
Female voices for cop 1.6. Voice change problems

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The appearance of girls on Counter-Strike 1.6 servers quite a rare occurrence. Firstly, it is difficult to determine the gender of a player until he turns on voice communication, and secondly, the total number of females on game servers is much less than that of males. Therefore, the reaction of the admin is not always adequate. Many players love female attention. The game has long been known to the whole world, it is constantly updated, numerous packs and updates are created for it, however, the version of the game for girls is a unique mod pack that does not need to be introduced.

Screen from the game

Assembly features for girls

  • Stylized beautiful feminine decoration.
  • Commands are voiced by a female voice.
  • Added settings for easy administration on female servers.
  • The problem with a bad connection has been worked out, now you can not be afraid for a high ping.
  • Player models and pink weapons will pleasantly surprise the girls who have just started playing the legendary Counter-Strike 1.6.
  • New fonts.

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Video of the female KS 1.6 build Girl

Major changes in the female CS 1.6 build

CS Girl will start with a lovely menu featuring new fonts, a themed look and a nice background. The multiplayer is designed with a special quality, so the search is able to display more than 5000 servers at the same time. The models of special forces and terrorists familiar to all players have also undergone an update. Now these are girls.

However, you shouldn't relax, because they still have XP and armor like the most seasoned special forces, and they shoot no worse. In addition, the models of weapons and hands have undergone changes. One of the interesting innovations is the unique stabbing stiletto knife. This is just a small part of the fashion for girls. The main changes in the assembly also affected the sound design, pleasant background music was added.

The real romance begins after throwing a smoke grenade that fills everything with hearts. The settings have been worked out exclusively for the network game, although you can be content with the option with female bots.

Which program for changing the voice in KS 1.6 is the best fit? The most popular option is MorphVOX... The program is capable of changing any voice beyond recognition, while it will not be highly distorted and unnatural, especially if the interlocutor is not particularly good at listening to individual intonations.

The program is able to work not only in CS 1.6, but also Skype, Team Speak and others, where there is an opportunity to communicate with your own voice. Thus, anyone can sound completely differently.

MorphVOX uses presets for most voice types. It is possible to turn on the voice of a young guy, man, girl, older woman. In the PRO version of the program, the possibilities become much wider. The user can make his voice as similar as possible to the sounds of the speech of some superhero. It is also possible to make your voice elven, gnome, goblin or orc.

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In addition to a set of ready-made settings, the user is able to create their own, adjusting every detail. So you can create almost any voice, it all depends on the talent and the final desire of the user, there are no more restrictions, which makes MorphVOX the best among similar programs in terms of functionality.

Voice change problems

If the voice has not changed, you can try the following:
  1. Go to control panel \ sounds and audio devices \ speech \ speech recording \, find in the list and Screaminfg Bee Audio Driver and click "OK".
  2. In almost the same way: control panel \ sounds and audio devices \ audio \ sound recording \, then you need to find in the list Screaminfg Bee Audio Driver and then click "OK".
This can fix the basic problems of changing your voice.

Do you remember how some players periodically include the same repeated phrase, usually right in the middle of the game? Do you remember how you want such comrades to take and punch ?! 😉 Now you can download voice jokes for CS 1.6 and take revenge on them! Today we post only a small list of such jokes, but over time we will actively expand it, adding more and more new phrases!

For ethical reasons, we will not indicate what kind of jokes are included in our first assembly - everything will be clearly visible from the name of the archives. And here's how to install voice gags for Counter Strike 1.6 let's tell:

  1. We unpack the archive that was downloaded to some folder on the computer, so that it is more convenient.
  2. In the resulting folder, we see several archives. We choose the one we like and also unpack it. It turns out that we have already got the second new folder.
  3. In this second folder, we see the voice joke itself and the text file: we throw the joke into the folder / cstrike, and copy the contents of the text file to the end of the contents of userconfig.cfg, which also lies in / cstrike.
  4. We go into Counter Strike 1.6 (you can have it with us, if anything) and press the V key.

I want to warn everyone at once! On our servers, swearing and insults are prohibited, just like spam in chat and on the radio! Do not abuse these jokes on other servers as well!

Additional sounds

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