
A program for automatically adding VKontakte friends. How to quickly delete all outgoing friend requests on VKontakte Script for accepting everyone as friends

The method is still working, by the way. Today I will show you how to accept all incoming requests as a friend. And also without any additional software.

And, accordingly, without the risks arising from the use of various questionable applications and browser extensions.

The method is slightly different, but in general the same: JavaScript is launched on the acceptance page, it goes through all the buttons and clicks them. Last time we ran it in the address bar, now we will be in the browser console. That script was tied to class names, this one will be tied to tags.

How to run the script

Copy first.

Var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName ("button"); for (var i = 0; i< buttons.length; i++){ var thisButton = buttons[i]; if(thisButton.id.includes("accept_request")){ thisButton.click() } }

Launch Chrome, open Vkontakte and go to the friend requests page.

Friend requests on Vkontakte

Click "Show All" (see the screen above), scroll down the page to the bottom and open the console with the following combination:

  • Windows: Ctrl + Shift + J
  • Mac OS: Cmd + Option + J

By the way, macovods can run the script in Safari. The console opens there like this:

  • Cmd + Option + C

Insert the script, press the "Enter" key and see how the number of unaccepted friend requests decreases. The process is fast, a thousand applications were accepted in a few seconds.

The method seemed to me easier than the first, and most likely it will live longer. Save, share - come in handy!

Subscribe to my telegram and be the first to receive new materials, including which are not on the site.

I welcome the guests of my blog. While sending messages, responding to users on social networks, I was faced with a limitation on the number of messages sent to people. And you know that feeling when you have to ask people to wait, because you cannot answer them today. After talking with those support, I realized that such bitterness applies only to those profiles that are not listed in my comrades. Therefore, I wondered how to transfer subscribers to friends in order to communicate with them without any restrictions?

It seems to me that many are interested in this issue, which is why, I hasten to suggest several ways carrying out this procedure. Among those:

  • independent manipulation;
  • use of special designs.


In the first case, you just need to go to the social network on your profile and click on the "My subscribers" button. The result of the work done will be a list of all people showing interest in your page. Your goal is achievable, because to achieve it, you just need to find the right person, click on his avatar and add him as a friend. This key is located directly under the profile owner's photo (upper left corner).

Everything would be fine, but it takes a lot of time, because the number of people who want to become friends is constantly growing. It turns out that the early orders are shifted to the bottom, therefore, the queue reaches them last. And it also happens that the user has already lost interest in your offers. Do you agree?

Development that works wonders

New software development comes to the rescue, because if you use a special script, you can perform the manipulation much faster (add everyone if there is a small number of subscribers, otherwise the operation will have to be repeated several times). For this you need:

  • log into your own profile on social networks;
  • select the "friend requests" tab;
  • enter the script in the address bar field:

javascript: var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName ("button"); console.log (buttons); for (key in buttons) (buttons.click ();)

  • click on the Enter key.

In the same way, you can remove unnecessary people, remove fake subscribers, and even those profiles that came to you as a result of cheating. This procedure, namely, deletion, can be done thanks to VK Bot. When you open this program, you can easily find such a function, and the procedure itself does not drag on for a long time.

By the way, this program also has the function of instantly transferring subscribers to friends. You just need to open the program, go to the "Profile" section, then select "Friends", and click on the key of interest.

As you understand, it is quite simple to carry out the procedure for assigning subscribers a different status, and most importantly, it can be done in various ways: by adding it yourself, using a script, thanks to the VKBot program. All the options presented work, but which one will you focus on?

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

Statistics claim that almost every active resident of Russia has a profile in one of the social networks. The "BroBot" program gives them the opportunity to offer them their goods or services.

It has an intuitive interface. In addition, an auto-update function is built in. Using Java scripts, you can create a bot of any complexity that will support correspondence. It is possible to replicate tasks of the same type on several questionnaires by memorizing the last entered settings.

The program is capable of supporting an arbitrary number of questionnaires. In order to ensure effective promotion, one is not enough. There is an opportunity to perform several tasks for each of them.

Automation of adding friends and invitations to groups.

This can be done taking into account various criteria. So, you can visit the pages, having set the desired category before. At the same time, it is possible to send messages, add to friends and rate photos. You can both accept friend requests and invite to groups according to the specified parameters.

There is an opportunity to make the program appeal to the target audience, thereby increasing the conversion. To do this, you need to collect a list of id. If you need to promote products or services that are in high demand, then search segmentation will help. The built-in criteria are used for this.

The free version of the program supports the function of cheating friends on the Vkontakte social network.

Several scenarios are used to find and invite people. You can set all the necessary parameters after clicking the "Configure tasks" button under one of the selected accounts. If you need to make settings for several bots, then you should use the "Assign to all" button. Next, select the "Search for contacts, visit and mailing" option, then click "Next". A page will open where you can configure your search for contacts.

Contacts can be searched by copying the url from the browser. This way you can make your search as flexible as possible.

People can be searched for by presetting a number of parameters. Among them:

  1. Age.
  2. Those who are online now.
  3. School.
  4. University.
  5. Region.

In order to get a link, you need to enter the desired word in the search bar or follow the link http://vk.com/search. The query can be entered without using a keyword, but simply using the above criteria. This will allow you to select the target audience.

What does the process of cheating friends look like?

After all the necessary parameters have been set, you need to name the button "Next". Further it will be possible to configure additional parameters. After that, you need to press the start button. Thus, the search for profiles and the sending of offers to be friends will be launched. The optimal speed is selected for the visit. This is done in order to avoid blocking the account on the social network. The promotion will end after the daily limit of invitations is reached.

You can monitor the bot's operation by opening the "Events" tab.

Correspondence management.

This program can work with an arbitrary number of questionnaires using just one window. The following types of correspondence are supported:

  • using an answering machine;
  • via a trained bot;
  • manually;
  • using a bot from the website iii.ru

There is a possibility to create templates. Unsent and unread messages can be saved and sent the next time you open the bot.


The closest attention is paid to this. The developers of the BroBot program have taken a number of measures. Among them:

  1. The hard disk of the computer is used to store passwords and logins. The bot is not a cloud service. Therefore, the user himself manages his account.
  2. Using the antigate.com service makes it possible to bypass captchas.
  3. The program has a built-in mechanism for monitoring the health of the used proxy server.

In this article, we will discuss ways to transfer subscribers to Vkontakte friends.

Each of us can make a rash decision. As a rule, this applies to new applications for Vkontakte friendship. Most do not look at all who is added to them and immediately send people to subscribers.

But it also happens that the subscribers are those whom you would like to see as friends. Let's talk about how to make a friend out of a subscriber.

Method 1. Friend requests

  • Go to your page.
  • Go to "My friends".
  • Please select "Friend requests"... Here you will see all the people who have been removed from friends and who have sent you an application.
  • If you need to find a specific person, then click "Ctrl + F" to open the search bar.
  • When subscribers are found, click on "Add as friend".
  • You will see the following message "Now the NAME is among your friends and you can add it to the lists."

Optionally, you can select a specific group for your new friend.

Method 2. Button "My subscribers" in the profile

  • Under the avatar, click on

  • A list will be displayed with two sections, where you need to select "Subscribers"
  • Next, find the user
  • Please select

Now your subscriber has become a friend.

How to transfer all subscribers to friends?

There are no official solutions to this problem. But, on the other hand, it is quite possible to use others.

  • Open the section "My friends"
  • Please select "Friend requests"
  • Paste the code into the address bar of your browser:

java *** script: var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName (‘button’); console.log (buttons); for (key in buttons) (buttons.click ();)

  • Remove the stars from it and click Enter

Pull the page down to the bottom so that all subscribers become your friends

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