
Do-it-yourself phone mount in a car. A stand for a smartphone on a car torpedo with your own hands or how to make a car holder for a phone in a car. From the paper clip

Big and ardent greetings to everyone! It has been a long time since I wrote to the “DIY” section. Regular readers have probably forgotten that such a thing exists. But come on, today I will improve. And I will share with you very cool ideas on how to make a do-it-yourself phone stand.

Recent times I read a lot, study information, watch videos. But holding the phone in your hands is not very comfortable. And it so happens that, for example, I cook food, cut food, and the phone has to be propped up with whatever comes to hand. And suddenly I got an idea why not buy a stand in the store, which will make my life much easier. Having rummaged on the Internet, finding the answer to the question of what and for what it is worth, I came across a photo that showed the very thing, but done in seconds and with my own hands. Then a thought flashed in my head, to put together several inspiring ideas. And in the end I was born, I hope interesting post... So, let's begin!

I propose to start with the most eaten version of a paper phone stand. You can build it at any time and in any place, the main thing is to have a sheet of paper of approximately A4 size on hand. It seems to me that this idea will appeal to students and schoolchildren. The main principle here is to take a sheet of paper, preferably thick, fold it lengthwise to make at least 3 layers, but of course it all depends on the width. Then again you need to fold the paper, making folds across so that 3 wide edges of the same width and one small one are formed. Look at the photo, it clearly shows what should happen in the end. And the last step is to make two small folds.

I can't even imagine who can keep such a rarity as a tape cassette box for a tape recorder. But it turns out that such an object, seemingly completely useless, can be used. In a couple of seconds, by turning it over in a certain way (see photo), you get a very cool smartphone stand. Moreover, if you paint it with paint from a bottle, then few people will guess what it is made of.

If you have several builders lying around at home, then it is quite possible to build a structure in order to hold your phone in a horizontal position. And this is done in a matter of minutes. And it is also easy to disassemble it, putting it back in place was done.

A plastic card as a phone stand? The idea is bold, but quite real. You just need a couple of cards and some sturdy scissors. Crop the details as shown in the photo and enjoy watching videos, photos and reading e-books.

The next way to make your life easier is to stock up on six pencils and four rubber bands. Basically, you need to make a three-dimensional shape, as shown in the figure. Start with a simple triangle, then add one edge at a time, holding it all together with rubber bands. Get the original delivery for the phone.

Having a couple of wooden cuts in the house, it is really possible to make an interesting and original, and most importantly, durable device for smartphones. You can glue the parts with hot or universal polymer glue. Indeed, this design will serve you for a very long time.

And here are some other life hacks for your phone to keep them going while charging. Such devices are needed mainly when there is simply no place to put the gadget, if there is no table or cabinet next to it. Such holders are made from a plastic bottle, as in the first case, or from thick cardboard, as in the second.

How many ideas have I seen with a toilet paper sleeve, but this one! You will need the sleeve itself and 4 paper buttons (to be honest, I don't know what they are called correctly). Attach them as legs, cut a hole at the top to fit your phone so you can slide your phone in, and enjoy the result. Of course, it is better to decorate such a stand with something or just paint.

As you already understood, making a paper phone stand is the easiest option. So, you need a piece of very thick and cardboard. If there is none, then make it from several layers, gluing to each other. Cut holes in the parts as shown. Moreover, such a holder is suitable not only for smartphones, but also for tablets.

Well, the very last of the ways I proposed to make a do-it-yourself phone stand is to use a clerical clip. I'm sure everyone can find it, and if not, then it's not very expensive in stores. Take a couple of such devices, bend one rounded piece of a paper clip inward. It will act as a barrier for the phone to prevent it from rolling. Place one binder in another. Place your smartphone so that it rests on one ear, and the other is bent on the side of the screen. Here's a simple holder!

That's all for today, I hope you liked the ideas and were inspired to make one of the presented gizmos! Until next time!

In my travels, I use my smartphone as a navigator. I have had a few factory-made car phone holders, and there was always something wrong with them. Over time, they become loose, or it becomes problematic to install a phone in them.

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The last phone holder I bought in a car was a sticky silicone mat with slots in which you could place your smartphone on its side. But my friend could not fit her smartphone into it in a leather case-book, she had to remove the case. I decided to implement an old idea. Life hackers must act, let the rest whine!

You will need:

  • a piece of wood, about 300x100x8 mm (I had a piece of black fiberboard)
  • mini loop
  • spring
  • a few screws, glue
  • engraver with attachments or manual router
  • mounting platform (I used the proverbial silicone mat)

Memo: This holder attaches to the rough surface of the dashboard, and if you want to place your phone on the windshield, this is definitely not your option.

I will show simplest option assembling the phone stand into the car. In the end, I used a sealant after I assembled the holder, but this is because I remembered about it too late.


Step 1: cut out the details

From a piece of fiberboard, I cut three parts of the following sizes:

  • Top cover 150x90x8 mm
  • Bottom cover 130x90x8mm
  • Roller 9x90x8 mm

The roller must be glued to the top cover at a distance of 5 mm from the edge, this indent will allow you to use the holder with one hand. When the glue is dry, secure the roller with two additional small countersunk screws. This part will protect the top edge of your smartphone.

Step 2: making the slots

Using a linear milling compass or a milling bit (or a hand router), make a slot in the bottom cover that is slightly wider than the smartphone in the case. The smartphone should not sit tightly in the slot, I will come back to this point later. The slot will protect the bottom edge of your smartphone.

If the piece of wood from which you make your smartphone holder in the car is too thin, you can glue two rollers on the bottom cover to make a slot for the smartphone.

Make a cutout for the spring on the top cover, on the side with the roller. The cutout should not be overlapped by the hinge and should be slightly longer than the spring. The picture shows that this neckline turned out to be very sloppy. My engraver seems to be living his own life, moving wherever he pleases.

When you're done with the slit and cut, sandpaper to a satisfactory finish and dust off.

Step 3: apply the sealant

Apply masking tape around the areas where you will be applying the sealant. After applying the sealant, soak your finger in soapy water and smooth the surface of the sealant with it. Pay special attention to the edges so that there are no pieces of sealant sticking out.

When you are finished applying the sealant, carefully peel off the tape so that the edges of the sealant are even and let the parts dry overnight.

Step 4: attach the metal parts and assemble the structure

Attach the loop very carefully. If it is tilted slightly, the covers will not be parallel to each other when opened. Depending on the material you use for the lids, the hinge and spring can be screwed directly onto the wood. I didn't have screws of the right size, so I used bolts and nuts. I made indentations for the nuts, so that they hardly stand out above the surface of the caps.

First we fix the mini loop on one of the covers, then we fix the spring on both covers. After that, we attach the loop to the second cover. This makes it much easier to secure the loop correctly.

Step 5: decorate the holder

I had an unnecessary piece of leather, with the help of shock letter stamps (first wetting the leather) I made an inscription. The options to highlight the uniqueness of your holder are actually endless.

My Skoda Yeti has a wonderful flat area on the dashboard. Our holder should be mounted on a practically flat surface. If the surface of your dashboard not flat, you will have to fix the holder to something else or level the surface somehow. I already mentioned that I had a sticky silicone mat. With scissors, I cut off all the protrusions that hold the smartphone in an upright position from it, until I just got a flat silicone mat. These can be purchased at eBey or most hardware stores. I attached it to the smartphone holder with a few staples.

In general, you can simply drill a hole in the dashboard and secure the holder with a screw.
Well, you've made a universal smartphone holder that fits almost all smartphone models on the market. It can be used for smartphones without a case, with a case or with a folded case. It is easy to use with one hand, and when the holder is not needed, it hardly rises above the dashboard.

If the evolution of smartphone displays goes the way of enlargement, you can make the holder "jaws", so this holder can also be used with tablets. Enjoy.

Modern people never part with a smartphone anywhere and never, even in a car, when all attention should be focused on the road. To enhance the safety of each of us and improve comfort, devices such as car holders have been invented.

They perform several functions at once: they provide reliable fastening of the smartphone in a certain place so that it does not slip on different surfaces in the car and does not get lost in the back seat, they make driving and smartphone control much easier and more convenient, especially if you use Hands Free. And if you want to use your smartphone as a navigator, then you simply cannot do without such a holder. If you are starting to think about purchasing a much-needed gadget, then before buying it, it would be good to have a clear idea of ​​what the most convenient holder should be for you.

There are smartphone holders designed for specific model... They are usually equipped with charging and a few other special functions, which make it easier to use the gadget while driving. But such devices are also more expensive than universal ones. Purchasing them is justified only if you are not going to change smartphones often, but to stay with the chosen model for at least a couple of years.

That is why, in most cases, it will be more practical to buy a universal holder, which can then be converted in a matter of seconds to use a completely different gadget. The phone can be attached to them in different ways:

  • using magnets, but this is not the most The best way fastenings, since the smartphone can fall every now and then, although this method of fastening the smartphone is now the most popular;
  • with a cone clamp. Such devices are more reliable, but you will need to immediately check how easy it is to get the phone;
  • with the help of polyurethane legs that slide apart according to the specific size of the smartphone. Such holders still have the same problem: sometimes the phone is fixed in them so tightly that you cannot easily get it.

Holders differ not only in the way the smartphone is attached to them, but also in the way they are attached to the car panel. This is their main difference and the selection criterion for most motorists.

Suction cup holders are one of the most popular: they are easy to install, they do not require damage to car interior parts. Most often they are attached to the windshield, but for this the surface must be perfectly smooth, clean and even, so if the glass has a significant slope, then you may have to attach the holder to its upper part, which is inconvenient. The disadvantages of such a mount include the fact that over time the holder begins to peel off, and if the suction cup is made of coarse rubber, then at low temperatures it loses its elasticity and. naturally falls off.

The glue-based holders can be attached to any surface, but after dismantling, a noticeable mark can remain. In addition, a smartphone that is too heavy can break the mount after a while. But for not very large compact gadgets, this is a good option.

The holder with the attachment will definitely never fall off, but they are most often attached to the ventilation deflectors. This is where the obvious disadvantages await: possible noise when driving on uneven roads, broken deflector blinds, a closed blowing nozzle, etc. Compared to all other bindings, this is the least convenient and practical. It is better if such a holder is attached to a mirror, but there are very few such models.

An alternative to all holders is an anti-slip mat. It does not provide the same convenience of using a smartphone as the holder, but it can be easily removed and replaced.

1. Holder on a suction cup.

Holds your phone to the front or windshield.

2. Universal clip with flexible cord.

Allows you to rotate the gadget 360 degrees.

3. Mounting on the steering wheel.

4. Width-adjustable bracket.

Installed on the fan grill.

5. Magnetic ball holder.

6. Universal magnetic holder.

7. Panel for mobile phone with USB cable.

Anti-slip flexible panel for a wide variety of surfaces.

In our progressive times, it is difficult to meet a person who does not have a mobile phone. Even by sending a child to first grade, parents provide him with the necessary means of communication. We use modern mobile devices not only for communication, but also for gaming applications, typing, reading, as well as watching videos and much more. Often, the owner, who wants to have a phone always at hand, wants to arrange it in a convenient way. Various expensive holders are offered in stores, but in our article you will find out what you can make

Stationery binders

Surely those who study or work in the office will have several stationery clips called binders on their desktop. Next, let's take a look at how to make a phone stand out of these gadgets. To create a sturdy holder, you can use 1, 2, 3 or even more binders. Some craftsmen assemble voluminous designs from many different sizes of clips. But such stands look bulky and are inconvenient for temporary use. It is enough to fasten two binders together and do not forget to bend one metal end of the holder towards the phone located on it. Even one piece with a folded eyelet will be sufficient to maintain mobile device.

From the same binders, you can build another structure by placing the clamps opposite each other so that the ears look to the sides. The phone is inserted into these ends, as in the grooves. To keep the clips stable, clamp a small cardboard on both sides.

Using pencils

If there are no binders at hand, the question may arise: how to make a phone stand out of pencils. Before building this structure, prepare 4 rubber bands and 6 pencils. In fact, you need to assemble a three-dimensional geometric figure - a tetrahedron. The principle is that you need to fasten two pencils with an elastic band, and push the third between the turns. It is advised to use pencils with an eraser at the end to prevent slipping on the table and a stronger grip on the phone.

Bottle models

In the household, we use a variety of cleaning and detergents. Most of them are contained in plastic containers. It can be used as a mobile device holder. And how to make a phone stand out of a bottle, we will consider further.

The type of fixture will depend on the shape of the container. This can be a container for shampoo, shower gel, cleaning agent and other. Take a bottle twice as long as your phone. Cut off the neck and part of the container from one side to about the middle. All sizes are relative - measure at your discretion. In the opposite area of ​​the bottle, cut a hole corresponding to the parameters charger... You should end up with a detail that resembles a purse or pocket with a handle. Place the phone in the cradle and connect the adapter to the mains through the hole. Your mobile communication device will not roll on the floor and there will be no risk of crushing it. You've learned another way - how to make a phone stand. If desired, this holder can be painted, pasted over with beautiful paper or fabric.

Paper clips

The simplest and most affordable stand option is a regular metal paper clip. It must be unbent in a straight line and folded as shown in the diagram. The resulting product is quite sturdy and stable. This design perfectly holds mobile phone without interfering with watching the video.

Cardboard and plastic cards

How to make a cardboard phone stand? You will need a piece of cardboard from which you will need to cut a 10 x 20 cm strip. Then you need to fold it in half along short cuts. Next, draw a shape as shown in the photo below. The fold line must remain intact. Expanding the detail reveals that you have a comfortable and stable phone stand.

If you have an unnecessary card lying around (any discount card), it will also make an excellent phone stand. Making such a device at home is very simple. Step 1 cm from the edge of the card and bend the piece along the short side. Fold the rest of the card in half in the opposite direction. You will have a zigzag shape. Place the phone on the formed protrusion. The stand is ready.

Unusual coasters from simple things

Savvy people began to use ordinary glasses as a phone holder. They only need to be turned over with the bows upwards, which, in turn, must be crossed. The mobile device is positioned between the bezel and the temples that support the phone.

How to make a phone stand from a construction set? In this case, it all depends on your creativity and imagination. To create such a model, you need to use a platform and several bricks of different shapes. A stand made of parts can hold the phone both vertically and horizontally. The tilt of the screen can be adjusted by adding or removing additional bricks.

Another interesting detail that will help keep the phone upright is the old cassette holder. It is necessary to open it and flip the lid back, thereby turning the box out. In the hole that once served as a pocket for an audio cassette, you can put your communication device. The convenience of the stand is that it is quite durable and transparent, and does not interfere with the use of the phone. Plus, it can be easily washed.

As you can see, from the simplest items that can be found in every home, you can make such useful thing like a phone stand.

With a phone holder, you won't waste a lot of time searching for your mobile device. He will also be reliably protected. It is less likely that someone will drop it, step on it or spill tea, and most importantly, while driving, you will not be distracted. For aesthetic reasons, it can be an excellent decor for a car interior.

The simplest holder is the handlebar design with silicone loops. The adjustable panel bracket into which the gadget is inserted is compact and easy to install. Another very simple holder is a ball on a magnet.

Designer stands are made of different materials, have different shapes - it all depends on the creative of the master. For example, there is a lawn on a plastic stand and a phone holder at the bottom.

The gadget holder can be designed as an elegant wooden stand. For example, in the form of a tree with a hollow or improvised stumps. A neat wooden stand with chaotically spaced slots, where a mobile phone is inserted, will look original.

The wooden stand can be very laconic and resemble a photo frame where a smartphone is inserted. The wooden organizer on the panel can have not only a cell for a gadget, but also for pens and watches. The wooden stand in the form of a figure supporting the phone looks original, only it needs to be fixed well.

Sometimes holders for phones in the absence of a gadget are a nice souvenir. For example, a gadget stand in the form rotary telephone looks original, showing the connection of times. Or to look unexpectedly creative when the holder is an alarm clock into which a mobile phone is inserted.

The holder looks conceptually in the form of a marble figure with a gadget in its hands. Even in winter, a shell stand will evoke memories of the sea. The stand can look like your favorite food, such as sushi, hamburger, or caviar sandwich. In such souvenirs, the wildest fantasy can turn into reality.

The highlight of the minimalist holder will be the original mount. For example, according to the principle of a table lamp attached to a table with a clothespin. Even an ordinary office binder will look original in the form of a phone holder.

It is worth looking at things with different eyes and arranging a cozy soft pillow or armchair for your phone. If a woman is driving, it can be a fluffy basket, an original fabric pocket, a soft envelope on a cute hinged loop. Knitted animals in the form of a stand will always help to keep good mood... Stylish bright accessories will not only serve you by performing certain functions, but also help you think positively.

Holders can have a flexible cord for fastening, a suction cup, an adjustable bracket.

When choosing a phone stand, everyone is guided by their own taste preferences. In terms of functionality, the holder must have a good fit to keep the phone safe.

How to do it yourself

From the paper clip

The device that supports the phone can be made by hand. Such a stand will definitely be exclusive.

Homemade holders can be of three types:

  • spoiling the salon;
  • not distinguished by strength;
  • representing a whole work of art that requires real skill.

We take the binder, remove the staples, bend them so that a holder is formed, wrap it with a thread and determine it in its original place, ensuring fixation with an ordinary elastic band. It remains to attach a simple device to the duct. The phone is securely attached. The only drawback is that the phone cannot be quickly removed from the holder.


In order to fix the phone on the wire holder, you will have to sacrifice the integrity of the front panel of the cabin, since you will need to drill holes on it. The holder is made of strong wire, bending it accordingly and inserting it into the holes. The phone must be firmly attached to the holder.

Aluminum stand

It takes a little effort to make the stand out of aluminum. In any hardware store, you can inexpensively purchase connecting pipes with angles of 45 and 90 degrees, as well as an aluminum pipe with a diameter of 47 mm. You will need some more ice cream sticks, an old phone case.

You can start creating a holder after you have determined the place where it will be located. Now the necessary measurements are being made. The pipe is cut into three pieces. The short piece is attached to a 45 degree elbow tube. The horizontal part is held in 45 and 90 degree angle tubes. The longest part is a vertical pipe, 10-13 cm long, that will hold the stand.

For greater strength, all fasteners are first greased with glue. A couple of cuts should be made in the case, into which the ties are inserted. The incisions are on the tube. The long pipe is pulled together with ties. Wooden sticks are glued between the aluminum pipe and the cover. The final stage is attaching the connecting tube to the car.

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