
The idol program is an old version. Practical work in computer science. Artist Robot. Feedback on use

Idol is an acronym for Learning Worlds Kit, a program that is designed to teach programming. Download the product for Windows 10 is better for schoolchildren.

For high school students, relatively recently, specially developed software was developed, the purpose of which was to prepare children in the field of programming. It should be noted that this software only allows you to comprehend the basics and has such functionality that would allow children to test their skills and knowledge. Today Kumir can be downloaded from our website. At the same time, this can be done absolutely free of charge. Then the user will only have to install this software on his Windows 10 computer.

The very name of the program is deciphered by its developers as a Set of Educational WORLDS. The package itself contains several components that function separately and are very practical applications:

  • "Standard";
  • "Pro";
  • "ON".
So, the first set in the basic version is intended for testing and solving various problems. The second is presented in the form of an extended version of the "Standard", to which additional courses have been added. But for high school students and teaching staff, a version of the "software" was developed. All these versions of Kumir can be downloaded absolutely free of charge from our portal for your own Windows 10.

The creation of this software package is somewhat similar to Delphi 7, but this opinion is not entirely correct. It's just that this software is used today in computer science lessons and supports the format of the old programming languages ​​on which school education is based. Here, the code is used in Cyrillic display, which affects the effectiveness of teaching students. The application has its own interpreter and compiler, named respectively - "Draftsman" and "Robot".

In the appendix, all lessons are divided into two parts - theory and practice. In some of them, visualization has been carried out, thanks to which students have the opportunity to see all the changes that they make to the program code.

5 reasons to use Kumir for training
If you download Kumir for Windows 10 for the purpose of teaching a child the basics of programming, you can get some advantages:
  • This is the official software that is approved by the Ministry of Education;
  • There is its own code syntax, which is written in Cyrillic;
  • Teachers have the opportunity to conduct separate workshops;
  • All courses are clearly structured;
  • The software interface is clear and convenient.
If you want to teach your child to program, then it's hard to find a better tool than this one. He will simultaneously replace both a real teacher and a testing platform for you. Just imagine how much money you can save by having your child learn from the utility, which is also free, rather than going to the teacher for money.

Also, keep in mind that having a live teacher is not required, but it will be desirable, since together it will be possible to achieve much more meaningful results. You will be surprised, but after six months of regular classes, the child will be able to create a program in or BASIC, and that's not all! He will be able to quickly master other programming languages, including.

Therefore, you definitely need to download Idol for Windows 10. Given the free distribution and its Russification, there is no reason why you should not do this right now. And if your child makes an excellent product, then it is likely that over time it will appear even on our website.

Acquaintance with the program Kumir mastering the basics of programming.

In it, students can gain practical skills in creating and debugging an algorithm, working with such performers as Robot, Draftsman, Aquarius, Grasshopper, Turtle.

When studying one of the most difficult sections of computer science "algorithms and programming".

Purpose of development :



Methodical development in informatics.

Topic: "Performer Robot in the Kumir program in computer science lessons"

teacher of technology "Informatics and ICT"

Explanatory note

Development goal: to study the possibilities of programming on the example of a specific performer Robot using the IDC environment; to give practical skills in working with the performer.

Methodical developmentcompiled for informatics lessonsPractice on the computer: work with the training executor of algorithms; compilation of linear, branching and cyclic control algorithms for the executor; compilation of algorithms with a complex structure; the use of auxiliary algorithms (procedures, subroutines).

Students should know:

  • what is a performer; SKI Robot, Robot performer environment;
  • what is an algorithm;what are the main properties of the algorithm;
  • methods of writing algorithms: block diagrams, educational algorithmic language;basic algorithmic constructions: following, branching, loop; structures
  • algorithms; ⇒ assignment of auxiliary algorithms; technologies for building complex algorithms:

Students should be able to:

  • understand descriptions of algorithms in educational algorithmic language;
  • trace the algorithm for a well-known performer;
  • compose linear, branching and cyclic control algorithms for the executor Robot; highlight subtasks; define and use helper algorithms.

Lesson 1 (2 hours) Lesson 1.

Artist Robot.Executor's command system.

Lesson plan.

  1. Description of the SKI of the performer, the environment of the performer.

2. Analysis of typical algorithms of the Robot.

During the classes.

Consider the description of the performer.

Artist environment: Performer The robot is able to navigate a maze drawn on a plane divided into cells.

SKI Robot : simple commands: up, down, left, right, paint.

Boolean commands: (condition check)

top free bottom free

left free right free.

Logical connectives: AND, NOT, OR:

Example: (Not left free) or (Not right free)

Branch command: loop command:

If the condition then nts while condition

Command series command series

all kts

(In the KIMs of 2009, the Robot commands differed from the usual children, which led to confusion :)

Branch command: loop command:

If the condition then nts while the condition is to do

Command series command series

end end

General view of the Kumir program window. Graphical environment of the Robot:

In the CMMs of the 2010 demo version, the command format has been changed to habitual

Algorithm creation procedure:

1.Teams Tools -Edit starting environmentdraw walls on the Robot field and set the Robot to its initial position.

2.Teams Robot - Change starting environmentkeep the new environment.

3.Teams Insert - Use Robotspecify the executor.

4.In the document window, write down the algorithm using the menu Insert.

5.Commands Execution - execute continuously (or step by step) to run the algorithm.

6. Consider the result of the algorithm execution and, if necessary, debug it.

Lesson 1 (2 hours) Lesson 2.

Practical work "Drawing up linear algorithms ".

Tasks: 1. Robot at an arbitrary point in the field. Paint over the cell above, below and to the right of the original position.

  1. A robot at an arbitrary point in the field. Move the Robot 4 cells to the right by painting over them.
  2. Create a new starting environment by drawing a square with a side of 4 cells on the board. Save the setting as a starting point.
  3. Create a new starting environment by drawing a corridor with walkways in the walls on the field. Save the furnishings as obst2.fil. Change the starting environment to the newly created one.

Lesson 2 (2 hours) Lesson 1.

Theme : Branching and sequential refinement of the algorithm.

Analysis of CMM tasks using the Robot performer.

use Robot

alg kim 2009


if not free from below

then right


if not free from below

then right


if not free from below

then right



use Robot

alg kim 2010


if not free from below

then right


if not free from below

then right


if not free from below

then right



NS. slave. No. 14. Compilation and debugging of branching algorithms

Tasks. See Attachment.

Lesson 3. Cyclic algorithms. Lesson 1-2

Target: to reveal the essence of the concept of a cycle in algorithms, to show the forms of recording cycles in algorithms, to give the skills of creating and recording cyclic algorithms.

NS. slave. No. 15. Compilation and debugging of cyclic algorithms

1. Make an algorithm that paints all the inner cells adjacent to the wall.

use Robot



nts while on the right is free

paint over; to the right


nts until the bottom is free

paint over; way down


nts until the bottom is free

paint over; to the left



2. Make an algorithm that paints all the cells between the Robot and the wall. The distance to the wall is unknown.

use Robot



nts while on the right is free

to the right; paint over



3. Make an algorithm that paints all the cells between the two walls.

use Robot

alg uch3


nts until (not from above freely) or (not from below freely)

to the right

if (not free from above) and (not from below free)


paint over




4. Make an algorithm that paints all the cells around the rectangular wall.

alg uch4


paint over; up

nts not yet right free

paint over; up;


paint over; right

nts until the bottom is free

paint over; right;


paint over; down

nts not yet left free

paint over; down;


paint over; left

nts until the top is free

paint over; to the left;



use Robot

alg uch5


to the right

nts until the bottom is free

paint over; to the right


paint over; way down

nts so far on the left is free

paint over; to the left


nts not yet left free

paint over; way down


paint over; left; paint over; up;

nts until the top is free

paint over; up


nts until the top is free

paint over; to the left



Lesson 4 Lesson 1

Helper algorithms.

Target: introduce the concept of the main and auxiliary algorithms; explain the rules for using the auxiliary algorithm; disassemble examples of algorithms using the auxiliary.

Lesson plan

1. Introduction of new terms (main and auxiliary algorithm, call) and explanation of new concepts.

2. Analysis of examples of solving problems using an auxiliary algorithm.

When solving some problems, it is convenient to break them down into smaller subtasks, each of which can be formalized as an independent algorithm. In this case, the so-called main algorithm is first compiled, in which calls of auxiliary algorithms are used to solve subtasks, which are added later. This solution is calledby the method of sequential refinement.It allows a group of programmers to work on a project, each solving its own subtask.

In the process of solving the problem, each auxiliary algorithm can, if necessary, be split into smaller auxiliary algorithms.

The command for executing the auxiliary algorithm is called challenge and is written in the body of the main algorithm.

One and the same algorithm can be considered as main and auxiliary in relation to other algorithms. In an algorithmic language, the main algorithm is first written, followed by auxiliary ones below.


The robot is in the upper left corner of the field. There are no walls or painted cells. Create an algorithm using an auxiliary one that draws four crosses on one horizontal line. The final position of the Robot can be arbitrary.


Parsing on the board:

Task 2. The robot is in the upper left corner of the field. There are no walls or painted cells. Make an algorithm that colors an 8 x 8 square in a checkerboard pattern. The final position of the Robot can be arbitrary.

Lesson 4 Lesson 2

Practical work on the PC "Solving the problem using auxiliary algorithms".

Target : to instill practical skills in constructing algorithms by the method of sequential refinement.

Lesson plan

1. The task completely takes place on the PC. Students receive assignments and perform them in the Kumir software environment. Results The work is saved as files for later verification.

Task1 ... The robot is in the lower left corner of the field. There are no walls or painted cells. Make an algorithm that paints 6 vertical stripes of the same length in 6 cells. The final position of the Robot can be arbitrary.

Task2 Using the auxiliary ones, create an algorithm for painting the cells that form the number 1212.

Homework: Come up with an algorithm that draws the following image: To solve the problem, apply two auxiliary algorithms.

Lesson 5 Lesson 1-2


"Drawing up an algorithm in the environment of the Robot executor."

Target: check the knowledge gained on the creation and the ability to analyze algorithms in the Kumir software environment.

Tasks for the control work are divided by difficulty levels and include 3 tasks with the Robot performer (tasks 1 and 2 - for branching and cycles, task 3 - for using an auxiliary algorithm.) The texts of the tasks are given in the appendix.

The initial and final settings and the created algorithms are recorded as a file.

The grade is set according to the level of difficulty of the task. The student has the right to choose the type of assignment himself.

Kumir is a software solution created by NIISI RAS specifically in order to help high school students of secondary schools to comprehend the basics of programming and test their skills in workshops. The full name of this system sounds like a Set of Educational WORLDS. It includes several components at once. The first, called "Standard", offers a traditional set of tasks and teaching materials. The second, with the prefix "Pro", supplements the "Standard" with additional courses. There are also versions of the software for high school and for teachers.


The software solution is used in computer science lessons. It implements a school algorithmic language, which is a kind of analogue of the syntax of old programming languages ​​like Pascal or Basic. Code constructions are denoted in Cyrillic, which makes it much easier for students to understand the logic of performing certain operations. There is also a kind of compiler and interpreter, which the developers gave the names Robot and Draftsman.

Each assignment consists of theoretical and practical parts. For some lessons, a visualization of the result is provided, thanks to which you can visually understand the impact of the changes made to the code. All available lessons are structured into separate courses.

When performing especially large tasks, KUMir allows you to save unfinished programs in its own KUM format. It is not possible to execute them in the Windows environment, but it can be done using standard software tools. In general, the developers have tried to divide the work on large projects into several stages. They also introduced into Kumir a function that constantly monitors the correctness of the entered code, and a special assistant that displays the values ​​of logical expressions and the results of assignment operations on a separate panel.

You can download and use the system completely free of charge. It is allowed to install it on an unlimited number of educational computers. By the way, in addition to the version for Windows, Kumir also has a version for UNIX systems.

The most important

  • approved by the Ministry of Education as a teaching material for informatics lessons in high school;
  • uses its own code syntax, written in Cyrillic;
  • breaks down the available teaching materials into separate courses;
  • allows teachers to conduct workshops;
  • Distributed under the GNU 2.0 Free License;
  • has a pretty pragmatic interface.

For the ability to write programs for the performer Robot is very important. These tasks are related to tasks with a high level of complexity and allow you to earn an additional 2 points (provided that the solution is correct). We will study the Robot.

A 9th grade graduate must have an idea of ​​algorithms, be able to write. To write algorithms, you can use programming languages ​​or formal languages. Executor Robot can execute algorithms, while doing it very clearly. The robot is the so-called GRAPHIC TRAINING PERFORMER (GRIS) because the results of its work are presented in a graphical form.

Who is Performer Robot?

Imagine a checkered field (like a sheet of a checkered notebook) on which there is an object, which we will call a Robot. Using, we can control this Robot - move it around the cells, paint over the cells. And in most cases, our task will be to write such a program for the Robot, by executing which it will paint over certain cells.

Artist Robot is included in the Kumir package (Set of Educational WORLDS), which was developed by the Scientific Research Institute for System Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NIISI RAS) just for teaching programming at school. In addition to the Robot, there are other performers in the Kumir system, but we are not interested in them yet.

Download Artist Robot

So, first we need. Don't be confused by the fact that the name says 32-bit, the program works fine on 64-bit Windows too. If you are using Linux, then you can use the version for this OS.

Next, you need to install the downloaded program. Here, I hope you will not have any difficulties, the process is standard and intuitive. If suddenly something does not work out - write in the comments, I will definitely help. The only thing is that I recommend that you abandon unnecessary items during installation (everything except Wednesday Idol)

After successful installation, a shortcut to launch the program will appear on your desktop

And after starting the program, we should see the program window

Executor Robot - program window

Kumir is a training program for schoolchildren who decide to start learning the programming system. Has its own programming language. The program was developed by the specialists of NIISI RAS to help teachers in the subject "Informatics" in order to simplify the educational process and make it more interactive. On this site you can download Kumir for free.

What is this scientific product

Kumir stands for a set of educational worlds. Indeed, the program contains various programming options from mathematical and logical operations to drawing and interactive process control with a full-fledged input-output system.

Installation is simple. At the moment, only the version for Windows 7 (Windows 7) is available. But in the future, it is planned to develop the program for other platforms. But for ordinary schoolchildren, this is what you need. For the latest version, you can get with official site.

This complex uses its own language for programming. By the way, the programming language used to work in this program is also called Idol. The language itself is conditionally divided into several groups, divided by their functional component:

  • algorithmic language commands;
  • Robot commands;
  • the Draftsman commands.

The programming language can work with several types of values:

  • whole;
  • real;
  • brain teaser;
  • symbolic;
  • lettered.

As you can see, this language offers a wide variety of programming options. It is quite easy to learn for beginners, but it can be somewhat difficult to learn if you already know a programming language, because the syntax here is quite childish and you need to get used to it.

The programming language also contains all the basic mathematical and algebraic functions. This will allow you to combine the study of both the basics of programming and subjects such as mathematics, algebra, geometry, physics.

Disadvantages of the system:

  • insufficient speed of command execution;
  • no classic graphics;
  • this language is not used anywhere else (although it is an analogue of Pascal and it is possible to develop further along this path).

Main advantages:

  • all commands are in Russian;
  • there is error diagnostics;
  • free and licensed software;
  • convenient provision of debugging information;
  • the ability to build task blanks;
  • the ability to create program templates.

Features of working with this product and programming language

The programming language is used with Russian vocabulary and an understandable structure. This makes it possible even for a student who has never been involved in programming before to start writing simple, but interesting programs in just a couple of lessons. But this does not negate the fact that the Idol allows you to create rather complex programs for his level.

Automatic checking when editing a program is also a big plus for the system. If errors are found, an informational message will be displayed. The work of the program is displayed either in the form of text on the screen, or allows you to use virtual performers - devices that can perform a certain set of actions inherent in the program.

The main thing

And this, of course, is why this program was created. This is so that you can take the exam in computer science. Nowadays, it is problematic to certify foreign products and therefore our own product was created. And since you came here, it means that you are preparing for the exam and then you definitely need to download the idol right now from the link provided below.

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