
"Planet Zero" Beeline. Tariff description. Service "Planet Zero": characteristics and connection

Beeline tariffs for roaming abroad are quite diverse. Finding a profitable one for those who often travel outside the country is not difficult, and it doesn’t matter if the trip is working or for the purpose of relaxing. Although the roaming service is activated automatically when the card is activated, it is important to know about the features of the service and how it is profitable to communicate and use the Internet and additional services outside the country.

The most profitable roaming from Beeline can be determined for yourself, because not everyone needs a huge number of calls and whole service packages. Beeline tariffs are designed for different subscribers with different needs and terms of using roaming communications, the rates also differ significantly.

planet zero

This tariff is suitable for those subscribers traveling around the world who need the following package per day:

Service management commands:

  • Connection - *110*331# .
  • Shutdown - *110*330# .
You can also manage the service through your Beeline personal account or the My Beeline application.in a smartphone.

My planet

Under the terms of this service, it will be possible to make profitable calls while roaming abroad. Specific prices:

To connect, dial the command *110*0071# , disconnect - *110*0070# .

Roaming light

While traveling, you can also use the roaming service from Beeline "Roaming light". Conditions for this option:

  1. Incoming - 0 rub./min.
  2. Outgoing to Beeline numbers - 1.95 rubles / min.
  3. Outgoing to numbers of other operators - 4.95 rubles / min.
  4. Incoming calls are free.
  5. Calls lasting less than 3 seconds are not charged.
At the moment, this service is not available for connection, but it continues to be provided to those subscribers who have connected earlier.

International communication service

The operator offers its subscribers the service "International Communication" on a prepaid basis. There is no subscription fee for using it. International roaming Beeline offers the following conditions:

  • Calls to America, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Jamaica and some other countries - 40 rubles per minute.
  • Calls to Europe, USA, Canada - 35 rubles / min.
  • Other countries - 55 rubles / min.
  • For satellite numbers - 152-430 rubles per minute, depending on the satellite system and the availability of discounts.
The conditions may vary depending on the connected tariff plan, for clarification, please refer to the online call calculator.

To connect the service you need:

  1. Dial the command - *110*131# .
  2. Call the number - 067409131.

To disable, the command works - * 110 * 130 # .

What is the best way to call abroad?

In order to conveniently use mobile communications outside the country, the operator advises connecting Beeline for roaming abroad with the International Communication service. It is convenient for those who plan to frequently communicate with subscribers in Russia. It is convenient that you do not need to make an additional payment for connection and subsequent maintenance.

It is important to remember that if Beeline roaming conditions do not apply in the country, then you need to make sure that more than 600 rubles always remain on your balance. If there is less than 300 rubles on the account, the mobile operator will not serve the subscriber. The good news is that Beeline roaming operates in most countries of the world, so there should not be any particular difficulties.

Internet roaming Beeline abroad

All subscribers have access to Internet in roaming from the Beeline operator, and this is very convenient, because it is now impossible to imagine traveling without access to the network, especially to another country. The ability to access the Internet from your phone provides additional convenience. Including the ability to immediately share the best photos or find the necessary places on the map, find out the weather forecast.

All details regarding Internet in roaming in relation to your tariff plan can be found by contacting the hotline at 8 800 700 0611 or by dialing the short number 0611.

It is possible to connect 40 MB for 200 rubles and the possibility of ordering an additional package of megabytes. After the package is exhausted, each next megabyte will cost 5 rubles if a new package is not connected.

There is also a service of unlimited Internet in roaming, it is possible to connect it in more than 100 countries of the world. Some conditions for using unlimited abroad:

  1. Traffic is not limited. The first 100 Mb per day is provided at maximum speed, then there is a limit of 128 Kbps until the end of the day.
  2. The payment is stable, so you know exactly how much you will spend.
  3. Payment is withdrawn from the mobile account only on the day of use.
  4. The cost is 350 rubles for each day of use.
  5. Valid in the CIS countries and most popular countries. The list of the latter can be found on the operator's website.
  6. Available for connection to subscribers who are served on a prepaid basis.

Connection is carried out through the command *110*20171# , disconnection *110*20170# . The option must be activated when traveling and disconnected after returning, otherwise, when accessing the Internet, the tariff will apply as in roaming. This option does not require connection in the current Beeline tariffs.

Roaming Beeline in Turkey and Egypt

Roaming abroad is important for both those who work and those who rest, and since compatriots often go to Turkey and Egypt, it is worth considering the current tariff for these countries. More specifically:

  • Incoming - for each minute of conversation 69 rubles.
  • Calls to Russia - 69 rubles / min.
  • Calls within Egypt/Turkey - 69 rubles/mi.
  • Communication with subscribers in other countries - 129 rubles / min.
  • Sending one SMS will cost 19 rubles.

Common questions about international roaming

  1. How to find out the cost of an international call?

An online calculator will help you with this. It is easy to use - you should enter the country or city in the appropriate line and select your tariff from those offered, then click "calculate".

  1. How to top up your mobile account while roaming?

The options are standard, as well as for replenishment within Russia: make a payment using a bank card, ordering a trust payment, or using the “Top up my account” service.

  1. What services are available in international roaming?

The list of services is determined by the capabilities of the Beeline partner operator, which operates in the country where you will go.

  1. What is the support number for subscribers who are abroad?

7 495 797 2727 - calls for Beeline subscribers are free.

  1. Is it possible not to use roaming services abroad?

Any Beeline service can be disabled through the appropriate command or the subscriber's personal account. You can also install and use the My Beeline application for this.

"Planet Zero" is a profitable service of the Beeline operator, which allows you to significantly reduce telephone costs if the subscriber goes on a trip outside the country. If you are planning a vacation in popular destinations, then the service may not be the most profitable, but it is indispensable for visiting distant countries.

Planet Zero Beeline

Mobile subscribers regularly visit other countries for travel or business purposes. When visiting a new country, roaming is activated on the phone, which spares no financial resources when making calls and sending sms messages. The service "Planet Zero" allows you to stay abroad and not change your regular number profitably.

It should be noted that being in another country, you will automatically pay for all operator services at different rates. Therefore, before the planned trip, it is recommended to turn off all other tariffs, stopping only at Planet Zero.

The benefit of the service comes down to the fact that the subscriber can receive incoming calls on more than favorable terms: free communication from the 2nd to the 10th minute of the call. Starting from the 11th minute and until the 19th, the free connection is activated again. An additional advantage of the program is the absence of a subscription fee.

Outgoing calls are paid, the cost of the call is equal to the cost of international communication in accordance with the current tariff. The service is provided to subscribers who use the prepaid system. However, it does not apply to all tariffs, therefore, before connecting it, you should contact the operator, specifying the compatibility of your tariff and Planet Zero.


The "Planet Zero" service is aimed at users who are often within the range of roaming and seek to optimize costs. The subscription fee in its classical sense is completely absent, however, there are payments on the day the system is used. In other words, if on a particular day your phone did not receive incoming calls and there was no outgoing connection, then there will be no write-offs.

Benefits of using the service:

  • free incoming calls;
  • control over expenses in roaming;
  • ease of use of the operator, which allows you to constantly be in touch without changing the number.

If you connect "Planet Zero", then other services in the form of "My Planet", "Planet of the Internet", "Multipass" will be automatically disabled. The service is convenient in that it does not need to be activated or deactivated manually. It only works when you leave the country. "Planet Zero" will deactivate on its own after you return home.

The economical roaming system offers a division into popular countries and others. In this case, the conditions for using the service will be different.

Cost of use

Planet Zero offers the following communication conditions on the territory of the CIS countries, European countries and popular resorts:

  • fee per day for incoming or outgoing calls - 60 rubles;
  • free 8 minutes (2-10, 11-19) conversation;
  • starting from 21 minutes, the cost of communication is 20 rubles per minute;
  • the cost of an outgoing call is 21 rubles per minute;
  • the cost of sms is 8 rubles.

The advantage of the tariff lies in the fact that for only 60 rubles per day you will receive 16 free minutes, which would be much more expensive without using Planet Zero - the price of a minute in roaming is 69 rubles. The tariff allows you to significantly reduce costs for outgoing calls, including international and local calls. Popular countries: Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic, USA, France, China, Germany, Egypt.

To visit other countries, Beeline offers the following conditions:

  1. the cost per day of using Planet Zero is 100 rubles;
  2. incoming calls are free for 20 minutes;
  3. after 20 minutes the cost of a call is 15 rubles per minute;
  4. the price of an outgoing call is 45 rubles per minute;
  5. sms message - 9 rubles.

The cost of communication in less popular countries is higher, but its benefits are even more obvious compared to roaming conditions. Other countries: Singapore, Bolivia, Vietnam, Korea, Chile, UAE, Canada, Brazil, Iran, Israel.

In some countries, this service is not supported at all, but Beeline offers preferential communication conditions:

  • no subscription fee;
  • incoming call - 30 rubles per minute;
  • outgoing call - 60 rubles per minute;
  • sms - 9 rubles.

Countries where the service is not available: Jamaica, Tunisia, Lebanon. A complete list of countries that belong to a particular category is presented on the official website of the operator.

Activation and deactivation

To use the service, you need to send a short request: *110*331# . "Planet Zero" is activated very quickly, allowing you to connect it while already at the airport. Activation can take place in the subscriber's personal account when using the official website.

Disabling the service is not mandatory, as it is deactivated automatically upon the subscriber's arrival at home. For independent shutdown, you must send a request: *110*330# . Another way to refuse the Planet Zero service is to call 0674030.

All mobile subscribers know that roaming calls are very expensive. For a long time, it was possible to minimize communication costs while abroad by not accepting incoming calls and not making outgoing calls. For most clients, it was enough just to exchange messages while abroad. Such communication, of course, greatly reduces the cost of communication, but is not always a convenient method.

Time does not stand still, and mobile operators are also developing, keeping up with modern trends. Thanks to this, they offer their customers a variety of options and services, which help to save money abroad. Thus, roaming becomes quite profitable, and subscribers can not infringe on their need for communication.

The Beeline company offers its subscribers to use the Planet Zero service. It is intended for people who often travel abroad and roaming for them is an important point in mobile communications.

The description of the "Planet Zero" option is very transparent. This tariff was created to optimize communication costs. Thanks to it, you can reduce the cost of incoming and outgoing calls. It is really profitable to use the tariff because there is no subscription fee as such. Customers will only need to pay the activation fee, which is debited on the day of use. Accordingly, if the client, using roaming, does not make calls or send messages, then funds will not be debited.

You can connect the tariff for only 25 rubles. Later, upon arrival in the home region, the tariff can be turned off, but this action is not mandatory.

Cost of services using the option

The tariff scale on the service is divided into two categories:

  1. Payment for communication in popular countries;
  2. Payment for communication in other countries.

Customers who use roaming in popular countries will pay the following amounts for communication:

  1. The service is paid on the day of use in the amount of 60 rubles.
  2. The cost of calls is charged per minute and is the cost for incoming calls for 20 minutes per day - 0 rubles.
  3. All incoming calls received after 20 minutes per day - 10 rubles / min.
  4. If the client makes calls himself, then the payment will be 20 rubles per minute.
  5. The cost of text messaging is 7 rubles/sms.

A complete list of popular countries can be detailed on the Beeline website. The tariff is really profitable, since for 60 rubles the client gets as much as 20 minutes to receive calls for free. A standard incoming call abroad is 69 rubles per minute. In addition, the rest of the cost of using communication is also significantly less than when using a standard package of services.

Customers who use roaming in other countries will pay the following amounts for communication:

  1. Payment for the tariff on the day of use - 100 rubles.
  2. 20 free minutes per day for received calls from other subscribers.
  3. Starting from 21 minutes per day, the cost of receiving a call is 15 rubles per minute.
  4. To make calls, the subscriber will need to pay - 45 rubles per minute.
  5. Messaging will be - 9 rubles / sms.

In this direction, the cost of services is slightly higher, but this price is quite favorable. The list of countries can be viewed on the Beeline website or check with the Beeline operator.

It should be noted that the “full zero” service does not work everywhere. Then roaming at preferential rates will operate:

  1. There is no subscription fee.
  2. The client will pay for incoming calls - 30 rubles per minute.
  3. For calls made, you need to pay - 60 rubles per minute.
  4. Text messages - 9 rubles / sms.


You can connect "Planet Zero" using the following methods:

  1. An easy way to activate is to connect through your personal account on the Beeline website. The process is simple and intuitive, even an inexperienced PC user can handle it. You only need to register, which takes only a couple of minutes.
  2. If there is no Internet, then you can connect the option by sending a service request. To do this, dial * 110 * 331 # on your phone. After entering, you need to make a call and wait until the service is activated.
  3. You can also activate the service with the help of Beeline specialists. It is required to dial a telecom operator by phone 0611 or go to any beeline salon.

The service can be activated by those customers who use prepaid tariffs.


You can also disable "Planet Zero" in several ways:

  1. The easiest way is to use a personal account. Through it, the service is disabled in a matter of minutes. The deactivation process is similar to activation.
  2. You can also send a request from your phone to have the service deactivated. To do this, enter * 110 * 330 # . The service will be deactivated in a few minutes.
  3. Customers can also disable the Planet Zero service by dialing 0674030 .

If you connect the option again, you will need to pay 25 rubles.

Therefore, it is worth considering whether you need to disable the option or not.

Earlier, there was already an article about such a profitable service for travelers as Beeline "My Planet", but today we will talk about another, but no less advantageous offer, which is called "Planet Zero". It is also suitable for everyone who loves to discover new paths and the most beautiful, although not the most popular places on our planet. This is a great option to save on mobile calls. At the same time, it should be noted that for popular tourist routes this service will no longer be so profitable, but when going to distant, unexplored countries, connecting this service will be the best solution.

Planet Zero is a service from Beeline, which makes it possible to greatly reduce the cost of outgoing and incoming calls. At the same time, there is no standard subscription fee as such. However, you must pay a fee to use this option and such fee will be debited from your account on the day you use the offer. This means that if you have never made any calls or written or received any SMS messages during the day, then there will be no write-offs either. Naturally, the Planet Zero Beeline service will be available only after it is connected to the phone, and it will cost 25 rubles. And returning home, the option can be turned off.

Connecting and disconnecting the service "Planet Zero" Beeline

In order to have access to the possibilities of this attractive option, you need to dial the number *110*331# . In addition, the connection can be made on the Beeline website. In particular, this can be done in your personal account or through the support service, where you can call from the Beeline number, while still in your country, to the number 0611 . When roaming, you need to dial a free number to connect +74959748888 .

You can stop using offers by dialing the number *110*330# or by calling 0674030. Thus, to disconnect or connect Planet Zero from Beeline, you will need a minimum of time and effort.

It is worth emphasizing that at the moment there is no way to connect the service, as it is outdated.

Tariffs for the service "Planet Zero" Beeline

Planet Zero Beeline offers tariffication of calls and SMS in two directions (zones), namely:

  • by popular countries;
  • and other areas.

At the same time, it is important to say that this offer will be most beneficial for those who are in roaming and receive calls from friends and relatives more often than make them. So, the option planet zero Beeline offers the following billing:

  • in fact, the cost of the option is 60 rubles;
  • 0 to 20 minutes of incoming calls are free;
  • from 21 minutes the cost of a call is 10 rubles per minute"
  • outgoing call costs 20 rubles per minute
  • the price of SMS is 7 rubles.

The beauty of this offer is that for only 60 rubles you can get as many as 20 minutes for completely free calls. In the event that you were a subscriber who communicated at standard rates in roaming, then he would pay as much as 69 rubles for only one minute of conversation on an incoming call. Outgoing calls are also markedly reduced in price to any destination. This will help you save a lot of money in your account.

So, popular destinations include such countries as Ukraine, Greece, Egypt, Great Britain, Armenia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Benefit, Turkey, the United States, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Spain, China, Italy, etc. The entire list of these countries can be read on the Beeline website. This information can also be obtained from the operator.

It is also important that if the subscriber is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the Planet Zero Beeline service does not charge any money, and there are also no restrictions. It turns on automatically when traveling abroad, and turns off upon arrival. Thus, it will be activated and deactivated until you turn it off yourself.

In other directions, the tariffing of the Planet Zero Beeline service is as follows:

  • write-off per day of using the service is 100 rubles;
  • from 0 to 20 minutes incoming calls are free;
  • from 21 minutes, an incoming call is estimated at 15 rubles per minute;
  • the cost of all outgoing calls is 45 rubles per minute"
  • SMS are valued at 9 rubles per message.

These countries include Taiwan, Israel, Canal, Singapore, Afghanistan, New Zealand, Korea, Brazil, UAE, South Africa, Iran, Chile and other states. The entire list of countries is on the official website or you can find it out by calling the Beeline help desk and contacting the operator.

Thus, it turns out that in these directions the tariffing is already less profitable. But, nevertheless, such rates still help to save a lot on telephone calls while abroad, when compared with standard roaming prices. All calls made in roaming are charged per minute, starting from the first second of the call.

If you still have any questions about this option from Beeline, you can contact the customer service office or call the number 0611 . In addition, it is worth emphasizing that this option is not available for some tariffs and for USB modems. The entire list that does not support the service can be seen on the company's website.

At the moment, this option is already outdated and you can connect another service called "The most profitable roaming" instead.

We continue the cycle of descriptions of the services of the mobile operator Beeline, specializing in roaming. The queue came up to such an option as "Planet Zero" Beeline. If "My Planet" was developed for subscribers traveling on popular routes, then this service is suitable even for trips to remote corners of the world. But about this in order.

Description of roaming service

Planet Zero is an option from the category of services without a monthly fee, which will open a world without borders for you. For its connection, you need to pay only 25.00 rubles. When using the service, only the time spent on the call is paid.

As long as the user who activated the service is in the territory of the Russian Federation, the cost of all calls and messages occurs on the terms applicable in his tariff plan. Special conditions for roaming are connected automatically after crossing the borders of Russia.

The functionality of the service is designed in such a way that it is suitable for subscribers who mainly receive calls, and do not make them themselves, since it is incoming calls in roaming that are made free of charge.

Pay attention to call restrictions

In some countries, Beeline services have restrictions, up to shutdown. Therefore, the operator strongly recommends that you familiarize yourself with the availability of communication in certain parts of the world on its website before traveling.

Now we will list several countries in which Planet Zero is an unavailable service.

Africa and the Middle Eastisland territoriesCentral and South AmericaEurope and neighboring territoriesAsia
Lebanon, Tunisia, Bahrain, Syria, Iran, Algeria, Iraq, Angola, Tanzania, Niger, Kuwait, Cape Verde, Madagascar, Oman, PalestineAruba, Anguilla, Antilles, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Grenada, Dominica, Seychelles, Cayman Islands, Maldives, Mauritius, Montserrat, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, Guam, New Zealand, Faroe Islands, BermudaVenezuela, Panama, CubaAbkhazia, Andorra, Kosovo,Nepal

Attention! Planet Zero is a service for smartphone owners only; it does not work on other devices.

The cost of options when activating the service "Planet Zero"

To make it clear how beneficial this service is for Beeline subscribers, let's take a closer look at what it can offer them.

Payment for calls and messages in the tariff

The tariff for these options depends on the subscriber's country of residence. For popular destinations (such as the countries of the former union, as well as tourist Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Italy or the USA, Canada and China), the Beeline operator has provided the most favorable conditions for the service, mainly for incoming calls:

  • Write-off for an incoming call - 60 rubles.
  • From the 1st to the 20th minute - free incoming calls in roaming.
  • Starting from the next minute, the call is charged at 10 rubles per minute.
  • If you call yourself, then a minute call will delay 20 rubles.
  • Sending a message - 7 rubles.

In less attractive countries for travel, different conditions apply:

  • For the first incoming call per day in roaming, 100 rubles will be charged.
  • Live conversation for the first 20 minutes is free.
  • For the next minutes of the call, the cost is 15 rubles per minute.
  • Outgoing calls from the phone are estimated at 45 rubles per minute.
  • Sent SMS - 9 rubles.

To determine which category the country you visit belongs to, you should refer to the official website of the company for detailed explanations.

Internet access with Planet Zero

Since the terms of the option are designed to a greater extent for incoming calls to numbers that are in roaming, Internet access here does not have favorable rates.

On the contrary, in order to use with a package of 40 MB you need to pay 200 rubles per day and each next MB, starting from the 41st, will cost 5 rubles. If you are an active Internet user, then this amount of traffic may well be enough to read email and visit social networks.

For other operations, such as listening to audio tracks or watching videos, you will need the help of additional services, respectively, for an additional fee.

How to connect "Planet Zero" on your phone?

Connecting and disconnecting the service is such an easy and short process that even a child can handle it.

All you have to do is use one of the following options:

  • A call to the operator's contact center specialist at 0611.

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