
Bio-energy-information modules R.G. Shakaeva. Bio-energy-information module "Madonna" - a module of beauty and youth

- Alexey Nikolaevich, tell us about the launch of a new project - a multi-fuel bio-boiler house, operating on wood chips and peat, in the village of Mugreevsky, Ivanovo region. What are its features? Which company is the boiler equipment?

- In mid-2016, our company launched the first stage of the investment project to modernize housing and communal services in the Ivanovo region, namely, the construction of a new bio-boiler house with a capacity of 3 MW, operating on wood chips and peat, in the village of Mugreevsky, Yuzhsky district, Ivanovo region. In December 2016, a subsidiary of Ivanovskaya Bioenergeticheskaya Kompaniya LLC entered into a concession agreement with the Yuzhsky District Administration, and just three months later (at the end of February 2017) the facility was launched and put into operation.

The key features of the new bio-boiler house are the use of multi-fuel boilers produced in the Vladimir region, which allow burning both forestry waste (wood chips, sawdust, slab), and milled peat and briquetted biofuel, as well as a high degree of localization - more than 90% of the equipment used in Russia. ...

Fuel for the boiler house is supplied by local enterprises of the timber processing complex, and there is also the possibility of supplying our own peat briquette produced in the neighboring region.

The commissioning of the new boiler house will reduce accidents and shutdowns at the generating facility, reduce technological losses in heating networks, increase the energy efficiency of the utility infrastructure, but most importantly, the launch of the facility has reduced the tariff for thermal energy in the current season by more than 7%.

- Are there any plans to replicate this experience in the Ivanovo region?

- The subsidiary company has worked out a project for further expansion of activities in the region: a project has been developed for 2017–2018. for the construction of 5 more bio-boiler houses using local fuels with a total design capacity of 14 MW. The volume of investments will amount to over 200 million rubles. To implement the project, we plan to conclude an intermunicipal concession agreement with the Volga, Pestyakovsky and Verkhnelandekhovsky districts with the direct participation of the Ivanovo region and the bank. The conclusion of a concession using a private initiative mechanism is scheduled for the summer of this year, while the goal is quite ambitious - to commission 4 new facilities by the end of 2017.

- How are projects developing in other regions?

- The development of our projects in small towns is not limited to the Ivanovo region. Currently, the company's subsidiaries are represented in three more regions of the Russian Federation: Vladimir, Smolensk and Murmansk regions.

In the Vladimir region, in the town of Gus-Khrustalny, there is a peat enterprise with an annual production of up to 80,000 tons of peat; the largest plant in the Russian Federation for the production of peat pellets and briquettes with an annual production of more than 35,000 tons has also been built and operates there. Also in the region, an investment project for the modernization and construction of 11 bio-boiler houses with a capacity of 15 MW in the housing and communal services sector, operating on peat and wood chips, has been implemented in four districts.

An investment project in the field of heat supply is being implemented in the Smolensk Region. The company built and commissioned three biofuel heating facilities in the Ugransky District, and also concluded in December 2016 a concession agreement for two 6.3 MW boiler houses with an investment program of over RUB 85 million. Under this project, the State Corporation Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services has approved an application for the program for the modernization of small towns (RF Government No. 1451) for the provision of a subsidy in the amount of up to 51 million rubles. Currently, under the management of the subsidiary LLC Smolensk Bioenergy Company, there are seven boiler houses with a capacity of 14 MW in the region. In the summer we are going to conclude a concession agreement for eight boiler houses in the Velizhsky district.

In the Murmansk region, the company conducts active work and is making investments to prepare for the first season of peat extraction to provide fuel for three boiler houses in the Tersk region, which the subsidiary LLC Murmansk Bioenergy Company is to build by the end of 2017 as part of the implementation of the Murmansk region's instrumentation for heat supply and the concluded concession agreement.

- Tell us about your plans to launch an intermunicipal compressor station in a warm place with a new packaged product from Sberbank - when, in what region, what kind of Sberbank product are you going to use?

- During the implementation of the project to modernize the communal infrastructure of the Ivanovo region and within the framework of the planned inter-municipal concession, the company intends to use a standard loan solution presented by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation together with Sberbank within the framework of the Russian Investment Forum, which was held in February 2017 in Sochi.

Currently, we already have a detailed concession agreement that meets the key requirements of Sberbank (at the end of 2016, we started active cooperation with a financial institution), but it remains for us to solve the problem of implementing such an agreement for three municipalities.

The loan product will allow obtaining financing for up to 15 years at 12-14% per annum without collateral for current / future generation facilities, since the collateral will be the rights under a concession agreement that guarantee the receipt of proceeds.

- Do you participate as an expert in legislative activities? What mechanisms should be developed in the country for a private investor to enter the heat supply market more boldly, so that PPP projects develop more actively?

- In addition to investment activities, the company also acts as an expert in legislative activities, taking into account the accumulated practical experience in several regions.

The company is a member of NP Rostorf and TP Bioenergetika, cooperates with federal executive and legislative authorities, in particular the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Energy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the NCO ASI to form a regulatory framework aimed at developing the use of local fuels for the production of heat and electricity.

The result of this cooperation was Federal Law No. 268 FZ dated 03.07.2016 "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Electric Power Industry "in terms of the implementation of measures to support the production of electricity using peat as a fuel, as well as clarification of mechanisms to stimulate the use of renewable energy sources", in the development of which the company took an active part.

The long-term focus of the company's attention in the field of lawmaking is aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the heating sector for a private investor, including by providing possible access to credit resources of Russian banks and private pension funds, which, unfortunately, currently do not have sufficient competencies to invest in concession projects. agreements.

The use of peat in Russia has a long history. Even under Peter I, this fuel was a strategic local resource, firmly securing this position. But already in the twentieth century, the fuel and energy industry of Russia made a step forward and went through several stages in its development: the beginning of the twentieth century was marked by large-scale development of peat deposits throughout the country, closely adjacent to the development of the coal industry until the middle of the twentieth century. Later, coal as a fuel and energy resource almost completely displaced peat from the line of Russian fuel and energy resources, tightly securing a significant part in the structure of the country's fuel and energy complex, along with the actively developing production of natural gas and oil, which finally closed peat's access to the fuel market.

At the same time, peat has been and remains a profitable and safe source of energy. But while the world energy industry has long entered a transitional stage - a gradual transition from the use of mineral fuel to inexhaustible energy resources, Russia's fuel energy remains dependent on traditional energy sources.

Some of the regions of Russia, having a significant peat potential, which for various reasons is not developed, consume long-range fuels, which makes them energy-dependent. In addition, there is a risk of fuel supply interruptions or significant deterioration in fuel quality. And many parts of the country are completely deprived of the supply of fuel raw materials.

In this regard, the need to revive the peat industry, namely the extraction of peat and its use as a local fuel resource, is becoming the most urgent.

Modern technologies make it possible to make the most of the possibilities of peat. Its use is economically profitable and absolutely harmless from an environmental point of view. The benefits of using peat as a local energy source are obvious: the cost of heat generated from it is lower than from imported coal or fuel oil.

In addition, the development of small-scale distributed energy allows not only to provide consumers with guaranteed energy and makes it possible to reduce the rate of growth of tariffs for heat, but also creates new jobs and additional tax revenues in the regions.

Current page: 4 (total of the book has 5 pages)

Using modules for storing food

Place the modules in the storage areas. Imagine in your mind the constant freshness of products, their pleasant appearance and aroma: "Let the products be fresh and healthy so that they retain their qualities and good taste for a long time!" ...

Modules for gardens and vegetable gardens

Stick modules "Earth", "Carnation", "Renaissance" onto pieces of glass or mirrors, cover them with a waterproof layer of varnish, glue or paint. Bury these modules around the perimeter of the garden at any distance, placing them on the surface of the ground with a reflective layer up. Make one such mirror for yourself. Daily (mentally) through the modules provide energy supply from these mirrors of garden crops, figuratively imagining the desired end result: “Energy supply of vegetables and fruits, bushes, trees. Let them grow and develop normally, be healthy and resistant to adverse environmental factors. Let them ripen in time. "

Your wishes should be sincere and cordial, but by no means materialistic.

Elimination of geopathogenic zones

To neutralize anomalous phenomena in the discovered geopathogenic zones, it is necessary to decompose modules in them. It is necessary to keep modules in zones until undesirable phenomena are completely eliminated. Approximate wording: "Let the abnormality of the zone be eliminated, harmful radiation be neutralized."

Animal health and protection

A special module has been designed for animals "Friend" but one can use "Renaissance",

"Love", "Tenderness", "Eternity".

Place the module under the sick animal's mattress, wishing him health and recovery. The module can be put in a light medallion and attached to the neck of the animal with the thought: “Let the four-legged friend ( nickname) will be healthy and protected from all manifestations of evil and hatred! "

Cleaning the room from distorted energies

Put several modules around the perimeter of the room and 3 pieces in the center. It's good to use modules here: "Renaissance", "Funnel", "Lily of life", "Eternity", "Ainabulak"... Tune in to the modules and express your desire (once) aloud or mentally: automatic mode... Convert all the distorted energies of the space of this room into pure energy of Synthesis or into Light. " Let the modules lie all night, or during the day. We especially recommend this to healers who use the room for the recovery of patients, as well as where there are bed patients or children, the elderly. It is advisable to clean the room in this way after quarrels and scandals, funerals, after watching TV and working with a computer, when the emanations of distorted information literally "float in the air", layering on furniture, objects, carpets, etc. This is a very effective method for cleaning living spaces. Distorted energies superimposed on the objects of the room will affect everyone living in it, causing melancholy, sadness or irritation, fear, weakness, malaise, and sometimes even hallucinations. How many such cases have been noticed when neighbors swear, and after a while the whole house begins to swear! This information infection spreads very quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to protect and clean the walls of the apartment with modules. They can be hidden behind carpets, paintings, wallpapers, etc.

The modules can be used to guard and protect against harmful radiation and information, put under a computer, telephone, TV.

Vehicle protection and security

Use modules: "Eternity", "Rebirth", "Sphinx", "Ainabulak", "Logic", "Cosmos". Place the modules around the perimeter of the car: in front, from the sides and behind, it is not at all necessary that they be visible. Also - under the car seat. Do not forget to say at least once a day: “Constant protection and protection of my car, cleaning the interior of harmful, distorted energies. The modules work constantly in automatic mode! "

When you get into the car, mentally tune in to all the modules in the cabin (you know where they are!) And give them a task out loud or mentally : “Protection and protection of me and my car on the way, saturation with the energy of synthesis is constantly”, having said this, mentally draw your circle of blue luminous energy around the car three times, then you can start the engine and go about your business.

If you forgot to do this right away, then, being on the way, give the task to the modules and draw a circle around the car three times (mentally). In the same way, you can put the protection of any machines, trains, ships, machine tools, etc. Similarly, the protection of an apartment, a room is carried out: "Protection and security, cleaning of my apartment or room constantly, in the Synthesis mode, day and night."

Energy and information protection of a person

The module, as a talisman, should always be carried with you, preferably from the side of the heart or in any pocket, women - in a bra, or - inserted into a mirror. It is imperative to "include" the module in the work with words or mentally: "Energy-informational protection, protection, replenishment and balancing of my entire body in the Synthesis mode, constantly day and night."

Bio-energy-information modules R.G. Shakaeva:


Space is the container of all that exists. He is everything. He is in everything. Therefore, the "Space" module is paired with all other modules and is compatible with any of them, and with all of them taken together. It resonates with the energy-information fields of the modules, enhancing their impact on a person, and, at the same time, it itself is one of the most powerful converters of the energy of the Universe, it is able to smooth out and even neutralize cosmologically unfavorable days. This makes it indispensable for people suffering from various disorders of the cardiovascular system. For heart health, you need to constantly carry it in the breast pocket on the left.

To charge water, the "Cosmos" module can be used both separately and together with any other modules.


Bio-energy-information module

The module "Eternity" has a general strengthening, general health-improving character, it normalizes the energy-information field around a person and in himself.

The module is a powerful synthesizer of protection from the distorted energies of external negative influences of a psychic nature, which is regarded as psychic attempts, which are popularly called the evil eye, damage, curse, curse, and so on! It is advisable to always carry this module with you, memorize its drawing, hang it on the front door of an apartment, office, etc.


Bio-energy-information module

Restores the protective properties of the human immune system, promotes the treatment of allergies, cancer, AIDS, and various hereditary diseases. Protects a person from information and energy anomalies of the space of the planet and the Cosmos. It is very useful for children, especially those suffering from enuresis, restless sleep, irritability, kidney disease, phimosis.


Bio-energy-information module

Module "Carnation" is intended for bio-energetic recharging of healing herbal infusions and decoctions. The charging method is exactly the same as for water. Useful for plants in gardens and vegetable gardens.


Bio-energy-information module
"MADONNA" - beauty and youth module

The functional-geometric structure of this module, its energy-information program is addressed, first of all, to the better half of the human race. The Madonna module is able to smooth out and even neutralize energy anomalies, disturbances in energy-informational processes that are specifically inherent in the female body. The module restores harmony of body and spirit, strengthens emotional and psychological balance. However, the module has a tonic effect on people without distinction of sex. It is good to work with the module in the evening to calm sacred music, especially organ music. Evening sessions will also help normalize sleep. It is good to take the Madonna module for an evening walk - you can keep it in your pocket or purse. The module can be used to charge water both separately and in combination with other modules. The module is very good when having sex, put it under the mattress before starting ...


Bio-energy-information module

This is a grid synthesizer, built according to the laws of absolute symmetry and in terms of content is a "synonym" for the "Faith" module, with the only difference that "Hope" is always Faith with a plus sign.

The "Hope" module helps a person gain strength, optimism, and, consequently, health. It has been noticed that where the module is used at workplaces, in a team people are more friendly and tolerant of each other, there are fewer conflicts, and labor efficiency is higher.


Bio-energy-information module

It was created according to a program that provides for the strengthening of the muscular structure of any living organism.

With a calm visual observation, the module tones up the internal state of a person, removes

R. Voll suggested the existence of some kind of energy-informational radiation capable of transmitting fatigue, improves mood. With constant use of the module, a sense of confidence, motivated optimism, develops.

The "Athlete" module can be used to charge water both separately and in combination with any others.


Bio-energy-information module
"Lily" - "Life"

This module protects the body from radiation. Relieves general tension, restores calmness and inner harmony, calms and restores the nervous system, promotes the understanding of beauty, the flight of imagination. The module protects against harmful external influences, hazardous radiation of spaces.


Bio-energy-information module
"Aynazhol - Mirror Way"

With a simple visual observation in the evening, the energy of the module activates the pursuit of beauty and harmony, while restoring the geometry of the lens of the eye. Improves vision, retina is restored.

There is a general restoration of health, the property of consciousness is restored to form objective information on the Future, based on the logical analysis of the Past.

The "Aynazhol" module is used to improve the health of the eyes, its information is designed for this. You can put the synthesizer over your eyes and lie down, relaxing, 15-30 minutes a day (it is better to use two such synthesizers).


Bio-energy-information module

They love what they believe in. More precisely, they believe. For love is a sacred feeling that permeates all living things. God, Love, Faith - an indissoluble unity in one of the first great books of mankind - the Bible. The "Love" module raises and optimizes the general energy of the organism, helps "mutual understanding" of the conscious and unconscious in a person, the dissonance of which, according to Freud, is the source of all neuroses that poison people's lives. Both by itself and together with others, the "Love" module contributes, first of all, to the acquisition of mental health. It is good to use the module when having sex by placing it under the mattress. With the help of the "Love" module, you can charge water, clothes, food, cosmetics, etc. Bio-energy-information modules: "Faith", "Hope", "Love" can be used not only separately, but also together. The energy informatics of modules often coincide and overlap each other, just as the volumes of these concepts intersect and partially coincide in our language.


Bio-energy-information module

This is an enhanced version of the "Love" module.

It symbolizes the eternal and inextinguishable love of the Universe for all living and thinking.

The module is good to use for children and elderly people who so need constant protection with love.

The module protects everything related to love, improves the strength and quality of feelings in lovers.


Bio-energy-information module

It activates energy-informational exchange in the physical space of the planet. It can be used for the needs of the national economy, with the restoration of harmonious unity in nature. It is enough to bury several such modules in the ground in a grain field, and neither herbicides, nor fertilizers, nor biostimulants will be needed. Even drought will not be terrible for the crop - this is how the plant's ability to withstand unfavorable weather conditions increases.


Bio-energy-information module
"Zhibek Zholy" - "Silk Road"

It is recommended to use this module not only independently, but also as a pair, as an additional to any other module or their set in any combination, since it symbolizes not only the spatial, but also the temporal unity of all life on Earth. It is advisable to use all modules in combination with the Zhibek Zholy - Silk Road module. The module itself contributes to human adaptation in the noosphere, restores the natural protective properties of the body, and stabilizes immunity. The module is also suitable for charging water. It is a contactee module as it improves and harmonizes relationships. Recommended for businessmen, in teams.


Bio-energy-information module

Relieves general tension, restores calmness and inner harmony, calms the nervous system, promotes the understanding of beauty, the flight of imagination.


Bio-energy-information module
"Energy Funnel"

This module provides the transformation of the energy of the anomalous natural evolution of the biosphere and noosphere of the Earth.

It is used to cleanse the human body. To do this, you need to put the module under your feet, under your hands with a mental program for cleaning their channels. It is known that the energy channels of the human body open on the lateral surfaces of the fingers and toes. At the same time, it is useful to make movements over the module with hands, such as rinsing or shaking off, as well as movements of a swimmer. You can put your feet on your heels and gently swing them rhythmically, as you do to the beat of the music, this intensifies and accelerates the process of energy-informational cleansing of all body bodies (the module is on the floor under the feet).

You can overlay your body with the Funnel modules with the wish of complete energy-informational cleansing of the whole organism from information harmful to it, from the distorted energies of external and internal spaces.


Bio-energy-information module

As a module of direct action, it has a tonic effect on the human body, normalizes its general energy. At the same time, energy is replenished, first of all, from the physiologically weakest areas and organs. According to many testimonies, "Camomile" promotes rapid healing of open and closed wounds, bone fractures.

The "Chamomile" module promotes faster plant growth, increases their resistance to various kinds of diseases. It can be used in vegetable stores, as it contributes to better preservation of agricultural products. It can be used to charge both water and herbal infusions, various creams, ointments, lotions.


Bio-energy-information module

It belongs to the class of evolutionary synthesizer modules.

The module improves memory, sharpens attention, activates human intellectual data. Physiologically, it prevents sclerotic phenomena. It relieves headache well: it is enough to apply the module to any part of the head, and after 20-30 minutes the pain will disappear, but first you need to say mentally or aloud: "Relieve headache, eliminate spasm of blood vessels and muscles."

It is useful to charge fruits, vegetables, and various foodstuffs with the help of the module.

The module can be attached to the inside of the headdress, and freshness of thought, brightness of perception, richness of imagination, everyday protection from various ailments is provided to you.


Bio-energy-information module

You can put it under the mattress where the animal is resting, or attach the module to a medallion of any design, which is located on the animal's neck.


Bio-energy-information module

The range of action of this module is unusually wide, since the program inherent in it is wide, aimed, first of all, at the revival of humanity in a person - kindness, beauty, truthfulness of purpose, qualities that are, of course, inseparable from health, from the normal functioning of all biological systems, including including natural, evolutionarily related to humans. The module enhances the protective properties of all life on Earth, normalizes the energy-information field.

Just like others, the Revival module can be used to charge water, which, in turn, is useful for cooking, and, in particular, for brewing tea. The module can be used to charge various cosmetic products and creams. Dry compresses on the back are very effective for colds. To do this, it is enough to lie down on the "Revival" module for 20 minutes (use several pieces at once, like mustard plasters).

You can put the module under the pillow at night, wishing health not only to yourself, but also to loved ones, friends, regardless of distance. Your good wishes will surely reach the addressee. Just don’t skimp on kindness.


Bio-energy-information module

The "Fantasy" module contributes to the development of a person's creativity and imagination, the development of his thinking, feeds the general energy of a person, harmonizes the energy-information exchange of an organism with the world around him, contributes to the adaptation of a person to his environment. Develops intelligence, logical thinking.


Bio-energy-information module
"LOGIC" (psychological module)

The functional and geometric structure of this module is one of the most powerful converters of energy information processes in the Universe. The program embedded in it reflects not so much the objective ontological logic of the Universe, but rather the axiological (value) logic of life that includes it, in a concentrated form formulated by humanity several millennia ago in the moral commandments of the Bible and the Koran. Love for one's neighbor, a benevolent attitude towards all people, rejection of evil, but the willingness to accept suffering in order only to protect others from the aggression of evil forces, tolerance, honesty - these are the main principles on which the logic of life is built and which underlie mental organization a person, and therefore, at the heart of good health, restores a logical gift, develops intelligence.

The "Logic" module feeds the general energy of the body, orientates a person to the true moral values ​​of life.

Protects against plant vampirism.


Bio-energy-information module

The module is programmed for good luck in business and other life situations, it also helps to restore the body's energy exchange with the environment. Optimizes the mood in any project and undertaking.

It helps a person to use the properties of other modules embedded in him, to program his development in life. It is good to give it to children, you can paint.


Bio-energy-information module

The "Sphinx" module is a software module, a person, at will, sets his own program through it, what he wants and what he strives for.

The Sphinx module can be used for a wide range of purposes.


Bio-energy-information module

The "Faith" module feeds the general energetic foundations of this core human feeling: faith in oneself, in one's work, in one's idea. This is especially important for people who are involved in creative activities. A person lives and creates until he has lost faith in his future, in his present, in his past. Anyone who loses Faith inevitably goes into psycho-physiological degradation. This module is programmed to support and strengthen the emotional stability of the individual. It is especially useful for emotional depression, unstable psychological state.

The module is suitable for charging water.


Bio-energy-information module

This module contributes to the development of intuition in a person, psychic and mental abilities. It improves the relationship of a person with nature, harmonizes the creative process, feeds the body with energy, well protects against harmful spatial currents and evil thoughts.

The fate of a person is captured in the Book of Laws, depending on the choice and impressions made. The inevitability of fate is predictable, but in the main period, the existence of points of radical transformations in particular, there are details and a short-term chaos of accidents that can be predicted with insufficient accuracy. Whatever one may say, but one cannot escape the deadly one. This also depresses with its hopelessness and fatality.
But if we admit that Rock and death are not quite the end, but only a transition to the beginning of another life. A fatalist by nature is even glad that he has humility before his death. The optimist wants more and begins to struggle with his fatal feelings, proving to himself and to people that life is eternal, it is enough to solve the problem of immortality. Here, try to prove to the blind what colors the rainbow has, or to the deaf how many octaves and notes are used when writing a rhapsody. Well, if a blind person begins to prove something to a deaf person, then the dispute turns into the channel of inadequacy of cognition of the truth, moreover, the deaf-mute person present during the dispute waves his head, pretending that he understands everything, feeling only the illusion of warmth or cold. But together, everyone is aware of the presence of tough laws, which cannot be changed or canceled, it is impossible not to get away from them. We, the sighted out of the corner of our eye, listening with the corner of our ear and thinking with one of the cerebral hemispheres, understand that it is possible to argue, prove or come to terms with Fate, but it will not work. There will be those who will prove that the world can be bent, changed, rebuilt, reformed, altered, that everything still depends on the choice, abilities and willpower. You can describe the patterns that underlie certain phenomena in nature, pointing out their inconsistency, universality or particularity, conventionality and unprovability, you can agree with the majority both in science and in life, but everyone agrees that the world is many-sided, diverse and many variants, not to mention multidimensionality. At the same time, the question naturally arises how much or how much, whether infinity has a limit, an end is infinity and, finally, an interruption and stopping of the eternity of the flow of time, both in small and incommensurably large.
Any regularity can be described by the formula for the dependence of a progression, an algebraic or geometric function on a set of arguments, to raise to a power or vice versa, to extract a root, integrate or reversely differentiate, but this will not increase our range of perception to describe the constantly growing amount of information that is needed to legitimize dependence. Sluggishness, lagging or inhibition of thinking with insufficient ability to memorize and preserve what is perceived with comprehension will not allow catching very tiny periods of origin, accumulation and decay in the microcosm of one-dimensions or a gigantic length of multidimensional events in long-term events. In addition, the accuracy of the experimental determination of the parameters, the inaccessibility of registering arguments that remain unknown, and the vector directions of life lines are also insufficient.
We have access to the average level of the information field and the time scale of what is happening, which allows us to grasp the connection, endow some qualities with what is happening in society, considering that the world is progressing, and not vice versa, and make up our own attitude to the world, personifying it into a thinking entity. What will be good for some in this world will be worse for others. The manifestation of negative and positive is reduced to the action of the conscious forces of good and light and the dark forces of evil. In consciousness, information blocks, images, corresponding emotions and feelings in the form of negative or positive reactions are generated, which is the reason for fatal consequences not only for people, but also for nature itself, which reacts to the state of the biosphere and ethnosphere.
Forming global historical and ecological processes, the existing ethnogenesis is experiencing opposition from the biosphere and social development, which corresponds to the general law of inertial balance in the opposition of opposites. The informational energy pulsir has a more capacious concept than the bioinformational one, although both are the structure of the created energy information potential. The bioinformational pulsar as an integral part of the energetically informational potential at a certain level is born on the basis of the polarization of the biofield of a materialized entity, inextricably linked with the informational energy twin. Frequency-temporal characteristics, as well as energy saturation, informational-mental function, combined with social and psychological depression, can create resonant spheres of influence, while forming more powerful structures, which are called groups or collectives (family, tribe, ethnos, nation, party, people, etc.) Even a flock of live fish or birds can create structures that are guided by information-energy rules of behavior, with the direction of actions, and, depending on the complexity and goal-setting, an emotional and psychological attitude and a collective group guarantee that protects the group from disintegration and hostile influence of alien pulsars.
Polarization in biopulsiers arises from satiety energy potential arising spontaneously as a result of the opposition of oppositely directed forces between the pole of excess and lack. Some want to receive and redistribute, others do not want to give and change, and still others want to reform and balance the confrontation. If in the case of an overabundance of information, all the more false, some elements create excitement, passions, then the other has a contradiction with an increase in the significance and refutation of falsity at the expense of third ones who bring the truth to the womb and both. On the one hand, patriotic people and those who oppose them are calmer, dependent people. The mediators arising in this interaction create the preconditions for the tension of confrontation on a large scale. At the average informational energy level of virtual being, an active system of pulsars arises, subject to negative moods in relation to hostile inert elements. Elements of such a pulsir receive a dominant of fear, rage and other negativism that builds up tension, then it reaches a critical climax, when most of the constituent pulsars, seizing by violent means new ones or mediators accept the general attitude of confrontation as inevitable.
A rigid totalitarian system of pulsars arises on the basis of complementarity of behavior and intention; in parallel, almost simultaneously, in interconnection, an opposite biosystem appears with a great potential of biochemical-physical energies and subtle or some other dark type of animal magnetism, leading to mutations at and around bifurcation points. As a result of mutations, domains may arise with specific intentions of terror or, on the contrary, forming a resistant system, which, in the process of materialization, financial support, can either gain power or lose stamina. In other words, due to opposing disharmonious measures subservient to the moods of disappointed or simply indifferent left elements, a more or less ordered structure of the right crystallizes, or any other rigid centralized structure with a religious bias or through the external intervention of a third force provoking a collision of polarization that has grown to the limit, a short circuit occurs with contact annihilation and decay, both on the real and on the virtual information-energetic level. Some consider such an action to be the progress of democracy, others, on the contrary, and the formation of pulsars begins again with saturation and polarization on a new round. Only such super mega pulsaries can turn the world into global self-destruction. True, the period of confrontation between mega pulsars is longer, since the inertia of the systems is higher and it is more difficult to swing it for active action. Such systems are more likely to age and disintegrate by themselves. Some pulsaries are aging, withering, others are born, comparisons and reprogramming are constantly taking place at the highest level, which affects the realities of the coming future, the processes of political decay or national resonance, the merger or separation of countries and peoples, in a word, such cardinal interactions, which are sometimes called spiral evolutions or abrupt revolutions, civilizational generations or military-terrorist annihilations.
In the process of origin, formation, breakdown and reaction, one can observe drops and rises in activity, various fluctuations, when with an increase in the complexity of the pulsir, the more factors determine its complexity and its integrity increases due to the capture of small particles and the more diverse the manifestation of impressions at the higher the book of LIFE, that book in which there is no linear or cyclical time, there are no biological or historical periods, but there is the past and the future, the past in the present and the future in the past, as well as the present in the future and the past at the same time, where death and life are united, where motion and rest are equivalent, where ancestors and descendants meet and make claims in new information-energetic cosmological multidimensional and immeasurable pulsars.
Just don't ask how I found out about it. It is necessary to disclose the appearance of the virtual, login passwords, and codes of nicknames, names and other fictions.
In special states of prayer meditation, hypnotic sleep, awakening and dreaming, a person is able to access the information field on which all events, images, forms and codes are recorded. This field has three levels. At the highest level, not only information is stored, but also new counterparts of material prototypes, structurally informationally generated by pulsators, are created.
Scientist Reidak proved the existence of a code system, passwords, which carries out the processes of thinking. This double can be an intermediary between the living and the dead, it can be a crystal, a stone, or even a thing made by hand, drawn or written. A trained person can decipher the code, determine the password, and gain access to the highest level with the help of intuitive feeling with his heart, seeing through the eyes of other contactors using a telepathic method, adjusting to the rhythm of other people and even the team. The ability to see not only the present with a slight lag, but also the past forgotten by these people appears.
Many people have a special inner illumination on the verge of mystical revelation and conscious sanity. As long as we think we live and we cannot think without the biological instrument of the brain. Let's think about the question, can a person who is deprived or disconnected from the brain feel, worry, worry, solve problems, set tasks, goals, be interested, talk, create, create, try to understand what is evil and good, remember and remember, think?
Yes maybe. Isoteric science affirms. The brain is only a small part of the huge integrity of the living and the dead; it is a cell of the energy information potential of the information field existing at three levels. The exit of one of the cells does not interrupt the virtual life of the quantum of the soul, released from the body shell. Physicists and biochemists believe that hereditary information or karma is recorded on the physical carrier of DNA or a gene. And the inception planned by the general pulsir unfolds such a program, changing it and supplementing it as new information arrives from feedback, an assessment of one's life based on current events, outside elections and inner experiences.
In space, in addition to order, there is also chaos, which is primary on a local scale during mergers, collisions, copulations and other events from micro-oscillatory processes in planes and volumes, to macro systems caused by secondary chaos with sufficiently high temporal and spatial characteristics, the period of life and tertiary chaos of energy information capacity associated with primary and secondary. This is interpreted not only by astronomers, but also by astrologers, not only chemists, with their structural relationship, but also alchemists with their philosophical stone.
In quantum mechanics, there is a particular law that characterizes the state of a system that is in a causal relationship with its past. By analogy with this, scientists have come to the conclusion that the bioenergetic potential, as well as the informational energy potential, contains the genetic programs of evolution for the period of life in the lower informational field. At the middle level, there is Feedback which adjusts itself, balances, putting in order the secondary chaos, helping the wearer to make a choice between harmony and cacophony and the poet everyone gets what they deserve. Moreover, this also affects the origin and lifetime of growing similarities.
The knowledge and information of the previous systems of pulsars, and individual pulsars with their errors in choice, accumulation of negative and positive with its transmission by inheritance is firmly hidden, so as not to limit the degree of freedom of choice of a newborn. This is the taboo of the higher powers of the super pulsars of the twins of civilizations. However, if a person is subjected to hypermnesia or self-hypnosis hypnosis, then he can decipher the password and enter the database, having received a clear idea of ​​what preceded his birth, what his ancestors experienced, and even carry out a virtual slide on other bases.
Energy information potential, which is the basis of the cosmic universe, is a more capacious concept than the bio potential of a living sphere. It includes the ideas of the root cause of the modification of energies, the redistribution of the living and the thinking, the inertia of the reaction to disturbances and eddies, information accumulation and the preservation of the periodicity of the cycles of origin and interdependence in exchange, the influence and decay of vibrations. The synthesis of vibrations creates the pulse of life for each system, both closed and open. With a pulse, a person activates the most sensitive devices, microparticles, molecules and microorganisms. Biopotential is a collection of pulsating energies from small to large, from simple to complex. Some are too bursting, others are always lacking. Bio-energy flows from positive donors rush to acceptors, there is a discharge, imbalance, psycho resonance, secondary chaos, followed by the disintegration of especially active passionary owners of negative dominants, both formed and emerging.
In the Universe, there is a potential of an energized state structured in the form of a pulsating system of elements vibrating in a certain range, limited by the limit of perception, impression and reproduction by certain other structures. Such limits are called informativeness. Accordingly, information = this is a method of information content, and the information field is an environment for the dissemination and preservation of information content. The particular range of each element determines the potential of the energoinformative state.

Remizova-Babushkina N.Yu. - Bio-energy-information health modules R.G.Shakaeva

and longevity

Ust-Kamenogorsk 2006

Remizova-Babushkina N.Yu.

Bio-energy-information modules R. G. Shakaeva

(III edition with amendments and additions 2006, 80 pages)

Nadezhda Yulievna Remizova-Babushkina is a professional psycho-energy-therapist, the author of the seven-volume book "Secrets of energy-information exchange", books and scientific and practical articles: "Bio-energy-information health-improving modules of R.G.Shakaev", "Healing syllabo- training ”,“ Striving for the stars ”,“ Flying Galaxy ”,“ Witch ”,“ Overcoming pain ”,“ Esotericism of Love ”,“ Fundamentals of energy-informational medicine ”and others.

Heads the Information Center "SVENT" (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan), is a consultant of health centers on energy and information issues. As a student of RG Shakaev, he continues to practically and theoretically develop the energy-informational direction in medicine on the basis of his theory "Mathematical Synthesis and Philosophy of Matter". This and other works, which are being prepared for publication, are dedicated to the memory of their earthly Teacher R.G. Shakaev.

The knowledge transmitted by the Teachers of Shambhala and the discovery of the scientist R.G. Shakaev have passed many years of practical testing in many health centers in Kazakhstan and Russia.

© N.Yu. Remizova-Babushkina
Original Russian Text © R.G. Shakaev. Modules
© Information Center "SVENT" A. V. Koksharov.


The synthesizer modules, calculated mathematically by the physicist Rauel Gabbasovich Shakaev, are geometric hologram converters of the distorted negative energies of Space and the biofields of all living things into positive, high-quality energies of Synthesis or restoration and rebirth according to the inner divine Blueprints. They also attract from the Space of the Universe the additional energy of Synthesis, which is spread throughout the entire Cosmic Space in unlimited quantities, into the force field of all life on the Planet. As a result, the effect of healing all organisms of the existing Nature, including man, arises, the creative abilities of all who are endowed with consciousness are revealed and developed. Long-term practice has confirmed and proven this. We present to your attention the third edition of the brochure, revised and supplemented by the author. It is hard to believe this, but it is the projective geometry that launches His Majesty Synthesis, or promotes the resynthesis (destruction) of all living things through the thought directed into action, organizing the psychic energy of the Space of a single Cosmos - and so does every person in the Universe. Thus, a person can be killed or revived not only by a word, but also by a thought not voiced by speech!

Using the modules presented in the brochure every day, you get additional energy for your life, and therefore for your recovery and general development of high, creative qualities and abilities in yourself. There is also a cleansing of the whole organism from negative or negative energies caused by illness or moral and ethical reasons, mental attempts on a person of any nature.

“The life of man is the life of God himself. God himself is Life! And if a person does not want to live in the divine, then he distorts the energies of God himself, His very essence, losing connection with Him ... "


I believe in the power of Light, -
That plasma streams in the Worlds
And transforms from the ages
Yourself in beauty and in deeds ...

I believe in the power of Thought,
Striving at the Heights of the Earth
And serving as the vector of Life
In the rapids of Good and Love!

I believe in you, Human!
On the paths of the earthly Universe
Blessed be the run
Always your creation

Your pure and true soul
For the glory and name of the Creator,
Intimate dream births
Improve yourself endlessly.

Grow up, Man, and dare -
Know, like an Oracle, YOURSELF!
And fly up in reality
To the Holy of Holies Heaven!

N.Yu. Remizova-Babushkina

Rauel Shakaev modules:

The scientific mathematical theory of "Synthesis and Philosophy of Matter" took place as a discovery, as a result of the enormous work carried out by the brilliant scientist, physicist-mathematician Rauel Gabbasovich Shakaev many years ago. The new discovery took place in the city of Alma-Ata, at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics of the Kazakhstan State University, based on the hypotheses and theories of many scientists, including Galileo-Galilei, Newton, Tsiolkovsky, Veinik, Shipov, Vernadsky, Einstein, Academician Minaev, Professor Kaznacheev and many others. Suffice it to say that over seventy theories formed the basis for the creative synthesis of the generalized theory of mathematical synthesis and the philosophy of matter. Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of KazSU, R.G. Shakaev at his writing table mathematically calculated the existence of a special energy-information field that surrounds all living things and is represented in it as in a single Space. Logic prompted the scientist that there should be opportunities for attracting and receiving, or "obtaining", this energy from the information single field of the Space of the Universe or the Cosmos, in which Life itself is represented. When substantiating his theory, R.G. Shakaev introduced many new concepts into mathematics, such as: a generalized plane, the functional essence of a point in the space of matter, the unity of the Hierarchy in infinite Space, and so on.

Here are the words of R.G. Shakaev himself:

“The synthesizer module, proposed by me in the calculations, extracts energy through the information substance of the Universe, that is, with the help of consciousness, one can obtain energy that activates synthesis in a living organism. The module is a synthesizer of the interaction of our space with the environment. The effect of the synthesis of our body is created, that is, the human body begins to produce antibodies and other enzymes that activate metabolic processes, restorative and excretory functions, which contributes to healing. The body, as it were, receives additional energy for its recovery. With the help of the module, you can concentrate the energy of space through thought and use it. Therefore, a person recovers by synthesizing or activating synthetic processes in the body. "

The energy of Space, or the primary energy of Synthesis, is the ancestor of all living things both in Space and on our planet, it is also all-connecting, uniting, information-creating. This energy can be defined as quantum-quark energy, invisible to the naked eye, but this does not exclude its existence, since electromagnetic waves are also invisible! The time will come, and devices will be created that capture this energy.

Any calculated module is a functional geometric drawing or drawing created by a scientist according to all the rules of projective geometry, according to the models of which the whole World was created, everything that exists in it and the entire Universe.

And this is not accidental, since God is a great geometer, and this is proved by the shapes of the planets and stars, the shape of man himself and the nature surrounding him: from a green leaf to mountains ...

Geometrizing Space, the Creator creates countless Worlds and life forms in them, in a strict cosmic order. The very word "Cosmos" implies order in itself. And the laws of its construction are cosmic laws, which are not desirable to violate, otherwise the resulting chaos and disorder will erase all the designs and ideas of the Creator, and therefore - Life itself in all its manifested aspects.

The word "idea" in translation means "thought", it is a project or a divine blueprint, according to which something is created. Therefore, thought is a special, subtlest energy of the Universe, carrying the necessary creative information, it is not a secret for anyone that this information can be of a destructive nature. A thought voiced by a person's speech is a born word. That is why it is said in the Bible about the creation of the World: “In the beginning there was a word ...” or a project, because thought and word, in fact, are inseparable.

The thought embedded and materialized in the project (for example, the construction of a building) becomes really visible to everyone. But its essence and impact may not be visible. This is proved by hypnologists, psychotherapists, psychologists, teachers and orators when they work with a person using methods of suggestion, persuasion and hypnosis. The life-giving power of thought and word is confirmed by self-attitudes according to the method of G.N. Sytin.

There are other proofs of the "materiality" of the energy of thought, but for skeptics they are not convincing, since the thought cannot be touched with the hands, measured (for now), and so on. Despite this, all people are endowed with consciousness and possess the most beautiful instrument of spaces - Thought, whether they do it consciously, or not consciously. The Creator endowed everyone with such a gift. Realizing the creative power and power of thought, a person becomes a purposeful co-creator of the Divine plan, manifesting himself as a true son (daughter) and heir of God the Father.

So, thought can excite Space and really create ideas in it, with the attraction of the energy of the Synthesis of Space. With the help of consciousness, one can obtain the energy of Space, but this requires developed thinking, able to localize the energy of space. This power of thought was demonstrated to everyone by Jesus Christ and the Prophets when they predicted events or cured the suffering, materialized objects of the world (for example: bread or wine). There are many such testimonies in history of the capabilities of a person who, by his holiness, approached the Divine plan, His creativity.

For this, not much is needed - just to live according to the cosmic laws of brotherhood, unity, love, about which the ten commandments of Moses in the book of Genesis bear in themselves from the beginning.

Ask:"Why, then, are modules needed if everything is so simple and clear ?!" But it is not so easy to become correct in life, even more so - healthy, especially in the conditions of energy and ecological crises on the planet, when humanity, literally, suffocates in vapors and miasms of distorted energies accumulated on the planet for many centuries! The karmic debt of humanity is enormous, since the covenant of Divine Love has not been fulfilled to this day, this is evidenced by the unceasing outbreaks of wars, terrorism, and so on ... to the planet of pure, cosmic energies of Space, they cannot, at times, break through this dense brown gas of evil thoughts of hatred, fear, envy, and so on (these are the distorted energies for the Spaces of life). Here R.G.Shakaev's module plays the role of a "window" into Space so that a person can "catch his breath" with pure, cosmic energies that are sent to humanity by the Space Brothers and God himself (these are the energies of love, creation, joy and Light). Everything here is aimed at saving a person who wants to correct himself for the best, and, having cleansed himself of the distorted energies accumulated in all his incarnations, return to God, to the light of Love, Goodness, Brotherhood. The module also transforms distorted energies into pure and positive ones according to its internal program.

The person himself can no longer do this. The Great Brothers of Humanity - the Teachers of Shambhala, who make up the true Cosmic Government of the Planet, do their best to help humanity on Earth, giving the necessary knowledge and contributing to the scientific discoveries of scientists. Here's what says one of such great Teacher-Adepts about R. Shakaev's modules:“In any space, it is possible to conditionally single out a functional information point, which, in addition to the information of interest, will give

an opportunity to attract and manage the energy of the space. This functional point, conditionally highlighted by consciousness, is a kind of center of contact of energy-information spaces through thought. In our example - the human and the surrounding ocean of primary energy, which has many other energy-information spaces, the connecting link of which it is.

Primary, or psychic energy, is a bridge of contact between existing energy-information spaces. It is controlled by the subtlest energy in the Universe - by thought! A person can create or calculate a functional point by his own thinking, putting in it certain information, say, graphically depicting his thought in space, fixing it in a drawing according to the laws of timeless and immeasurable space. (Geometry, as a science, meets these requirements.)

Thus, the calculated point will belong to all energy-information spaces at once - only then will it be all-connecting and energy-informational, like a hologram of the timeless and all-dimensional ocean of thought-energy of the primary and connecting substance or substance, or psychic energy.

This functionally calculated point or hologram or module is a kind of spatial tunnel for thought to the level of the fourth dimension, which is a property of psychic energy or force. This gives him the opportunity to receive additional psychic energy for the individual to the level of his consciousness or thinking. The more powerful a thought, the more psychic energy it receives from space through any functionally selected point: be it a module or Magic wand, or a person, since a person himself is a calculated functional point in space according to all the laws of timeless multidimensionality. This gives him the opportunity to directly receive psychic energy from the surrounding space through his own structure or thought.

It is no coincidence that a person has a certain geometric structure that resembles a cross. The latter is a kind of module, once calculated and left to a person as a legacy. The cross is the ruler of the energy of space, it is like an antenna for her, and it is not by chance that it is placed above the domes of temples, from which, under the dome, always sensitives, that is, sensitive people, feel the flow of powerful energy, which is life-giving prana for a person.

So, the shape of a person's body contributes to the accumulation of energy by him, this happens naturally and so far unconsciously, therefore, it is not always qualitative and sufficient. The best option is conscious receipt of energy spaces through developed thought. In this there is a powerful engine for pumping the primordial energy so necessary for evolution, in addition, this is the key to its management, this must be realized. Therefore, the further evolution of man is impossible without mastering his own apparatus of thought, his will and emotions.

Calculated synthesizer modules are geometric patterns or graphical display of the function and information contained in them. It must be admitted that

thought can be depicted graphically, in the exact language of mathematics, and geometry is a science that makes it possible to exclude space and time when the fourth dimension is really approaching.

Let us repeat that the fourth dimension is a property of the psychic energy of space, or the primary substance of synthesis, which, by means of condensation and integration, created the entire surrounding World, including the person himself.

Modules-synthesizers, calculated by your scientist R. G. Shakaev, at the first stage will help a person to organize his thought in space in order to attract the primary or psychic energy of the Absolute (His power) so necessary for accelerated development. This is the salvation of man. This is a hint or help.

It is no longer a secret that, for many reasons, an ecological crisis has arisen on planet Earth, but it is also of an energetic nature, we have talked a lot about this and will continue to talk about it. In the mode of accelerated synthesis, a person can be saved through the transmutation of all his components, that is, through the refinement of all his structures and the output to more subtle planes of existence. A person who has good bioenergy (as you understand better) will be able to survive both in acid rain and in a contaminated atmosphere - you already have experience and observations at your SVENT Center, but you are still at the very beginning of the journey. Pay attention to the world around you, it is all - geometry from a green leaf to the shape of the Earth. This is not accidental, this is the basis for the implementation of energy exchange and synthesis, to which the so necessary primary or psychic energy of himself is attracted

Of the Absolute - the Creator. You still have to recognize the Creator. In the future, when the human thinking apparatus develops and functions consciously, the need for synthesizer modules will simply disappear, since a person is himself a module, but until a time closed by his own imperfect thinking, sometimes denying his own hidden possibilities in him.

The books by N.Yu. Remizova-Babushkina "Secrets of energy-information exchange" are devoted to this issue.


The R.G.Shakaev module contains a system of functions, an accurate calculation; the informational part of our organism and the World reacts to this function.

When the module and space interact, an energy point appears, which either supplements the cell's energy or sucks it out, depending on the program point assigned to the function. A synthesizer module is not an emotional structure, it is a geometric shape of point space, here - mathematics. And the design (white and black fields) is the introduction of information through mathematical calculation (a system of algorithms), it is easier to say - the translation of information into the language of formulas through the construction of a function, through a geometric drawing, which we perceive as a drawing.

Our space is informationally active, the informational essence of the nature of modules is to give energy. Matter can be depicted as functional curves. The planet is the same

it is informationally active, like a person, that is, any planet, informationally active beings: a person, a plant and any living matter, can be taken as a point. For people, mathematical calculations are presented, on the basis of which synthesizer modules are built.

The module is the eternal protection of your body, it protects from information and energy anomalies of the space of the planet and the Cosmos, helps to restore the harmony of unity in nature.

The ideas of the Kazakh mathematician were also tested in the laboratory: candidates of sciences Igor Zelepukhin and Eleonora Assenova from the production association "Almaly" found a way to do it. They decided to catch not the radiation itself (since it is not known what to catch), but the results of its impact on another, objectively existing object. The most suitable was water. What did the biologists do? They took two flasks and poured tap water from the same jar into them. Before the start of the experiment, the physicochemical parameters of the liquid in both vessels were measured - they were absolutely identical. Then the experimenters put one flask on the modules, and the control flask in the next room on a blank sheet of paper. The temperature, room illumination, air humidity, and pressure remained the same throughout the experiment. The exposure of the modules ranged from 10 minutes to 20 hours. And what turned out when they compared the water in flasks? An absolutely incredible, mysterious phenomenon was revealed: the physicochemical properties of the liquid in the control flasks remained unchanged, but in the experimental ones, which stood on the picture modules, they changed, and very significantly. The Cosmos module, for example, made the water alkaline. On the contrary, the "Logic" module acidified the water. In the treated water, gases partially volatilized, which changed its density, reduced volatility and one of the most important characteristics - redox potential. And since the "machine" of our life works on water, then when its properties change, that is, when it is activated by a module, all life processes change and become active.

Scientists-researchers conducted such a demonstration experiment: they poured water from the tap into ten flasks, dipped a branch of black currant seedlings with leaves into them, and then put five vessels on modules, and five in the next room on blank slates paper. After a week, all control plants died, and the modules stood for more than three weeks. Repeated experiments gave exactly the same results.

E. Asenova tested the activity of the modulated water on yeast. So, the yeast dough, mixed with the liquid activated by the module, matured 35-40 percent faster than the one mixed with plain water, its lifting force increased by 35 percent. The weight of the buns was 6-7 percent higher than the control. Not due, of course, to the consumption of flour, but due to the increase in the amount of bound water in the bread. The experienced loaves turned out to be much more luxurious and appetizing than the control ones.

After the experiments, it can be considered established that R.G. Shakaev's modules have

some powerful energy potential ... A simple pattern module is indeed capable of influencing biological processes in humans, animals, plants.

Thus, with the help of the placed geometric patterns, it is possible to effectively heal people. And this has already been proven by the school of the synthesis of matter in the spiritual and health centers: Almaty, Ridder, Ust-Kamenogorsk and other cities of Kazakhstan and Russia.

Vast experience has been accumulated for more than twenty years. Methods and practical options for the use of R.G. Shakaev's modules in medicine, pedagogy and in other areas of human life have been developed and continue to be developed. In addition to attracting the pure, divine energy of space, the synthesizer module is a kind of Transformer of the distorted energies of the biofield of a living organism into positive ones, supporting the system in a synthesis mode, which means in a state of renewal, rebirth and continuous restoration according to an internal, divine blueprint, laid down as an idea, by the Creator or the Creator of Life himself. In this, the help of the space science of the Synthesis of Matter is seen. A person on Earth should think about the purity of his thinking, reconsider everything negative in himself and strive for perfection and improvement of himself. Many centuries ago it was written on the Delphic Temple: "Man, know yourself!" We will add to this you and I: “Man, having cognized himself, - IMPROVE! By your own aspiration, by the power of your own thought and your desire, become like our divine holy Brothers of all mankind! "

I will never believe that someone does not want to become a true master over himself and over the entire Earth! But this must be earned ... Not knowing, but already feeling his destiny, a person, due to his ignorance, was lost for himself, therefore he drinks alcoholic beverages, uses drugs, smokes and so on. But such "doping" is reliably destructive for him. You can't forbid suicide!

Man is given by God freedom of will and choice. But there is a way out! You just need to call the help of God and the great Brothers of Light to yourself, striving steadfastly towards self-improvement, towards self-improvement. And help will come immediately! At the first stage, R.G. Shakaev's modules will also help you with this. For example, the life-giving power of self-attitudes according to the method of G.N. Sytin will increase unimaginably if they are recited using the modules of R.G. Shakaev, the same amplification effect occurs when reading prayers, high poems, performing music, and so on. It is enough just to tune in to the modules, placing them next to you when reading, or opposite yourself.


According to the theory "Mathematical synthesis and philosophy of matter", which was developed by the Almaty scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Rauel Gabbasovich Shakaev, the natural desire of a person to be healthy can be converted into the energy of synthesis or the energy of regeneration of cells and everything

the organism as a whole. This is the main idea of ​​functional-geometric structures, which the author called bio-energy-information modules. They calculate and functionally define the initial information for the improvement of the biosphere and noosphere of the Earth, the desired information (for example, a person's desire to become healthy) is translated into the language of formulas and through the construction of a function is depicted in a geometric pattern called a synthesizer, or a programmed point in space that makes it possible to transform energy thoughts into the energy of synthesis by attracting primary or psychic energy from space. Depending on the program, all modules have their own individual properties. Therefore, the image and the name of the modules are different - this is determined by their purpose, that is, by the information or desire embedded in them.

The concept and meaning of information in nature has not yet had a rigorous scientific justification. However, the influence of information on a person's condition is obvious. The world has long known that a word can be resurrected or killed. Any word, gesture, thought is information transmitted by a person to a person or into space. The world around us participates in energy-information exchange. The information entering the consciousness is displayed by the human mind, it is analyzed and at the same time synthesized, which is expressed in a decision, project, dream, conclusions, and so on. In this occupation, the mind evolves the more, the more often it has to process the information coming to it. The better or more truthful the information is, the more food it gives the mind for development.

The human mind constantly participates in the natural energy-information exchange with nature or the world, and the better this exchange is, the healthier the person is. Therefore, a person's illness is the result of an abnormal energy-information exchange, in which the quality and level of consciousness play an important role. Positive information has a qualitative effect on evolution, the reaction of a living cell to information has already been proven by science, but the secret is not in the structure of the cell itself, but in essence of energy-information exchange.

Positive information means, first of all, objective information that expresses the most general laws of nature. Such information has the greatest energy potential. For example, information of love or goodness expresses the general laws of nature, such as harmony in existence, care, help, unity, joy, understanding, peacefulness, generosity, and so on. All this helps to develop not only a person, but the entire surrounding world, nature, parallel worlds, the entire Cosmos.

Progressive development is the essence of evolution, just as evolution itself implies only progressive development. Consequently, positive information has the greatest energy potential due to its evolutionary program. From these positions, it becomes clear that if all of us are now threatened by a global ecological crisis, and the problem of the survival of mankind has arisen in the world, then the reason is, first of all, the use of incorrect information about the laws of nature, or a deliberate violation of them. Fake information

is a negative factor in the evolution of the cell, it is the cause of any disease of plants, animals and humans, because it takes a living organism away from the basic general laws in development, and this is fraught with the loss of time and energy.

The desire to be healthy, loved, needed, happy, selfless, brave, courageous is a natural form of information in human consciousness. And it is the more qualitative, the more it is more general, namely: to be like that for everyone, not only for oneself, to use one's abilities, knowledge for everyone and the entire surrounding space. Such a person is protected by nature and space itself, because, as an information point, he harmoniously fits into the general laws of the Cosmos. Positive feelings and thoughts literally attract the energy of the surrounding space, because they feed it back with positive information and even control its processes.

The module is controlled by a person's thought, and the more progressive information it carries, the more energy it attracts to itself through the calculated point in space. Negative thoughts and feelings cannot be transformed into the energy of synthesis, since these forms of self-awareness contradict the objective and comprehensive information exchange.

Nature is fair due to the objective laws of energy-information exchange. Modules make it possible for a person to defend himself against negative information and harmful influences from the outside, from the evil thoughts of strangers. Over time, a person working with the module develops a powerful energy-informational protection, but this is provided that the person himself carries bright thoughts and feelings, fosters them in himself, tries to live for everyone, strives to live according to the laws of high morality. If a person wishes to use the module to receive energy for evil to another, then the opposite effect will work: the spiteful critic will himself be punished by the energy-information space. In this case, the effect of nature's self-defense through the modules is enhanced and the source of anomalous information may suffer.

All presented bio-energy-information modules - talismans created according to the laws of a new, amazing science "Mathematical synthesis and philosophy of matter"... The functional-geometric structure of the modules transforms the information field of the Universe into energy that activates synthesis in living cells of plants, animals and humans. At the same time, their natural protective properties are restored, immunity is increased. And most importantly, the process of energy-informational transformation in modules is subject to consciousness!

A simple pattern module is indeed capable of influencing biological processes in a person, animal, plant. But the question is: what is this energy? The answer to the question, to some extent, was given by the experiments of the German doctor R. Voll, which he conducted thirty years ago, and which all this time were kept in the strictest confidence. It turns out that the conclusion about

the existence of a special energy-informational field, which the Kazakh scientist came to on the basis of mathematical calculations, R. Voll approached from the other side. This is a fantastic discovery, well worth telling about.

It is known that there are several hundred biologically active or acupuncture points (AT) on the human body, each of which is associated with a specific organ or life support system. By the electrical activity of AT, one can fairly accurately judge how the heart, liver, kidneys, blood vessels and so on work, and how the medications taken affect the diseased organs.

This is what R. Voll was doing in his clinic, when one day a cardiological patient came to him - he was worried about his heart. R. Voll measured the electrical potential of the heart point and found its deviation. Something distracted the doctor from the appointment, and he thrust the unopened package with the medicine into the patient and left. When he returned to the patient a few minutes later, holding the unopened package with the medicine in his hand, he was surprised to find that the patient's heart attack had passed, and the electrical potential of the point, showing a cardiac abnormality, returned to normal. The doctor repeated the experiment with the pills in his hand. And for the fifth and tenth times, the result was the same - the arrow of the device showed that the medicine in the hand works faster and even more effectively than when taken by mouth... How? How to explain such a long-range action of the drug, which did not even have physical contact with the patient's hand, since it was in an unopened vial?

R. Voll suggested the existence of some kind of energy-informational radiation capable of transmitting to a person the structure or meaning of a substance, which he did not even touch.

That is, thirty years ago a German doctor discovered the effect of unknown radiation and made almost the same conclusions as R. Shakaev. Of course, as a real scientist, R. Voll understood that the results of his experiments can be explained by the psychological effect of suggestion or auto-suggestion. He took the sick package with the medicine in his hands, tuned in for recovery, maybe even subconsciously, and - the work of the diseased organs returned to normal.

To exclude the psychological component from the experiments, R. Voll performed the following experiment. He took two jars with the simplest bacteria in an aqueous medium and dropped a little active substance into one, and lowered a sealed ampoule with a similar composition into the second. And the bacteria in the second glass reacted to the stimulant in the ampoule in the same way as in the first glass, directly to the substance. Then R. Voll did the following: he again mixed the active substance into one vessel and connected it with a copper wire to the second vessel, where a similar bacterial culture was located. And as soon as the wire connected the two cans, the microorganisms in the second bottle behaved as actively as if a biostimulant had also been added to it. Since it is impossible in principle to transfer the substance itself along the wire, there is only one conclusion: information about the substance was transmitted through the wire. This is similar to how people in the taiga react to a warning about a bear by fleeing. Reaction to information about a clubfoot predator

is no different from the reaction to the owner himself.

Voll was convinced that it is just about radiation, and that does not recognize any obstacles from such a simple experience. He dipped an acupuncture needle into each of the cans so that their ends protruded over the vessels like small antennas. And the transfer of information about the active substance, which was dropped into the first bottle, went into the second without any wires. Between two cans with acupuncture antennas, the scientist put screens made of steel, bronze, wood, plastic, etc. This did not affect the quality of the connection. The only exception was aluminum. There are several hypotheses about the nature of the unknown phenomenon: someone calls it microlepton radiation, someone calls it torsion and minor fields, someone calls it psi fields, etc. Which of the hypotheses is correct is difficult to say. One thing is certain: the mysterious radiation exists and it requires study.

And now let's talk about the treatment with "pictures" of R. Shakaev, who, filled with the desire for good and happiness to people, calculates his modules to receive healing energy. The Soviet scientist V. Sarchuk, on the basis of R. Voll's work on the long-range action of drugs, found several absolutely fantastic methods of treatment. In one of them, for example, he uses paintings ... His recipe: for kidney disease, he recommends the painting of A. Matis "Odalisque" as a medicine, ten sessions every other day, 15 minutes each. Botticelli's paintings, as it turned out, relieve pain well. Picasso helps in the treatment of disorders in the cerebral cortex. Currently, the Soviet-Austrian and American firm "SVENAS", using the methodology of the Soviet doctor V. Sarchuk, is testing paintings by different artists in order to introduce their art into pharmacopoeial circulation.

A painting is an emotional drawing, charged with the psychic energy of the author himself. And, if the emotional structure of the beholder of the painting matches that of the artist, this can have a positive effect. In addition, the picture must have positive information in it. Shakaev's modules are calculated "drawings" in which positive information is put in mathematical language, for example, on recovery, etc. Here is a strictly calculated function.

In the future, we will offer a wide range of readers the super-evolutionary modules of the older generation, which carry unimaginably powerful information, they can be safely called ecological modules, since they are capable of restoring both nature and everything that exists around a person. But first, it is necessary to assimilate and learn to sublimate the energy of the first generation modules, to prepare for more powerful streams of super-evolutionary modules. Ten years have passed since the publication of the modules of the first generation, and we, the students of R. Shakaev, acquaint people with more powerful ecological, superevolutionary modules.

Techniques for working with the modules are very simple and straightforward, they do not require much time, while maintaining the usual way of life. The natural desire of any person to be healthy and to see healthy and happy people around him gradually restores his protective properties, his natural immunity. An extensive study carried out by the Almaty School of Synthesis and the Information Center "SVENT" has convincingly proved that the modules do, in fact, continuously release energy. Hundreds of thousands of people have felt the beneficial effects of these amazing geometric shapes. The prediction of the new science has come true - functional geometry activates synthesis, and can and should return health to everyone living on Earth, move everyone who thinks on the planet to perfection, to the ideal of the Divine plan.

The solution to the energy problem, the qualitative transformation of agricultural technology, ensuring the protection of plants, animals and humans from evolutionary anomalies, a radical solution to the ecological problem for the entire planet with the revival of a new, high-quality state of nature, new ways of movement in space without time and distance, without using traditional sources fuel or energy, a new level of medicine, which makes it possible to solve the problems of human evolutionary diseases, such as: allergies, cancer, AIDS, a qualitative change in consciousness and its transformation into the most powerful creative factor of any technologies - these are the nearest prospects for the application of R.G. Shakaev's modules.

“Nature is very simple.
What contradicts this -
that should be rejected. "

(M. Lomonosov)

Rushing up to the streams of the sun,

We will learn the secrets of plasma and Fire,

It's time to see your way in terms of time,

A planet without cosmic energy is sick!


Modules - converters and synthesizers of the Spaces of all living things, we can conditionally call them energy-information systems or "devices". Therefore, it will not be superfluous to execute some "instruction" when interacting with them. Yes, there is no power source and no wires, but who said that Space needs all this? After all, "all ingenious is simple!" And God is genius and very practical. Receiving additional energy from Him through the informational substance of Space, in which He is, as it were, dissolved (from this and is omnipresent), a person should use it only for the benefit of himself, everyone and the Planet. Then the cosmic law will not be violated. The main thing is not to distort this energy with unseemly

deeds and actions, bad thoughts and foul language. Then such a "subsidy" from the Creator will be useful for you and will multiply infinitely... Such a person becomes a powerful energetic point of Space and radiates the energy of the Creator's synthesis like the sun, thereby healing everything around him with his presence; and people, and Nature, and the blue planet Earth itself. This is confirmed by the holy relics of the righteous long gone, sanctifying everything even after leaving and healing those who come into contact with them. Miraculous healings have been described in such places throughout the ages.

When working with modules, you need to know some of their features:

Ö The energy of the modules spreads to any distance instantly, without experiencing any obstacles, the modules themselves do not contain any energy, they are only converters and a "window" into the energy-information space to attract the energy of Synthesis, of which everything consists.

Ö The holographic principle operates in the module - any part of the module manifests itself as a whole module.

Ö The interaction of modules with a person occurs continuously.

Ö All modules are interconnected by one goal - to ensure the further evolution of all life on Earth.

Ö The energy-informational qualities of the module are constantly increasing.

Ö The module program actively opposes its use as violence.

Ö Modules can be stored anywhere.

Ö Setting up to work with modules is carried out mentally and does not depend on their location.

Ö You can use 3-4 modules at the same time.

Ö The position of the plane of the module relative to the person can be any.

Ö The module can be used at any time of the day.

Ö The use of the modules should be strictly voluntary on an individual basis; in no case should you force children.

Ö The module is controlled through a person's consciousness, through his thinking, visual and sensory images.

Ö "Direct" modules enhance a person's informational sensitivity, "inversion" - energy.

Ö Modules cannot be destroyed, it is better to bury them in the ground if they have become unusable.

Ö Modules can be colored at will, which we recommend to offer to children. This enhances the impact of the module.

Ö A person should have his own individual modules, it is undesirable to transfer them to another person.

Each module is informationally coded, has a calculated program (see the selection of modules at the end of the brochure), your program (wish) must be formulated and pronounced aloud or mentally just once, tuning in to the module.

Ö It is undesirable to wrap the module with plastic wrap, the module should, as it were, "breathe", interacting with the space without obstacles. Use glass, transparent paper (such as cellophane, tracing paper), transparent photographic plates, mirrors, etc. The only barrier to radiation is aluminum and everything that includes it (for example, polyethylene).

We crush stones with the power of thought
We penetrate deep into the Earth.
With her, distant Cosmos is available,
Interuniverse bridges!

Wherever you look boldly upward
On the creation of beauty,
A thought was ripening in their project
We are attracted from the void ...

Thought - wherever a person is
I unrolled my lands
Every century breathes it
And not the stench of idle talk!

The power of thought crumbles rocks
Raises to heaven!
She controls the oceans
Both love and miracles!

Good idea!
Honor her righteousness and faithfulness,
Wretchedness will bloom into life,
Kohl do not give maturity to thinking.


You can work with the modules for recovery on an individual basis every day from 15 to 30 minutes, except Sunday, that is, it is desirable to rest on the seventh day. After 5-6 months, you can study with the module in 1-2 days. After 1-2 years, classes can be even less frequent, mainly at will, when an intuitive need arises. There will come a time when classes will not be needed, since the module will feed its master automatically, as needed.

The module can be used in sports, during training, morning exercises. You can meditate on the module, using it as a point for contemplation.

With the help of the module, you can train memory, relieve various pains, reduce the impact of meteorological factors.

The module can neutralize geopathogenic zones, radiation from TV, phones (any), computers, radio, etc.

Using the module, you can charge things, water, objects, products, creams, ointments, decoctions of medicinal herbs, herbs themselves, grow garden crops, flowers, bushes, trees, plants, help animals and other living beings.

The module is used for energy-informational cleaning of any environments, spaces, objects, organisms. The module can protect your computer from the attack of digital viruses.

With the help of the module, you can protect premises, cars, humans, animals, etc. The violator of energy information protection will certainly be punished. EXPERIENCE is already available.

The modules are good for storing food, improving the quality of food, when preparing dough, kvass, fruit drinks, drinks, decoctions, etc.

The module helps to heal the body during illness or injury.

The module can diagnose one's own state, feed the body with psychic energy, distribute it in the body, predict earthquakes and natural disasters.

Let's consider some examples of application of R. Shakaev's modules.


This method is associated with the direct impact of the program included in the module on the human body, which will require the owner of the module to apply certain efforts in order to obtain a healing effect. Improvement of the body with various, most common diseases will be described in the next brochure.

What should be done in practice for this?

Try to set aside a quiet time to work with the module so that no one interferes with you. Attach the module to the wall or put it on your lap, sit in a comfortable position (you can sit in a chair, on a chair, lie on a sofa), tune in to the module. Relax as much as possible. Studying the interweaving of lines and patterns, internally tune in to rest, to a wave of good. Imagine that the module understands you, it is like a living point in space. Therefore, as if turning through the module into space, wish the World good and happiness, for example: "May it be good for the whole world!"... After that, mentally or aloud, express your wishes, for example: “I want to be healthy, harmoniously developed, useful to people and the Cosmos. Let the power of Reason, the power of Spirit, the power of Love, the power of Thought develop in me. Let all the ailments go away (you can list them), let the pain and irritation go away, I want to learn to love and be loved, I want to know the World. My biofield or the energy of my body becomes powerful, dense and reliably protects me from evil and troubles, informational dirt. I am very strong, brave, healthy! "

Everyone can wish for himself everything that, in his opinion, is useful to him. After a wish, when you yourself lay a thought own program closing your eyes, dream, go back in time when you were healthy and happy. It is good to stay in this state for 15-20 or 30 minutes. You can fall asleep on the module. This indicates that your body has entered the synthesis mode, that is, recovery, because physiological sleep, and only it, allows a person to recover faster. It is not for nothing that young children sleep a lot, their body grows in a dream, quickly replenishing the reserves of the much-needed energy, in a dream all the cells of the body are also renewed.

Some people may have a reverse reaction: a surge of vivacity, freshness, activity, that is, even some excitement. These are normal reactions of the body, because the starting conditions are different for everyone. The help from the modules is especially acute for very sick people, they do not have enough synthesis energy for recovery.

Study the module regularly, every day or every other day. On the seventh day, rest is necessary - this is the time for synthesis in your body. The modules have a general strengthening, general health-improving effect, they normalize the energy-information field around a person and in himself - you will quickly feel it. The author of these lines has experienced their effect on himself - there are many patients who are ready to confirm this. The patients experience pain relief, appetite, mood, vitality improve, health improves, and gradually they stop using medications. The effect will be much greater if a person is engaged in any of the health-improving methods, leads a healthy lifestyle. It is great if you give up meat or significantly reduce its consumption, giving preference to fish products and seafood, vegetable proteins, which are found in cereals such as: buckwheat, oats, millet, as well as in legumes: beans, beans, peas and so on. ... Don't forget about the nutritional benefits of nuts, dairy and soy products. The body assimilates vegetable proteins faster, with minimal energy consumption for their breakdown, which cannot be said about meat. But the point is not even this, but the fact that the meat of warm-blooded animals, close in development to humans, carries more residual energy-informational biofield, which densely slags human energy channels with its low, animal vibrations. Thus, the quality of the vibrations of the biofield of the person himself decreases.

And it can be difficult for pure, cosmic energies to break through the channels of the energy shells of the human biofield, which is designed for vegetarian food: a long intestine, which has several sections, teeth and an oral cavity for chewing, namely, plant food, as evidenced by the wide areas of molar teeth, small incisors and the absence of powerful canines, which are observed in predators. Meat should be in the digestive tract no more than 6-8 hours, with a longer passage through the digestive system of the body, it begins to "rot", and a fairly large number of poisons are formed, such as: cadaverine, skatole, indole, etc. The body may not be poisoned if the person has daily, normal stools, and the entire gastrointestinal tract is healthy and working as


But can everyone boast of this? Unfortunately no! There are many diseases known to medicine associated with the abuse of meat. Does this not confirm what was said above?

The reader got acquainted with the features of RG Shakaev's modules. We continue our conversation on this topic.

A wide range of applications for mascot modules, since they make it possible to receive the energy of space to activate synthesis in any cell of plants, animals and humans. In addition, the energy of synthesis, or the so-called psychic energy, which is part of any process or phenomenon, as the primary and basic, can activate the processes of any plan at any level, including the atomic, quantum-quark and so on ... Therefore, the recommendations offered here have a completely scientific and vital basis.

The synthesizer is driven by thought - it is important to remember, because the primary, subtlest energy of synthesis (or psychic) ​​can be controlled by even more subtle energy in the Universe, which is manifested in thought or is simply the thought itself! Much is said about this in the ancient sources of knowledge left to mankind by the Great Teachers, and Agni Yoga tells us about this. The New Teaching, containing the foundations of true knowledge about the world and the Universe, was transmitted by the Mahatmas (Teachers) of Shambhala to all mankind and were written down at the beginning of the century by a wonderful woman - E. I. Roerich.

The discovery, or new theory of R.G. Shakaev "Mathematical synthesis and philosophy of matter", is a new proof confirming all sources of knowledge about Man and the Universe, including those written by our compatriots, wonderful students of the Mahatmas - H.P. Blavatskaya and Helena Roerich.

Interesting material and observations have been accumulated about the positive impact of the modules on all living things in the process of using the modules to improve the health of people.

In our Center "SVENT" it is possible with the help of modules to restore the disturbed energy of the human field, to carry out its complete correction and purification.

Methods have been developed for crushing stones in the kidneys, liver, relieving inflammatory processes, tumor formation, etc.

Interesting results were obtained on the treatment of infertility in women, among whom there were patients with uterine hypoplasia, fibromatosis, polycystic ovary disease, etc. Many of them have already given birth to children.

Internal diseases of a person respond well to treatment. Over time, patients noticeably develop the quality of thinking: children begin to study well, write poetry, stories, draw, that is,

there is a craving for creativity, the character and attitude to the world around them improve.

Good results have been obtained in the recovery of persons with disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system.

As the experience of the "SVENT" Center has shown, there are practically no diseases, the course of which would not improve after the use of RG Shakaev's synthesizer modules.


It is necessary to pour raw tap water into any vessel (preferably glass) in the evening. Cover it with any module of your choice and express your wish out loud or mentally, for example: “Let this water become charged, cleansed of harmful impurities, helps to remove toxins from the body, heals the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system (you can list from which diseases you want to get rid of). Let the balance of my body be restored, the nervous system calm down, ”and so on. There can be any wishes, and in free form but they must be sincere and with faith. The slightest doubt will turn off the module from work, since it is controlled by your thought - you need to remember this! Skeptics might argue that this is suggestion. But what is suggestion? Suggestion is a thought sent into space through one's own volitional effort or striving. Probably, the sufferer would rather choose such a suggestion than fall under the surgeon's knife? The unusualness of the new lies in its simplicity, but it has long been known that the ingenious is in the simple! And this is true, tested by life.

The whole world was created according to the laws of geometry - who will undertake to deny this?

When receiving charged water, you can use two modules: one - from below, the other - from above, for example, a module "Renaissance" and "Space", or "Mystery"... Modulated water can be used to water flowers, and cut flowers stay in the water longer without drying out. Such water is good for cooking, decoctions, dough, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. Typically, the water is ready to drink after 12 hours. It is known that water has a "memory", therefore it is an excellent information medium, and, therefore, has a high energy capacity, since energy is inseparable from information, and vice versa. This property of water is used in conspiracies and incantations, which are read by healers, or the Holy Fathers, when they sanctify water in a church. Water, as it were, absorbs information through a mantra, or prayer, a wish - this is its healing power.

Now it is clear that it is harmful to swear and swear where there is a vessel with water, or another reservoir of water. For example, never quarrel in the kitchen - liquid food is literally saturated with negative information and, when ingested, has a negative effect. Soup prepared by an irritated or angry hostess can be considered informationally poisonous for the whole family. This again shows the great power of mental balance, the power of thought.

Try to bathe the newborn in modulated water or decoctions of string, chamomile, hay, charged with modules. Such a baby will be calmer and healthier, his skin will quickly clear up, this is a good prevention of pustular skin diseases, allergic rashes or prickly heat. The child will develop better. You can drink it with charged water or milk, fruit drink, etc.

It is not for nothing that water is used in baptism - here its energy-informational properties are manifested, which make it possible not only to cleanse a person of harmful information, but also energize, since such water is charged through prayers and baptism in the temple. The energy-informational properties of water are also clear when pouring, which is used by healers, but here the process is somewhat more complicated, this is a topic for another conversation. You can charge decoctions, infusions, tinctures, creams, etc. on the modules. Experiment boldly, because you have at your disposal the module and the light of your thought, which controls the entire program.


Sit more comfortably on a chair or chair, place one module under your feet, the other on your knees. Place your hands on the modules on your lap and relax. You can turn on quiet music. Having tuned in to the modules, mentally or aloud (once) set them a program of approximately the following content: "Energy-informational cleaning of my channels and the whole organism, with simultaneous feeding in the synthesis or restoration mode." You can say: "May I be cleansed and energized!" The answer to your thought will be the feeling of warmth or coolness from the module. This indicates that the cleaning and makeup process has begun. At the same time, you can also wish yourself health and all the best. Cleaning will be better if you use your hands to clean the unit, as if you were rinsing them. Or do shaking movements, mentally collecting all the "dirt" with your hands, imagining that the module is a fire burning this "dirt". You can move and extend your hands above the module, making the swimmer move away from you, then bring them closer again, etc.

Energy information cleaning lasts from 10 to 15 minutes, more is possible. As a rule, the body itself tells the time (within 30-40 minutes).

A sign of good cleaning and purity of the canals are pinpoint tingling sensations in the fingers (like little needles), amazing lightness and warmth of the hands, palms seem to "burn". The same sensations arise in the legs.

But do not expect the result of complete cleaning from one session, since slagging can be significant. Exercise hard every day, or every other day, leaving the seventh day to rest, and the result will immediately affect as the body is cleared.

The reason for the pronounced slagging can be the meat of warm-blooded animals, since its energy-informational nature is close to man. Cleaning will speed up if you stop eating meat or at least reduce its consumption. Usually recommended

replace meat with fish, dairy products, eggs. In a word, a plant-milk diet is welcomed - the body will only benefit from this. And there is no need to be afraid of anything. Examples from the animal kingdom show that large herbivores have great strength and endurance. Excessive intake of protein is no longer required for the formed body, since it has already grown, and it only needs proteins for cell renewal, and this does not require much.

It is the excess of animal protein that often serves as a sign of metabolic disorders. It is known from practice that meat lovers are more likely to suffer from obesity, while carbohydrates are burned faster in the metabolic cycles of the body. It is also important to remember and know that the brain and muscles work mainly on the energy obtained from the "burning" of carbohydrates - this says a lot.

Proper nutrition greatly contributes to the energy purity of the body. What are we eating for? For the introduction of the necessary substances into the body. But not only for this. From food we receive this very energy of synthesis, accumulated by plants or the body in the course of its life, or prana - as the yogis would say, or the energy of the Sun. So where is it cleaner - from plants or from animal flesh? After all, the animal itself eats this plant in order to grow and live. That is, the energy received through animals was processed for humans as if twice. This is logical and obvious from reasoning, so draw your own conclusions ...

No matter how we freeze the meat, the decay process continues, it only slows down. And how many examples when meat is in the refrigerator for months ?! It turns out that we eat corpses, while since ancient times it is not recommended to kiss a deceased person, since there are the listed decomposition poisons on the surface of his skin. The broth is especially harmful - it contains all the digestion, in which all these poisons, chemical compounds, antibiotics are present. After all, it is no longer a secret that our animals also receive antibiotics and all kinds of chemical additives such as hormones, etc. Pesticides and other chemicals entered the body from an ecologically unfavorable environment and with herbs ...

After exercising with the modules, you will notice a decrease in appetite, meals will become more rare. This is due to the fact that you will receive the energy that the body needs so much, mainly not through food, but from space. It is possible to increase appetite for a short time. This happens if the body has health problems, but then the amount of food will be intuitively reduced. The same will happen with sleep.


Working with modules can be combined with gymnastics. To do this, it is enough to place the module under the gymnastic mat on which you are exercising, or place the modules opposite the place of exercise. Naturally, the modules should be "included" in the work by your wishes, this has already been said. Athletes can noticeably improve their results, this has already been proven in practice. For example, running a hundred meters, it is enough to tune in to your modules,

remember the place where they lie or hang, wish energy from them - and you will feel a new influx of fresh strength. After all, there is no distance and time for the module, it transfers energy instantly, following your thought!

Can be carried out therapeutic synthetic gymnastics :

1. Stand on module ( "Renaissance", "Eternity", "Mystery" or whatever you have) in a free and comfortable position. The place should not restrict subsequent body movements.

2. Mentally tune in to the module under your feet, turn off your consciousness, not control body movements, but, as it were, observe it. The body will begin to make slow, varied movements without losing balance. The emerging moments of rest will again turn into movement.

3. In this state, the body on the module itself enters a neutral state, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body. You can stop gymnastics at will, or by programming its duration. The body will shut itself down and come out of the neutral state without the need for hypnosis.

It is known that the neutral state contributes to the restoration of all disturbed processes in the body. You can perform synth gymnastics daily for 5-20 minutes, several times a day. In this state, it is good to relieve high blood pressure, if you still figuratively imagine your vessels as a system of tubes through which blood flows freely from the head to the legs. Some patients do without medication in this way.


Overlay modules on eyes, it is better to use a module calculated for this "Aynazhol"... Lie comfortably and relax with your eyes closed. If the modules are inserted into glasses, the eyes can remain open. Ask the module a program for improving the eyes, saying it once mentally or aloud: “Let my vision recover, the environments of the eyes become transparent and clean, the pain is relieved, the eyes become hardy, etc.” The duration of the session is 10-30 minutes. At the same time, it is good to listen to the quiet music you love.


The module can be constantly carried with you, giving it a program for personal protection: "Energy-informational protection of my body and mind from the impact of harmful energies of space, the energies of evil thoughts of bad entities of the world around me." It's a good idea to put the module in the interior of your car with the same program, adding a wish to protect the car. Attach the module "Eternity" or "Renaissance" on the door of his apartment to protect the premises: "Energy-informational protection of the premises from evil people and other forces of evil, no evil entity will penetrate through the threshold of this apartment!"

The same modules, with the same program, can be placed on the window frame, on the walls, under the carpet, etc.


If you glue the guitar with modules (you can from the inside), then its sound will change. The module can be glued to the piano base (from the inside) and to any other instrument. In addition to improving the sound of the instrument, you will find that the musician almost never gets tired, and the music, fueled by the energy of the module, will sound deeper, more soulful - it will literally be healing.

You can also glue the modules on the back of the picture, sit in a comfortable position and start looking at it.

While listening to a turntable or tape recorder, put the module on a sound reproducing device (you can use speakers or amplifiers), this will create a positive effect for listening, improve the sound of music and will have a beneficial effect on your body.


Modules "Madonna", "Tenderness", "Love", or "Renaissance" glue on the back of the mirror. By directing the light from the mirror to your face, wish for your skin to become supple, smooth, healthy. For example: “Let my body become beautiful, harmoniously developed. The skin will be firm and elastic, let all wrinkles be smoothed out! Let the face and skin of the body be completely cleansed of any rash! " Say once and relax for 15-20 minutes in a chair, imagining yourself, your figure as you dream. Your desire will be perceived by the informational structure of the module as a program, and the figurative presentation will significantly enhance and speed up its execution. First of all, the subtle bodies of your body will begin to rebuild and take the desired shape, which in the future will entail a change and densification of the physical body. The appetite will decrease, since food is needed more to obtain synthesis energy from it, in addition to the necessary trace elements, proteins, vitamins, etc.

If the body has enough energy of Synthesis, then in its "chemical" laboratory it creates for itself everything it needs, even the necessary "medicine".

Do not forget that not only water can be charged on the module, but also creams, lotions, shampoos, ointments, decoctions, etc. This will increase their health benefits.

To activate the energy centers of the head and legs, you can place modules under the shoe insole, attach the module inside any headgear, preferably above the crown, the choice of the module is possible here at will. For the head, you can, for example, recommend modules "Wisdom", "Logics", "Mystery", "Fantasy"... Under the shoe insole - modules "Earth", "Carnation", "Stone Flower", "Renaissance".


Place the modules in the storage areas. Imagine the constant freshness of products, their pleasant appearance and aroma: "Let the products be fresh and healthy so that they retain their qualities and good taste for a long time!"


Stick modules "Earth", "Carnation", "Renaissance" onto pieces of glass or mirrors, cover them with a waterproof layer of varnish, glue or paint. Bury these modules around the perimeter of the garden at any distance, placing them on the surface of the ground with a reflective layer up. Make one such mirror for yourself. Daily (mentally) through the modules provide energy supply from these mirrors of garden crops, figuratively imagining the desired end result: “Energy supply of vegetables and fruits, bushes, trees. Let them grow and develop normally, be healthy and resistant to adverse environmental factors. Let them ripen in time. "

Your wishes should be sincere and cordial, but by no means materialistic.


To neutralize anomalous phenomena in the discovered geopathogenic zones, it is necessary to decompose modules in them. It is necessary to keep modules in zones until undesirable phenomena are completely eliminated. Approximate wording: “Let the abnormality of the zone be eliminated, the harmful radiation will be neutralized”.


A special module has been designed for animals "Friend" but one can use "Renaissance",

"Love", "Tenderness", "Eternity".

Place the module under the sick animal's mattress, wishing him health and recovery. The module can be put in a light medallion and attached to the animal's neck with the thought: "Let the four-legged friend(nickname)will be healthy and protected from all manifestations of evil and hatred! "


Put several modules around the perimeter of the room and 3 pieces in the center. It's good to use modules here: "Renaissance", "Funnel", "Lily of life", "Eternity", "Ainabulak"... Tune in to the modules and express your desire (once) aloud or mentally: “Energy-informational cleaning of the premises in a constant, automatic mode. Convert all the distorted energies of the space of this room into pure energy of Synthesis or into Light. " Let the modules lie all night, or during the day. We especially recommend this to healers who use the room for the recovery of patients, as well as where there are bed patients or children, the elderly. It is advisable to clean the room in this way after quarrels and scandals, funerals, after watching TV and working with a computer, when the emanations of distorted information literally "float in the air", layering on furniture, objects, carpets, etc. This is a very effective method for cleaning living spaces. Distorted energies superimposed on the objects of the room will affect everyone

living in it, causing melancholy, sadness or irritation, fear, weakness, malaise, sometimes even hallucinations. How many such cases have been noticed when neighbors swear, and after a while the whole house begins to swear! This information infection spreads very quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to protect and clean the walls of the apartment with modules. They can be hidden behind carpets, paintings, wallpapers, etc.

Modules can be used for protection and protection from harmful radiation and information, placed under a computer, telephone, TV.


Use modules: "Eternity", "Rebirth", "Sphinx", "Ainabulak", "Logic", "Cosmos". Place the modules around the perimeter of the car: in front, from the sides and behind, it is not at all necessary that they be visible. Also - under the car seat. Do not forget to say at least once a day: “Constant protection and protection of my car, cleaning the interior of harmful, distorted energies. The modules work constantly in automatic mode! "

When you get into the car, mentally tune in to all the modules in the cabin (you know where they are!) And give them a task out loud or mentally : "Protection and protection of me and my car on the way, saturation with the energy of synthesis is constantly" Having said this, mentally draw a circle of blue glowing energy around the car three times, then you can start the engine and go about your business.

If you forgot to do this right away, then, being on the way, give the task to the modules and draw a circle around the car three times (mentally). In the same way, you can put the protection of any machines, trains, ships, machine tools, etc. Similarly, the protection of an apartment, a room is carried out: "Protection and security, cleaning my apartment or room constantly, in the Synthesis mode, day and night."


The module, as a talisman, should always be carried with you, preferably from the side of the heart or in any pocket, women - in a bra, or - inserted into a mirror. It is imperative to "include" the module in the work with words or mentally: "Energy-informational protection, protection, replenishment and balancing of my entire body in the Synthesis mode, constantly day and night."


Space is the container of all that exists. He is everything. He is in everything. Therefore, the "Space" module is paired with all other modules and is compatible with any of them, and with all of them taken together. It resonates with the energy-information fields of the modules, enhancing their impact on a person, and, at the same time, it itself is one of the most powerful converters of the energy of the Universe, it is able to smooth out and even neutralize cosmologically unfavorable days. This makes it indispensable for people suffering from various disorders of the cardiovascular system. For heart health, you need to constantly carry it in the breast pocket on the left.

To charge water, the "Cosmos" module can be used both separately and together with any other modules.


The "Eternity" module has a general strengthening, general health-improving character, it normalizes the energy-informational field around a person and in himself.

The module is a powerful synthesizer of protection from the distorted energies of external negative influences of a psychic nature, which is regarded as psychic attempts, which are popularly called the evil eye, damage, curse, curse, and so on! It is advisable to always carry this module with you, memorize its drawing, hang it on the front door of an apartment, office, etc.

Bio-energy-information module


Restores the protective properties of the human immune system, promotes the treatment of allergies, cancer, AIDS, and various hereditary diseases. Protects a person from information and energy anomalies of the space of the planet and the Cosmos. It is very useful for children, especially those suffering from enuresis, restless sleep, irritability, kidney disease, phimosis.

Bio-energy-information module


Module "Carnation" is intended for bio-energetic recharging of healing herbal infusions and decoctions. The charging method is exactly the same as for water. Useful for plants in gardens and vegetable gardens.

Bio-energy-information module

"MADONNA" - beauty and youth module

The functional-geometric structure of this module, its energy-information program is addressed, first of all, to the better half of the human race. The Madonna module is able to smooth out and even neutralize energy anomalies, disturbances in energy-informational processes that are specifically inherent in the female body. The module restores harmony of body and spirit, strengthens emotional and psychological balance. However, the module has a tonic effect on people without distinction of sex. It is good to work with the module in the evening to calm sacred music, especially organ music. Evening sessions will also help normalize sleep. It is good to take the Madonna module for an evening walk - you can keep it in your pocket or purse. The module can be used to charge water both separately and in combination with other modules. The module is very good when having sex, put it under the mattress before starting ...

Bio-energy-information module


This is a grid synthesizer, built according to the laws of absolute symmetry and in terms of content is a "synonym" for the "Faith" module, with the only difference that "Hope" is always Faith with a plus sign.

The "Hope" module helps a person gain strength, optimism, and, consequently, health. It has been noticed that where the module is used at workplaces, in a team people are more friendly and tolerant of each other, there are fewer conflicts, and labor efficiency is higher.

Bio-energy-information module


It was created according to a program that provides for the strengthening of the muscular structure of any living organism.

With a calm visual observation, the module tones up the internal state of a person, removes

R. Voll suggested the existence of some kind of energy-information radiation capable of transmitting fatigue, improves mood. With constant use of the module, a sense of confidence, motivated optimism, develops.

The "Athlete" module can be used to charge water both separately and in combination with any others.

Bio-energy-information module


This module protects the body from radiation. Relieves general tension, restores calmness and inner harmony, calms and restores the nervous system, promotes the understanding of beauty, the flight of imagination. The module protects against harmful external influences, hazardous radiation of spaces.

Bio-energy-information module


With a simple visual observation in the evening, the energy of the module activates the pursuit of beauty and harmony, while restoring the geometry of the lens of the eye. Improves vision, retina is restored.

There is a general restoration of health, the property of consciousness is restored to form objective information on the Future, based on the logical analysis of the Past.

The "Aynazhol" module is used to improve the health of the eyes, its information is designed for this. You can put the synthesizer over your eyes and lie down, relaxing, 15-30 minutes a day (it is better to use two such synthesizers).

Bio-energy-information module

They love what they believe in. More precisely, they believe. For love is a sacred feeling that permeates all living things. God, Love, Faith - an indissoluble unity in one of the first great books of mankind - the Bible. The "Love" module raises and optimizes the general energy of the organism, helps "mutual understanding" of the conscious and unconscious in a person, the dissonance of which, according to Freud, is the source of all neuroses that poison people's lives. Both by itself and together with others, the "Love" module contributes, first of all, to the acquisition of mental health. It is good to use the module when having sex by placing it under the mattress. With the help of the "Love" module, you can charge water, clothes, food, cosmetics, etc. Bio-energy-information modules: "Faith", "Hope", "Love" can be used not only separately, but also together. The energy informatics of modules often coincide and overlap each other, just as the volumes of these concepts intersect and partially coincide in our language.

Bio-energy-information module

This is an enhanced version of the "Love" module.

It symbolizes the eternal and inextinguishable love of the Universe for all living and thinking.

The module is good to use for children and elderly people who so need constant protection with love.

The module protects everything related to love, improves the strength and quality of feelings in lovers.

Bio-energy-information module

Activates energy and information exchange in the physical space of the planet. It can be used for the needs of the national economy, with the restoration of harmonious unity in nature. It is enough to bury several such modules in the ground in a grain field, and neither herbicides, nor fertilizers, nor biostimulants will be needed. Even drought will not be terrible for the crop - this is how the plant's ability to withstand unfavorable weather conditions increases.

Bio-energy-information module

It is recommended to use this module not only independently, but also as a pair, as an additional to any other module or their set in any combination, since it symbolizes not only the spatial, but also the temporal unity of all life on Earth. It is advisable to use all modules in combination with the Zhibek Zholy - Silk Road module. The module itself contributes to human adaptation in the noosphere, restores the natural protective properties of the body, and stabilizes immunity. The module is also suitable for charging water. It is a contactee module as it improves and harmonizes relationships. Recommended for businessmen, in teams.

Bio-energy-information module

Relieves general tension, restores calmness and inner harmony, calms the nervous system, promotes the understanding of beauty, the flight of imagination.

Bio-energy-information module

This module provides the transformation of the energy of the anomalous natural evolution of the biosphere and noosphere of the Earth.

It is used to cleanse the human body. To do this, you need to put the module under your feet, under your hands with a mental program for cleaning their channels. It is known that the energy channels of the human body open on the lateral surfaces of the fingers and toes. At the same time, it is useful to make movements over the module with hands, such as rinsing or shaking off, as well as movements of a swimmer. You can put your feet on your heels and gently swing them rhythmically, as you do to the beat of the music, this intensifies and accelerates the process of energy-informational cleansing of all body bodies (the module is on the floor under the feet).

You can overlay your body with the Funnel modules with the wish of complete energy-informational cleansing of the whole organism from information harmful to it, from the distorted energies of external and internal spaces.

Bio-energy-information module

As a module of direct action, it has a tonic effect on the human body, normalizes its general energy. At the same time, energy is replenished, first of all, from the physiologically weakest areas and organs. According to many testimonies, "Camomile" promotes rapid healing of open and closed wounds, bone fractures.

The "Chamomile" module promotes faster plant growth, increases their resistance to various kinds of diseases. It can be used in vegetable stores, as it contributes to better preservation of agricultural products. It can be used to charge both water and herbal infusions, various creams, ointments, lotions.

Bio-energy-information module

It belongs to the class of evolutionary synthesizer modules.

The module improves memory, sharpens attention, activates human intellectual data. Physiologically, it prevents sclerotic phenomena. It relieves headache well: it is enough to apply the module to any part of the head, and after 20-30 minutes the pain will disappear, but first you need to say mentally or aloud: "Relieve headache, eliminate spasm of blood vessels and muscles."

It is useful to charge fruits, vegetables, and various foodstuffs with the help of the module.

The module can be attached to the inside of the headdress, and freshness of thought, brightness of perception, richness of imagination, everyday protection from various ailments is provided to you.

Bio-energy-information module

You can put it under the mattress where the animal is resting, or attach the module to a medallion of any design, which is located on the animal's neck.

Bio-energy-information module

The range of action of this module is unusually wide, since the program inherent in it is wide, aimed, first of all, at the revival of humanity in a person - kindness, beauty, truthfulness of purpose, qualities that are, of course, inseparable from health, from the normal functioning of all biological systems, including including natural, evolutionarily related to humans. The module enhances the protective properties of all life on Earth, normalizes the energy-information field.

Just like others, the Revival module can be used to charge water, which, in turn, is useful for cooking, and, in particular, for brewing tea. The module can be used to charge various cosmetic products and creams. Dry compresses on the back are very effective for colds. To do this, it is enough to lie down on the "Revival" module for 20 minutes (use several pieces at once, like mustard plasters).

You can put the module under the pillow at night, wishing health not only to yourself, but also to loved ones, friends, regardless of distance. Your good wishes will surely reach the addressee. Just don’t skimp on kindness.

Bio-energy-information module

The "Fantasy" module contributes to the development of a person's creativity and imagination, the development of his thinking, feeds the general energy of a person, harmonizes the energy-information exchange of the body with the world around him, contributes to the adaptation of a person to his environment. Develops intelligence, logical thinking.

Bio-energy-information module
"LOGIC" is a psychological module

The functional and geometric structure of this module is one of the most powerful converters of energy information processes in the Universe. The program embedded in it reflects not so much the objective ontological logic of the Universe, but rather the axiological (value) logic of life that includes it, in a concentrated form formulated by humanity several millennia ago in the moral commandments of the Bible and the Koran. Love for one's neighbor, a benevolent attitude towards all people, rejection of evil, but the willingness to accept suffering in order only to protect others from the aggression of evil forces, tolerance, honesty - these are the main principles on which the logic of life is built and which underlie mental organization a person, and therefore, at the heart of good health, restores a logical gift, develops intelligence.

The "Logic" module feeds the general energy of the body, orientates a person to the true moral values ​​of life.

Protects against plant vampirism.

Bio-energy-information module

The module is programmed for good luck in business and other life situations, it also helps to restore the body's energy exchange with the environment. Optimizes the mood in any project and undertaking.

It helps a person to use the properties of other modules embedded in him, to program his development in life. It is good to give it to children, you can paint.

Bio-energy-information module

The "Sphinx" module is a software module, a person, at will, sets his own program through it, what he wants and what he strives for.

The Sphinx module can be used for a wide range of purposes.

Bio-energy-information module

The "Faith" module feeds the general energetic foundations of this core human feeling: faith in oneself, in one's work, in one's idea. This is especially important for people who are involved in creative activities. A person lives and creates until he has lost faith in his future, in his present, in his past. Anyone who loses Faith inevitably goes into psycho-physiological degradation. This module is programmed to support and strengthen the emotional stability of the individual. It is especially useful for emotional depression, unstable psychological state.

The module is suitable for charging water.

Bio-energy-information module

This module contributes to the development of intuition in a person, psychic and mental abilities. It improves the relationship of a person with nature, harmonizes the creative process, feeds the body with energy, well protects against harmful spatial currents and evil thoughts.

Bio-energy-information module

The program of the module "Will" speaks for itself. It contributes to the development of willpower, thoughts and aspirations of a person for self-improvement, knowledge, creativity in any of its manifestations.

It normalizes energy metabolism in the body, protects a person from the influence of someone else's will brought in from outside. This module will help a person get rid of any harmful and harmful habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco smoking, etc.), for this, the person needs a burning desire. It is advisable to always carry it with you.

Used Books:

1. Recommendations for the use of Bio-energy-information modules. Innovation Center "Creation" (Y. Levin, R. Shakaev), Alma-Ata, 1999.

2. N.Yu.Remizova-Babushkina "Bio-energy-information modules of R. Shakaev", book 2, seven-volume "Secrets of energy-information exchange"

3. Excerpts from the lectures of the candidate of technical sciences R. Shakaev, as well as from personal conversations between the author and the scientist

4. Article I. Karov "Charge yourself with health, goodness, happiness"

5. Newspaper "Horizon" №49 from 08.12.90, A. Vadkovskaya "Modules resurrect harmony."

6. Article by E. Krivobokov "R. Shakaev's module", newspaper "Leninskaya smena".

7. Article by G. Ostrovsky "Mighty module", newspaper "Leninskaya smena" dated 05.12.90.

8. Materials accumulated as a result of many years of practice by the author.


ANNOTATION ………………………………………………………………… ..3

RAUEL SHAKAEV'S MODULES: WHAT IS IT ?. ... ... ... ... ... ... .5

HOW DOES R.G.SHAKAEV'S MODULE WORK? ......................................... ....12

Summary ………………………………………………………………………… ..16

FEATURES OF MODULES ………………………… ................................ 24

PURPOSE OF MODULES …………………………… ................................ 28

General improvement of the whole human body …………………………… ..29

Water charging by modules …………………………………………………… 33

Cleansing the body's energy channels ………………………………. 35

Synthetic gymnastics ……………………………… ............................... 37

Eye treatment with modules …………………………………………………… .38

Using modules for energy and information protection ……………………………………………………………………… .39

Modules and music, painting ……………………………………………… 39

Using modules for storing food ………………………… .41

Modules for gardens and vegetable gardens ……………………………………………… ..41

Cleaning the premises from distorted energies ……………………………… .42

Protection and security of the car ……………………………………………… 43

Energy and information protection of a person ………………………………… .43


N.Yu. Remizova-Babushkina





Executive editor: A.V. Koksharov.

Proofreader: I.D. Kugach

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