How will they make a fool of you for your own money.
Refueling every day at Rosneft gas stations, you do not realize which edge of the abyss you are walking on in the hope of the best. And so, on an ordinary day, which did not foreshadow anything unusual, he drove home along the Moscow Ring Road. The gas tank sensor lit a light bulb, and it was decided to taxi to the Rosneft gas station, which is located 5 km between Nosovikhinskoye and Ryazanskoye highways. MKAD. There were not many cars, so there was no special queue. After waiting in line for about five minutes, I drive up to the gas station, getting out of the car I hear the polite question of the refueller on duty “-Hello, which one ?? and how much ?? " Having given the answer, I calmly go into the room to the cash desks. After waiting for about four minutes, I hear the dispenser number from the cashier, pay, receive the check and calmly go back to the car, approaching, showing the check to the refueling tanker from the other side of the dispenser, receiving an approving nod and wishes for a pleasant road, getting into the car, starting it up, I get under way and ... Now the dear reader will ask what is all this for?

And now the most interesting thing begins, moving away, I hear an incomprehensible sound from behind and looking in the side mirror, I understand that it's time to become a blonde, I see a torn off hose and a pistol sticking out, I get out of the car in bewilderment, I try to understand what happened, at this moment a refueller comes up , not much in a nervous state, convulsively inspecting the car for damage, well there were none, to be honest, the refueller's behavior turned out to be very polite, correct and adequate, he apologized, said that it was not my fault, and if the driver has no complaints, then I can go further. After standing for a while, coming to my senses, I got into the car, at this moment the senior of the shift flies up with demands to give him my documents for registration of the equipment breakdown act, when asked about my bewilderment, he said the following “-Since I smashed everything and try to hide”, leaving Having examined the cars again for damage, I told him that I had no complaints and did not understand what they wanted from me, I heard the reply: “Well, you broke our equipment, you are to blame for this!” the situation, I say it seems like the tanker had to pull out the pistol, to which I get: “- This is not so, you are to blame because you set off without making sure of the safety of the maneuver”, to my question what to do with all this, I get the answer: “- We will call the traffic police and draw up a protocol because it is considered an accident and you are to blame for this! ”, drove off, parked so as not to interfere with other cars and waited for the traffic police officers. I wrote a review for the book “Complaints and Suggestions”. The staff arrived 5 hours later. They gave a certificate that it was not my fault and to refuse to initiate an administrative case. You know, I can’t understand for sure whether I’m guilty or not, I have no complaints about the refueller, because he showed himself on the good side, but the actions of the “chiefs” of the gas station led me to a stupor, which prompted me to write this post. Do you think I am to blame for this situation?