
What does sim lock mean. SIM lock: how to find out if a smartphone is tied to a mobile operator and what to do if so? How to find out if the phone is tied to a mobile operator

What is SIM-Lock when it appears on MegaFon phones and how to deal with it?


What is SIM-Lock?

"Lock" in translation from English means "lock" or "encoding". That is, "SIM-Lock" is a specially coded device. With the help of encoding, the manufacturer or seller of the phone sets the settings under which you can use this device only if you are connected to a specific mobile network, for example, it can only be used in the MegaFon network.

As soon as you try to insert a SIM card of another operator into the phone, the message "Your SIM card is not supported on this device" or "Enter the code to unlock" will appear on the screen. The encoding can be used on any phone model - from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

Why is SIM-Lock installed on phones?

Cell phone manufacturers encode devices at the request of mobile operators. With the help of SIM-Lock, they force the user to connect to the GSM network of this particular operator. For example, the mobile operator MegaFon orders a batch of phones from the factory under its MegaFon brand and asks the manufacturer to integrate SIM-Lock into the devices, which allows using only SIM cards from MegaFon.

Such phones are usually sold with very big discounts (sometimes only 15-20% of the real cost), complete with a SIM card of a certain operator, and most often with an unfavorable communication tariff.

Due to the bargain price, the mobile operator, the same MegaFon, gets a large number of new subscribers who will be forced to connect to its network for a specific tariff. The proceeds from the sale of cellular services will cover the amount of the discount provided to the buyer.

How to remove SIM-Lock on the phone?

To remove the SIM-Lock, you must enter a special code on the keyboard. It is set individually for each sold device and is a long digital combination. There are legal and illegal ways to get this code in order to remove SIM-Lock.

There is only one legal way - contact the seller or the service center of the phone manufacturer. For each SIM-Lock code, the seller specifies the validity period during which it is planned to "recapture" the provided discount. Usually this period is 2-2.5 years, more precisely, you can find out from the seller or consultant at the service center. After the expiration of the period, the blocking can be lifted at the request of the buyer.

There are many illegal ways, and none of them gives a 100% guarantee of getting rid of SIM-Lock. Currently, the network "walks" a lot of information on how to remove SIM-Lock on the phone of a particular mobile operator, including MegaFon. But manufacturers are constantly working to improve the encoding methods. Each subsequent model or batch is stitched in a more reliable way, so that the proposed "hacker" options quickly become obsolete.

Nevertheless, you can try your luck and find a suitable option to remove the hated SIM-Lock from your MegaFon.

How to remove SIM-Lock with the help of specialists?

You can contact one of the companies that repair cell phones. The point is that the SIM-Lock code data is stored in the phone's memory. An ordinary user is unlikely to understand the complex software settings of his MegaFon phone, but repairmen usually know where this data is stitched.

Since the procedure for disabling the SIM-Lock on your own is illegal, in some workshops you may be refused, but if you wish, you will find an office that turns a blind eye to this, or agree with a specific master to unofficially break your code, bypassing the manual.

It is important to remember that if the hacking is performed incorrectly, you will not be able to repair the phone under the MegaFon warranty, since the breakdown will be caused by mechanical intervention, which will be immediately discovered by the specialists of the warranty center. Also, you are unlikely to be able to present an official claim to an unscrupulous master in the breakdown of the phone.

The second way is to find out the special NCK code of your phone, which can be used to remove the SIM-Lock. The fact is that this code is not just a set of numbers, but a certain sequence in which the data of your phone and the manufacturer and MegaFon are encrypted. All NCK codes are stored in special databases at the mobile operator.

Some craftsmen can calculate NCK codes based on IMEI data and manufacturer name. People who have access to databases of mobile operators, including MegaFon, periodically sell them "to the left" or provide codes themselves upon request for a fee. On the Internet, if you wish, you can find many similar offers for little money. There is a risk of running into scammers, but more often you still get the coveted code.

How to remove SIM-Lock yourself?

On special forums and sites, advanced users often share information on how to bypass certain phone settings. You can search for information about hacking SIM-Lock on such web resources. It is important to understand that you need to be technically savvy for such operations.

You should not thoughtlessly try all the proposed methods, since on some MegaFon models the manufacturer provides for a complete blocking of the device in case of an attempt to unlawfully interfere with the software part. You can remove such a lock only at a service center for money.

In addition, it is important to remember that any manipulation of phone programming bypassing the manufacturer is illegal and can lead to trouble, especially in countries where the legislation regarding the rights of manufacturers is strictly observed.

Video. How to remove SIM-Lock on MegaFon?

A couple of weeks ago a friend contacted me with a small problem. It turns out that a couple of days ago he returned from Germany, where he bought a mobile phone literally for a song, but the most interesting thing is that he worked there, and when he arrived back in his homeland, not in any. After inserting a Velcom or MTS SIM card into it, a request for a code to remove the SIM-Lock appears on the display. I was required to answer two questions: what is SIM-Lock and can this phone be made to work?

First, a little theory

The GSM communication system is designed in such a way that each phone has a unique worldwide IMEI number (IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity). It is usually indicated on the back of the phone under the battery. By simple manipulations, you can display the IMEI number on the display screen from the device's memory. To do this, dial * # 06 # with the inserted SIM card (this set is the same for the overwhelming number of phones). As soon as you hit the last pound, the display will show a 15-digit number, it should match the number under the battery. An ordinary user usually has no idea about him. It is enough for him to know the telephone number that he can call. The system uses the IMEI number to track a specific telephone set. Three lists are formed for them. The so-called white, gray and black. The white list contains devices for which the system has no questions or problems. Devices with minor (usually technical) problems are gray-listed. The black list includes devices that are denied access to the network (denial of service). These lists are carefully maintained in developed countries, and in the countries of the former USSR, operators are not yet very advanced, but sooner or later such a service will appear in our country. If the phone is stolen or lost, and the former owner has taken appropriate action, then the phone with this IMEI number can be disabled permanently. The meaning of theft disappears and there is hope for the return of the lost phone. The IMEI number can be used to calculate the type of device, country and date of manufacture. Such tables of correspondence exist. From them you can find out, for example, that your device was made not in England or Holland, but in China. There is, however, one more place where this number pops up: in the process of Russification, unlocking, repairing, some programs change the individual, IMEI number, to their own. Personally, I think that the authors of these programs are obviously megalomaniac or prone to sophisticated sadism. So it’s no good if, after reprogramming mobile phones, many phones with the same IMEI numbers appear. When communicating, the system theoretically should immediately add them all to the gray list. And the buyer will be at least surprised when he sees the discrepancy between the number on the back cover and the number on the display.

And a little more theory

People constantly confuse the concepts of a "gray" phone and a "jailbroken" phone: a "gray" phone is a phone that was brought into the country unofficially and, therefore, is not certified. As you understand, the presence of a sticker of a state commission (for example, Belarus or Russia) on the case is not an indicator that this device is really certified (nowadays, everything is bought, sold and counterfeited). Do not despair if the phone is not certified, this does not mean at all that it will work poorly, as well as vice versa. A "locked" phone means that the phone is "locked for the operator", SIM-Lock, SP-Lock: all these terms mean one thing - the phone has a software restriction on the phone's operation only in one network. That is, having bought a phone from one operator, you will not be able to switch to another. These phones are sold for 10-15 percent of the cost, or even for a purely symbolic fee of $ 1. This phenomenon is quite widespread in the West, foreign operators have long understood that you will earn $ 1000 faster if you get $ 10 from each person from 100 people than from 10 people to $ 100. The meaning of such actions is simple: a phone with SIM-Lock will always work only in one network and sooner or later the operator will work out the money that was lost when it was sold. In some European countries, a subscriber may have LOCK removed in a service center or store after a couple of years, because the phone has already paid off. The SIM-Lock itself is removed by dialing a code from the keyboard (usually up to 15 digits). The manufacturer or his representatives install SIM-Lock on phones. For example, an operator orders a large batch of phones from a manufacturer, and the manufacturer, along with the phones, supplies codes for removing Sim-Lock. The physical meaning of Sim-lock is as follows: Sim-card stores the MCC / NCC unique country and operator code. The phone checks these codes when switched on. If the codes match, the phone works normally, if not, the message "SIM does not fit" appears on the screen, or a code is requested to remove the SIM LOCK.

How is Sim-Lock removed?

The first method is the official one, described above, but you can also do it in an artisanal way (in our country this is the only way to make the phone work, because you will not be lucky if you brought the phone back just because we do not have the opportunity to honestly have it. " unlock "). Information about the SIM-Lock is stored in the memory - EEPROM (EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory), the phone is connected to the computer via a data cable and a command is given to remove the Sim using a special program (unlocker) -Lock. EEPROM - a part of the phone's memory, which stores the so-called user settings (IMEI number, lock codes, checksum values). Usually the EEPROM is stored on a separate chip. The actual programmer is in the phone. A special cable or IMEI-box (typical for Motorola phones) only matches the Com-port of the computer with the serial port of the phone. If for some reason you managed, for example, to completely erase the IMEI number or EEPROM entirely, the phone will not only not work, it will refuse to program further at all. In this case, you will have to arm yourself with a soldering iron and carefully unsolder the EEPROM chip, reprogram it with an external programmer and then solder it back. In the latest Nokia models, the EEPROM is physically located in the same microcircuit as the main memory. In any case, when decoding a phone, you will have to deal with the EEPROM. The EEPROM size is small, from 2 to 64 Kbytes, so it is quite reasonable to save a copy of the memory on the hard drive, or even better, on a CD-R. The benefits are obvious: it won't take up much space, but if something happens, you can restore the phone's memory. When you "unlock" the phone, you need to be 100% sure of your actions and the programs used, because when you destroy the EEPROM, it can be extremely difficult to bring the phone back to life.

How does the phone work after unlocking?

Because SIM-Lock is a software product, then if you remove it correctly, there will be no consequences, and the phone will work normally. Problems can begin if the decoding program was written without taking into account the manufacturer's nuances (secrets), because they also do not stand still, releasing models with higher degrees of protection. The main thing is that over time, the phone does not deteriorate, i.e. as it works after decoding, so it will work afterwards.

How do I know if my phone has been locked?

The easiest way is to carefully examine the case for visible signs of tampering. Inconsistency of the IMEI number that appears on the display when you enter * # 06 # and on the case under the battery, logos on the case like Aritel, E-Plus, SFR, Orange, Virgin mobile, Vodafone, D-2, etc., very LOW PRICE indicate that the phone has been locked or is locked. Also, with the Sim card removed, you can enter a certain code (for example, for Siemens it is * # 0606 #), lines of numbers will appear, then, after scrolling a little, 5 lines will appear, if they contain the text "Without blocking" or "Unbarred", then, most likely, your phone was not "locked" (although some decoder programs can change these lines too). If there are any numbers or words like Multilock, then the phone is 100% "unlocked").

Is it legal?

It all depends on the legislation of the country where this will take place. For example, in Russia there is no article directly prohibiting this action, but there is an article "On Penetration into Computer and Information Technologies." Although, on the other hand, if you have a TV that does not support the PAL system, no one will forbid you to put a color decoder in it, and in general, you have the right to alter everything in it as you like, but you will lose the warranty for repair at the service center. At worst, everything will be decided by our court, the most humane court in the world. It's about decoding. Another thing is the illegal import of phones from the West and tax evasion. Foreign operators are trying to fight this, because they remain at a loss if a new phone, bought for a 10% price, is taken from the operator's network to another network.

SIm-lock, SP-lock, "operator lock": all these words say one thing, the phone has a software restriction on the operation of a mobile phone only in one network. This is done so that a person who bought a phone from a certain operator does not have the opportunity to switch to another GSM network. These phones are usually sold by the operator for 10-20 percent of their real value. The rest of the cost is paid by the operator. The meaning of such promotions is simple: a phone with SIM-Lock will always work only in one network and sooner or later will pay for the operator for the part of the money that he paid for it. In some European countries, a subscriber can remove LOCK in a service center or store after a year (two). the phone has already paid off. SIM-LOCK is removed by dialing a code from the keyboard, usually 8-15 digits.

The manufacturer or its representatives install the SIM-lock on the phones. The operator orders a large batch of phones from the manufacturer (for example NOKIA) and the manufacturer, along with the phones, supplies codes for removing Sim-Lock. The physical meaning of Sim-lock is as follows: Sim card stores in itself MCC / NCC unique country and operator code. For example WellCOM operator has MCC-255, NCC-02. The phone checks these codes when switched on. If the codes match, the phone works normally, if not, the message "SIM does not fit" appears on the screen, or asks for a code to remove the SIM LOCK. In addition, there are other ways to encrypt the phone, but this is the most common one.

How is SIM-LOCK removed?

The first way to remove Sim-lock is official, I described it above. Sim-lock can also be removed by handicraft. Information about Sim-lock is stored in the phone memory. Knowing where exactly it is sewn up, it is possible to remove it. A special cable is connected to the phone. And on this cable the program gives a command to remove the Sim-lock. In some phones it is necessary to remove the memory chip. Read it with a programmer, find the firmware section responsible for SIM-LOCK and correct it correctly. In older MOTOROLA models, Sim-lock can be removed with a special SIM card or a card emulator called CLONE CARD. These procedures are usually done on an amateur level. All you need to have is a set of cables, a programmer and the most scarce software. Since phone manufacturers are constantly releasing new models with ever higher levels of protection, programs must be constantly updated. Such programs are written by talented programmers or stolen from service centers.

How legal and ethical is it?

The legality of the procedure for removing Sim-lock depends on the legislation of the country. In Russia, there is no law directly prohibiting this. However, this procedure can be subsumed under the article "On Penetration into Computer and Information Technologies". On the other hand, the person who bought the phone has the right to do whatever he wants with it. For example, if you bought a PAL system TV that does not support the color standard of Ukraine and the CIS, no one will blame you if you insert a color decoder inside. Also, you have the right to remake it as you please. The only thing that you will lose is the warranty for repairs in the service center. Thus, if a precedent arises, everything will be determined by the level of lawyers and lawyers. This is when it comes to decoding the phone. An entirely different matter is the illegal import of telephones from the west, tax evasion. This is what representatives of phone manufacturers are trying to fight. Naturally, a German, Polish or other operator remains at a loss if a new phone bought for 10 percent of the cost is taken from the operator's network to another network.

How correctly does the phone work after removing the SIM-LOCK?

As mentioned above, Sim-lock is a software product. Usually, a correctly removed SIM-LOCK has no consequences. And the phone works fine. However, in some cases, programs for removing SIM-LOCK are written in a hurry and do not work correctly. Or the person who wrote the program did not know the nuances (secrets) of the manufacturer. Then the phone may have incorrect menu items and problems with some functions. One thing is certain - after removing the lock, the phone's performance will not deteriorate over time. That is, how the phone works immediately after unlocking (with or without any problems), so it will work. Examples of software failures after decoding are as follows: Siemens C25 - the protection functions of the device do not work (phone code, PIN code request); Sagem MC922 - the time of the last call is not recorded, the clock fails, when the charging is turned off, the charge icon continues to move; MOTOROLA M3888, 3588 - failure of the RF path calibration grid, the result is network loss from time to time. Ericsson 868 - periodic self-shutdown.

How to find out if the phone has been uncoded?

Outwardly: logo on the front panel of Vodafone, D2, IDEA, E-plus, etc. The sticker under the battery is in Polish, German and other languages ​​not native to the manufacturer. Visible traces of opening a new phone. And the last one is the low price.

SIM lock, simlock, network lock or subsidy lock- this is a special type of phone lock, the essence of which is that the device can only work with SIM cards a certain operator ( SP lock or Service Provider Lock) or within a specific country. How to get around these restrictions (do sim unlock), you can read in this post, but first a few words about the problem itself.

On Android smartphones are blocked using two codes - country code (MCC) and operator code (MNC). At startup, the phone recognizes both codes indicated on SIM card... If they do not match the values ​​specified by the operator, then the device does not start and displays a message stating that SIM card does not fit. If both codes correspond to the specified parameters, then the smartphone boots in normal operating mode. Also, as a lock can be used MSIN- the code of each specific SIM-cards... In this case Android the smartphone will only work with one single SIM-by card.

SIM lock often used by operators on phones that are sold cheaper than factory cost, but with the obligation to use a contract for the provision of communication services of this operator for a specified time. Thus, the operator covers the costs associated with buying a smartphone and then selling it at a lower price: due to blocking Android the user simply cannot change SIM card, and use the services of a competing mobile provider.

To unblock Android smartphone ( sim unlock) you need to use a special code. As a rule, after the expiration of the contract, the operator informs the user of it, but for this you will have to wait at least a year, or even two. But the problem can be solved much faster. First, mobile operators sell unlock codes. Most likely, you just have to cover the costs incurred by the operator when selling the phone at a lower cost. You can also use special services and applications, but more on that later.

Separately, it is worth noting the legality of the procedure. On the territory of the CIS countries, there is not a single law that would prohibit sim unlock... Moreover, in the world there is a legislative practice according to which the sale of phones with locked SIM cards prohibited.

The main ways to unlock Android smartphones (sim unlock)

This is an application that allows you to unlock smartphones and tablets Samsung Galaxy(S, S2, S3, S4, Tab, Tab2, Note, Note2). In this case, no code is needed, and unlocking is carried out in a couple of taps. The application itself is free, but you will have to pay to remove the restrictions. also allows you to create and restore backups EFS and gives full information about nv / lock.

Unlock.io by SDWebs

And this application works on a slightly different principle. It issues unlock codes. On the page in Google Play it is written that from SDWebs works with all models Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Alcatel, Lg, Motorola, Htc, Sony Ericsson, Huawei, Blackberry, iPhone... Users complain that the cost of the service is too high, but this did not stop them from gaining more than 20 thousand installations. Payment is made through PayPal... And to receive the code, you need to enter data on the Android smartphone and pay for the service.

An analogue of the application described above. Gets the unlock code for the following Android smartphones:

  • Samsung(Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3, Note, Note2 and)
  • Lg(Optimus L3, L7 and L9)
  • Htc(One S, Inspire, Desire HD and Sensation)
  • Motorola(RAZR XT, ATRIX HD, Defy mini, Motoluxe)
  • Blackberry(Torch 9860, Curve 8520, Bold 9780)
  • Huawei(Ascend, Huawei U8650, Fusion)

The cost of the unlock code in both cases depends on the model Android smartphone and the operator's country. Payment is also made through PayPal... The only major difference from is that the application allows you to become a reseller and unlock other smartphones with it, making money from it. To do this, you need to contact the developers and activate a special account.

When purchasing a smartphone "hand-held", buyers pay great attention to checking its appearance and basic functions, but they completely overlook one important point: they do not ask the seller whether the gadget is locked. A locked smartphone will cost the buyer less, but then you will have to pay a hundredfold for the immediate benefit. What is a locked device and why is it not recommended to buy such a device?

Locked iPhone ( Sim-Lock) Is a gadget that can work with SIM cards of only one mobile operator. These smartphones are sold with mobile contracts (usually two years). By purchasing a Sim-Lock device, the user voluntarily deprives himself of the right to choose: if the conditions offered by the communication provider cease to suit the owner of the iPhone, he will not be able to go to competitors.

The SIM card of the "desired" operator is required to activate the locked device. This means that a gadget with Sim-Lock cannot be used even as a multimedia device - for watching movies or listening to music.

The practice of selling locked iPhones is widespread in the United States, Australia and Western Europe. In Russia, you won't find iPhone Sim-Lock on the windows of large electronics stores and cell phone stores, but when buying via the Internet you can easily come across such a copy. Most likely, the device will be locked under SIM cards not from a domestic mobile provider, but from a foreign one (like AT&T), so you won't be able to solve the problem simply by switching to another operator.

How to find out if the iPhone is locked or not?

Rather than solving a problem, it is better to prevent it from occurring. In order not to get into a stupid situation, being "on hand" with an expensive device, but absolutely unsuitable in Russian realities, you should check the iPhone for the presence of Sim-Lock before the transfer of money the seller.

There are several ways to understand that the iPhone is locked:

Insert your Sim card... Device without Sim-Lock quickly recognizes the operator. If the gadget is locked, you will see the inscription “ Activation Required» (« Activation required»).

Through internet services. Thematic sites assure that there are no free services for checking Sim-Lock iPhone by IMEI, thereby misleading readers. At the time of this writing, the site www.iphoneox.com exists and is working perfectly, where they will not ask for a single ruble for such a check.

Before using the site, find out IMEI device- this number can be viewed on the iPhone box or in the smartphone settings (path “ Settings» — « The main» — « About this device»).

A table with detailed information about the smartphone appears. Find the item " Sim-Lock Status "- if opposite it stands “ Unlocked", Which means that the gadget will be able to work with SIM cards of all operators.

There are other similar portals (for example, the more well-known service www.imei.info), but you have to pay for their use. The check will cost about $ 3.

By model... This is not about modification ( 5S, 6, 6S), namely about model... You can find out the model in the section " About this device»In the device settings.

The two letters after the numbers in the model designation indicate the country for which the device is intended for the market. In our example, these are the letters " RU"- we understand that this iPhone is for Russia, which means that Sim-Lock it cannot be.

If you buy "from hands" and see that in the designation of the model instead of " RU"Is, say," LL"(Gadgets for Americans), you will need additional verification, because iPhones are sold in the USA with and without a sim-lock. Pay attention to the digital code in the designation: numbers 608 , 610 , 318 , 319 indicate that the device is locked.

How to unlock an iPhone?

There are two ways to unlock an iPhone, and each of them requires material costs on the part of the owner of the gadget.

Hardware "unlock"

Hardware "unlock" involves the use of a special adapter called Turbo-Sim, which is placed in the SIM card tray along with the card itself. The microcircuit of such a device contains unique IMSI identifiers of several well-known cellular operators at once - this allows you to get rid of the blocking.

When activation occurs, on iPhone with Turbo-Sim comes a special code that unlocks the radio module and the modem of the device.

Hardware unlock has a number of disadvantages:

  • The connection is getting worse.
  • After each signal loss, the activation procedure has to be carried out again.
  • Functions iMessage and Face time to configure is problematic.
  • Many Turbo-Sim(for example, firms R-sim) do not allow you to perform any actions with the gadget's firmware - in particular, update the OS.

In Russia, widespread Turbo-Sim manufacturers such as Gevey, R-Sim, Heicard... Adapters from each of the firms have their own pros and cons. Let's say Turbo-Sim from Gevey are very fragile, but they allow users to update the iPhone. R-sim on the contrary, they are durable, but for each upgrade the owner of the gadget will have to buy a new adapter from this manufacturer. Heicard compares favorably with the rest in that they provide high quality communication.

The cost of one adapter ranges from 1,300 to 2,000 rubles.

Official "unlock"

What to do if you do not want to endure the inconvenience associated with use Turbo-Sim? Then you need to create an official request to the operator, notifying him of the desire to remove the lock. The operator can meet halfway, but he will have to pay him the n-th amount - we can say that the owner of the iPhone buys from a particular provider the right to choose a cellular service provider.

The cheapest way to unlock an iPhone locked under an American operator AT&T- it will cost about 1 thousand rubles. Request to cancel blocking AT&T should be submitted here - www.att.com/esupport/index.jsp. The cost of "unlock" reaches 15 thousand rubles (when removing Sim-Lock, say, a Finnish operator DNA).

You can contact not only directly to the operators, but also to third-party performers who are able to organize an official "unlock" faster (the operator will have to wait about a month for a response to a direct request). It is important to approach the choice of the contractor responsibly: you should contact companies that have real offices and avoid companies that require payment by electronic money and promise instant unblocking.


Before making an informed purchase of a locked smartphone, consider whether this deal will be profitable in the long run. To do this, you need to take into account the cost of the adapter Turbo-Sim or the services of specialists for unlocking the iPhone (depending on the preferred type of "unlock"). It should also be taken into account that the buyer will not be able to use the iPhone. straightaway- he will have to wait for the completion of the removal Sim-Lock or delivery of the required adapter. This inconvenience gives the buyer the right to claim an additional discount.

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