
Managed Forms: HTML Document Field and Web Client. Managed forms: HTML Document field and web client 1c html field managed forms

Question: HTML code is not displayed in the HTML Field of the Document 1C managed forms

Good day! Someone tell me, I'm creating external processing, created a form, created a Field in the form, created a Requisite in the form (Type: Unlimited String), data path: Requisite (View: HTML Document Field), in the Module I wrote programmatically:

Procedure Field1DocumentGenerated(Item)
ThisObject.Props = "


"; EndProcedure As a result, nothing is displayed in the HTML Document Field (Empty), although, in theory, Wellcome should be displayed, as I understand it from what I read on the forum.

What have I done wrong?

Answer: Who needs this idea, take it, ready-made working and stable chain, tested in 1C: Retail 8 / 2.2 managed forms !!!

Question: Field HTML document ElementsForm.IE.Document.getElementsByClassName()

The story is FormElements.IE.Document.getElementsByClassName("loginform__input-border") normally returns the desired element, but here
ElementsForm.IE.Document.getElementsByClassName("loginform__input-field ng-dirty ng-valid ng-touched") does not find any way

those. does not work when there are spaces in the name...


Answer:() Are there many forms on the page? If not, then get an array of forms and select the one you need.

Question: the form attribute is being cleared (the field of the html document)

I generate a page with an html document field. The user clicks on hyperlinks that open in generated pages with html document fields.
Then the user closes (programmatically) the original page, it closes safely, but for some reason all the fields of the html documents in the derived pages are cleared (reset), that is, they become empty.
No one will tell you, maybe because of what? How to avoid


This is really an idea!

Question: How to work with the Field of an HTML Document?

Tell me how you can implement the following actions or give a link to the material.
There is a need to programmatically fill in the fields on the site form, log in and programmatically fill in the following fields on the site.

Added after 5 hours 9 minutes
You need to programmatically fill in the input "s and click the button ..

Added after 16 hours 29 minutes
How to fill in the fields figured out. Any idea how to click the button?

Added after 1 hour 17 minutes
Understood everything. Thread can be closed/deleted

Answer: Through com. Now there is no time. I'll post back in the afternoon or evening.

Question: HTML document field (not again, but again)

managed forms. Self-written conf. Got "script errors" when displaying a web page in an HTML document field. No, I'm not trying to make a full-fledged browser inside 1C (a reference to the general "Browser" form in the standard ones), but some elementary forms, for example, an authorization form on Google, must be displayed. And I would like to output in a human way, so that the user is not surprised at the curses about the scripts.

What has been done:
I configured IE in Windows to ignore scripts. Helped. But the agreement did not pass due to the inconvenience of setting up each client computer.
Scripts were thrown out from the content of the page received at the address when the Document Generated event occurred. Did not help. The curses manage to jump out in front of the nose of the awesome user before the scripts are thrown out.
The document was sent to be formed on the server. Then the HTML code was stripped of scripts and sent to the client in the field of the HTML document. Helped. But clicking buttons and other form work on the client was difficult - many actions require context that was left on the server (cookies). And even if you leave scripts for the necessary buttons and drag cookies from the server to the client, it is unrealistic to track all possible transitions and variations of the content of "foreign" pages, and all kinds of redirects that may occur. Potential hack detected.
Picked typical for the implementation of the output of someone else's HTML. Did not help. Either everything is not "twisted" yet, or the vendor's developers do not contact unknown HTML, or they stop the output in the web client, and the remaining problems with the scripts are ignored.


Answer:() valuable information, thanks

Question: Help to open the site through the field of the HTML document

Good afternoon. There is a website
Which does not support older browsers.

It must be opened in the HTML document field.
Tried doing compatibility mode:

Website = "


Still through