
Download statistical form templates. New forms of statistical reporting

I have no reason to suspect an official of such a high rank of insincerity. It remains to be hoped that Mr. Oreshkin will start doing “everything possible” as soon as possible. In the meantime, we have another portion of finished products before us: by its order dated September 4, 2017 No. 566, Rosstat approved a dozen new forms of statistical reporting on the number, conditions and remuneration of employees of organizations.

According to the commented order, annual forms will have to be submitted from the reporting for 2017, and monthly and quarterly reporting forms - starting from 2018.

New forms of statistical reporting

Annual forms (submitted starting from the reporting for 2017):

  • No. 1-T "Information on the number and wages of employees";
  • No. 1-T (working conditions) "Information on the state of working conditions and compensation at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions";
  • No. 2-GS (GZ) "Information on additional vocational education federal state civil servants and state civil servants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”;
  • No. 2-MS "Information on additional professional education of municipal employees";
  • No. 1-T (GMS) "Information on the number and remuneration of employees of state bodies and local governments by categories of personnel."

Monthly forms (submitted starting from the January 2018 report):

  • No. 1-З "Questionnaire for a sample survey of the labor force";
  • No. P-4 "Information on the number and wages of employees";
  • No. 1-PR "Information on the suspension (strike) and resumption of the work of labor collectives."

Form No. 3-F "Information on overdue wage arrears" is also monthly and is submitted starting from the report as of February 1, 2018.

And finally, the quarterly form No. P-4 (NZ) “Information on part-time employment and the movement of workers”, which will need to be submitted from the report for the 1st quarter of 2018.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today I want to tell you how to add statistical reporting form templates to the statistical reporting form program. The whole procedure is quite simple and easy.

How to add statistical reporting form templates

If you are unable to solve this problem yourself, then you can go to the section and our specialists will help you.

All templates are added to the folder with the program, or rather, to a folder called " Data", Which is located in the folder with the program. How can we find this folder? Find our program in the "Start" menu and right-click on the shortcut and select the "File Location" section. If you installed the program in the default folder, then the path to the program will be "C:\Program Files\NIPIstatinform\Statistical Reporting Forms". If you don't know how to install , you can read my article on the subject here.

We get into the folder with the statistical reporting form program and see here our folder “ Data».

Now let's take our templates, which must be in .xml format, and copy them to this folder. You can download all templates on the official website of RosStat in your region.

For clarity, I will first open the program without a single template, and then add a statistical reporting form template and see the difference.

Program without template. I go to the "File" menu, select the "Create Report" menu item.

We saw that there is no form at the moment, I click the "Cancel" button.

Before adding new forms, the program must be closed.

Adding Reporting Form Templates

For example, I will take a template called "Form No. 1-License". And I'll add it to the folder " Data". Simple copying, straight to the root of the folder. In the end, this is what I ended up with.

Now let's open the program and check if our template has appeared. Go to the "File" menu again and select the "Create Report" menu item. We see that our template "Form No. 1-License" appeared in the list. In order to select it, click on the template, and then the button " OK".

All other templates are added in the same way. Don't forget to close the program before adding a new template.

If you need professional help system administrator, to solve this or any other issue, go to the section, and our employees will help you.

That's all! Now you know how to add statistical reporting form templates.

If you have any questions ask them in the comments! Good luck and good luck to everyone!

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Under the organization of Rosstat, it is customary to understand the service of state statistics, which was previously called the State Statistics Committee. This is a federal structure of executive power, which is engaged in the creation of statistical data on the current economic, demographic, and environmental state of the Russian Federation. Another option is to organization of control and supervision in the field of state statistical work on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Rules for interaction with statistical authorities

A large proportion of reporting forms and data is transmitted to the territorial authority on the basis of a relevant request - sent in person, by mail or in electronic format reporting form, pre-filled according to certain rules. The composition of this document was subject to correction more than once.

For example, within the budgetary sphere, changes have affected the frequency of reports in the social and scientific spheres. Previously, delivery was carried out every quarter, and now the requirements are monthly provision of papers. Due to the impressive number of subjects under control, Rosstat does not always have the ability to send requests to all addressees in a timely manner.

But the absence of such a document does not provide the company with exemption from mandatory reporting. Neglect of this legislative norm is fraught with administrative responsibility and the accrual of a large fine (regulation - Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). In order to avoid such an outcome, it is recommended to check the reporting by TIN.

Who must submit reports

There is a need to submit this document not all business entities. According to Art. and Federal Law No. 282 of November 29, 2007, a list of documents submitted to the statistical authorities by individual entrepreneurs and organizations is determined. There is such a need for the following persons:

  • structures of state power;
  • self-government services operating at the local level;
  • legal entities that have passed the registration procedure on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • branches, departments, representative offices of Russian companies at the place where the activity is carried out.

Reporting is required absolutely for any isolated structures in which stationary workplaces take place. This does not depend on the mention of the organization in the founding documents and its actual powers. Economic entities under the simplified tax regime are obliged to submit reports to Rosstat within the framework of general grounds, according to the status and specifics of their activities.

Reports are sent to the divisions of Russian statistics at the place where the respondent is registered. You can act in the following ways:

  • on a personal basis;
  • through the services of an official trustee;
  • mail;
  • in electronic form.

Other persons are not obliged to hand over reporting papers at all. But in a number of exceptional situations, such a right is assigned to them.

List of forms and deadlines for 2019

There are several currently functioning forms used to provide data. In practice, their approximate number is 300 units. However, not all documents are mandatory.

Key Documents

An approximate list of documents is in the following way:

As part of a separate procedure, the provision the following types of forms:

  • №1 according to the main data on the activities of the company, the deadline for submission is April 1, 2019;
  • P-3 involves a description of information about the current financial position of the company, for 2018 reporting is provided until 01/30/2019;
  • P-4- within the framework of this document, there is information related to the financial condition of the enterprise; for 2018, reports are submitted no later than the 15th day (i.e., for the last 3 months of 2018, the document is submitted no later than January 15, 2019);
  • P-4 (NZ)- we are talking about part-time employment conditions, delivery is carried out before 01/08/2019, if the reporting period is the entire 2018 year.

This list is basic, although it is not exhaustive. It is also worth paying attention to several special forms.

Special donation forms

Special molds are presented following list:

  • PM- data on the basic parameters of the activities of a small company, the delivery is carried out before the 29th day of the monthly period that follows the reporting quarter;
  • PM-PROM- materials on products manufactured within the walls of a small enterprise, delivery is made by all small firms and individual entrepreneurs (16-100 people in the state), delivery is carried out every month until the 4th day;
  • 1-IP- data related to the activities of a private entrepreneur, the delivery is carried out by all individual entrepreneurs acting as agricultural producers (until March 2);
  • 1-IP (trading area)– a set of data on trade is expected, the delivery is made by entrepreneurs engaged in retail trade work until October 17th.

Small businesses use the form MP (micro). The deadline for its submission should not exceed February 5 of the year following the reporting period. Not later than three months from the end of the reporting year, data on accounting records are submitted, including the following documents:

  • balance sheet;
  • reporting related to financial results;
  • set of applications;
  • reporting of changes in equity;
  • on the movement of DS and their intended use.

An important role is played by the direction of data on the industry. They are subject to federal and state regulations.

The procedure for conducting verification activities

Reporting requires verification within the framework of a special algorithm. This activity will require passing few steps:

  1. Go to the Rosstat portal.
  2. The choice of the status in which the economic entity resides. There are 4 options for the user to choose from - legal entities, branches / divisions, individual entrepreneurs, private practitioners.
  3. Entering the relevant details of the enterprise. This will allow you to understand on the official website of the service what kind of reporting you need to submit. If there is no information about the TIN of the organization, obtaining information is available through OKPO, OGRN.
  4. Registering a verification type code. It has a place to be in the picture directly below the bottom field of the form. At the next stage, it remains to click the "Search" button, and the system will provide the results found in full. Next, you need to select the "List of Forms" button and wait for the desired answer. The complete set of forms for 2018 will be formed in a separate file. It is this list that the institution undertakes to provide to the state statistics authorities. Along with the list, the exact frequency will be indicated, as well as the deadlines for reporting, digital codes, unified forms.

Even if the notification did not arrive or was lost, this information may still be fully up to date.

Liability for failure to provide

In the framework of the Federal Law No. 442 of December 30, 2015, the amount of the administrative penalty for this offense is as follows:

  • for officials - from 10,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles;
  • for enterprises - from 20,000 rubles. up to 70,000 rubles

Prior to this, officials paid from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. The law also introduced special liability for repeated disobedience. She threatens to charge a fine of 100,000 - 150,000 rubles. for organizations and 30,000 - 50,000 rubles. for officials.

Thus, the submission of reports to Rosstat is not the responsibility of all persons. There are certain conditions for this procedure.

A training webinar on the main forms of statistical reporting is presented below.

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