
Turn on your Android phone when problems occur. Why won't Play Market open? Solving the problem The settings application on Android does not open

Problems with opening web pages through a browser are common and can cause difficulties even for an experienced user.

Symptoms of malfunction

Conventionally, the problem can be divided into several possible options:

The Internet connection is present, applications for online communication, cloud data storage, torrent clients and other utilities that use data transfer via a web connection work stably, but not a single browser opens a single page;

There is a constant connection to the Internet, programs that interact with it work correctly, web pages are available in one or more browsers, but at the same time do not open in other Internet browsers (see);

Browsers operate normally, but do not go to certain sites (for example, web resources of antivirus program developers, popular search services or social networks).

In most cases, such a malfunction occurs due to the presence of malicious programs on the device, namely due to their interference with the operation of browsers and the operating system. At the same time, eliminating viruses using special utilities does not always correct the situation, since unwanted changes that interfere with normal operation are saved (see).

In addition, access to some web resources may be intentionally or accidentally blocked by an antivirus application or a firewall built into the OS.

If we consider a situation where some sites do not load on computers located in the office of an organization, the reason may be intentional blocking through the use of a proxy server, and in some cases, network administration and programs specially designed for this purpose.

What to do

At the first stage of diagnosing and finding a solution to the problem, simple causes of the malfunction should be excluded, namely:

  • lack of internet connection;
  • unpaid invoice for the use of services provided by the provider;
  • incorrect configuration of the router or operating system (see);
  • hardware conflict between a network device and other equipment.

Ways to solve such situations will not be considered here, since they all imply a complete lack of Internet connection. The problem, the solutions to which are given in this article, is the inability to load only certain or any web pages through one or several browsers at once, provided that there is an active Internet connection.

In addition, before solving the problem, you should make sure that the device is not infected with viruses.

Changing the registry if sites do not open

This method helps solve the problem in 80% of cases. To implement it you need:

    1. Hold down the Win+R keys and paste into the line of the window that appears regedit and press Enter;

    1. when a notification appears, confirm the launch of the registry editor by pressing the “Yes” button;
    2. a program window will open, where on the left side follow the route HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE?SOFTWARE?Microsoft?Windows NT?CurrentVersion?Windows;
    3. after that, the parametric data, their types and set values ​​will be displayed in the right section of the window, where you need to find a line with the name AppInit_DLLs and look at its meaning;
    4. if any value is present, call the context menu on it and click “Change value”;

  1. in the window that opens, clear the corresponding line and click OK;
  2. then you should again go to the left side of the program window, go to the very top, follow the route HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWARE?Microsoft?Windows NT?CurrentVersion?Windows, and then perform the steps described above again (in Windows 10, AppInit_DLLs may be missing in this registry branch);

Finally, you need to restart the computer.

Damaged TSP/IP protocols

Another factor that causes the system to malfunction is damage to the TSP/IP protocols. To eliminate this problem, you should reset the parameters of network data transfer protocols (see).

TSP/IP reset process:

  1. press Win+R;
  2. in the window that appears, execute netsh winsock reset and after that netsh int ip reset;
  3. reboot the operating system.
  4. Can't open via HTTPS or certificate error
  5. When navigating to secure sites that use the HTTPS protocol, which supports data encryption, a security certificate error may occur.

A similar error occurs in 3 cases:

  1. web resource is potentially dangerous;
  2. the date and time on the device are set incorrectly;
  3. The security certificate assigned to the web resource is not entered into the browser database.

To fix the problem, the first thing you need to do is check that the time and date set on the device are correct. In most cases, this is what causes a certificate error to occur.

If the date settings are incorrect, use the instructions below depending on your OS version.

For Windows 10:

  1. click “Date and time settings”;
  2. activate the “Set time automatically” and “Set time zone automatically” options.

For Windows version 8/8.1:

  1. in the tray, click on the icon that displays the current time and date;
  2. click “Change date and time settings”;
  3. in the window that opens, go to the “Internet time” tab and click the “Change settings” button;
  4. in the window that appears, click on the “Update now” button, and then click OK.

If after this the web resource continues to give an error, you need to find the icon in the browser’s address bar that shows a padlock and click on it. Information about the resource, its owner, and other data will appear. Compare the information you receive with what you know about the site.

If you are sure that the resource is secure, click on the “View Certificates” button and then “Install Certificates”. After this, the page will become available.

DNS error when sites do not open

As a rule, it is accompanied by the message: “The DNS address of the server cannot be resolved,” which is displayed in the Internet browser window.

There are several ways to solve the problem, let's look at each of them.

Clear DNS cache

The “Run” application built into the operating system starts. The fastest option is to press the Win+R button combination. Then in the program line you need to enter ipconfig /flushdns and click OK.

Manually entering a DNS server


  1. start the built-in Run service and enter ncpa.cpl;
  2. select the current method of connecting to the network and call the context menu;
  3. activate “Properties”;
  4. find “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and double-click on it;
  5. In the new window that appears, enter the addresses of the DNS servers from Google and Yandex - and, and then click OK.

Checking the operation of the DNS client


  1. Start the Run service and activate the command services.msc;
  2. in the window that opens, on the right side, find the line “DNS client” and double-click on it;
  3. make sure that the service is running, otherwise click the corresponding button.

The site does not open due to hosts blocking

Hosts – a file containing a database of IP addresses and names of identification areas. This text file, stored in the depths of the OS, is actively used by virus programs, as well as system administrators to block access to certain resources.

In order to find the hosts file, you need to follow the route: This computer?C drive?Windows?System32?Drivers?etc.

You can open the file using the built-in Notepad application.

For Windows OS, the hosts file should only contain the lines shown in the image below.

The additional lines contained in the file should be removed and then the changes saved.

  1. copy the text from the current hosts file and then rename it (for example, hosts.old):
  2. create a new text document using Notepad and paste text from the clipboard;
  3. remove the extra lines and save it under the name hosts in the folder where the old version of the file is located.

The site cannot be opened from the phone

To solve a problem with your phone, you should first check the gadget for viruses.

If the problem persists after running antivirus applications, the easiest solution is to reset the phone to factory settings. This method removes any changes made by malware to the operating system.

If for some reason the settings cannot be reset, then you should check the hosts file (in Android OS you need to use the file manager to follow the route system?etc?hosts).

Errors 403,105,101, 500, 502

To complete the picture, it will be useful to understand what the common errors displayed in the browser window mean.

Error codeReasons for the errorUser's solution
403 The site owner has placed an incorrect index file on the server, set incorrect rights to the folder in which the requested page is located, or the page is located in the wrong folder.
105 Problems with the DNS server or the service that is responsible for communicating with it.See the “DNS Error” section above.
101 Due to restrictions of the antivirus, proxy server or firewall settings, the browser cannot switch to a different operating protocol when connecting to a web resource.and check the status of the operating protocols in the browser.

Check the hosts file for changes.

500 The syntax of the .htaccess file is incorrect or there are unsupported special commands in it. Sometimes the error is due to incorrect handling of CGI scripts.An error on the part of the site owner; the user cannot influence it.
502 Problems related to the operation of the proxy server, DNS server or hosting server.Delete cookies for this site. If it doesn't help, the problem is on the server side.

Many users of Chinese-made Android often experience various types of errors. One of the most common is “An error occurred in the Settings application.” This failure is not entirely standard, as in some cases it can block access to the device settings menu. Let's figure out how to fix this problem.

Reasons for failure

Most often, the problem appears on smartphones and tablets that still have outdated OSs frozen somewhere in versions 4.2.2, 4.4.2, 4.4.4. Versions 5.1 (and higher) and 6.0 (and higher) are more stable in this regard. As such, there can be many reasons for the bug. The application is installed crookedly, contains broken files and crashes. A global bug in the firmware, due to which you will not be able to launch system processes and programs (camera, battery, calendar, phone book, etc.). We should also talk about virus activity on Android and the presence of garbage (residual files) in it.

Error in the Settings application on Android

Depending on the device model and operating system version, the message may differ. For example, on Samsung and Sony it displays the message “Settings application has stopped”, and Chinese models may display “Unfortunately, Settings has stopped”.

Fixing Settings glitch in Android

In any case, to solve the bug, you need to perform a series of cleanups and reset some services on the system. Select from the list of tips the situation that best suits you. To begin with, you need to take simple steps, sort of half measures.

Before all actions, I recommend checking your device for viruses, use the latest versions of antiviruses (Dr.Web, AVG, Kaspersky, ESET, etc.). Also use the system cleaning tool – cache and junk files. In new versions of the OS, there is a built-in option for cleaning, or you can download special software - Master Cleaner, for example.


These steps should help resolve the error with the Settings app. As a last resort, if it is not possible to fix the bug at all, then you will need flash the device. Perhaps you are faced with broken firmware that will constantly crash and need to be replaced. If there are nuances in your case, write about them in the comments, we will try to help.

Even modern gadgets with a high level of technology development can fail. There are often cases when your smartphone simply does not want to turn on. Many people fall into a stupor and don’t even know what to do if their phone doesn’t turn on. We will present the most common causes of this failure, as well as possible solutions.

Why it doesn’t turn on and how to solve it

In most cases, the problem is related to the gadget's battery. A less common option is problems with the operating system. Before taking your device to a service center and preparing money for repairs, we recommend taking a few independent steps to identify the problem. The problem may be trivial, which you can solve without outside help.

Battery faults

There are several reasons why your phone won't turn on. Perhaps the battery is simply dead and charging is not having any effect. This is the most popular problem, but there may be several reasons:

  • Another reason why Android won’t turn on is that the power button is broken. If you have a new smartphone, then this may be a defect. Then take it back and exchange it for a new copy. Otherwise, you will have to contact a workshop, where they will replace the button for money if the problem really lies there.
  • The worst case scenario is that the power controller on the phone has burned out. It is he who is responsible for the charging process of the gadget. The only way out is to take the phone to a service center and then have it replaced.

As you can see, users can solve most problems on their own if the phone does not turn on. To extend the life of the battery, do not frequently discharge the gadget to zero, but use only certified chargers from the manufacturer.

Memory card

The problem may be that you inserted an SD card into the gadget that the smartphone does not support. This may lead to failures in the program code and impossibility of inclusion. How to turn on the gadget? Just slide out the wrong memory card. If it still does not activate, you may have to reflash your smartphone.

Beforehand, always read the specifications which memory cards your mobile device supports and up to what capacity. You can also get advice from mobile showroom sellers.

Incorrect system update

Some smartphones, after updating to a more recent firmware, turn into , which will no longer turn on using the usual method. The solution may be to restore to factory settings. This can be done using . To enter it, follow these steps:
  1. Hold down the "Volume Up" key.
  2. Without releasing it, hold down the Home key.
  3. At the same time, press the third “Power” key.

On some smartphones, the transition is carried out by pressing “+.- volume” and the “Power” button. Using the volume keys, you need to move the slider to the line “Wipe data/factory reset”, and then confirm your choice by clicking “Yes - delete all user data”.

You will be able to clear the cash and data section. But be careful as all personal data (photos, contacts, videos and apps) will be lost. If there is something important on your phone, contact the service center.

This is relevant if loading your phone hangs at the “Android” icon. This also indicates that the firmware is not working correctly. On some devices there is a special button that can only be pressed with a needle or toothpick.


If your phone won't boot, the operating system files may have been damaged by a virus. Here you will need to reflash the phone. In some service centers, specialists will be able to restore the phone’s functionality by cleaning it from viruses. To avoid such situations, we recommend downloading applications only from the official Play Market and installing an antivirus. You can choose ESET or Dr.Web for mobile devices.

Most owners of Android devices have encountered the problem that some application does not start. They either don’t want to start at all, or they don’t work as they should. This begs the question: “Why don’t apps work on Android?” This may cause some inconvenience, but any problem/error can be resolved.

What to do if Android applications do not work

New applications are constantly being developed and this, of course, is good. However, the device market is also not experiencing a shortage and sometimes some applications turn out to be incompatible with specific devices. The developers are doing everything to ensure that there are as few such cases as possible. There are other reasons:

  • Low RAM on the device;
  • The application requires a newer version of Android;
  • The application or the system crashes.

If you install applications exclusively from Google Play, then everything will be fine, because if your device and program/game are incompatible, the “Install” button will become inaccessible. You can download the apk file separately and install it. But this does not provide any guarantees.

Lack of RAM

All applications have system requirements and require a certain amount of RAM to run. If it is missing, the application will not start or will constantly crash. You can clear it by closing all programs that are running in the background.

There are other methods. You can create a swap file using, for example, Roehsoft Swapit RamExpander. It will take up some space on your memory card. This will be required to increase the amount of RAM. It will have a negative impact on the speed of your device and not every smartphone supports swap files.

    1. Install Roehsoft Swapit RamExpander, launch it and press the button "Activate swap".

  1. Then you will need to wait until it is created. This is a short process.

When using this method, be prepared that the SD card will not work for long and will have to be replaced.

Old version of Android

Now there is already the seventh version of Android, which answers the question why applications do not work on Android 5 or 5.1. All new applications are developed for the latest versions of Android. Therefore, it is advisable to constantly check for updates and update to the latest version. This can improve the performance of the device and eliminate any bugs from the previous firmware version. Checking for updates is very easy:

    1. Opening "Settings" in the Android menu (gear icon).

    1. Scroll down to section "About the phone".

  1. Tap on the inscription "Check for update" or "Over-the-air update" It will be different for everyone.

This method is not available for all devices. Sometimes you need to go to the developer's website and check there. Then install the update using a PC.

System/application failures

If an application suddenly stops working or starts to crash suddenly, this is most likely a bug in it. Then you need to completely shut it down and start it again. For this:

    1. Open Android settings again.

    1. Now you need to find the point "Applications". Tap it with your finger.

    1. Now swipe right to scroll to the section "Working". It contains all applications that are currently running.

    1. Find what you need there and click on it with your finger.
    2. Now we need to stop him. To do this, tap on the button "Stop".

  1. Now go to the menu and re-open what you need. Most likely it will work as it should.

You may need to remove it and install it again. For this:

    1. We go through the first 4 stages, as in the previous instructions.
    2. Now to uninstall the program, click "Delete".

    1. Reboot your device by holding the lock button and selecting .

  1. Now you should download it again from Playmarket and install it.

If all applications stop working en masse, then you need to assume that the failures are larger and affect the system itself. Try resetting your settings.

In some cases this helps. If not, the last option remains - flashing. This is an individual process for each device, so check the instructions online.


We have looked at all the possible reasons why the application on Android does not start and what to do in this case. If more than one method does not help, most likely the developer is to blame. You may have updated the program, so roll back to the previous version. To do this, instead of the delete button, you need to press "Uninstall updates".

Everyone should know what to do if Android won't start. All the methods proposed below do not require additional technical knowledge and cannot harm the operating system or the device itself.

The Android operating system is not only the most popular in the world, but also very simple, convenient and reliable. Nevertheless, any modern device sooner or later fails or begins to work not quite correctly. Such an unfortunate incident is upsetting and can seriously damage your nerves. There are times when the problem is serious and only a specialist can help. But before you go to the service center, you should try a few simple tricks that can completely revive your smartphone.

Battery or charger

This may sound trivial, but more than half of the problems with turning on Android are related to the battery or charger. This is not about the fact that you simply forgot to charge your phone, but about more global reasons.

With prolonged and active use of a smartphone, its battery gradually wears out. There comes a time when it is discharged to such an extent that an ordinary network adapter can no longer help it.

If the phone model is old and collapsible, remove the battery and use the “frog” device. This is a charger that provides a more powerful charge and can save your phone for a while.

Photo: Frog for charging batteries

Owners of one-piece and non-separable models should not experiment at home. If you suspect that the battery may have failed, contact a service center to have it replaced.

The charging AC adapter may also be causing the problem. New chargers may not be original or may not be compatible with this smartphone. This means that the battery does not receive energy during charging, and the android simply cannot start. In old chargers, contacts come off, wires break, etc. Therefore, it makes sense to try charging the phone from a different adapter.

Hardware problems (phone freezes)

It may happen that the phone is not turned off at all, but is “stuck” with the screen turned off. It’s worth figuring out what to do if Android doesn’t start due to freezing.

All procedures will be aimed at maximum activation and restart of the device.

If the phone has a removable cover, remove the battery for a couple of minutes, then replace it and turn on the device. Such a simple manipulation often gives good results and returns the smartphone to normal operation.

With more modern models the situation is a little different, but there is nothing complicated here either.

If, after a standard single press of the power off or lock button, the phone does not turn on, hold down this button for 10-15 seconds. After this, the screen may light up and the phone will continue to work.

The second way to reboot is the so-called “forced reboot”. To do this, you need to find the reset button and carefully press it with a needle, paper clip or toothpick. In all models it is located in different places, but it looks almost the same. If you can’t find the reset button, open the instructions for your phone.

Photo: Reset button on the phone
Photo: Reset button on a Sony smartphone

There is another simple method that can “stir up” your phone. Connect it to your computer via USB. By detecting a new connected device or power source, the smartphone can wake up from its sleep mode.

Software problems

If none of the above methods help, the last chance to turn on the phone yourself will be a complete reset (in technical circles it is called).

There are also several methods and options here.

First, let's consider a situation where the phone still turns on, but does not work correctly and the android constantly hangs.

When you return to factory settings, absolutely all information will be deleted and the phone will become just like new. Therefore, if possible, be sure to back up all data. New models in their menu already have such functions as “data backup”, “backups”, and then full data recovery. Information can be copied to any existing account, Google Drive or to the cloud.

Photo: Phone backup

It is also possible to copy all data to a PC or laptop using a USB cable or, for example, a program Share it (Download). It is worth remembering that contacts from the phone book will be saved in one of the folders as a .vcf file.

To reset the settings, go to “Settings”, select “Privacy” (if Android version is 2.2 or lower), and then “Reset settings”. In the latest versions, go to “Settings”, select “Backup and reset” or “Backup and reset”, then click on “Reset”, “Reset settings”, “Reset Tablet PC” or “Master reset”.

Photo: Resetting your phone Photo: General reset of phone settings
Photo: Resetting your smartphone
Photo: Restoring and resetting your phone

When the phone is turned off and it is not possible to turn it on, you must simultaneously press the volume up button and the power button (on some models the volume button, the Home button and the power button). The Recovery technical menu should appear on the screen. You need to select the line wipe data/factory reset (down-up control is carried out using the volume key). Then click on Yes, delete all user data.

Do not forget that for a full rollback to factory settings, you need to clear the entire cache and SD card. To do this, you can go to “settings”, “memory”, “clear SD” or clear it immediately upon reset by clicking on wipe cache partition.

Photo: Recovery menu

Important nuances of resetting settings

There are several very simple but important rules that must be followed. For example, during all operations with a smartphone, it must always be connected to charging. Then the phone will not turn off at the most important moment, ruining the entire settings process.

If you plan to reset the settings to factory settings in advance, you need to “overclock” the device’s battery. To do this, first discharge it until it turns off, and then fully charge it. This will ensure that the battery.sys file works correctly.

Since all phones are very different in interface and Android firmware, some users experience certain difficulties during the procedure. Don’t worry, be calm and read every menu name very carefully. If the smartphone model is very new or rare, it is better to study the instructions for it or go to the official website.

Problems after factory reset

Unfortunately, it is quite possible that the Android will not turn on after resetting the settings. You should again press the familiar volume up, power off and Home buttons and hold for 10 seconds. The Recovery mode menu will appear, select the “wipe” item, confirm your decision by pressing the Home button.

In a collapsible phone, remove the battery; under it there is a factory reset button. After pressing it, the settings will be reset again and the phone will turn on.

If the advice does not help, be sure to contact a service center to reflash the software.


The tips listed are safe and quite effective. In most cases, with their help you can return the smartphone to normal and correct operation. You don’t need to rack your brain for a long time about what to do if your Android doesn’t start for one reason. In the event that home diagnostics do not give a positive result, you need to contact professionals. The cause of the failure may be serious, for example, completely faulty software, problems with the matrix, or other internal damage.

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