, showing a snake bite.

“I'll just stay with you for a bit. If anything, there is an entry for Katya on the phone. Just reading your messages. Tell Katya that I loved her very much. Goodbye to everyone. I can't even believe that this is happening to me. This is Katya's phone, if she has time to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I am already dying. Farewell. But I would be glad to see Katya. I'm shaking, ”the young man said.

Valeev's worried viewers did not understand what was happening. After some time, an ambulance was called, and the moderators turned off the chat, writing that Arslan was alive. All this time, the subscribers of the young man watched what was happening live and panicked. Then Ekaterina came to the blogger and turned off the broadcast.

The opinions of subscribers about what happened to Arslan differ. Some of them believe that he decided to commit suicide. At the same time, others, on the contrary, believe that Valeev was not going to take his own life, and his dying speech was not planned and is a shock reaction of the body to a snake bite. In their opinion, the Internet activist was the victim of an accident. Many followers of Arslan urge not to blame Catherine for what happened to him.

Valeev's admirers wish him to rest in peace. Internet users write that they do not believe in the sudden death of the blogger. From the outside, nothing foreshadowed trouble. Arslan seemed like a determined young man who genuinely cared about animals. “We remember, we love, we grieve”, “Please take care of yourself”, “Sincerely condolences”, “This is creepy. Hurt. I hope his soul will calm down. Sleep well, good friend "," I lost a loved one "," Very sad "," It looks like a bad dream "," His channel gave me so much positive, "- discuss Valeev's subscribers.

The fact that the blogger broke up with Catherine became known in April this year. Valeev's followers suspected that difficulties arose in his relationship with his wife, and bombarded the young man with questions.

“Why are there so many channels? Where is Katya? Why is that? Why is this? Yes, we parted, everything is simple. And with this there are no problems, so, to get rid of unnecessary questions. We share everything on the sly, ”Arslan shared a few months ago.

Last Thursday, Arslan publicly apologized to Catherine. The blogger said that he behaved unworthily, omitting impartial statements about his former lover. Valeev noted that he was in pain and lonely.

“There are no excuses for my statements in your personal address, I acted low and stupid, extremely far from ideal, but you must understand, it’s very hard for me now, it’s hard to live within those walls in which we wanted to meet old age, it’s hard to see everything that connected with you and is an obligatory part of my lonely (I have no one!) life, it is very difficult to accept the fact that everything is over and nothing can be fixed. And I see that everything has definitely passed for you, a new life has begun with the one whom you have long sympathized with, ”the blogger turned to Ekaterina.

Valeev also noted that the girl is a wonderful person whom he undeservedly offended. “Not a single impartial statement in your personal address has any meaning and weight, all this is a lie from resentment and wild envy, you know this, but not everyone who watched it understood. I apologized to you more than once. He also apologized publicly. I also apologize to the public, I am not a robot for cleaning animals and generating videos, I am a person with a rather weak character as I am, ”Arslan shared.

Arslan Valeev talked about reptiles on the Exotarium YouTube channel and about wild cats on BobCat TV.

First, the time of administration of the antidote is important - the faster, the more likely it is to survive. But the fact is that in Russia it simply will not be due to the extreme rarity of such bites.

The second option is to put the patient into a drug-induced coma, as they did with Arslan. Since the metabolism slows down at this time, the poison can be removed by blood transfusion, plasmapheresis, users say.

In Western literature, they write that mamba poison can cause muscle fasciculation and cramps, because a coma removes this in theory, but here it is debatable

Web user

What happens when a bite and poison enters the body? The most dangerous consequences: respiratory failure due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, rhabdomyolysis due to the cytotoxic action of the poison, acute renal failure, damage to the heart muscle due to cytotoxin and cardiotoxins.

Many expressed confidence that Arslan's act was related to a family drama. The blogger accused his ex-wife of treason, and she beat him up. However, after a verbal showdown on social networks, Arslan asked her for forgiveness, after which an accident occurred. Valeev's acquaintances called him an ambulance, but the hospital could not save the young man.

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev died from a black mamba bite on September 25. This is reported in his public BobCat TV.

We express our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Arslan at this very difficult moment for all of us! Approximately at noon he left, but his Love will remain in our hearts forever! - wrote the group administrator Andrey Derevyankin.

Live bite

On the air of his channel, the blogger set a poisonous snake on himself. After the bite, he was immediately hospitalized. An ambulance was called by Valeev's subscribers.

All these events took place on September 23rd. After a poisonous bite, the blogger fell into a coma and died two days later without regaining consciousness.

The recording of this stream has already disappeared from the YouTube channel. However, the shocking video is still present on the network. On it, Arslan sits in a semi-faint state, but still talks to the audience. He dictates the phone number of his ex-wife.

This is Katya's phone. If someone gets through to her and she manages to drive up to me and at least see ... I would be glad, - the blogger barely picks up the words, rolling his eyes. - In fact, I'm already dying ... But Katya would be glad to see ... How she shakes.

It is known that the reckless act was preceded by a loud quarrel with ex-wife Ekaterina Pytyazhkina.

Back in August, a woman told on her Instagram page that a blogger who allegedly caught her in treason broke into her apartment and beat her. The girl also published a certificate from the hospital diagnosed with a concussion on social networks.

Then, however, Valeev made a sincere apology, but Catherine did not return to him. It was then that the blogger during the stream set a poisonous snake on himself.

It is known that Arslan had four lynxes at home. As his comrades in the public say, now the animals are under "careful supervision."

Empathetic and risky

Arslan Valeev was not just a popular blogger, but also a major expert on poisonous snakes in the northern capital. In any case, this is how he was recommended in several large veterinary clinics in the city on the Neva. Previously, he was a zootechnician at the exotarium of the Leningrad Zoo.

His close acquaintance, Polina Maratkanova, with whom they once began to work together at the Leningrad Zoo in the department of the exotarium, spoke of Arslan as an excellent specialist and expert in her field.

He was not only in our city, he was one of the best in our country, ”she said. He is such a very risky guy, he was not afraid of anything. But he was a very sincere person, hospitable. I corresponded with him literally last week. It's terrible that this happened to him. Reptiles were his life. He was so attached to his work. And he was madly in love with reptiles, - said an acquaintance of the blogger.

He bred many rare species. And he did amazing things, shot good videos and photos. He created his own private exotarium, - says Maratkanova.

Unsuccessful manipulation

Andrey Derevyankin, administrator of the BobCat TV public, told his version of what happened:

On the eve of the afternoon, Arslan announced on his Instagram stream a night broadcast on YouTube with one of his favorite snakes, Mamba. Turning on the camera, as he did regularly before, he went to get the snake from the terrarium in order to move it into a plastic container used for broadcasting. In the process of manipulating the snake, a bite was received, he said.

Since the man worked with snakes for more than 20 years, he perfectly understood what happened to him.

Arslan, realizing what had happened, left a message to his wife Yekaterina, and asked the spectators who were eyewitnesses to contact Katya by phone, as his limbs began to quickly go numb, making it impossible to call for help on their own, after which he soon went out into the street, waiting for the arrival of help. - Derevyankin tells the events of that evening.

Fast and poisonous

The black mamba among poisonous snakes is second only to the king cobra in size. The Guinness Book of World Records states that she is probably the fastest snake in the world. But, despite its abilities, when a mamba meets a person, it tries in every possible way to avoid contact. She freezes in the hope that she will not be noticed and passed by, or she tries to sneak away just as unnoticed. And only with an inevitable meeting does the snake become aggressive.

The mamba can grow up to 3 meters long and has a deadly poison. In the wild, this African snake feeds on rodents and birds, avoiding humans.

If she does bite, then the person affected by her poison needs immediate antidote administration. Otherwise, death awaits him.


Arslan Valeev is a 32-year-old Petersburg blogger who owns the BobCat TV / Wild Cats public. He has 273 633 subscribers on his YouTube channel, and more than 55 thousand people are united by the public exotarium. In it, he talked about lynxes and other wild cats.

But the denouement came earlier - on the evening of September 23, Valeeva was bitten by a black mamba in her own house. The poison of this snake is deadly for humans. Relatives took 32-year-old Arslan to the hospital, but it was too late to save him.

Arslan has been blogging for several years about his favorite snakes and lynxes. There are thousands of subscribers.

It is still unclear what happened - did the mamba accidentally bite Valeev or not? Reporters from "Komsomolskaya Pravda" together with Arslan's mother visited the scene of the tragedy.


Arslan Valeev's house stands on the outskirts of Vsevolozhsk - a small two-story box made of aerated concrete blocks.

But the only staircase in his house leads not up, but down. The fact is that for the last two years Arslan has literally lived in the basement. No windows or doors.

They began to build the house a long time ago, a couple of years ago, and as soon as it became possible, Arslan immediately moved to the basement, ”the blogger's mother Darikh Nurgushev told KP. She is divorced from his father and lives separately. - My son spent all his money on his animals. This was his passion. And the walls of the house were folded only this year ...

In the stuffy room, where we go down the steep wooden stairs, a light bulb is dimly shining. A door, another door - and we find ourselves in a tiny room about 15 meters away. There is a bed, a computer desk, a rack - and nothing else can fit in here.

The tragedy, we recall, unfolded literally live: before picking up the black mamba, Arslan turned on the camera on his laptop. Then he leaves the frame and returns five seconds later - already mortally bitten. It was here that Arslan held his last broadcast. There is a funny stuffed toy on the bed.

How shaking, - says Arslan, rolling his eyes. The poison starts to work.

Valeev dictates his wife's number to subscribers and asks to notify her. Then he gets up and staggers out of the house. His father took him to the hospital - he lives in the next house.


The dwelling in which the popular blogger lived is, of course, no dwelling - but a real exotarium.

All the walls, from floor to ceiling, are all solid terrariums. Only in the room adjacent to the bedroom was there a place for a table, kettle and microwave. But also - surrounded by snakes.

It is immediately evident that Valeev was a keen biologist. With some crazy stuff like that. An ordinary person could not live here.

Now almost all the terrariums are now empty - the snake was taken out by Arslan's father. But where, nobody knows. He himself does not want to communicate with journalists.

However, some remained - for example, a giant boa constrictor, like a watchman, spread its rings over a meter-long terrarium.

The smaller snake is looking at the journalists with interest. The black mamba is not. Her cage, by the way, is a stone's throw from Valeev's bedroom.

I'm afraid they will try to sell all the snakes quickly - they cost from 2 to 4 thousand euros, - worries Darikha Nurgusheva. - Although this is the property of Arslan, and now - his widow Catherine.

Nurgusheva emphasizes that she herself is not looking for benefits - she just wants to save her son's collection.

Arslan dreamed of a private museum. And I must do everything to make his dream come true, - says Darikha.

Three lynxes and a small cougar remained in the enclosures on the plot next to the house. A snow-white Alabai melancholy examines the guests through the bars.

I hope they will not be sold at least, - worries Darikha Nurgusheva.

Meanwhile, the fate of Valeev's grandiose collection remains unknown. By the way, there were other venomous snakes in the congregation - where are they now? And Valeev had more than one black mamba - he once bought two copies.

And if reptiles begin to be sold left and right, who can guarantee that the mamba will not bite some other naturalist?


I have not seen his last broadcast, - told "KP" widow Valeeva Ekaterina.- Subscribers called me after Arslan gave my phone number and said that he was bitten by a snake. I immediately came to his house, but Arslan had already been taken to the hospital. And the broadcast continued, and I myself had to stop it. I loved him very much. I don’t believe in what happened yet.

They say you broke up a few months before?

We had our disagreements, but we were husband and wife. We saw each other a few hours before what happened. I haven’t watched this last tape of his, I just can’t bring myself to.



We were familiar with Arslan, and I can say that he is a very experienced specialist. Therefore, I cannot and do not want to comment on what happened, ”Vladimir Cherlin, Candidate of Biological Sciences, told KP. - I will only say that he had no chance to escape. An antidote would help - but in principle there is none in Russia, because we do not have mambas either.

Valeev had two. I can assume that there are two or three more such snakes in the whole of Russia.

This is a really scary snake. I will not say that it is the most poisonous, but it is in the top. The poison contained in her gland is not enough for bites. That is, the snake that bit Arslan is still dangerous.

Valeev also had many boas in his collection, he bred them and successfully kept them. He really was a great specialist.

The problem is that our legislation on reptiles doesn't actually work. Yes, you need to obtain permits, but no one knows how to do this. The people are against the wall, and many people love reptiles. So they are forced to go to the illegal market.

I can assure you that everything is fine with Arslan's collection, it is in good hands. I cannot say where exactly, but there is no reason for panic. And even if some of the reptiles are sold, this does not apply to poisonous snakes. They will remain with the professionals.

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