
Social media pr article. Travel on a yacht. step - information occasion

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1.2. Features of PR activities in social networks.

The ability to analyze the characteristic features of PR activities within social networks directly follows from the characteristics of social networks and communication within them. Chumikov, A.N. Public relations: theory and practice / A.N. Chumikov, M.P. Bocharov. - M.: "DELO", 2004. - 496 p.

· PrivatePR.

Social networks, unlike blogs, do not provide wide opportunities for publishing large texts. For example, in the largest Russian network "vkontakte", the user has the opportunity to post material in "notes" or on the "wall", which will not be published if the size limit specified by the site administration is exceeded. The emergence of the "micro blog" service allowed users to post copyrighted texts for everyone to see. If earlier, it was possible to learn about updates only on the pages of "friends", then at the moment the "subscribers" service allows you to keep abreast of news from any user of interest, and everyone can find a list of the most discussed topics through the search section. Thus, each person gets the opportunity to draw attention directly to his person, earn a certain reputation and increase the popularity of his name, in other words, "PR" himself or his services.

A profile on a social network is as informative and structured as possible, it is an analogue of a dossier on a person or a highly extended resume. Sometimes resume profiles become a way to promote yourself in the professional services market. Some social networks are specifically focused on establishing business contacts between people; the standard profile includes a large number of fields reserved for filling in professional information about the user. Such a system contributes to the promotion of a person as a specialist, and the search function allows recruitment agencies and employers directly to search for future employees. Cutlip S.M., Center A.H., Broom G.M. Public Relations: Theory and Practice. - M.: Williams Publishing House, 2000. - 624 p.

Korolko V. G., Fundamentals of public relations. - M.: Vakler, 2000. - 230 p.

Social networks allow you to implement a system of connections outside of the user's immediate friends. In this way, everyone can get business information about people they don't personally know, but can easily reach out to. This is especially effective for people whose work is of a short-term project nature.

With the advent of social networks, the level of those wishing to create additional pages for posting publications in relation to a product, service, event or person in order to implement PR activities to promote an object is growing. By inviting "to be friends", the user expands the circle of those who are aware of the object, the information quickly reaches target audience. Currently, some advertising agencies implement this service in accordance with the requirements of the customer. Kluth A. The rediscovery of discretion // Newspaper the Economist. The World in 2008 / http://bordeure.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/the-economist-the-world-in-2008.pdf P. 26. (29.05.2011)

· ImplementationPR-activities through the creation of virtual groups.

A group in a social network is presented as an analogue of an Internet forum on a given topic. The difference lies in the fact that each user of the social network can quickly, simply and massively invite all "friends" to participate. The process of information dissemination takes place according to the “snowball” principle: each of the current arrivals has the right to invite all his “friends”. The published information in the group immediately appears in the "updates" of each member.

If the creators of the group are interested in the implementation of PR activities in relation to any object, then the achievement of the goal is already carried out through an invitation or laying out certain information and modeling a group discussion. Ignatiev D., Beketov A. Desktop Encyclopedia of Public Relations. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2004. - 89-195 p.

In the process of implementing PR activities, the object can be:

1. Some place: a country, a city, or a particular landmark. For example, the groups "Architectural ensemble of Kizhi", "Petersburg - the cultural capital" create travel companies.

2. Event: for example, the opening of a festival, a book salon, a city day celebration.

3. Musical group: young aspiring musicians are actively developing the idea of ​​creating a favorable image in the eyes of the public and increasing the level of popularity.

4. Political parties and individual politicians: A demonstration of the possibilities of PR in this area is the increased attention to the discussion of the party " United Russia”, or rather to the desire to come to a one-party system. In the social network "vkontakte" the position of young people is clearly represented by a variety of groups that are connected by one topic.

· ImplementationPR-activities through the distribution of invitations.

Many social networks have a separate software service, let's call it "meetings", which displays any one-time events. PR activity, in this case, consists in creating a special “meeting” for the event and sending invitations to network users to participate. When creating a new "meeting", the author has the opportunity to include any information in the message: name, time, venue, press release, etc.

· ImplementationPR-activities through micro blog.

Recently, in many social networks in the profile of users and groups, the software service, tentatively call it "wall", has been changed to "micro blog". The innovation made it possible to publish larger amounts of information on the page, immediately updated in the "news" of each of the "friends" or group members, to receive comments and approvals using the "I like" function.

· ImplementationPR-activities through additional information resources.

first chapter term paper opens a section about general principles the work of social networks on the example of "FaceBook" and "vkontakte". To implement the program for the implementation of PR activities, which involves the promotion of the New Kora project, virtual groups were created in the above-mentioned social networks. In order to sensibly, subsequently, evaluate the effectiveness of PR activities, in the theoretical part, the basic principles of the work of social networks were considered: the basis of the social network is user profiles, the design of the user page, the process of transmitting information - each of which received an appropriate explanation and description.

The next section informed about the features of PR activities in social networks. It included: personal PR, implementation of PR activities through the creation of virtual groups, through the distribution of invitations, through a micro blog, through additional information resources. On the basis of structured data, supplemented with examples, it will be possible to summarize the information received about the New Crust project and present the results not in the form of a chaotic mosaic, but in the form of sound conclusions, analyzing at this stage the theoretical materials collected.

This chapter involves substantiation of the main conclusions on the work done, data analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of PR activities to promote the socially significant project "New Kora".

The environmental project "Novaya Kora" is a fundamentally new look at the architecture of the city of St. Petersburg. The project summarizes the experience of European countries in the field of landscaping and has a high potential for dissemination of the fundamental idea in St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. The goal of the creators is to transform the dull gray buildings of the Northern capital with the help of living plants. This approach will not only improve the exterior of the city, but also make the air cleaner and fresher.

In a short time of existence, two months, the project created a great public outcry. The novelty lies in the progressive approach to gardening. The project can be used both for decorating architectural facades and decorative and applied objects. Students from five St. Petersburg universities are active participants in Novaya Kora.

It is important to note that the organizers of the movement cooperate with various organizations united by one theme, such as: “Garbage. More. No.", "EKA" and actively participate in urban environmental campaigns: planting seedlings, cleaning up a reservoir, etc.

On May 20, 2011, the Cultural Layers Gallery hosted the grand opening of the New Kora eco-architectural movement. The program of the event included a student video conference in real time, the broadcast was carried out between the exhibition center, where a student of the Institute of Business Communications reported on ongoing events, and an audience in one of the buildings of the St. Petersburg University of Technology and Design, in which her colleague spoke about the project and answered journalists' questions. Within the walls of the gallery, those who wished could get acquainted with the works of photographers, designers on an environmental theme, attend a seminar on environmental architecture, and those who came had the opportunity to enjoy a theatrical performance.

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State educational institution

higher professional education


Faculty of Philology

Department of Public Relations

(course work)


    1. Social networks like the new kind communications.…………………….……4
    2. Typology……………………………………………………………………….5
    3. Features………………………………………………………………….6

Chapter 3. PR project…………………………………………………………………18


List of used literature………………………………………….22



This work is devoted to the study of social networks as a new tool for PR activities. In Russia, this type of communication appeared relatively recently, and the possibilities of using social networks as a pr-method have not yet been sufficiently studied. This is the reason for the special interest in the consideration of the issue.

The relevance of the problem is determined by the need to study trends in the field of mass communication, new ways in the development of marketing communications, as well as the processes taking place in this area in recent years due to the development of information technology and the expansion of the Internet audience.

The object of the study is the interaction of subjects in the social network Vkontakte.ru, used as a pr-tool.

The purpose of the work is to identify the possibility of using social networks as a pr-tool.

In the proposed work in connection with the above goal, the following tasks are set to be solved:

  • To identify the features of social networks as a new type of communication.
  • Determine specific ways to use the social network in order to promote any object.
  • Development of own project.

theoretical and information base The work has served as publications and articles by marketers, journalists, businessmen and other specialists whose area of ​​interest includes studying the patterns of development and effectiveness of marketing communications on the Internet.

The term "Social Network" was introduced in 1954, long before the advent of the Internet, by the sociologist of the "Manchester School" J. Barnes, to characterize the relationship and relationships between people. Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia" defines a social network (English social network) as an accumulation of social objects - people or groups that can be considered as a network, the nodes of which are those objects, and the links are social relationships. This is a collection of objects created to meet the needs of its members, interested in gaining and maintaining stability.

In the second half of the 20th century, social networks began to actively develop as a scientific concept, at first they became popular in the West, and a little later they came to Russia. With the development of Internet technologies, this professional concept of sociologists has turned into a fashionable concept, which is one of the central concepts in the concept of web 2.0. (The concept of web 2.0 was first voiced by Tim O "Reilly on September 30, 2005 in his article "Tim O" Reilly - What Is Web 2.0" and characterizes new form creation of web project content by the users of the Global Network).

So, in modern Internet terminology, a social network is a certain circle of acquaintances of a person, where there is a person himself - the center of a social network, his friends - the branches of this social network and the relationship between these people - connections.

The first, close to modern, social network Classmates.com appeared in 1995. This site helped registered visitors to find and maintain relationships with friends, classmates, fellow students and other people they know. Now more than 40 million people are registered in this network, mainly from the USA and Canada.

The Classmates concept turned out to be successful and, thanks to its development, gave Internet users new mass projects, such as MySpace, FaceBook, Bebo and LinkedIn, as well as Russian-speaking ones - Odnoklassniki.ru, VKontakte, MoiMir and MoiKrug.

Social networks are perhaps the most dynamically developing part of the Internet. According to comScore, one of the largest internet marketing companies, in April 2008 the world's most popular social network, Facebook, had more than 132 million registered users. The closest pursuer, MySpace, has over 117 million customers. The most popular Russian networks, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte, have over 20 and 16 million registered users, respectively.

All social networks can be divided by type, based on the functionality of these networks. There are networks for finding people: classmates, classmates, colleagues and other people. There are business networks for job search, partners, professional communication and other business issues. There are niche, thematic networks. In general, the following types of networks can be distinguished:

  • To search for people (Odnoklassniki.ru)
  • For entertainment (VKontakte)
  • For work and business (MyCircle)
  • For news gathering (news2.ru)
  • To collect bookmarks (BobrDobr)
  • For video (YouTube)
  • Niche social networks (Habrahabr, drugme, geni and others)

Also conditionally networks can be divided into geographic orientation, global or for a specific country:

Despite their virtual status, social networks on the Internet form a very real social environment. The problems of self-identification in the network, self-presentation and subsequent communicative success (or failure) of interpersonal communication occupy an important place in the life of a person of the 21st century. That is why at the moment there is a global personalization of the Internet, the main tool of which is, thanks to the free and wide possibilities of communication and self-expression, a variety of social networks.

  • specific language of interaction ("emoticons", abbreviations, doubling of verbs, distortion of spelling, etc.);
  • specific norms of interaction (admission of greater emancipation, therefore, greater aggressiveness, and, conversely, friendliness);
  • selective broadcasting of social standards (for example, most of the "virtual persons" are endowed with attributes of physical beauty and strength);
  • social hierarchy, which is based on the possibility of influencing the course of communication and the status of the "user".

Thus, the behavior of members of online communities is primarily regulated by the customs and social norms existing on the Web, and deviations in behavior are guaranteed by censuring or ignoring communication with this member of the online community. Unlike traditional law, there is no special group of people who carry out coercion. (At the same time, it is not technically excluded that in the foreseeable future the state will control the behavior of members of network communities.) One of the fundamental principles of the functioning of network communities is the principle of self-organization. Social stratification in this case arises, on the one hand, on the basis of access to information resources and services (a kind of authority), on the other hand, on the basis of the assessment of the "user" as "advanced", that is, known and respected in the network community.

Access to information resources and services is determined by the availability of rights to view/edit/delete possible information. In this regard, site owners, administrators, and moderators are considered the most privileged "classes". For example, the creator of VKontakte Pavel Durov is considered a kind of "president" of this virtual community. Although here it is impossible not to note the trend of social confrontation - when certain groups of the community put forward their demands regarding the functioning of the network, threatening to ignore the resource, which naturally can lead to its death. In this sense, stratification is formal.

But in a virtual environment, there is another, informal definition of the status of users. As already noted, it is based on the assessment of the "user" as well-known and respected in the network community. With such a "user" everyone wants to be "friends". Just the main criterion for this stratification system will be the number and quality of friends a user has (for example, VKontakte) or the number of friends (for example, LiveJournal). ("Friend-of" slang for the "friend-of" list, that is, those who added the user to their friends: "I have 102 friends and 135 friends.") As other criteria, you can also note the number of comments or posts on the wall, the number "marks" on photo / video materials, the number of links and user quotes.

So, in social networks, active people inevitably form a certain image and a certain reputation appears - the opinion of other users of a particular network about it. And as experience shows, social networks not only determine the virtual status of the "user", but also, especially in the case of local, geographically close network communities, broadcast the "virtual" status offline, into real everyday life. For example, in early 2001, there was a site in the United States, SchoolRumours.com, where students from several Californian schools shared rumors about each other. The creators of the site remained unknown, however, the existence of this resource caused concern among the school administration, since messages appeared on the site, accompanied by obscene drawings, as well as slander of students. In two weeks, 67,000 visitors visited the site.

In general, the development of new networks will affect the business, which will be equated with the network. "Not to make a business, but to make a network - the essence of entrepreneurship (not included in the state oligarchy) for the next hundred years" . Office, staff, quality of business processes will be less important component (in terms of profit) than the size of the network, which will be owned by a businessman. Professional competition will be determined not only by the popularity of the brand and the quality of goods and services, but also by the size and architecture of the network created by the businessman. Success will not be measured by the bank account, but by the number of people involved in the network. In this regard, according to some researchers, new professions will be in demand on the labor market: network consultant - providing information about networks in areas of interest to the client and network designer - creating network architecture and interface. 2.2 PR in the social network Vkontakte.ru……………………………………….…11
Chapter 3. PR-project………………………………………………………………… 18
List of used literature………………………………………….22

Social networks in Lately became very popular. The audience of the most promoted social network of the Russian-speaking Internet "VKontakte" as of May 2009 was 35 million people (registered users are meant).

This is the most visited portal of the Russian-speaking Internet, and it is also very functional. Why not use its capabilities to promote your project?

The main interest for VKontakte PR is represented by "groups" - these are communities of people united by similar interests. The number of group members can be measured in millions.

The functionality of the "group" in the general case may include a kind of forum for members - the "Discussion" section and a blog - the "Wall" section.

So, for PR of your site, you can use the existing promoted groups, by analogy with the usual PR in forums and blogs, thus receiving periodic bursts of traffic from the social network. But a much more effective option is to create and promote your own group.

To make it more clear what is at stake, let's look at the specifics. I open the Groups section (in the top menu "In contact") and in the first place I see the Comedy club group. The group has over 2,100,000 members. How many unique clicks do you think the site receives per day, the link to which is indicated in the contact details?

I think that this number is measured in hundreds of thousands of hosts per day. Well, or, at least, is in the region of a hundred. Moreover, in addition to the members of the group, it is also viewed by many visitors like me who are not part of it.

Of course, promoting your own VKontakte group is not easy, since this requires certain specific skills. But, by promoting your group, you will receive constant additional targeted traffic to the site, if the subject of the group's interests corresponds to the subject of your site. This is significantly better than periodic bursts of attendance from the forums, although one does not interfere with the other in this case.

To promote the group, you can use various methods, for example, send invitations to join the group to people with relevant interests, exchange links with friendly groups, and so on.

You can make an attractive name for the group, which in itself will encourage people to join it. For example, a group with the following name: "A group of people who first type, and then they get it, that they type in English and type everything again" already has more than a million people in its composition! And this is far from the limit of its development.

By the way, owning a popular group can also help solve your financial problems. Some group owners, instead of linking to their site, put a banal reflink to some of the most suitable affiliate programs.

In this way, you can make good money - depending on how popular the group is, of course. I'm not talking about the potential of English or Chinese social networks in this regard. They are an order of magnitude higher.

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