
Vink plugin. Setting up and working in Webmaster Sape. How to use the Webmaster Sape plugin (Vinka plugin) Vinka chrome plugin

I think many webmasters and SEOs are familiar with the theory that links from a site with irrelevant anchors negatively affect the attitude of search engines to a web resource. The meaning of the idea is very simple: if there is a link on the page, the text of which does not correspond to the content to which this link leads, then most likely this link is spam or venal in nature. That is, it is trying to influence search results, which is a violation of the search engine's license. Perhaps such links are one of the main reasons for the AGS filter imposition. Personally, I have no reason to doubt this theory.
All of the above applies only to sites engaged in the automatic sale of links, since by placing an "eternal" link, the webmaster will still look where it will lead. More precisely, I hope that he does it)))
Let's say our site sells links from its pages in Sape. Every day we go to this exchange and approve those applications that came for our sites. Suddenly, among the new proposals, we notice a link with a harmless anchor "dating site", and when we click on it, we find ourselves on a site with topics for adults or on a resource that is contrary to the law. Is it worth referring to such acceptors? Of course not. There is a huge amount of resources on the web with a "bad reputation" and by referring to them, we are digging a hole for our own website.
By the way, there is also a theory that link aggregators (for example, Seopult), to compile their white base, carry out the following manipulations. Initially, links with irrelevant anchors are purchased, and if the webmaster confirms such an application, his site is eliminated. Irrelevant links are removed and the resource no longer shines to take its rightful place in the white base (why does Seopult need donors who do not follow where they link to?).
The above operation to manually filter out unreliable acceptors with irrelevant anchors is simple when a small number of applications come in, but what to do if there are hundreds of applications from optimizers? Here we will be helped by an indispensable tool for optimizers - the Vink plugin. Even though this plugin is sharpened mainly for SEOs, it will also be useful for webmasters. To identify irrelevant anchors among the mass of applications, we will use the tool RL - Check the relevance of the acceptor page to the referring anchor... When checking, the Vinka plug-in checks the Yandex results for the phrases used in the anchor. If the search results do not have an acceptor page for such a request, the plugin marks such requests with an icon RL... If the check was successful - RL .

You should not immediately weed out all marked applications, it is better to check them manually. It often happens that an anchor contains synonyms or diluted keywords, and this is not a reason to refuse to place such a link. It's another matter if the anchor does not correspond at all to the site to which the link leads. Or the site looks too suspicious. An example is shown in the screenshot.

If we are not enemies of our own resource, it is better to reject such offers.

Content filter

Now let's leave the anchors and talk a little about the quality of the acceptors we are referring to. For these purposes, the Vink plugin provides a content filter that allows you to calculate the presence of stop words in the content of the acceptor page. Three sets of stop words are already built into the plugin: Adult, Pharma, Gambling. If you wish, you can add them, but the existing stop words will be enough. Launching a content filter check TF, after which we check the "suspicious" pages manually. It often happens that a plug-in generates a false alarm when a part of a word includes a stop word, in such cases it makes no sense to refuse the application. It is another matter if the content of the site to which it is proposed to link is replete with the names of medical counterfeit drugs produced in India for American weak men.

At the end of the post, I would like to express my respect to Wink himself. I have been working with the plugin for several years now both as a webmaster and as an optimizer, the tool is actually incredibly functional and necessary for everyone who works with Sape. At the next stage of plugin development, I would like to see tools that allow detecting malicious code, pop-ups and other dregs on the donor / acceptor page, as well as checking domains for the presence of Kaspersky and other antivirus programs in the databases.

On this for today we will finish, I wish Vinka the speedy conquest of new heights, and the users of his plugin - TOP, the love of Seopult and immunity from the AGS.

We continue to work on the Sape exchange. What parameters do you think a healthy link (donor) should have in order to get the maximum effect from it? You can get 1000 answers to this question and only one of them will be correct. We will analyze this issue in more detail in the article, and now we will talk about an important topic, namely, we will touch upon the plugin of the author Wink'a (Vinka). In the last article I published, where I described the entire process of creating a company and buying links. Now we will install the Vink plugin and learn how to buy only high-quality links.

D This extension is intended only for the Firefox browser, if you do not use this browser, I recommend installing it because Firefox is great for working on your site, and it is also your favorite browser (sappers, the emphasis is on A).

Installing the Wink Plugin for Firefox

First, download the plugin, link(I advise you to immediately download in Mazil)

Pay attention immediately to the browser version (I underlined where the version is displayed)

After loading the extension, the browser restarts, it is necessary for the plugin panel to be displayed.

Download complete, extension added. If you look at its rich functionality, a lot of questions may appear.
As you already understood the plugin is designed to select high-quality links for Sape, let's analyze its main functions and capabilities

Wink plugin features

  • YP / GC - Checking indexed pages in Yandex and Google
  • YL / GL - Checking indexed pages in Yandex and Google
  • H / GS - Check if a site is in the Yandex and Google indexes
  • YC - Checking the page cache in Yandex
  • Titz indicators and website PR
  • Checking for gluing the TIC and PageRank of pages with posted links
  • Checking the second nesting level
  • Checking outbound links from a domain
  • The ability to display the current PageRank of purchased pages and TIC sites without waiting for recalculation
  • Analysis of Google search traffic based on SEMRush data
  • Content filter, Content uniqueness check
  • Controlling the URLs of purchased pages and new orders.
  • Find hidden links (useful feature)
  • Displaying the subject and region assigned by Yandex to the site (if this data is given to the Yandex toolbar)

Yes, the list is long, there is something to pay attention to, but do not forget that your success in promotion depends on the quality of the donor.

Vinka plugin for Sape - I'm sure you've heard this name already and maybe even used this useful tool. But how effective is it? Let's figure out how to properly configure and use this plugin. For convenience, I also recorded a video with comments.

Wink plugin settings - Webmaster Sape

The most important part is getting it right. Pay attention to the interface:

Now let's take a closer look at what we will adjust in it.

Filters - LF

Checks the URL for stop words that we specify ourselves. There are standard ones - they can be used, but they can be done many times better and better. You can enter a regular expression (as I have done) or simply enter the words that need to be excluded from the URL.

Here is a list of the standard solution: = (32) | viewtopic | showtopic | showthread | profile | showus er | search | user | comment | porn | \ / tag / | \ / tags / | tag = | tagId = | = tag

You can buy the LF filter from me.

Filter - YL and YP

They show us whether the page is in the Yandex index and whether it contains our link. We enable the checkbox "Mark only if not in the index for more than" - put 3 days. Because Yandex sometimes dulls and spits out the page, but soon it returns.

See screenshot:

Shows us the number of outbound links on the page. We put "Mark if there are more links" - than indicated. This gives more flexibility to the filter. Because we put in the filter of Sapa itself how many links we are willing to endure next to ours.

The volume of the text is at least 1000 characters. This is still a rather gentle option. For starters, I would put 1500-2000 to make the page look like a full-fledged article.

The number of links on the page is no more than 150, it is better to set no more than 100, but there are exceptions. Therefore, look at the situation. 150 internal links can be on stores, large portals with huge menus, or poorly optimized sites.

Allows you to filter a page by the presence of stop words in the source code. Those. if there are forbidden words in the text of the page, it is marked. This includes all unwanted words, obscenities, forums, message boards and other rubbish.

Similar to the LF filter - we write a regular expression or just words into a column.

Standard version: prostitute | whores | individual | viagra | porn | porn

You can also buy my TF filter stop words from me, which include over 250 pieces.

Filters T, D and Cn

They help us see traffic (if it is open), alexa rank, the number of pages in the Yandex and Google indexes, as well as the ratio of incoming and outgoing links to the domain as a whole. Filter D is especially important, which helps to immediately throw out the link cleaner with 30 incoming and 10,000 outgoing links, for example.

We do everything as in the screenshot:

Filters by metrics

I use them much less often, because I look at the remaining donors manually for small projects, and then mine come to the rescue. But here's a screenshot of my setup:

I don’t use Xtool and other things from the “Services” tab. Unless Antigate is connected, but I think there are no problems 🙂

How to work with the Vink plugin

I created a test project for you. With 1 url and 1 text: “An article about the Wink plugin is already on my blog - a site. We read and comment. " You can't do this, but will work as an example.

Added 98 links for confirmation. And now I will use our tool in the sequence shown in the screenshot (the sequence can be any, just according to the one indicated by me - it is significantly faster). We will enable the filter - then immediately deselect the selected links and so on until we go through each filtering.

After a massive cleaning in all respects (8 pieces) of 98 pages, only 10 remained. But I already know that these pages suit me. These are not dumpsters, but good resources. I can quickly go over them with my hands and confirm the links.

Useful files

Buy my LF and TF filters - write to me by mail or skype.

Wow and a huge instruction turned out 🙂

P.S. As promised - video instruction, I continue to master video podcasts.

Various tools for a webmaster can increase labor productivity and, with an equal investment of time and effort, get more return.

Everyone can use the tools they are used to, but to get the best results, you need to constantly learn.

In previous articles we have considered and now we will consider plugins for the browser.

RDS bar (also known as Recipdonor) is very popular with SEO specialists because contains a whole set of tools. In this review, we will touch on its most important features.

  • The plugin is available for Firefox, Google chrome, Opera browsers, as well as the RDSAPI desktop application.
  • You can install from the official website http://www.recipdonor.com/bar

Rds bar allows you to find out in a couple of clicks many characteristics of a site and give it a preliminary assessment of its quality and view external links. This is especially useful if you are looking for donors or analyzing competitors' sites.

To get acquainted with all the functions of RDS, you need to register and receive a small amount to a bonus account from which you can spend funds on paid services.

be careful- if the plugin is enabled, then it automatically starts a scan of each visited site, so that this does not happen and funds are not debited from the account in vain, enable the option “ check by button».

Using the plugin, you can find out about Yandex updates, how the site looks at different screen resolutions, etc. The main characteristics of the site are available in the quick menu.

Information about the site is conveniently viewed through the menu “ site analysis“.

What services are paid can be viewed in the plugin settings and mark for yourself those that you will use for work. You can find out the cost of services from the tooltip when you hover over it.

In the status bar, you can get information about the server and the site's content management system.

The plugin effectively complements the interface and functionality of the Sape exchange. On the download page, you can read the documentation and download this plugin.

For SEOs, the plugin is useful in that it allows you to check the indexing of donor sites, filter them out by custom filters, view the real TIC and Pr indicators, check the purchased links for gluing, and much more. The main advantage of the plugin- significant time savings when working with the Sape exchange.

For a detailed analysis of the work of this plug-in, you can refer to here, there is also an article on the advanced selection of donors in sapa using the same plug-in.

Seobar from Megaindex allows you to quickly analyze the site by the main parameters and is available for Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome browsers on the download page: http://bar.megaindex.ru.

By Megaindex itself, this plugin is positioned as a fast analytics system.


Xtool_checker SEO plugin available for FF on download page

Main features of the plugin Is a selection of trust sites for buying links on exchanges.

The plugin has many settings for all kinds of link exchanges:

These are Sape, Gogetlinks, Rotapost, Blogun, Seopult, Webeffector, Megaindex and others.

The main task of the plugin- weed out low-quality sites that will not be useful when buying links, and can even harm.

Alexa toolbar - shows the AlexaRank of the visited site, is more relevant for express analysis of English-language sites, available for Firefox and Google Chrome browsers on the download page.

Clicking on the globe icon shows the AlexaRank metric for the site and the number of referring sites.

The plugin from SeoQuake allows you to view many parameters of sites, of which Semrush links should be distinguished - the number of backlinks according to the statistics of the Semrush service, express diagnostics of the SEOquake Diagnosis site and analysis of keywords on the page.

Installation of SEOquake for Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari is carried out from the official website on the download page http://www.seoquake.com/ru_index.php

The SEOquake toolbar panel looks like this: parameters of Alexa Rank, history from the web archive, Whois of the site, the number of links (both external and internal), etc. are available.

A simple plugin that allows you to transfer the current site to the Pr-Cy service for analysis with one click. You can download the plugin from this page.

As a result of a click, a website page is sent to the pr-cy service for its analysis:

Roboform is a universal program from Siber Systems that allows not only storing passwords, but also filling out numerous forms on sites, has several editions (both paid and free) and can install its plugins in browsers.

The Desktop Enterprise version has the ability to maintain multiple passcards.

It is enough to fill in the necessary data once and then registration and filling out various forms on the sites is significantly accelerated.

An example of filling out a site form in almost a couple of mouse clicks:

Autofill Forms

Autofill is a free alternative to the roboform, it has similar functionality with its own features. The plugin is available for firefox on the download page.

After installation, it is enough to fill in all the necessary fields once and fully use the plugin for manually running the site, commenting on blogs, registering on forums, etc.

The plugin supports multiple profiles, which is very convenient:

The main function of this plugin is to quickly determine PR and Tit indicators. The rest of the functions are mostly links to various useful services for SEOs.

  • You can download the plugin for firefox from here

It makes no sense to use all plugins - it is inconvenient and cumbersome, but it is worth installing these add-ons, getting acquainted with their work, learning their capabilities in order to approach their choice consciously and carefully. Many SEO specialists use 2-3 plugins in their work, with which they are quite familiar. This allows them to achieve a significant reduction in belt costs for the simplest actions, which we wish you too.

Imagine that you, as an SEO, want to buy 300-500 links to promote your site. Your task is to choose good sites to buy. You've probably heard that there are gno-sites that need to be weeded out so as not to harm the reputation of your site and not get banned by search engines. It will take a lot of time to manually check so many sites. But with the help of the plugin, you will save time and will be able to check the desired sites more thoroughly.

The official site characterizes the plugin as follows. The Webmaster SAPE plugin is an additional Firefox toolbar and contains a set of functions that enhance the capabilities of webmasters and optimizers when working in the SAPE exchange interface.

Since the plugin works with the Mozilla Firefox browser. This means that if you do not have this browser installed, you will need to install it. The latest version of Mozilla Firefox can be downloaded from this address: http://www.mozilla.org/en/firefox/new/ (copy the address and paste it into the browser address bar).

Now let's start installing the Webmaster SAPE plugin. It is not difficult to install it. Copy this address into the address bar of your browser: https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/webmaster-sape/versions/. In the window that opens in front of you, click on the "+ Add to Firefox" button. The plugin will be installed.

How to work with plugin Webmaster SAPE

The plugin is very easy to work with. In order to open the Plugin Toolbar, click on the icon located in the lower right corner of the window

You will see a row of buttons like this. Each button, when clicked on it, will perform a specific task for which it is responsible. If you hover over a button, a command prompt will pop up. Therefore, I will briefly describe your options when working with the plugin.

Optimizer interface:

  • link checking (indexing in Google and Yandex; availability in Yandex cache; total number of internal and external; presence of a posted link on the purchased page)
  • checking purchased pages (presence in Yandex cache; displaying PageRank; presence of internal and external links;
  • checking donor pages (second nesting level)
  • check sites (TIC; for the presence of stop words; for the presence in the database of malicious and phishing sites Google and Yandex)
  • export flagged hosted links and pages to text files
  • export of local and global blacklists.

Webmaster interface:

  • check of links (correspondence of the anchors of the posted links to the text of the optimizer pages)
  • page check (checking the PageRank value; indexing of pages in Yandex; for the presence of stop words; displaying the TIC value)
  • site check (page URLs before site moderation; presence of malicious and phishing sites from Google and Yandex in the database)
  • export of optimizer links to a text file
  • export of local and global blacklists
  • filtering out spam requests using a set of appropriate filters
  • control of WAIT orders from optimizers that do not confirm the placement within the established day.

Application filters:

  • quick selection and marking of applications (with two, three identical words in a row; in which there are two pairs of identical words; longer than 50, 70 characters; no Russian letters; only from capital letters; starting not with a letter or number).

Additional buttons allow you to uncheck all tickets, open SAPE or forum, and quickly toggle the visibility of the panel.

Plugin operation is intuitive. For example, by clicking on the YP button (checking the indexing of a page in Yandex), you will see how green (yes) or red (no) icons will appear in front of the sites being checked. In the lower right corner of the window, you can see pop-up windows of the completed task report.

After you, using the plugin, weed out the bulk of inappropriate sites, you can additionally use the "SEOGadget" service and check the remaining sites for different indicators. The service is located at: http: //www.seogadget.ru/.

Still, there is no need to completely automate this process. Take the time to go to the site and look at the page to see what it is. Sometimes even a cursory glance is enough in order to correctly evaluate the presented site. It's not so dreary and time-consuming, everything takes a few minutes. The main thing is to carefully select, because links are bought for a long time.

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