
What does joint procurement mean? What is joint purchases? What are their advantages, disadvantages? Reliable verification of organizers' profiles

Recently, more and more often in the open spaces of the network you can find the abbreviation JV.
The vast majority, not knowing what it is, will definitely use the search for an answer to this question.
JV stands for joint purchases. In principle, both words of this phrase are well known, but not everyone initially understands the meaning of the expression.
The main goal of joint purchases is to purchase goods at the lowest price. This can be done by buying goods at wholesale prices. But each of us hardly needs a lot of names of goods similar in characteristics. But a group of like-minded people needs this.
So - a joint venture is a purchase of the same (related in purpose and characteristics) product, which is made by a group of people.
Joint purchases can be realized only via the Internet.
In Cheboksary, the first joint purchase was opened on February 3, 2010 on the most popular website in the Republic, Na-Svyaz. The Internet portal "On Communication" has a strong status as a headliner among the Internet sites of the Chuvash Republic. The site's traffic is growing every year. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was the visitors of this resource with the support of the administration who came up with the idea to organize a joint venture.
To date, the joint ventures of the portal have become so extensive that, especially for the convenience of the participants, it has been separated into a separate forum.
Joint purchases not only allow us to purchase certain goods much cheaper, but also allow us to buy something that is not available in the shops of our city.
At the same time, the joint venture is still a risk. Since before receiving the goods you cannot measure, see with your own eyes, touch the purchased item. But, if you correctly understand the risks that arise at the stage of purchase, there will be no problems. Since on the JV forum the product that did not suit you can be attached, i.e. sell to other members.
Each purchase has an organizer. Organizer- this is a forum participant who, with the approval of the administration, independently conducts the work of a specific purchase, in fact, being the main one in it.

How is the joint purchase going?
You, being a registered user of the SP forum (having accepted all the rules of participation), choose what you need.
Be sure to carefully read the rules of the purchase in which you plan to order the goods. The general rules are the same for all purchases, but each purchase has its own nuances.
You place your order - how to do it is necessarily spelled out in the conditions of purchase. Usually this is a message with an order in the subject of the purchase or an order using a special form, a link to which is indicated in the rules of this purchase.
After ordering, you need to regularly monitor the status of the purchase until the “STOP” of this purchase is announced. Stop - this is the end of receiving orders and sending the generated order to the supplier of the goods. Until the STOP moment, you can cancel your order. After the STOP has already been announced, it is no longer possible to refuse the order, by doing this you will let down the organizer and other participants in the purchase.
After the supplier receives the order, he sends the invoice to the organizer of the purchase. And the organizer, in turn, notifies the procurement participants that the invoice has been received and sets out the amounts for payment, the term and method of payment for this product.
You pay for the item ordered by you. Information about the timing and method of payment is also always indicated in the first post of the purchase. After payment by all participants, the organizer pays the invoice to the supplier.
After receiving the goods, the organizer disassembles it and informs the participants about the “Giveaways”, i.e. about the method, time and place to pick up your order. Usually this is indicated in the first message of the procurement, or the organizer sends information to the procurement participants in a personal box on the forum (PM).
There are cases when “STOP” is not announced in procurement, i.e. the set of orders goes constantly, and the stop happens for a certain order of a particular participant.
In this case, the participant must regularly and independently monitor the status of his order.
Of course, there are many nuances in the shopping process, and the easiest way to resolve your confusion is to simply ask. You will definitely get an answer. Happy joint shopping!

What is joint purchases? This is an outlet for those who want to buy things and save money. What is the essence of joint purchases?

As you know, there are manufacturing firms, there are wholesalers whose cost of this or that thing, whether it be a children's T-shirt or a women's sheepskin coat, will be an order of magnitude lower than in a store or even on the market (although everything has been expensive there for a long time). But we cannot go to a wholesaler and buy, for example, a pair of tights for our child - everything is sold in bulk there - either in batches, or it is necessary to purchase immediately for a large amount - 10,000 - 20,000. Naturally, no one needs things for such an amount . And what to do? Resourceful people have come up with a way to buy from wholesalers - this is a joint purchase. That is, a group of people who need something from a given supplier gathers, together they place one order, pay for it and receive the things they need. That is, for example, you need a jacket, your neighbor from the same supplier liked the jacket, etc. And you jointly make one order. In order for everything to turn out clearly and smoothly, one person, the organizer, is involved in this purchase. If the goods are shipped from another city or country, then the delivery is divided among all participants in proportion to their orders. In addition, the organizer also takes a small percentage - 10-15%, since no one will do it just like that.

At first, joint purchases were actively organized in social networks. Of course, they are still there today. But the modern version of the joint venture is a website. Here, both organizers and customers gather in one place, and there are much more customers here (if the site is promoted and popular) than in social networks. networks. Therefore, purchases are formed faster, and everything is more understandable, organized and convenient.

Many cities already have such sites, and their number is constantly growing. It is better to participate where more people gather - there are more chances to collect this or that purchase.

As for the issuance of an incoming order, the JV website is all the more convenient, since in this case there is an office where you can receive the ordered items at a convenient time for you. If this is a page in the social. network, then there the organizer appoints the day, time and place where the distribution will be held. Not very comfortable.

SP has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it's cheaper. On the other hand, you have to order in advance, since the formation, payment and delivery of the ordered takes a lot of time. In addition, it may not come exactly right, or the ordered one simply will not be in stock, and you will only find out by the time of payment that you have remained “in flight”.

In general, it is up to you to participate or not. The main thing is to take into account all these nuances, be very careful when choosing the size, do not miss the payment and do not contact unreliable organizers.

Choose a product. Everything else will be done for you

What is "Joint purchases" on the site site?

It's an easy way to buy any product at an attractive wholesale price and with no minimum order amount.

For example, you need a new pair of winter boots. It is available on the website of the wholesale supplier at a reasonable wholesale price, but you cannot order it due to the minimum order amount (minimum lot). And the retail margin in other stores reaches 100-200% of the cost of goods in wholesale!

Our joint shopping site was created in order to buy at wholesale prices without collecting a minimum lot.

You only need to choose your new boots (or any other goods for your family and home) from the site organizers, who will place an order, pick up and deliver your goods (or send them by a transport company, Russian post).

And you will only have to wear new high-quality boots at a cheap wholesale price!

Who is an organizer?

An intermediary between you and the manufacturer (or wholesaler). He will take several orders, make a collective purchase, pick up and deliver the goods. In fact, this person turns the process of your purchase into a simple “pick-and-get” scheme.

The organizer will take care of the ordering and logistics. This is labor and time spent, for which the intermediary sets the organizational fee. As a rule, it is a few percent of the order amount, but not more than 20%. Delivery is paid additionally.

Only verified and experienced organizers become organizers on our joint shopping site.



Low prices

for a large number of goods

with a minimum mark-up of the organizer


Reliable verification of organizers' profiles,

transparent workflow

our website and

joint purchase systems




Today there is no shortage of goods. In order to acquire what you want, it is enough to have the necessary amount of money. However, people do not like to spend a lot, so they are looking for various ways to make purchases cheaper. Joint purchases, which allow you to save a lot, have recently begun to enjoy great popularity. You can learn more about joint purchases on the SPtovarov forum.

Joint shopping is a grouping of people in order to purchase goods at a wholesale price and save on shipping. When buying a large batch of goods, manufacturers usually offer significant discounts. So joint purchases are an established business and can compete with regular stores. You can buy anything with the help of joint purchases, even nanoheel reviews about this product are positive. But still, most often people buy clothes and shoes. On the forum of specialty products, you can see reviews of marimei blouses, as well as other products.

Organizers of joint purchases take responsibility for interaction with the supplier, organizing people, collecting money. For such work, they charge themselves 15% of the price of the goods. Usually the organizers ask to transfer money to their electronic card. It is easier and faster to collect cash.

Benefits of joint purchases:

  1. Saving time. Buyers do not need to go shopping, just go to the site and order the goods.
  2. Saving money. Buyers can buy goods at wholesale price, save on shipping.

However, joint purchases also have some disadvantages. For example, it is impossible to hold the goods in hands before purchase. Some manufacturers offer only images of clothes or shoes on the model. On a person with a non-standard figure, the same thing may not sit so well.

Participation in joint purchases requires prepayment, so it is better to interact with a trusted organizer. You should not transfer money to a stranger, because he may turn out to be a scammer.

Savings on joint purchases can reach 50%. This is especially noticeable if expensive goods are purchased. With the help of joint purchases, you can inexpensively purchase goods of well-known brands that many may not be able to afford in stores. In this case, you do not have to deal with the order and receipt of the goods yourself. It will be enough just to write to the organizer.

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