
How to create multiple pages in php. PHP. Dynamic page creation. What do you need to work

Create a file called hello.php in the root directory of the web server (DOCUMENT_ROOT) and write the following into it:

Example #1 First PHP script: hello.php

Testing PHP


Hello World!

" ; ?>

Open this file in a browser by typing in the name of your web server and /hello.php. When developing locally, this link might be something like http://localhost/hello.php or, but it depends on your server settings. If everything is configured correctly, this file will be processed by PHP and the browser will display the following text:

PHP Test

hello world

This program is extremely simple, and you don't even need to use PHP to create such a simple page. All she does is inference hello world using PHP statement echo. Please note that the file does not have to be executable or otherwise different from other files. The server knows that this file should be processed by PHP because the file has a ".php" extension, which the server settings say such files should be passed to PHP. Think of it like a regular HTML file that is lucky enough to have a set of special tags (available to you too) that can do a lot of cool stuff.

If this example does not display anything for you or displays a download window, or if you see this entire file in text form, then most likely your web server does not have PHP support or was configured incorrectly. Ask your server administrator to enable this support. Offer him installation instructions: the Installation section of this documentation. If you are developing PHP scripts at home (locally), then also read this chapter to make sure you have everything set up correctly. Also make sure you are requesting the file from the server via the http protocol. If you just open a file from your file system, it won't be processed by PHP. If problems still persist, feel free to ask for help from one of the PHP Support Receipts.

The purpose of the example is to show the format of PHP special tags. In this example we used as the opening tag, followed by PHP commands ending with the closing tag ?> . This way you can "jump in" and "jump out" of the PHP mode anywhere in the HTML file. You can read more about this in the Basic Syntax section of the manual.

Comment: A note about newlines

Line breaks mean little in HTML, but it's a good idea to keep HTML readable by wrapping it on a new line. PHP automatically removes newlines immediately after the end tag ?> . This can be extremely useful if you are using many blocks of PHP code or including PHP files that should not output anything. At the same time, it can be confusing. You can put a space after the closing tag ?> and then the space will be output along with the newline, or you can specifically add a newline to the last echo/print call from the PHP code block.

Comment: A few words about text editors

There are many text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) where you can create and edit PHP files. For a list of some editors, see » List of PHP editors. If you would like to recommend an editor, please visit this page and ask for an editor to be added to the list. Using an editor with syntax highlighting can be a great help to your work.

Comment: A few words about word processors

Word processors (StarOffice Writer, Microsoft Word, Abiword, etc.) are in most cases not suitable for editing PHP files. If you still want to use either of these for your test script, make sure you save the file as plain text(plain text), otherwise PHP will not be able to read and run your script.

Comment: A few words about Windows Notepad

When writing PHP scripts using the built-in Windows Notepad, you must save files with a .php extension. (Notepad will automatically add the .txt extension if you don't take the following steps.) When prompted for a filename when saving a file, type the filename in double quotes (for example, " hello.php "). In addition, you can click on the "Text Documents" drop-down menu in the save file dialog box and select the "All Files" item in it. After that, you can enter the file name without quotes.

Now that you've successfully created a working PHP script, it's time to create the most famous PHP script ever! Call a function phpinfo() and you'll see a lot of useful information about your system and setup, such as available predefined variables, loaded PHP modules, and setup options. Take some time to study this important information.

Example #2 Getting system information from PHP

We talked only about static pages, that is, those that, no matter how the user interacts with them, always remain unchanged, and in order for their content or design to change, the page owner needs to edit the code manually.

Dynamic pages and what they need

In addition to static, there are also dynamic pages. Most of them are on the Internet now. Information in them is loaded from external sources, such as a database or other files. The content and formatting of such pages may change depending on the user's actions. To edit dynamic sites, it is not necessary to interfere with their code - it is enough to change the content in a specially designed file or database, which, by the way, is also a file, only structured in a certain way.

To create dynamic websites, just HTML and CSS is not enough. It also uses programming languages, as well as databases and query languages ​​for them. Most often, modern dynamic sites use HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, SQL in their work. The first two abbreviations are already familiar to you firsthand, SQL is used to access databases, JavaScript is a client-side language whose commands are processed by the browser and are often used to show you all sorts of beauty like curtains or smoothly opening photos, but PHP is a server-side programming language , which works, among other things, with the content of the site and makes it dynamic, we will come into contact with it today.

An example of using the include command

In the previous article, I talked about the block layout of the site and cited the simplest page as an example (document index.html and the file associated with it style.css).

Now we will split the document index.html into several files, each of which will contain its own part of the page, which will help to further separate the code, improve the structure of the template and, in fact, make the page dynamic. For this purpose, we will use the PHP language, or rather, only one of its directives - the function include(), which includes one file within another.

1. Change the permission of the file created in the article about block layout index With .html on the .php to name the document index.php. File type .PHP indicates to the server that the document was written or uses inserts in the programming language of the same name.

2. In the folder with the page, create a directory blocks.

3. All auxiliary information (top, bottom, navigation and sidebar of the site) will be put into separate files, which we will place in the folder blocks.

So, create four files in the blocks directory: header.php, navigation.php, sidebar.php and footer.php. Fill in the files with code.

4. Check the template folder structure. The files must be in the root index.php, style.css and directory blocks.

Folder structure blocks should be like this.

5. In file index.php delete the existing code and write a new one:

Block layout

Main page content

In the browser, the index.php file looks exactly the same as before, but the structure of the template has completely changed. We will talk about what happened later, and now we will answer the question about the mysterious commands of the form .

Like HTML code, PHP code also has its own start and end designation. So, you need to start a PHP insert with the command , and end with the line ?> . Between these commands, the main code is written. In our case, this is just one command - include.

Function include() inserts code from another file into the file, making it possible to store different parts of the page in different documents, thereby reliably separating them from each other.

As a result of the actions performed, we got a dynamic page index.php, parts of which are loaded from different files. Thanks to this, you can create other pages by loading auxiliary elements from the folder files in the same way. blocks.

This approach is good because if you want to change, say, the name of a menu item on a site of 20-30 pages, then in a template with a newly created structure, you will need to make changes to only one file - blocks/navigation.php, and the menu will change immediately on all pages in which it is included. If the site were static, then to change the name of one menu item, you would have to make changes to every from 20-30 pages. The difference is obvious.

In the last lesson, we figured out what blocks the trip template will consist of, so you can get started. Let's start by creating two folders:

images - this folder will contain any image files used to style the template. Because we don’t have any design developments yet, then throw any one graphic file into this folder, otherwise Joomla will not install the template and will give an error if the folder is empty.

ATTENTION: Content graphics cannot be placed in the images folder of the template!

css - this folder will contain cascading style sheet files. To begin with, let's place an empty template.css file in it, with the help of which various design styles will be assigned to the site elements.

Next, you can start creating the most important index.php file, which will determine the visual location of the site elements and tell the Joomla CMS in which block to place various components and modules. The file is a combination of PHP and HTML.

I always use only Macromedia Dreamweaver when writing code. An excellent program, I strongly advise it to beginners, because. if you make a mistake while working on the code, the program will definitely highlight your jamb.

On the site you will find a tutorial on Macromedia Dreamweaver. If you are going to develop websites, then this program should be mastered, at least at the initial level, in order to edit template codes without errors.

Positioning of elements (blocks) of the page is done using HTML code, specifically we will use DIV tags. But the way our site will work on the Joomla engine, i.e. it will be dynamic, you will also have to use the PHP language. With its help, we will determine in which blocks the positions for displaying modules will be located, and how these positions will be called, whether the blocks will collapse or not. Let's connect style sheets from external files, content language, set how the site size will change, etc.


File header

The file header consists of several parts. The first part of the PHP header code is to make sure the file is not accessed directly for security reasons.

< ?php
defined ("_JEXEC" ) or die ;
JHtml::_("behavior.framework" , true ) ;
$app = JFactory::getApplication() ;
< ?php echo "< ?" ; ?> xml version="1.0" encoding=" < ?php echo $this-> _charset ?> "?>

DOCTYPE is a very important parameter based on which the browser decides how to display this page and how to interpret the CSS.

< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- / / W3C/ / DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict/ / EN""http: / / www.w3.org/ TR/ xhtml1/ DTD/ xhtml1-strict.dtd">

The following snippet retrieves the installed language from the global configuration.

< html xmlns= "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang=" < ?php echo $this->language; ?>" lang=" < ?php echo $this->language; ?>" dir=" < ?php echo $this-> direction; ?>" >

The following is a code snippet that includes additional information for the header, which is set in the global configuration. You can see this information by looking at the source code of any web page. In particular, these are the meta tags that you already know about.

< head>
< jdoc:include type= "head" / >

The following lines in the header contain links to the main Joomla CSS styles.

< link rel= "stylesheet" href= "< ?php echo $this-> baseurl ?> /templates/system/css/system.css" type="text /css" / >
< link rel= "stylesheet" href= "< ?php echo $this-> baseurl ?> /templates/system/css/general.css" type="text /css" / >

To use the template design styles, we make a link to the file containing the cascading style sheets template.css, which is located in the CSS folder. It does not matter that this file is still empty, the main thing is to connect it, we will deal with the design later when we install the template on Joomla. This will make it easier to see the result.

< link rel= "stylesheet" href= "< ?php echo $this-> baseurl ?> /templates/< ?php echo $this-> template ?> / css/ template.css" type="text /css" / >

The following code snippet allows us to collapse the left or right columns if there are no modules in the "left" and "right" positions. If both columns are collapsed, then the content takes up 100% of the page width. If only one column is included, then the content takes up 80%. With two columns included, content accounts for 60% of the page width.

< ?php
if ($ this-> countModules("left and right" ) == 0) $contentwidth = "100" ;
if ($ this-> countModules("left or right" ) == 1) $contentwidth = "80" ;
if ($ this-> countModules("left and right" ) == 1) $contentwidth = "60" ;

Header close

< / head>

< body>

The “page” block contains the design of only the page of the site, it will be the width of 950px.

< div id= "page" >

The "top" block is located at the very top of the page and contains two blocks "logo" and "user1".

< div id= "top" >

In the “logo” bokeh, we will place the logo graphic file, this will be written in the style sheets. But we write the automatic output of the site name in the index.php file, and the name is placed in the H1 tag, which is very important for search engine optimization.

< div id= "logo" >
< h1> < ?php echo $app - >getCfg("sitename") ; ?>< / h1>
< / div>

Let's define the position "user1" in the block of the same name to display the site search module.

< div id= "user1" >
< jdoc:include type= "modules" name= "user1" style= "xhtml" / >
< / div>
< / div> < ! - - конец блока top - - >

Output of the horizontal menu module in the "user2" block at the "user2" position. The block will collapse if there is no module at that position.

< ?php if ($this-> countModules("user2") ) : ?>
< div id= "user2 " >
< jdoc:include type= "modules" name= "user2" style= "xhtml" / >
< / div>
< ?php endif ; ?>

Next comes the site header block "header". In it, we will define the position "header" for the output of modules. The block will collapse if there is no module at that position. I intentionally expanded the capabilities of this block in order to be able to place in it not only the header image, but also image rotators.

< ?php if ($this-> countModules(" header") ) : ?>
< div id= "header">
< jdoc:include type= "modules" name= "header" style="xhtml" />
< / div>
< ?php endif ; ?>

In the "user3" block, define the position "user3" for displaying modules.

The block will collapse if no module is displayed at this position "user3".

< ?php if ($this-> countModules("user3") ) : ?>
< div id= "user3" >
< jdoc:include type= "modules" name= "user3" style= "xhtml" / >
< / div>
< ?php endif ; ?>

The block of the left column opens, which will collapse if there is no module in the “left” position.

< ?php if ($this-> countModules("left" ) ) : ?>
< div id= "left" >
< jdoc:include type= "modules" name= "left" style= "xhtml" / >
< / div>
< ?php endif ; ?>

The most important block of content opens, which can take up 100% of the page width, 80% and 60%, depending on the number of columns included.

< div id= "content< ?php echo $contentwidth ; ?> " >

Displaying messages in components

< jdoc:include type= "message" / >

Content output.

< jdoc:include type= "component" style= "xhtml" / >
< / div> < ! - - конец блока контента- - >

The block of the right column opens, which will be collapsed if there is no module in the “rigth” position.

< ?php if ($this-> countModules("right") ) : ?>
< div id= "rigth" >
< jdoc:include type= "modules" name= "right" style= "xhtml" / >
< / div>
< ?php endif ; ?>

Output of the "footer" block, designed to display the "HTML code" module with copyright information. You can also place a bottom horizontal menu or a content presentation module here. The block will collapse if more than one module is not displayed in this position of "footer"

< ?php if ($this-> countModules("footer") ) : ?>
< div id= "footer" >
< jdoc:include type= "modules" name= "footer" style= "xhtml" / >
< / div>
< ?php endif ; ?>

The site page block "page", body and all code are closed.

< / div> < ! - - конец блока page- - >
< / body> < ! - - конец блока body - - >
< / html> < ! - - конец кода- - >

We have created a complete index.php file. Now you know with what commands and in what order the template blocks are displayed.

ATTENTION: In order for the template code to be read from the joomla admin panel, the index.php file must be opened in the AkelPad editor and saved in UTF-8 encoding, while unchecking BOM. If you used the Macromedia Dreamweaver program to work with the file, then you need to select "Edit" > "Page Properties" in the return menu and select the Unicode document encoding (utf-8), while unchecking "enable Unicode signatures (BOM)". However, I strongly advise you not to edit the code from the Joomla admin panel, if you screw up something - there is no turning back, unlike the Macromedia Dreamweaver program, where you can always undo the changes made.

The very design of the blocks will be described in template.css. But we will customize the style sheets after installing the template on Joomla 3 (joomla 2.5), and for this you need to create

So, friends, if you have reached this lesson, then you have managed to either install a local server or buy a hosting where you can work with PHP. Congratulations - that's a big step!

I will say briefly about PHP - this programming language is used all over the world and you can create sites of all levels of complexity on it, from business card sites to large portals. I think it is not a secret for many that the largest social networks facebook.com(from scratch in php) and vk.com(engine in php) were written in PHP. So let's draw conclusions and start working!)

How the code works

PHP code processed on the server side. That is, there is no finished page. For example, in the code the command is given to collect data on how many users are currently registered on the site. Website visitor clicks on a link All users. He wants to get dynamic data, that is, those that are constantly changing. After the calculation on the server is completed, data will come from the server in the form of a generated HTML code of the page with the number of users. As a result, after clicking-request on the link, the user receives the page. If you view the code of the resulting page, you can see only HTML, and the PHP code will not be available for viewing. Roughly speaking, PHP is instructions to the server on how and from which blocks to make a page.

What does PHP code look like and where should I paste it?

PHP code can be embedded directly into HTML. PHP code is embedded in HTML pages using angle brackets and a question mark , however, you can restrict yourself to brackets with question marks . You will only need to change the file extension, for example from .html on the .php

PHP code(file index.php)

PHP example

echo "Hello world!";

Demonstration Download sources
The result of the code will be the output of plain text Hello World!. Ask why write php code to display plain text? echo statement, which we'll talk about a little later, is needed for more than just displaying text. More often, echo is used to display the result of some function that performed a calculation or took data from a database (What is a Database?). That is, for dynamic data display.

echo statement in PHP

As you already understood, the operator echo needed for data output. We take the content (in our case, only text so far) in quotes and end with a semicolon ; this marks the end of the operator's work.

In programming, when creating the first page, it is customary to use the phrase Hello World!- that is Hello World! That is what we use. In the example, we will not use html, since this is not necessary.

PHP code

echo "Hello World!";
The program will output Hello World!.
In the very first example, we inserted a small php code into html. Now, on the contrary, let's embed html elements into the php code.

PHP code

echo " ";
echo " ";
echo " My first PHP script";
echo "";
echo " ";
echo "

Hello World!

echo "";
As a result, we get an empty page with a title Hello World!

print statement in PHP

Unlike the echo statement, print outputs data including spaces and text breaks. Has some limitations - you can use only one argument, echo multiple. It takes longer than echo. In the future, we will resort to this operator when writing functions.

print "Hello World!
The second line of text"; // the result will be displayed in two lines
The text will be displayed in the same way as it is written.

Output statement - PHP heredoc syntax

As you have already noticed, displaying a page by constantly using the echo statement is ugly and unreadable. Therefore, to output large parts of html code, there is another output statement using the heredoc syntax. It also outputs the data in the same form as it was (spaces and hyphens).



An example of outputting a large amount of text using html

The second paragraph of the same voluminous text.


Reminder for the lesson

PHP code can:

1. not contain any html element. The page and text will still be displayed. html is needed for beautiful content markup.

2. be both included in the html code and contain it inside their output statements (echo, print, etc.). The main thing is not to forget the design

3. pages with php code must have the appropriate extension: .php .phtml

From the next lessons, we will analyze the basics of creating websites in php, in which you will see all the advantages of using this language!

Thank you for your attention!

Hello! Now we will try to implement the simplest registration on the site using PHP + MySQL. To do this, Apache must be installed on your computer. How our script works is shown below.

1. Let's start by creating the users table in the database. It will contain user data (login and password). Let's go to phpmyadmin (if you create a database on your PC http://localhost/phpmyadmin/). Create a table users, it will have 3 fields.

I create it in mysql database, you can create it in another database. Next, set the values, as in the figure:

2. A connection to this table is required. Let's create a file bd.php. Its content:

$db = mysql_connect("your MySQL server","login to this server","password to this server");
mysql_select_db ("name of the database to connect to", $db);

In my case it looks like this:

$db = mysql_connect("localhost","user","1234");

We save bd.php.
Excellent! We have a table in the database, a connection to it. Now you can start creating a page where users will leave their data.

3. Create a reg.php file with content (all comments inside):



4. Create a file, which will enter data into the database and save the user. save_user.php(comments inside):

//if the login and password are entered, then we process them so that tags and scripts do not work, you never know what people can enter

// remove extra spaces
$login = trim($login);
$password = trim($password);
// connect to the database
// check for the existence of a user with the same login
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE login="$login"",$db);
if (!empty($myrow["id"])) (
exit("Sorry, the username you entered is already registered. Please enter another username.");
// if there is none, then save the data
$result2 = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO users (login,password) VALUES("$login","$password")");
// Check if there are errors
if ($result2=="TRUE")
echo "You have successfully registered! Now you can enter the site. Main page";
echo "Error! You are not logged in.";

5. Now our users can register! Next, you need to make a "door" to enter the site for already registered users. index.php(comments inside):

// the whole procedure works on sessions. It is in it that the user's data is stored while he is on the site. It is very important to launch them at the very beginning of the page!!!

Main page

Main page


// Check if the login and user id variables are empty
if (empty($_SESSION["login"]) or empty($_SESSION["id"]))
// If empty, we don't display the link
echo "You are logged in as a guest
This link is only available to registered users";

In file index.php we will display a link that will be open only to registered users. This is the whole point of the script - to restrict access to any data.

6. There is a file with verification of the entered login and password. testreg.php (comments inside):

session_start();// the whole procedure works on sessions. It is in it that the user's data is stored while he is on the site. It is very important to launch them at the very beginning of the page!!!
if (isset($_POST["login"])) ( $login = $_POST["login"]; if ($login == "") ( unset($login);) ) //put the login entered by the user into the $login variable, if it is empty, then we destroy the variable
if (isset($_POST["password"])) ( $password=$_POST["password"]; if ($password =="") ( unset($password);) )
//put the password entered by the user into the $password variable, if it is empty, then destroy the variable
if (empty($login) or empty($password)) //if the user has not entered a login or password, then we issue an error and stop the script
exit("You did not enter all the information, go back and fill in all the fields!");
//if the login and password are entered, then we process them so that tags and scripts do not work, you never know what people can enter
$login = stripslashes($login);
$login = htmlspecialchars($login);
$password = stripslashes($password);
$password = htmlspecialchars($password);
// remove extra spaces
$login = trim($login);
$password = trim($password);
// connect to the database
include("bd.php");// the bd.php file should be in the same folder as everyone else, if it's not then just change the path

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login="$login"",$db); //retrieve all data about the user with the entered login from the database
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (empty($myrow["password"]))
//if the user with the entered login does not exist
//if exists, check passwords
if ($myrow["password"]==$password) (
//if the passwords match, then we start the session for the user! You can congratulate him, he entered!
$_SESSION["id"]=$myrow["id"];//this data is very often used, so the logged in user will "carry" them
echo "You have successfully logged into the site! Main page";
//if passwords don't match

Exit("Sorry, the login or password you entered is incorrect.");

OK it's all over Now! Maybe the lesson is boring, but very useful. Only the idea of ​​registration is shown here, further you can improve it: add protection, design, data fields, upload avatars, log out of the account (for this, simply destroy the variables from the session with the function unset) and so on. Good luck!

Checked everything, it works fine!

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