
Financial partners. Bank affiliate programs: anyone can join. Reports and tools

The best financial affiliate programs (TOP 5) - an objective rating

This article is only the personal opinion of a webmaster who has been working with financial affiliate programs since 2012 and a former tester software interfaces who understands what convenience is.

I saw how these affiliate programs developed, how the interface of affiliate programs and customer relations changed. I participated in drawings of valuable prizes from affiliate programs and even won one of the cars (think, it's real). The article will be useful for novice webmasters and those who want to get involved in traffic arbitrage in the field of finance.

In short, financial CPA affiliate programs are an intermediate link between the client and the bank. They allow webmasters to earn a commission if the user went to the webmaster's site through an affiliate link. This article presents a rating for the Russian-speaking segment. Ukraine and Kazakhstan were not taken into account.

First place - Leads.su - the best affiliate program.

I started working with this affiliate program leads.su a long time ago. Now it is the main one, primarily because of the convenience of the interface and the absence of jambs.

So, if briefly the main advantages of the affiliate program

The main advantages of leads.su

The first and most important advantage is a convenient and intuitive interface. It is really more or less convenient and is made for webmasters. Here you can understand from which page this or that conversion was made, generate various reports (by offer, by geo, by clicks and conversions). There are a lot of reports, I will list only the main ones (they are in the reports menu)

  1. Daily report. Allows you to receive earnings for each of the days. A report is needed to compare your earnings and understand since when, for example, earnings have dipped
  2. Offer report — allows you to evaluate the profitability of offers and the conversion rate CR for each offer. Based on the report, you can understand which offer converts worse and which one is better. We put the offers that convert better in the first place, the worst in the end.
  3. List of conversions - the report helps to understand which conversions were Lately. I use it to understand that everything is ok and everything works fine.
  4. Detailing a specific offer - here you can see the CR and AR average for the system.

Reports can be filtered by offers, dates and GEO. There are many other complex reports that I will not describe and which are needed by fairly experienced webmasters and not always.

In addition to reporting, I will highlight other popular and necessary features

It is immediately clear from which page the conversion came, its status, the date of the conversion, and most importantly, the region is visible. I have not seen this in other affiliate programs.

Financial component leads.su

It is important for any webmaster that payments are regular and without delay. Multiple payment methods would also be very nice. Leeds is fine with that. Payouts regularly upon request. There are extraordinary payments for funds that did not come out of the hold (but with a commission). The hold is 12-14 days, there are offers with a reduced hold of 3 days.

Payment Methods

  1. To a current account
  2. To electronic wallets (POISON, WebMoney, Qiwi)
  3. Bank card (with and without commission)

It is possible to pay to the account of the agency account Adwords, Yandex Direct and other advertising systems.

Very useful feature is the opportunity to set up an EDI with Leeds and get back 6% of the income if you work as an individual entrepreneur.

In addition, there is a VAT compensation when replenishing the Yandex Direct and Adwords agency account.

In addition, if you drive traffic, and the offer stops working without notification, then compensation for lost traffic is provided. There is also compensation if available. technical problems from Leeds.

Special attention should be paid to drawings of cars and other valuable prizes, which are held among all webmasters working with leads. Everyone can win.
Briefly about promotions

  1. Originally raffled off Kia Sorento
  2. Then they played an apartment in Moscow in 2016
  3. Then in 2017 they again played an apartment in Moscow + cars
  4. 2018 first half - drawing of 3 BMWs and other valuable prizes
  5. 2018 - Bank robbery campaign, drawing 1 million every month.

Support leads and wishes

Separately, I wanted to say about the support. For me, the main requirement for an affiliate program is to have current state offers - there were notifications when switching off and on. The links should work and there shouldn't be any problems considering the statistics.

Problems with compensation in case of problems are usually solved successfully (I wanted to say that in 2018 they did not exist yet).

Support is provided by a personal manager assigned to you. In addition, there is chat support within the interface and by email. mail. Support does not work on weekends.

I would like a prompt resolution of technical issues and improvements. But in general, the support deserves a rating of 4, it is not perfect, but it cannot be called bad either.

Summary: Leeds deservedly ranks first among affiliate programs due to its convenient and clear interface, a lot of goodies for webmasters.

Second place - LeadGid

Partenka leadguide

I'm just pointing out a few benefits.

  1. Online technical support in Skype, where you can solve most of the issues.
  2. Large selection of offers, there are loan offers for Europe (Poland, Spain, Latvia…). They even helped me with foreign offers and reviewed the translation of the landing page description.
  3. There are exclusive offers, such as MetroCredit, which is not in any of the affiliate programs and which gives quite good CR + auto-approve.
  4. It is possible to work on the API
  5. Contests to win cars and travel
  6. You can work as an individual entrepreneur with EDI, for example, I send signed electronic signature documentation.
  7. Increased payouts and rates for some standard offers.

Disadvantages of LeadGid

  1. Offers change conditions or are disabled without warning. Although there is a notification system via Twitter, Telegarmm and mail, but several times it happened that I was driving traffic, and the offer was disconnected ... There was no notification about the disconnection, no compensation either, which is very sad
  2. Old and obscure interface. WITH mobile version the problem is that it can't be used. See the source of a specific conversion too... Redirects for each of the offers cannot be configured. In general, to the level of Leeds on the interface is still a very long time to work. In general, this is the standard hasoffers interface, which is somewhat outdated at the moment
  3. Editing the payment method only through the support service. It takes some time and it is not clear why it was done. You can pay on demand, not 2 times a month.
  4. The description of the offers is very incomprehensible, especially for bourgeois. I would like to immediately see whether auto-approve or not, when there was an unload, average CR, AR by system
  5. Trouble with the multicurrency interface. Pts would like to see the balance in rubles for all offers.

In general, the affiliate program is growing, the annual contests make a positive impression and attract webmasters. The hasoffers platform is somewhat limited in terms of interface and reporting. I would like to wish the affiliate a new, more understandable informative interface and stricter information on changes in offers.

Third bronze place Cityads.

I have been working with CityAds for a long time. However, it is currently not active enough. There used to be a lot of traffic. After they rolled out a new slow and buggy interface, I left there. It was impossible to use the interface, it slowed down. There were many reports, but it was difficult to understand what and where.

I'll start with the benefits

  1. A wide range of offers + there are exclusives
  2. Rich custom interface. There are many reports useful to the webmaster.
  3. There is a support service via tickets + skype. The question can be solved, about efficiency - I'm not sure here. Account managers change frequently.
  4. There are offers for bourgeois and not only finance.
  5. Regular payments, usually without delay.
  6. Many payment methods
  7. There is an agent office with payment from the balance in your personal account.
  8. There are redirects for each offer in case of disconnection
  9. It is possible to work with the API
  10. Promotions with drawing of apartments and cars


  • Incomprehensible and cumbersome interface. Now the interface works more or less stably, it is difficult for an ordinary person to understand it.
  • Long problem solving time. I wrote 5 times about a long response to my personal manager about a slow interface, but there was no normal reaction
  • Selectivity for webmasters. If the offer is launched and it is new enough, it will not be opened to you through tickets. The simplest thing is to write a telegram to your account manager, then the chances of connecting increase.
  • Some offer rates are quite low by default compared to other affiliate programs.
  • Frequent change of personal managers.
  • I would really like to see the news about the disabling of the offer I'm working with in the email. Now, if the offer has been disabled, it is difficult to find out right away.

In general, CityAds is a fairly stable affiliate program and you can work with it. The interface competes with Leads in terms of features. However, in terms of comfort and prices, CityAds is significantly inferior to Leeds and other affiliate programs. In terms of manufacturability, it is approximately on the same level as Leads.

Fourth place Linkprofit

UPD May 2019 - You should not contact - Linkprofit has delays in payments and they are considered to have left the market.
With Linkprofit, I do not work closely enough. In my opinion, they are the 4th in the lead generation market among financial affiliate programs. Payments are made 2 times a month similar to LeadGid. Here are their benefits

  1. Possibility to use agency accounts from linkprofit with replenishment from the balance of your personal account.
  2. Many offers, including exclusive offers not available in other affiliate programs
  3. There are offers for bourgeois
  4. Self-written interface, fast enough and more or less understandable. There are basic standard reports, but far from Leeds. You can’t see from which page the conversion was from
  5. Normal operational technical support. Somehow I could not log in, the issue was quickly resolved ...
  6. Many payment methods, I get paid by webmoney.
  7. Possibility to work with API
  8. Convenient catalog of offers divided into categories.
  9. I don’t remember when the affiliate program fell — everything is quite stable.

One of the main features that I like - advertiser reliability rating.
You can get acquainted with the document on the basis of which the rating is calculated at.
It allows you to decide whether you can work with the advertiser first.

Of the shortcomings:

  1. You cannot set up a redirect for each of the offers.
  2. There have not been any major promotions and drawings for a long time.
  3. I would like to see changes in the status of offers in the interface (started, stopped)
  4. Support managers promised to open one of the offers and forgot about me.. But I remember))

There may be more disadvantages, but I do not work so closely with this affiliate program. According to my feelings, she stands quite firmly on her feet and quite a lot of webmasters work with her.

About a year ago, they sinned a lot with annoying mailings to attract partners to the support addresses of my sites. But now they seem to have grown out of it.

They are again experiencing a boom in demand for financial offers, so it's time to refresh information on this topic in order to make it possible to earn money on the Internet on microloans, issuing cards, and so on.

Statistics can be tracked in several ways: on near-financial sites with reviews and analytics, and on webmaster forums where thematic topics are discussed.

This topic includes proposals of a very different profile:

Microcredits (microloans);
Credit and debit cards;
consumer loans;
Mortgage credit lending;
Business loans;

The final goals that are counted by advertisers for subsequent payment to webmasters also differ. Payment can be made:

1. For an approved application.
2. For the issued loan.
3. For an approved card.
4. For card activation.

Other targets are also found, but much less frequently. To view them, you need to open Full description financial offer in credit affiliate programs. The limit on the volume of leads that the ad is ready to accept, both during the day and globally, can also be indicated there.

Look carefully at the restrictions, especially the mention of the brand.

And also to the hold, which can differ significantly according to different offers. Also compare conditions and competitors in CPA networks.

Earnings on the Internet on credit partnerships

Given the current situation associated with instability, rising costs of living, the demand for financial offers of credit partnerships is growing. Especially in this case, microloans “succeeded”, which are forced to use people who need money “before the salary”.

And if in any case they were going to and will take them, why not be in the role of an intermediary and make money on microloans yourself, using the best ones? ..

Despite the obvious targeted traffic from Direct and Facebook, the prices there are very decent. And with a small budget, which does not pretend to be "rubber" status, there is nothing to do there. Competitors have long occupied a niche and are able to keep a high rate in contextual advertising.

It is easier and more logical to enter when it comes to in social networks, - from Vkontakte and Facebook.

In the latter, you can set up fine targeting for the audience of small cities, in the hope of lower competition and prices. Just remember that you need to offer people products that meet their needs and goals. In most cases, this is consumer loans.

In the first one, it is easier, more convenient and cheaper to look for city groups in which to "cut" promos that are maximally tailored to a specific city. So that advertising is targeted, and each person in such a group could easily “try on” the role of taking a microloan, mortgage, and so on. In the same place, you can and should use targeted advertising of Vkontakte itself.

By the way, for mortgages - here be sure to try your hand at the MARKETCALL pay-per-call affiliate program ( RATS - I DO NOT RECOMMEND!), where deductions can be from 1000 to 9000 rubles per lead.

Earnings on the showcase of financial offers

Such a solution as a showcase of financial offers is the most popular tool and way to drain traffic.

It is on it that it is most convenient to pour, since it can absorb several tens and even hundreds of proposals in all directions. That is, the probability of conversion with such an assortment will be much higher in comparison with a single one.

It is important to make a page where detailed descriptions, they are equipped with pictures in the form of previews of the same size and an order button with a direct transition to the offer. It is best to do this in tabular form, as this is how the information is best read. The text should be given a place so that it “breathes” and does not stick together.

Just play with the display to get a good result. If you are going to make up a showcase of financial offers on your own, I recommend using this tool. Simplicity of graphical implementation is the key to success.

I use the second one on the list, which I took a screenshot of.

You can order such a solution on the forums. That's what comrade Google gave out when asked. On the KWORK there are many such proposals.

There are ready-made options, but you have to look for them. Here's how lucky.

The showcase should be divided according to the categories that you will be posting. But do not rush to use them all until you understand the nuances of the work that will come out in the process. Remember that you will have to constantly monitor changes in credit partnerships for financial offers and immediately correct them on the storefront. To begin with, it is worth taking into circulation only one, and then gradually connect others when you realize that you are coping.

For example, consumer loans can be easily promoted on any women's and mother's forums, focusing on the emotional decisions of the beautiful half. Be mindful of the story line in the banners you are going to advertise on such forums, focusing on the obvious and immediate benefit that the person gets.

We continue to publish reviews of affiliate programs for making money on the Internet. Today we will talk about one of the most popular financial CPA networks - Leads.su.

What is SRA

CPA (Cost per Action)- payment for actions, a type of advertising that provides for payment for the actions performed. Partnership programs, working in the field of CPA, offer users payment for purchases, registrations, etc.

talking plain language, You place an advertising banner on your site, group, blog and get paid for the actions that users perform on the advertising site by clicking on this banner. This type of earnings is available to users who do not have their own website. You can earn on traffic arbitrage, that is, by placing advertisements in contextual, targeted and teaser advertising services.

CPA Network Leads

Leads.su CPA network is one of the most popular on the market of financial affiliate programs. The project started its work in 2010. Currently, there are more than 100 different financial affiliate programs.

The project has technical support that will answer all your questions. The disadvantage is that technical support works only on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Various promotions and contests are also held, which allow webmasters, in addition to standard earnings, to receive various prizes and bonuses.

How to make money with Leads

In order to start earning in this affiliate program, you need to do the following:

  • Decide on the traffic source
  • Choose the affiliate programs you like and connect to them
  • Get your affiliate link
  • Start sending traffic to these programs
  • Analyze traffic by removing unprofitable methods
  • Get paid for actions

Below we will analyze all these points in more detail. In the meantime, we present a list of actions for which you will receive payment.

- Issuance credit cards
— Consumer and business loans
— Microcredit
- Mortgage
— Issuance of debit cards
— Leasing
— Opening deposits
— Car loans
— Forex

If you know how to attract users who are interested in the above points, then you can start registering on this project.

To register, go to the leads.su website and choose as someone you are going to work on the webmaster's or advertiser's project. Next, you need to fill out a short form.

Don't forget to verify your phone number and address Email. After that, you can start earning.

Available types of traffic

At the next stage, you need to choose the type of platform from which you will attract traffic. To do this, go to the section "List of venues""Add site".

As you can see in the picture above, there are 5 types available to attract traffic. Choose the one available to you and follow the instructions.

Connection to offers

After the traffic source is selected, you can start connecting to affiliate programs (offers) that are available on the site. Full list available in section "Offers""All offers».

Choose the offers you like and connect them to your traffic source. Newbies face the question of which offer to choose. The Leads affiliate network offers users to get acquainted with the statistics for each and choose the best option.

In the screenshot above you see an example of one of the offers on this site.

At the top you can see the name and logo. As well as the availability of the program (the figure shows that the program is available for connection).

Points- bonus points that you will be awarded for achieving goals in this program. They are needed to participate in various promotions and do not affect your earnings in any way.

Section "Information":

Payment- the amount that you will receive for the fulfillment of the goal, attracted by the user.

Target- What is the payment for? In the screenshot above, there is a goal - "The issued debit card is being paid." This means that you will receive payment if the attracted user makes an order for this card by clicking on your advertising link.

Points- bonus points for completing the goal.

Payment type- can be found by hovering the mouse cursor over the picture. In this case, payment is made for a lead (sale).

Section "Additional":

Limits- Are there any restrictions on the number of leads and the fulfillment of goals.

Cookie lifetime- during what time, the user who clicked on your link can complete the goal, and you will receive payment for this.

Geo– from which countries you need to attract traffic

Status update section:

Periodicity– how often the affiliate program processes leads

Last thing– when was the last time the leads were processed

Following– planned processing date

Tracker section:

CTR- the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions

CR- the ratio of the number of conversions to the number of clicks

AR– the ratio of approved conversions to the total number of conversions

EPC– average earnings per click

EPL– average earnings per conversion

Study carefully available information and choose the most suitable offer. After submitting an application, it must be moderated, usually it takes several hours (if the application is submitted on a working day).

Reports and tools

After connecting offers and starting promotion affiliate links You need to analyze your traffic, disabling methods that do not generate income. This is especially true when using contextual and targeted advertising. You can follow the traffic in the section "Reports".

We will not pay much attention to each item, since you can understand their essence from the name.

There are also a large number of additional tools that help webmasters make working with offers more convenient.

Dynamic reports- allow you to monitor the dynamics in the system for most of the available indicators.

Financial feed– a laying page, which presents all types of loans available in the affiliate program.

API– application programming interface.

Pre-landings– intermediate pages aimed at increasing conversion for cold customers.

Conversion Delivery Service- a tool for tracking leads in their personal systems.

Redirects– a system designed to redirect traffic when the offer limit is exceeded.

Improvements– You can add ideas to improve the system.

Support for entrepreneurs- improved conditions for working with IP.

Agency offices– special cabinets in the most popular systems of targeted and contextual advertising.

Domain parking– You can use your domain names to redirect links from offers.


Payments in this affiliate program are made automatically twice a month for the specified payment details. You can ask for early payment, but they will charge a commission of 10%. However, if you reach the Platinum level, you can do it without a commission! To configure, go to the " Payment Information» — «Editing». And add a payment method.

Minimum payout amount– 700 rubles

Available withdrawal methods: Yandex Money, Webmoney, account mobile phone, bank card.


Leads has a referral system in which you can receive up to 5% of the income of attracted users.

And at the end of the review of the affiliate program, I’ll post a screen of earnings, it’s modest, but just now I started making a financial site for loans, and I hope that after some time another screen will appear instead)) Well, you need to register using this link))

Recently, financial affiliate programs have been very popular, as they usually bring considerable rewards. You can really make a lot of money on traffic related to lending, deposits, insurance and similar financial issues, but for this you need to choose a good affiliate program. Financial affiliate programs mainly work on the principle of pay-per-action. To get a reward, you need not only to place an advertising banner, but also to encourage the visitor to apply for a loan, purchase an insurance policy online, or start playing on the currency exchange. The fee for such activity is quite high, however, to achieve this is not easy. It is necessary to carefully work on the content of the site and actively engage in its SEO promotion.


As for financial affiliate programs, Runet offers a small number of solutions for webmasters who would like to monetize their traffic through financial affiliate programs. Unfortunately, most of them do not provide many promotional tools and the webmaster has to be content with direct links and banners (sometimes banner rotators are provided). However, there are affiliate programs that offer wider functionality in certain areas. Working with such financial affiliate programs, you can place embedded forms on the site that most effectively attract users and encourage them to leave applications. Most forms are offered for various loan programs. There are also forms by filling out which you can apply for an insurance policy or use other financial services. Some offer tools for customizing forms on the site, but in most cases they have only a standard look.

Signing up to participate in the financial affiliate program is quite simple. They put forward standard requirements for sites (paid hosting, does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, etc.), and also offer convenient conditions for withdrawing funds. But in order to make money on a financial affiliate program, you need to think carefully about where exactly to place a banner or form, carefully work on the content and attract visitors who are interested in financial issues to the site.

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