
Instructions for using the syma quadrocopter. Syma X5C Phantom Quadrocopter Manual with HD Camera. Control Panel Trim Adjustment

A quadcopter is a modern toy not only for children, but also for adults. With this small but highly functional device, you can get unique bird's-eye views. See the world from a whole new perspective with the Syma X5C Phantom Quadcopter with HD Camera!

Precautions When Using Quadcopter

First of all, you should always remember that the Syma X5C Phantom is not just a toy, but a complex technological device. If you do not have sufficient experience in launching quadrocopters and you feel insecure, then we recommend that you seek help from a specialized simulator program, an experienced pilot or instructor who will always be happy to help you during your first flights.

Syma X5C Phantom may only be operated by a person over the age of 14, under the supervision of an adult. When operating a quadrocopter, you should always remember about the existing possibility of causing damage and damage to surrounding objects and people and follow the basic safety rules, namely:

  • Use the Syma X5C Phantom only in a spacious room or outdoors.
  • Avoid using the quadcopter near power lines and other objects that could cause damage to the device.
  • Do not bring the quadcopter closer to people or animals (minimum safe distance to the device is 3 meters).
  • Do not use Syma X5C Phantom in crowded places.
  • Do not use the device in the event of a technical malfunction.
  • Do not use the quadrocopter under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Always remember that quadcopter pilots are fully responsible for their actions, including in the event of damage to people, animals and property of third parties.

Before starting your Syma X5C Phantom, make sure that both batteries (onboard and transmitter battery) are fully charged. After that, check the technical serviceability of the model and make sure that there is no damage to the device. Check that the radio control is working properly and make sure there is no interference. If at least one of the above conditions is not met, the start of the device is prohibited.

If your quadrocopter fully complies with the above requirements, then you can start launching it. To do this, turn on the transmitter and on-board Syma X5C Phantom board (connect the battery to the board), make sure that all the mechanisms of the device are functioning correctly. Move away from the quadcopter to a safe distance (at least 3 meters) and start launching it.

Some parts of the Syma X5C Phantom quadrocopter are made of plastic, which is subject to deformation due to overheating or hypothermia. Therefore, it is not recommended to store the device near heat sources (radiator, stove, etc.). The ideal storage conditions for a quadcopter are a ventilated area and room temperature.

Battery Precautions

Batteries should be handled with great care to prevent fire hazards. Always observe the correct polarity of the batteries and avoid short circuits. Do not deform, disassemble, heat, or puncture batteries. Do not short-circuit batteries or store them in the same container with metal objects. Always discontinue use of batteries when they become very hot after recharging or using, otherwise the battery may swell, catch fire, or even explode.

The process of recharging batteries must be carried out in places inaccessible to children and under the supervision of an adult. Lithium polymer batteries are far more dangerous than any other battery, so you should always strictly adhere to their operating conditions. The manufacturer and seller are not responsible for the consequences of improper use of batteries. To avoid fire or explosion of batteries, it is not recommended to use any other chargers other than those supplied with your quadcopter.

Remote Control

There are several joysticks and buttons on the quadcopter control panel, each of which is responsible for its own function:

  • On / off button located between joysticks
  • Pro / Beginner control button (top left)
  • Throttle joystick (left up / down)
  • Ruder joystick (rotation about its axis) (left to left / right)
  • Ruder trim (sensitivity setting) (under the left joystick)
  • Trimmer - up a photo, down turn on / off video recording (to the right of the left joystick)
  • 3D flip button - when pressed, there are jerky sound signals, after pressing, you need to tilt the right joystick in any direction to flip (upper right button)
  • Forward / backward flight joystick (right stick up / down)
  • Flight joystick right / left (right stick left / right)
  • Pitch trimmer (under right stick)
  • Roll trim (to the left of left joystick)

Syma X5C Phantom Launch

Before starting the quadcopter launch, you need to charge the on-board battery using charger(charging duration - no more than 1.5 hours). After that, it is required to install the on-board battery in the quadcopter, while not connecting the battery wires to the device connector until the control panel itself is turned on.

Then install four AA batteries in the remote control. We recommend that you use only high quality alkapine batteries or AA rechargeable batteries. It is not allowed to use batteries of different capacity or manufacturer in the remote control.

Next, make sure that the left lever on the remote control, which is responsible for the "gas", is in the down position, and turn on the control panel using the power button. There are two indicators on the control panel display, the first of which signals the switching on of the remote control, the second - about the battery charge level. Use of the remote control is allowed only if at least two of its bars are lit on the battery charge indicator.

After that, you need to turn on the power of your Syma X5C Phantom, for which you need to connect the battery cable to the special connector of the quadcopter: in order to do this, just slide the cover located at the bottom of the device with your finger, as a result of which the cavity for placing the battery will open.

Place the Syma X5C Phantom on a firm, level surface and move away from it at a safe distance (at least 3 meters). Establish a connection between the control panel and your device, for which smoothly move the throttle joystick (left lever on the remote control) to the upper position, and then return it to the lower position.

Wait until the quadcopter is fully ready for flight, which will be signaled by constantly lit LEDs, and start your flight. Syma X5C Phantom can fly continuously for 8-10 minutes with a charged battery. The flight time depends on the state of charge of the battery and the intensity of the flight being performed. In the event that the battery is discharged, the device will not rise into the air. Recharge the battery with a dedicated charger and continue your flights.

Turning off the Syma X5C Phantom

First, disconnect the on-board battery of the device. Then turn off the remote control and remove the on-board battery. If necessary, recharge the on-board battery using a charger. We do not recommend charging the on-board battery immediately after the flight: let the battery cool down a little and only then connect it to the charger.

Using the charger

The battery is charged using a special charger supplied with the quadcopter. To recharge the device's battery, it is necessary to disconnect the on-board battery and remove it from the quadcopter. If the battery is hot, which may be after using the device, wait until it cools down - do not charge the hot battery.

Connect the battery to the charger connector, and the charger itself to a power source (USB connector of a computer or power adapter). A red light on the battery will light up to indicate that the battery is being charged. After the red light turns off, you can disconnect the battery from the charger, this is a signal that charging is complete.

General principles of Syma X5C Phantom control

Before you start piloting your quadcopter, carefully read the instructions for it, learn all types of controls and repeat them until you bring this process to automaticity.

First, set up your Syma X5C Phantom in an open, spacious area. Learn to operate the throttle stick (located on the left). Learn basic piloting techniques:

  • Increase and decrease throttle for takeoff and landing
  • Roll for tilting to the right and left
  • Rudder for turning left and right
  • Pitch forward and backward

Flight practice is a very important factor. We recommend that you practice until all your actions to control the quadcopter become automatic.

Control Panel Trim Adjustment

Slowly move the throttle stick to a vertical position until your Syma X5C Phantom lifts off the ground. If during the flight the quadcopter deviates to the side, then you can use the trimmers to adjust:

  • Trimmer on ruder - if before lifting off the ground the device goes to the right, then you need to trim it to the left, when leaving to the left - trim to the right
  • Pitch trimmer - if the device goes forward before taking off from the ground, then you need to trim it back, when going back - trim forward
  • Roll trimmer - if the device turns to the right before taking off from the ground, then you need to trim it to the left, when twisting to the left - trim to the right

Factory reset Syma X5C Phantom

In the event that during the flight the device pulls in any direction or its flight is unstable, you can reset the Syma X5C Phantom settings. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  • Mark the quadcopter on a horizontal surface
  • Turn on the equipment and the device itself
  • Move the throttle lever up, then lower it down again
  • Rotate the left and right joysticks down to the right and hold them in this position for a few seconds.

Give yourself and your loved ones the joy of feeling like a real pilot, look at the world from a bird's eye view and get unique stills of photo and video shooting - buy Syma X5C Phantom quadrocopter with HD camera right now!

Modern quadcopters with cameras allow you to capture truly gorgeous views. However, their cost is quite high, and not everyone can afford such an expensive "toy". And for beginners, it will not be the best decision to buy an expensive model right away. It is for such cases that the Syma X5C is the right choice. This quadrocopter, despite its low cost, allows you to understand the basics of control, as well as shoot your first videos from a bird's eye view. In order to understand what is remarkable about this model, you should familiarize yourself with its official characteristics as well as user reviews.

Main characteristics

This model is an ultra-budget solution for those who want to get acquainted with the capabilities of quadcopters and feel like an operator and pilot. It is equipped with a simple camera that allows you to record low-definition video. This will be enough to carry out training flights.

A battery with a voltage of 3.7 V and a capacity of 500 mAh is used as a source of energy. It is enough for an average of 6-7 minutes of flight, which is a good result for a copter of this class. Its weight is only 108 grams when fully loaded, so it is recommended to fly either in complete calm or with minimal wind. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to keep it and there is a risk of losing this interesting toy.

The main tractive force with the chamber is provided by four motors of the collector type, which are the best option, since they are able to work stably at high speeds. For control, a remote control is used, in which you need to install 4 AA batteries. It allows you to set the height and direction of movement.

Thanks to the built-in 6-axis gyroscope, the quadcopter is able to position itself well in space, confidently keep the direction, and also hover in place in calm weather.

A 0.3 megapixel camera is used to shoot video on the Syma X5C. The result is a video file with sides of 640 * 480 pixels. Of course, this is not enough for artistic shooting, but these indicators are quite enough as a training sample.

Factory complete set

The quadcopter, in fact, is completely ready to use out of the box, you only need to buy batteries for the remote control. The drone itself is delivered partially disassembled - before the flight, you need to install the propellers, protection, camera and landing supports.

The kit, in addition to the above, includes a cable for charging the battery, a card reader for connecting memory cards to a computer or laptop, a set of spare screws, a screwdriver and an English-language book with recommendations for the user. The instruction in Russian for the Syma X5C is unlikely to be needed, since you can understand the controls and assembly intuitively, and also using the illustrations given.

Basic principles of operation

The maximum distance at which reliable signal transmission can be ensured is about 50 meters. However, even in line-of-sight conditions, the signal can sometimes be interrupted. If this happens, it is recommended that you try to get as close to the aircraft as possible in order to stay strictly under it. If you adhere to these recommendations, the chance of reconnecting and not dropping the drone to the ground is quite high. Since its mass is small, falls do not always lead to damage, but it is better not to risk it again.

It is recommended to indicate your phone number on the case, so that in case of loss there is a chance to return the toy. You can lose the Syma X5C quadrocopter without keeping track of the flight time and unexpectedly discovering that the battery is dead. Therefore, during the flight, a running timer will not interfere, which will notify about the imminent discharge of the battery.

If the decision has been made to fly in a light wind, it is best to start flying against its direction. Thus, even if the connection breaks or the battery runs out, the Syma X5C quadcopter will bring it closer to the operator, and it will be much easier to find it.

If unreadable files appear on the memory card of the camcorder, do not immediately blame it on a malfunction and delete them. Most likely, this is a consequence of a sudden power outage, due to which the file was simply not completed correctly. Checking the flash drive using the standard chkdsk utility will help you recover the damaged file and view it.

In order to extend the flight time, it is recommended to purchase a 750mAh battery. It has the same dimensions but slightly more weight. Thanks to such a replacement, it will be possible to fly on a single charge for up to 10 minutes. In addition, having several charged batteries with you, you can replace them right in the field, which will allow you to make several flights in one exit.

A drone is a great opportunity to look at familiar landscapes from above, take great pictures and complete various jobs... At the same time, to get the most out of the drone control and get accurate information, you need to know how to fly it. This will allow you to "hover" over the desired point, ensure accurate movement and prevent the quadcopter from colliding with building walls, trees and other obstacles. It is also important to configure it correctly before launching it for the first time.

How to turn on the quadcopter?

After opening the box, it is important to fully charge the battery immediately for maximum capacity and long life. During this time, you can fully prepare your drone for flight. To do this, select the gadget for connection by moving the latch on the controller to the desired position, download the application and, after installation, connect to the quadrocopter via Wi-Fi.

Now you can remove the retainer from the gimbal and check the drone, which should be perfectly level (otherwise, you will not be able to perform the setup correctly). Launch the app on the gadget, update it if necessary, and check the compass settings. If you see a warning, then calibration is required. To do this, it is enough to play with the quadcopter in an airplane, twisting it in different directions, flying up and down until the light on the LED sensor lights up.

After completing all settings and calibration, you can already launch your drone. Pre-enable GPS and bring the levers together. This will allow the quadcopter to start and take off to an altitude of about 1.5 meters (if your model has an automatic takeoff mode, the process will be faster). If you try to start in winter, then due to a frozen battery this may not work, so it is advisable to warm up the latter in your hands.

Keep in mind that you need to turn on the quadcopter after installing it on a flat surface (it is allowed to hold it in your hands and immediately release it), since it takes time to turn on and calibrate the gyroscope, which takes about 10 seconds.

After takeoff, pay attention to the behavior of the drone, which should "freeze" in place. If you started it in calm weather, and the quadcopter "crawls" to the left or to the right, then you can fix it using the trimmers on the control panel.

Now you can try to control the flight of the drone. To do this, there are two levers on the remote control, each of which is assigned a movement in a certain plane:

  • The left stick controls the flight altitude. At the middle level, the quadcopter hangs in one position, and moving up or down makes the drone go up or down.
  • The right stick is responsible for horizontal movement, allowing the quadcopter to move left and right.

If you are flying this drone for the first time (even if you have a lot of experience with such a technique), then do not rush to make sudden movements. The first flight is an acquaintance with a quadrocopter, its capabilities, sensitivity to the movements of both sticks. "Fly" on it for 15-20 minutes, which will allow you to feel better.

For successful control of a quadrocopter, beginners should listen to the following ten tips.They will allow you to quickly get used to the new technique and prevent its damage, which will lead to the need to repair or even buy a new drone:

Learn to turn off your engines quickly

Any quadrocopter can get out of control due to some kind of malfunction, so it is important not only to be able to start or control it correctly, but also to quickly turn off the engines and perform landing (it is advisable to learn how to do this even before the first takeoff).

Train in the open area

Wrong and inaccurate actions can cause the drone to collide with various obstacles. To prevent this, it is advisable to launch the quadcopter for the first time in a large open area, where there are no trees, buildings, other people and animals, or power wires. This rule will prevent accidents if you accidentally turn to the other side.

Be sure to turn on GPS

The absence of an included positioning system will allow you to quickly learn how to navigate in space, but at the first stages it is necessary, allowing you to master the basic skills.

Fly at low altitude

Practice landing and takeoff

Take-off and landing should be smooth and orderly to prevent serious damage, so first practice raising the aircraft to eye level and landing again.

Learn to turn the drone in the right direction

Making turns with a quadcopter is one of the most difficult stages in mastering piloting. Practice turning it at different angles to the right and left. It may not work out right away, but don't give up trying anyway.

Stop the drone without touching the propellers

Quadcopter propellers can severely damage the pilot, so it is important to be able to grab him directly by the landing skis to ensure safety.

In 2018, the popularity of the flying drone is growing more and more. This is no longer a miracle of technology, but an everyday device that is present in almost every home. The demand for the product is huge, however, not everyone has the skill of flying a drone. Many fear failure in this matter. Everything is not as complicated as buyers imagine. The article will tell you in detail how to control a quadrocopter on automatism.

What to do with the remote control

The drone remote control differs from the TV one. For game console owners to use remote control it will be especially easy because its design is similar to that of a joystick.

The control principle is the same for all models. There are two levers on the body of the console - right and left. With their help, the device is controlled.

How to use the remote control:

  • Climb - Left Stick, Turn Up
  • Descent of the device - left lever, turn down
  • Circular Rotation - Left Stick, Lateral Rotations
  • Nose Control - Right Stick, Up and Down
  • Body Tilts - Right Lever, Side Turns

Another control method is via a smartphone. To do this you need to download special application... A prerequisite is pairing the drone with a phone via Wi-Fi. Not all models have this feature.

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How to choose a drone mode

When using a drone, decide on the flight mode. Most of the quadcopters are equipped with three main programs. Among them:

  • GPS module
  • Stable flight
  • Manual flight

The most beneficial mode for beginners is activation GPS module... Set the route for the device. The drone follows it clearly. In other words, it's autopilot. But not all models have navigation.

Use the stable flight mode when shooting video or photos. Its activation causes the built-in sensor - accelerometer to function. Its task is to maintain a given height at an automatic level. Manual flight means self-control of the drone. This is the most interesting mode, but skills are indispensable here. How to learn how to fly the drone manually is described below.

Quadcopter launch

How to start a quadcopter is the most common question for beginners. The process boils down to performing three steps.

The quadcopter is launched as follows:

  1. Turn on the quadcopter;
  2. Activate the remote control;
  3. Wait for the signal.

An audible alert indicates the end of pairing of the two devices. This means that the aircraft is ready for takeoff.

How to learn to fly a drone in 7 steps

Controlling the drone comes down to a few basic movements. The tutorial includes 7 easy steps. Begin the process outdoors.

Proceed to the next action only after fully practicing the previous skill. After completing the standard actions, master new tricks (you can even invent them yourself!). Below is the step by step guide how to learn to fly a quadcopter.

Take off and land

First of all, learn to raise and land the device. It sounds easy, but not all newbies get it right. Watch for smoothness. Do not hurry. Movements should not be abrupt.

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Hanging in the air

Do not lift the quadcopter strongly. For a start, a meter height is suitable. The skill is worked out when the drone is held in the air without any problems for 30 seconds.

We return to the starting place

Getting back to the takeoff point is a difficult task. Lift the device into the air and move it to the side. After flying a little, get down. Try to return to the starting position. Repeat the action until you succeed.

Unfold the nose and make quick turns

Find the front of the quadcopter. Lift the apparatus into the air and rotate it 180 °, then return to starting position... Do the same in the other direction. Observe the position of the device. The skill is worked out when the drone turns freely, frozen in one place. The same goes for quick turns.

We fly in a circle

Draw an imaginary circle in the sky. Launch the drone. Fly along the contour of the circle without losing altitude. It is also impossible to leave the line of the circle. As you practice the skill, gradually increase your speed.

Making the "eight"

The essence is as follows: draw an imaginary number in the sky with a quadcopter. This is one of the most difficult tasks. When it is done, rotate the device in a figure eight non-stop. Increase your speed gradually. Do not go beyond the line of the drawing and do not descend from a given height.

Trying somersaults and avoiding obstacles

For somersaults, you need to use a special button on the remote remote control... After trying them, move on to overcoming obstacles. Make them yourself. Use stools, hoops, a table, etc. Upon completion of this step, control of the quadcopter will become commonplace.

It so happened that beginners who have never dealt with a quadcopter before find it a very difficult technique. In practice, the situation is completely opposite. It is extremely easy to master flying in a flying car. But it is worth noting that the owner will still have to spend a little time learning, since quadrics have a number of differences from other radio-controlled toys. So how do you fly your quadcopter?

As you may have guessed, you do not need to complete any control courses, and you will have to control the drone using a special remote control. In fact, all quadcopter remotes are standard and slightly resemble game console joysticks. They are equipped with two control levers, where the left one is usually associated with movement in the vertical plane, and the right one in the horizontal plane.

If you push the left joystick lever up, the device will begin to gain altitude, and if down, it will go down. In this case, the right and left is responsible for the rotation of the drone around its axis.

The right stick is responsible for pitch and roll. When pressed down, the nose of the quad will go down. If you press up, then it will start to rise. In this case, the right and left are responsible for tilting in the appropriate direction.

Some modern models also have support for control via the smartphone app. In this case, the drone itself and the phone must be connected via WiFi.


Before launching, be sure to familiarize yourself with the modes that are built into your drone.

  • Manual flight. This is the most difficult mode, but at the same time the most interesting. In it, you completely take control, and no additional stabilization works. Great for those who are already a little more familiar with the controls and want to raise their piloting skills and learn how to perform tricks.
  • Stable flight. It is designed for taking photos or videos. Choosing it, the built-in accelerometer comes into operation, which will allow you to stably hold the device in the air. This mode can be called a beginner's mode, which is ideal for anyone who has just purchased equipment.
  • GPS navigation. In this mode, you can set the route along which the drone will fly. A kind of autopilot and a handy feature, especially if you don't want to control every step of your UAV.
  • Controlling the drone from your phone. Each or tablet (and works on both Android and iOS). The drone is broadcasting a live image captured by its camera. It displays mobile device connected to the aircraft directly via WiFi. Highly useful thing, we recommend!

First launch and preparation for it

So, your new quadcopter is already in front of you, but you don't know how to launch it yet. Where to begin?

  1. ... Almost all of them are delivered partially disassembled, so building kit skills will be very useful to you.
  2. Save a spare battery. Modern models can rarely last more than 10 minutes in the air. And for a full-fledged workout, this time is not enough.
  3. Be sure to buy some spare parts. Accidents are inevitable, and it is the propellers that break down especially often.
  4. Followed by: accelerometer, compass and GPS.

It remains only to skim through the attached instructions and you can try to lift your first device into the air.

How to learn to lift a quadcopter?

In no case do not rush, and do not try to raise it to a great height. For a start, you can get by with simple maneuvers.

For example, try taking off, turning the drone, and moving it a few meters away from you. If you're a beginner, don't practice indoors. To do this, it is better to find a calm and quiet area where there is no wind. Why should the weather be calm? First of all, you can learn to feel the quadcopter, get used to the intricacies of its control.

In addition, the wind flow can cause a number of difficulties during the flight. Often we had to deal with situations when beginners do not have time to quickly stop the device, and it crashes into surrounding objects.

In the early stages, never launch the craft too high, especially in situations where there are a lot of people nearby. When making the slightest mistakes, the equipment can not only fall and break, but also injure the people around. Rotating blades can cause serious injury.

Stop your choice in uninhabited places, preferably not asphalt ones. Thus, when the device does fall, it will not receive severe damage to the case.

If you are a beginner, never point the craft towards rivers. Then, after mastering the basic skills, you will be able to fully use the quadcopter over rivers, in parks and places where a large number of people are concentrated.

Inexperienced users do not need to purchase expensive models. Regardless of the accuracy of the control training or the location for training flights, it is still often necessary to deal with a situation where the copters fall. On the other hand, the technique offers ample opportunities for beginners, simplifying maneuvering in difficult places - the fourth Phantoms even analyze the situation using on-board sensors, preventing collisions.

Before starting a workout, make sure in advance that accumulator battery installed on board is fully charged. It is strictly forbidden to launch flying devices in which the battery charge is not more than 50%. Firstly, the training will be short-lived, and secondly, when climbing to a high altitude, the device can be completely discharged while still in the air.

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